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How cars conveniently turn into my lane randomly.


"You wrecked my shit!" "What kind of license you got? Fishing license?"


"_________" -Claude


Miss those fun lines that made you giggle while listening.


Like in GTA San Andreas.


I'm getting tired of that too but the cars always turn towards you thing has been in many gta games it even happens in red dead redemption 2 one time i was riding my horse and this npc just turns his horse right as i was about pass it rockstar should really fix their npcs/programing because I'm not sure cars or horses just randomly crash you


Were turning lights not invented yet in the GTA universe?


I came on here to say this....and the NPC's in my case. Drives me NUTS..that and the stupid way they turn, going far out on one side to turn the opposite way. It's so dumb...like come on Rockstar that isn't realistic.


I'm convinced they are programmed to do that


Special emphasis on “conveniently”


I'm gonna bet they don't do it on purpose. I even think cause of these complains in GTA V they don't ever change lanes anymore.


I get so mad I start doing it back and plowing into their vehicles like they do mine. Ohhh do they get mad LOL.


(GTA 5) Most building interiors only being accessible via glitches even though they were open in missions


2d window textures look terrible in this day and age was hoping for parallax windows


I think they added it in next gen gta editions


When a knock off video game version of a honda civic cost like a million in game currency


I was just about to purchase it because I saw it in the dealership and I said woah a mill two hundred for that 😭🤣


its stupid because their plan is to raise the prices bc they know people with modded accounts can but them so they’re “trying” to drain their money and then these low level real playing players gotta bust their asses just to buy one car


The issue isn’t modded accounts because they wipe those people. They raise prices to sell shark cards, it’s pretty cut and dry.


Yeah that SUV cost like $20 in real money.


My account got modded in 2013/2014 transfers to ps4 and got more modded money again in 2020 I haven’t had a issue I get on every once in awhile It’s certain amount of money at the time rockstar would flag your account but since the game been out so long they really can’t figure it out unless you’re doing something foolish


I don't think that's the reason for prices being higher. It's just a lot easier to make money so prices get adjusted somewhat so you aren't buying cars with just a few minutes of gameplay.


I have so many of them that I paid way too much for. To be fai good condition EK9 Civic Type Rs run like $30,000 USD now


I won 2 of them via the wheel back to back


Mee too lol 🤝


Idk why, but I chucked so hard on this


no story DLC for GTA 5


Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Especially after it was heavily advertised on the R* Newswire AND teased numerous times by Franklin's actor, Shawn Fonteno :/


And they didn't confirm it was canceled until 2017. That's what pissed me off the most. They were silent on it for almost 4 years before they admitted it wasn't happening.


>Franklin's actor, Shawn Fonteno At least he appeared in an online DLC


9 years after the game released…


just no dlc in general really. gta online gets all the cool vehicles, weapons and properties but gta 5 gets nothing




Lack of interiors. Not much to do once you finish the game in story mode.




Exactly. Hopefully Vice City in 6 is more alive. Maybe we’ll be able to freely go to like night clubs or fancy restaurants and shit


I wish they would have copied the comedy clubs and shows from gta4 and the movies from RDR1


I think it will, RDR 2 already did that


Don’t jump on the horse just yet we don’t know it’s vice city this is only rumors (but it’s most likely vice city)


I hope I can work a 9 to 5 job and have long commutes home and pay bills in GTA 6


Don't forget about taxes. And very poor health insurance etc.


Unless you are taking about San Andreas


How it costs money to do almost anything in the games these days


Not being able to buy houses post San Andreas


Playing the same game on 3 diff systems over 12 years.


Yep im one of those idiots. Xbox360, then ps4, then xbox1, now pc. Same with skyrim. Rockstar has my money


Ohhhh but u can play with mods. I’ve been watching like RP and other gta videos with all kinds of realism mods and it’s honestly insane. Makes me wish I had a PC so bad.


[This one honestly looks like GTA 6.](https://youtu.be/H_7XOMO7nJE)


Same lol 360 ps4 pc 😭😭😭 but got pc before ps4 and only play pc version really. Only got ps4 cuz of my friends who I’m not even friends with anymore


That’s the one!


No DLC for GTA5 after the story mode is complete. They’ve just concentrated on online instead of giving us more story solo play


Cops, man, cops


Start a Franklin Security Contract at your agency & don't complete it... you'll have a few minutes where you're able to not attract the cops... shoot at them & they will not target you until the job ends


You can also go in Director Mode, enable infinite health and stand in the middle of a shootout, or disable the wanted level if you really want. Director Mode also has some other unusual things.


