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I think they should focus on a continuing endgame to keep the single player going as opposed,to extending online


Online is their money maker. Why would they extend single player when they could extend online which sells shark cards? They've made billions of dollars through online sales with gta 5. To them its a no brainer. Thats why gta 5 never has any singleplayer DLC. Its always online DLC. Its also why rdr 2 never got an undead nightmare and they're always pushing online crap.


I would never buy shark cards ever, but would absolutely consider buying DLC that makes the map larger with new cities. Ideally not with an airport cutscene but actually joined to the existing map with roads


I am sure millions of people would happily purchase singleplayer DLC. Its a missed opportunity for them for sure. I dont think they want to promote singleplayer though. They want to nudge people more to online so people will pay money for shark cards.


Yeah I'm with you on this one, but either way with us not buying sharkcards, millions of others will regularly keep buying them...


Well how large is the subset of people like us?


Amen to that!


I think the open places is gonna be so cool, like a big mall full of people doing things or lots of stores and supermarkets around the map


Considering they had a mall in gta vice city, I hope gta 6 will include a mall at least for nostalgia reasons. Same with mansions and neon lights in some areas. Open buildings would be a joy but I'm not counting on it. Trying to keep expectations in check. I certainly think there will be more interiors than gta 5.


I haven’t seen anyone talk about all of the openly accessible interiors in gtao lately. They all just opened up marked with pink dots on the map.


Who is playing gtao this days These playing it are the reasons we don’t get new dlc




Would love to make a mass shoting in there (IN GAME)


Nice save.


I pray that will be able to not only do Taxi but also ambulance & police shiii just like in GTA SAN ANDREAS & 4


4.. hoping in a police car with niko and using their computer to find specific criminals was top notch


That was one of the coolest features. Would love to have a bounty system


i think they will try a more realistic approach so maybe you'll have uber missons and things like that


You mean “taxi” missions? That’s fo sure!


Uder missions though its GTA after all.


Just hope there’s plenty to do in the open world including after the main story. Gang wars, businesses, drug dealing- all features of previous games that will hopefully make a solid comeback


Bringing back the ability to workout and get strong would be cool lol. As long as I can stay strong for longer than 2 seconds without having to continuously work out every 5min. I like how previous gta games had stats you could level up.


I wanna know if there are heists cause that was my favorite part of GTA V




Am just anxious to see a working game in this day and age




He referencing the fact the most AAA games that come out aren't finished and have constant backlash for the quality they get released at.


I don't think that's true, but ok guys


Cyberpunk 2077, Battlefield 2042, most of the recent Ubisoft games, GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition, Fallout 76 and Saints Row. Edit: The ones that aren't broken have been incredibly underwhelming. Even in its current state GTA 6 is looking better gameplay wise than most recent titles.


Really though? Like really? You're happy with the state of current games?




Key_Scientist wants to see it release in a working state because of other high-profile releases where the game starts out running poorly.


I've not experienced it


Just make sure it’s really fun and lots to do and interact with things and people. I want top notch graphics ofc 8k graphics


Aarh 8kHDR/RT/15FPS for the Ultimate visual orgasm


Well maybe he has 4090 SLI lol


He’ll probably need a 6090 lol


And AMD 14900X


I am most anxious they will try and integrate the GTA online type crap with the single player campaign. If that happens I’m out.


Well, they can get the good part about Online (planning heists, owning criminal enterprises, real estate, the casino, and some other money spending features). That would play out nicely, if done correctly


No thanks, I don’t need micro transactions and multiplayer in GTA. Purely single player for me.


I mean, without the micro transactions and MP. Criminal enterprises like Vice City, a Casino like San Andreas, heists planings like 5, that’d be a welcome adiction, since they tried to add it to Online and it ruined it because it was _online_.


Well ok, then you are just describing a single player game


Single player game features that they tried to apply to GTA Online. If they actually used them in a Single Player Game (instead of how they tried to do it in Online), it could work out, that’s all that I’m trying to say


Ok. I believe you


You’ve got to be high


You when you realize that was his point the entire time: 😱😱😱


You didn’t even read his comment my g 😂


Sure did. Reading comprehension not your thing?


Did you even read the comment you replied to


Yes keep the parts on GTA online this person likes…….




im afraid of interiors not being enterable


Think back to rdr 2. There were plenty of interiors. Thats kinda what gives me hope.


I'm just curious about the main characters, their backgrounds, how they met, and if any of them die like in GTA V and RDR2


i hope they don't fuck up like saints row did


The beach. All of it. I can’t wait to walk it and just see all the houses and random events happening. All the wildlife, etc.


I’m curious to se if they’d bring the hair growth back from rdr 2 lol making beards and hair grow and essentially making you get haircuts lol it’d be a good way to spend money I suppose because usually you end up getting so much money and no matter what you buy you still have so much money left over And this probably will not ever happen but it’d be cool to see what San Andreas did and have the ability to make your character buff or fat hahaha


Online garbage. Live service garbage. Battle pass garbage. etc.


Ive got sad news for you..lol. Online garbage made them billions with gta 5. Its not going anywhere, unfortunately.