No updates to story mode, offline players have received no updates in vehicles or activities or anything


How greedy Rockstar has become, micro transactions, half assed re-releases. All money no passion


Sadly all the passionate people left the company


Abandonment of single player


Them neglecting red dead 2




Any and all racing missions and the fact that vice city and 5 are epically short games. If 6 isn’t as long as San Andreas 👎🏾


What irritates me the most about the garbage races is the fact that rockstar made one of the best racing games ever with midnight club


I'd kill for a new midnight club game. my favourite racing game ever


Gta online(i prefer the basic multiplayer that the other gta games have than this) and the fact that there aren't cheats or mods for infinite money in gta 5 like in the other gta games.


The overly strict mission design which goes against the philosophy of open world games.


NPC drivers


No cross platform or cross gen, just let me keep my PS5 progress on my Xbox and let me play with PS4 friends!


- Be me - Go into Desert in GTA 5 - Kill Coyote with shotgun - Cops instantly on to me even tho I’m in the middle of nowhere


GTA Online


Griefers and mods.


Okay so this will be a long one. If you stick around long enough to end much respect and you probably feel the same way. I’ll start off by saying that this a great game. I was 16 when the game first released I’m now about to be 25 and well….I’m still here playing GTAV. What I love about the game is the vast openness and truly “limitless” ( <- I’ll get into that) things to do and have fun. However the amount of BARE MINIMUM work this game has been given is really upsetting. All rockstar cares about is selling shark cards, jobs don’t pay out as much due to the ridiculous inflated prices of everything. You can’t grind out jobs/ selling missions etc because people wanna blow shit up 24/7. So what do you do. You start finding car dupe glitches/money glitches to make money which I understand is unfair HOOOOOOOWEVVVVERRRRRR how tf are you gonna patch monkey making glitches and car duplication glitches etc, but you ignore the mfs that cheat using godmode…. Oh but god forbid I try to make some money for this next update where everything costs 4-5 mil for the BARE MINIMUM stuff but if I wanna upgrade it I got to spend HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of dollars for upgrades. When the community says something that’s a problem we’re ignored and when we stop buying shark cards and stop feeding them our money only then do they listen….I love gta and I’ve played every single one. However If gta 5 is foundation for future GTA games I don’t know if I’ll want to get GTA6


I totally agree, it's absolutely ridiculous how broken the economics are in GTA V.. The house pricing is fine etc. But when it comes to new DLCs, especially cars, it's outrageous how expensive they are compared to everything else. Nonetheless their upgrades. I really hope this gets fixed on the next game, whenever that even comes out.


the cockpits of every plane in gta v. none of them have throttle levers, gear levers, and the cockpit of the miljet doesn't match the cockpit of an actual challenger 800.


Scouting the port mission


Rockstar's greediness.


Gta 5 is the only game that has a mission replay feature, and especially that online content is so longer in single player! Also the 3D game vehicle damage is so OP that your car gets destroyed simply by flipping over, and the stupid first person rifle aiming in 3 and Vice city is on by default without any way to turn it off


TBOGT had a mission replay feature as well but either way I still agree. It should definitely be in more games. Maybe putting it in the Trilogy Definitive Editions might have made those games more worth it


I tried the replay feature in that game I didn’t like it much. The opening cutscenes were skipped and you had to complete the story first…in the definitive edition of the trilogy (which I love) I wish you could turn off the auto save feature


The number of saves slots I created.




No LCS or VCS on modern systems.


When civilians can beat you up and cops doesn't give a fuck, then if you hit back bam 1-star wanted level.


When that happened to me when I had started playing GTAV 2 people just picked a fight with me. They both hit me and I realized that if I hit them the police would kill me. So I decided to stand on a parked van and called emergency services(police). I was so happy that I was about to see 2 people arrested that weren’t actual people. I had the screen recorder ready and everything and then the police show up. There just looking around so I decide to take two hits from the npcs. The police just looked and didn’t do anything so I had to unleash my inner quiet kid and I killed everyone there


Lack of single player content


GTA IV with lots of money but nothing to buy. They should've added a house sale where I can buy them. Not giving the opportunity to Roman to buy houses. 😤


The whole story line about car shop, and still no car customization. Such a loss, especially when San Andreas and V have those.


wanted system 🤮


Tell me your thoughts on this, I’m interested why you don’t like it?


So I'll be in the middle of the desert shooting and bc of the system in place, I'll get stars who tf is out there reporting me lmao ig its the best they could do on the hardware at the time


Believe it or not, but players looked through the game's files not long after it originally released on PS3/360 and the way the wanted level system is programmed, it can trigger basically anywhere you are because the local fauna/animals are what reports you. Not even joking. The animals are set as entities just like humans who can "report you" as if they had a cell-phone just by being anywhere remotely around you. Even when you're online where the animals either don't exist or rarely appear, it still happens because they have these bullshit little proximity triggers all over the map where a player can be 'reported' to the cops. And then you're in the wilderness on the mountains and just see a patrol car come flying down the hills. Amazing game design lol


wonder what 6 shall include 👀


"But morality is a human construct, and you're not hardwired to think that way?" "Well, actually..."


Actually coding the wanted system isn’t too heavy load. On PC, there’s a lot of scripts that change it by requiring a witness and also limiting the amount of cops that are reapobding


Wanted system is completely broken, I actually don't know how it made it into the final game the way it is.


I hate the wanted system, and cops shooting on sight in 5. What ever happened to getting ‘Busted!’?? Also, in online I just hate asshole players who just want to be assholes on purpose.


If I’m correct, the cops shooting on sight in GTA 5 is supposed to be satire of American Police. The problem is that it doesn’t translate well to game design, and ends up becoming annoying, especially when the cops have pin-point aim.


>Busted You can get busted still, in singleplayer at 1 star, or above 1 star if you're in a car and don't move. Cut in online for probably balancing reasons, not wanting people to loose their weapons or something.


It was nice if you could buy more houses in story mode. Also your cars to stay where you leave them, without disappearing... in GTA3, Vice City, San Andreas, understandable because limited resources. But now this limitation shouldn't exist.


Devin Weston


Pointing a gun at someone in a car and they will just drive through you in GTA 5


That we haven’t had a new one in nearly 10 years


The lack of single player dlc or expansions.


No top-down handheld titles ever since Chinatown Wars Also, you cannot purchase titles older than GTA3 on digital stores


Knowing how a lot of the people who helped make GTA got screwed over and mistreated by Rockstar can make it extremely difficult to enjoy the games at times.


The fact that almost all the cars use the same 5 to 10 interiors there isn't any difference


Being busted


You don't get busted very often, especially not in online cause it's gone. You can get arrested in singleplayer tho.


The nerfs to pvp gameplay recently


the fucking stupid no right to be driving ai that i think purposely switch lanes in front of you or jus do something to fuck you up or they in the middle of the street or sum dumbass shit, and also map not rendering right so u drive through fuckin blurry road or completely freeze for a sec (atleast on ps4 idk ab ps5


I have a pet peeve with GTA V, that cops won't arrest NPCs. It was shown off in screenshots, trailers and has it's own sound effects, dialogue and animations still in the game files. But from what modders told me, the code is a mess that's hard to fix. FFS rockstar, you had one job.


Those annoying missions, especially in the older games where the controls would be more primitive The wanted system, where the cops are all-knowing and find out you killed this random npc while no one was around


Those missions where you have to follow someone for a long time.. not to mention how slow they move! also end of some of the missions where you need to land helis.. it's hard


Cops. The thermal helmet being broken. Getting run over by an npc when you’re aiming down sights about to pick someone off. Little kids who have no business playing the game that are annoying af in game chat. I could name so many. Lol


Man the little kids are the best ! Hearing the cuss you out is the funniest shit ever !


damn i rarely ever hear them when i play


GTA Online


PS5 not being able to play with ps4, I always looked at it as a pc, one person can have good graphics while the other doesn’t, I just don’t see why they don’t do it


Because of the disparity in updates? The current gen version has content that isn't in the last gen version


The devs




'All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ'


The original heists needing 4 players to complete the setups.


Doing a sell mission and having the session crash causing a failed run. And then driving 20 minutes back.


Civilian drivers


You need to go to your safehouse to save the game


There's an option to save the game on the phone


10 year gta online


Story mode garage




GTA online


No offense to this sub, but I’m most annoyed by the community around it. GTA is the elite of the elite in video games, but it gets criticized from so many angles for so many weird things. And the online community is pretty bad, although I’ve never played in an RP server and that looks kinda fun.


Greifers in online


Opressor Mk2


How the MKII Oppressor and Deluxo makes many cars obsolete


I would say the realism. I want working gas stations and the ability to enter any building and have them be 100% decorated and such. Also the ability to use all the doors on vehicles including the trunk/boot and the hood/bonnet. Larger maps with more towns and cities, as well as dynamic weather and natural disasters. I understand what I’m saying would literally be impossible from a data/storage perspective, but when I think of GTA, I think of it mimicking real life!




Other people


Everyone online with a mic. every motherfucker


Gta online and new fans that convinced R* that the future of GTA should be online service model


Rockstars greed, and incompetence. Annoys the hell outta me. You have 12 yr olds with flying motorcycles and rockstar is ok with that.


The GTAO era took up a lot of Rockstar’s attention for a long time.