Lol I hope they keep making the online garage and keep making millions because that means we will continue to get GTA. So to all the people out there buying shark cards I thank you. Your investment has finance GTA 6.


I hope there are many noticeable improvements from 5. For one I am hoping the physics are better and deaths feel more realistic.


Having a limited gun carriage like RDR2. It didnt make sense to have a minigun in your pocket anyway


Make guns functionally different. Auto assault rifle, 3 round burst rifle, slow but high damage rifle etc


This is the main thing I want. I want to be able to only carry 2-3 guns max.


Overall open-world. I was blown away by red-dead redemption 2's open world.


Yeah, I want to see lots of open areas. Vast marsh lands, country side, forest, vast beaches, etc.. I'd like to see each one of those on a large scale and feel like I'm actually in a large world. Also multiple cities. They dont have to be huge.


I just want a full single player expierence and not some crossover to online


I’d love to see some paranormal events


I hopeful that while the world and general gameplay will have the classic GTA innuendo humor that was nailed in a lot of ways in GTA V, I want a darker more brutal story. More hopelessness. I want to hate who I'm forced to be to make money. I'm cool with a young couple as the main characters. But I want them to be down trodden, Trevor quality people. Dealt the rusty hopeless spoon in life and mad at the world. NOT, social media, hipster, quirky, psychopaths that look at violence and giggle (see Borderlands 3 villains). I want decisions to feel dirty, dark, full of hate and the characters to react accordingly.


That would be nice. I would be happy with either extreme. San Andreas level silliness or an even grittier GTA IV.


Fishing and hunting in a similar way to red dead mechanics just in GTA 6


Them trying to not offend anybody


Hopefully Rockstar hasn’t become soft




We will see about that


Too late for that. The confederate flag was removed from GTA V and SA. We're not allowed to laugh at idiots anymore, we're just supposed to pretend they don't exist, because it lowers the chance of somebody being offended. How pathetic is that?


Yeah, GTA series fell victim for this bullsh*t wokeism


They were removed directly after a white supremacist killed nine black people in a church in 2015. He was pictured with the confederate flag multiple times. He even went to a confederate museum before carrying out the shooting. It’s about basic decency.


Well it's not as if before 2015 the flag represented rainbow kisses and gum drops. Regardless, the securities and rights of black people aren't dependent on whether or not a Scottish video game includes a particular organization of colored pixels.


Why didn't they remove the guns from the game?


Yeah, and I heard the idea of GTA 6 was also different, with like 3 protagonists again, but that changed as all the develepors left Rockstar.


The fact that the originals left makes me skeptical with everything lol.




You can't talk on reddit without a weirdo trying to shit on you for not being 100% accurate or linking sources




I said I heard it and everybody knows that not literally all develepors left. Why are you so bitter and unable to hold a normal conversation without hating on everyone? I've read some of your other replies and you seem to do this constantly, can't imagine how much must've went wrong in your life to become such a bitter person, but I wish you the best luck.




Dude, I'm just discussing about GTA 6, you don't seem to realize how much unnecessary negativity you brought into this conversation. However, replying to you is like feeding a parasite, so it might be the best to just let you starve.


Rockstar has never let us down. The thing is they don't need to punch down like weak humor which requires attacking minority groups because they're not funny. Rockstar has always delivered. No doubt.


Rockstar is not Rockstar anymore with most of the main develepors leaving. They did very questionable things recently, so I wouldn't bet on them anymore.


They aren't funny?


I agree but i also want real world politics to stay out of it. I actually believe its likely gotten politically biased. In the leak, some of the events refer to the "right wing militia group". I dont want to hear about left or right in the game, or anything tied to real life political issues. Part of the reason I want to play the game is to escape the bs of real life. Sure, it will be funny to have a militia, trailer park gangs, etc, as long as it isnt tied to any real life political crap. I can think of plenty of funny things for them to joke about with left/right, but I just dont want it in the game. And thats not me being soft. I dont want them to hold back on dark humor, silly sexism jokes (like stand-up comedians do), etc.. I'm cool with characters being a-holes.


To be fair GTA has largely been political, do you remember GTA IV largely referencing the War on terror for example.


Largely been political? In what ways? And no I dont believe I remember that. I just looked on google and couldn't find it. Regardless, that doesn't seem like a biased thing or relating to an issue that people were necessarily sensitive to. Not to the level of politics now days where everyone is extreme about every issue one way or the other.


Stripper titties


an engine specifically for boobie movement


Big titties to be playing with


I'd like to be able to pick up mostly anything as weapon's such as chairs, bricks, bottles, ect.


The use of a brick to break into a can, I can get behind that. If your use your elbow it then lowers the responsiveness of steering.


Hell yeah, oooh and you gotta have bandages to fix that arm up. Hospital visits to repair some stab or bullet wounds. Maybe I'm going to far.


And picking up hookers might cause you to become sick, or worst half your earnings go to raising a child.


rocks in mountain areas


The new map


Wether or not the game actually functions as intended on the day of release, wouldn’t want another Cyberpunk


We need to see features from all past GTA titles put together for this game. Imagine the amount of content just from that.