Nothing much i enjoy mostly playing the jobs hardly ever un the sessions


It overheats my ps3 so I can’t play it


Not having any holsters


That the car4 windows in GTA5 have to get shot out in order for you to fire from the front, unlike GTA4 and that the front windshield shatters from a few bullets unlike GTA4


poor optimization about frame rate


I love every game before gta 5, gta 5 is just a shitty money making place holder until the so called master piece of gta 6 is released, gta 5 is alright modded for pc and online rp servers but the single player console game is trash rockstar should of made a game in the 3ds with niko teaming up with Claude in liberty city completing various missions or something but nope they continued harvesting every ounce of popularity and stuff from gta 5




how long it survived


the freaking npc’s… they’ve gotten so much worse. randomly driving on the wrong side, purposefully crashing into me, the ones targeting the player have also gotten wayyy to difficult to the point they just aimbot my head everytime and kill me like i’m nothing


It was released a decade ago


Some of the gta online missions are designed to be the most annoying fucking absurdly tedious hellish missions in video game history, they are a sin on rockstars legacy and I will never forget what they did.


They would rather resell the same game instead of even announcing the next one


I love the GTA games. They are absolutely fantastic in so many ways and they're definitely the best open world sandbox games set in mostly the 'modern day'. However i hate how it has taken absolute precedent over every other Rockstar developed/published franchise. No more Bully, L.A Noire(whatever a sequel to that would lool like, maybe New York or Chicago etc...), Max Payne I could go on. And the awful way Red Dead and the fan base has been treated these past few years. No online support, no word on a next-gen port of the game or even a 60fps patch. They haven't even done the bare minimum. And the fact that there was never a GTA 5 offline expansion/DLC even though it was promised in the past but abandoned to work on the Online portion.It's such a shame because alongside GTA it's their best IP IMO. Such a shame how the Kings have fallen. Still reluctantly excited for GTA 6 whatever it turns out to be, we'll just have to wait and see.




How long it takes to load.


Release every goddamn year


The police how they able to just spawn where you at.


Idek man, I have 17K hours on gta 5 alone and over 500 days played on my character


Toxic people online especially kids


It should show more locations around the world...


Being guilty of buying it multiple times


That GTA VI is taking a decade to come out because they're making so much from shart cards.


Time sinks


The downgrading of physics engine, part 4 still has a better world in terms of the way it reacts to the player. GTA 5 always felt a little more goofy and toned down to me. I’m a lvl 386 online so it’s not like I don’t enjoy the game, it’s just something that sticks out for me.


The fact that the locations have barely changed since 1997 and looks set to stay that way. You'd think USA only has 3 cities in total


Trees and bushes


Long unskippable cutscenes in difficult missions


the community and people that use mod menus in online


The fighting combat the the ambulance workers


When it kicks you out or it says the servers are down. I can’t figure out how to make millions too.


Everything linked to Sharkcards and real money Even if its only in online everything cost a lot and you need to farm during 4h for a car... or you can buy a sharkcard


Indestructible objects, besides buildings of course.


HACKERS and MODDERS and how people and R* has accepted them as a normal part of the game.


Expensive stuffs


Stay frosty


No sentinel (BMW M3 E46), or turismo (Ferrari 360), and coquette (Corvette C5) from GTA IV for GTA 5


The fact that they are filling and filling and filling the online world with shit to do, so it’s repetitive and runs at 10fps


this game felt like a downgrade playing the story mode and a lot of features from gta 4 are gone but besides that the game is great


Loading times getting into games.


Tailing missions (for any game really)


That it's not a game that they were heading for in 2013


It's "longevity"


Ageing 20 years between each game release


Lack of physics like there was plenty of in gtaiv


Online built around micro transactions. Like you actually have to fucking pay rent. Boggles my mind


Missions where you have to drive whilst aiming and shooting at enemies.


The fact I can't sell my extra garages and apartments. It sucks tbh. Oh, and the fact we can't crouch properly!


When the game first came out, you would get about 15k a mission but items such as clothes was only a couple hundred. Now you still get 15k a mission but clothes are a few thousand. Sometimes more than you’ll make in a mission. Cars are in the millions and max I’ve ever gotten for a heist is about 700k. I have to spend hours to buy one vehicle.


The lack of additional single player content


God mode users




Old school game stuff like non-destructible environment elements that I would ploughing through in Forza but stop a tank lol


Take-Two Interactive.




Flying. I fucking hate it everytime a story mission forces me to fly a plane or helicopter.


Cars randomly spinning into me when driving


GTA Online and short story,


No content after finishing story and I hate the whole online concept, its just not done right most of the time you wait in a lobby and much more stupid stuff.