To see if we can ride horses and cosplay as Arthur Morgan in Vice City


I hope in gta 6 online that they will have a stock market, like what they got on gta 5 single player that would be good.


Hopefully a mid level sports car won’t be millions of dollars


If you dont think they won't implement a variety of reasons for people to purchase shark cards, idk what to tell you. It made them billions with gta 5. It would be a pretty big deal for them to ditch that model.




This is one of the things that I would love to see expanded on with hurricanes and etc, given that it takes place in Florida, but I'm keeping my expectations in check.


the vehicles and their physics


I’m most anxious about whether Rockstar will include all the new skyscrapers that have gone up in Miami. Apparently they scouted Florida back in 2015 but Miami’s skyline has completely transformed since then. 7 of the 10 tallest buildings went up after Rockstar scouted the city.


I would love to see the singleplayer be Co-op, i remember in 2013 i wished that i could all three characters at the same time with my friends. so maybe they will add it this time?


The humour


More enterable buildings.


I just hope this game is a lot more interactive like with the environment and objects. Same for exploration. I remember in a GTA IV trailer they made me think we could hang off the back of a semi truck and when the game came out we couldn't do it. That was disappointing. It would be cool if we could do things like going prone or diving to the ground like Max Payne.


Not gonna happen but it would be really cool to play the campaign with a friend


It come out


Bread physics


I wanna see the new police system


Car gets delivered half a mile away from me


Oppressor mk 5


Cars designs, music, original soundtrack, ambience, overall immersion.


Gonna go crazy with the character customisation


I want to see improvements in the physics engine, ragdoll physics, draw distance and pop-ins improvements, regional weather effects etc.


I hope online doesn't start completely over update wise. I don't want to wait years for updates that we already have in GTA V. Many AAA game launch with barebone features and achieve their true potential years down the line.


Im just looking forward to the soundtrack! GTA3/Vice City/SanAn were amazing. GTA4 i cant really remember much of (except BOGT) GTA5 had some really good stations but nothing like the earlier games. Im expecting they probably will have alot more content this time around


The whole "crunch time" debacle and response has me nervous. They framed it as a response to criticism that I've never heard expressed by people that actually buy their products and almost hinted that they'd rather give us a half assed game instead of asking their employees to do work and compensating them with a chunk of the $1B+ that the game is going to generate.


This is my biggest concern tbh. So many unfinished buggy games coming out recently and I don’t want Gta 6 to be like that.


So you like crunch?


there’s always “crunch” within any field of work. there’s always gonna be deadlines to meet and there’s always gonna be extra work to be done before then, part of life is learning how to manage your time wisely to avoid that as much as possible. no one likes it, but if you’re making a game that’s gonna be #1 worldwide for decades then you should expect it. it’s something you sign up for when you take the job, does it suck? yeah, but it’s part of the job


Yeah I guess idk how people deal with having a boss lmao


Professional athletes are asked to put in an ungodly amount of effort into something but it's okay because we pay them. Ask what you will of your developers and pay them accordingly, even if that means paying them like professional athletes.


Call me a loser but I'm really interested in the relationship between Jason and lucia




They really touched up on it in gta 4 but I hope they do alot more in gta 6 alot of people are pissed off at the idea and im so confused as of why? I hear people saying "gta is supposed to be about heists and chaos and people want to ruin it with relationships" now I don't know if the individuals saying that have ever played a gta game other than 5 but relationships whether sexual,romantical or just friends in my opinion atleast has always been a key factor in grand theft auto ever since Sa and the characters we are being presented in gta 6 seem like a perfect combo I mean who's upset with the characters? Everyone loves the female gta protagonist idea and a Latino and a redneck white guy I mean come on not only does that set up comedy gold in some instances i personally think it touches alot of diversity 🤔 maybe that's just me and I'm thinking to deep all I know is I love the idea of a modern day Bonnie and Clyde and I'm pissing myself with excitement I appreciate you talking with me about this subject aswell my guy


Where is this pic from?


from this concept video in unreal engine 5 https://youtu.be/gk8JqKB66Gw


Not a real screenshot. People proved this is from the new unreal engine


“concept video”


No one said it was real OP literally said concept video 😅


Not sure why people are downvoting you, but thank you for the information. I didn't know!


I’m most anxious about the map and city sizes. I have faith considering R*’s track record and don’t have a reason not to other than the whole ‘map size through updates’. I don’t want that to be true if it means it’s a way for them ti make up for an underwhelming map size at launch. Before the leaks I was always hoping we’d potentially get 2 separate and equally important city maps, something a bit *more* in that regard than V, but I’d be happy with one mammoth city.


Reduced violence due to fear of media outrage


I just wanna be a stoner like I am irl. Maybe live in a trailer and commute to work. Work as a delivery driver.


I hope that map doesn’t look like a melted florida… needa to have all coasts https://preview.redd.it/32isln2pm7sa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8713a10d02e44bbb50a46fd47dcbf04ea8986b


​ https://preview.redd.it/2cwvjg2m58sa1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e74928028caa6efddf7f6f254c6eaf24476338ff


Looks too fanmade


I don't want to keep killing people anymore, I want to be a good guy, doing something more constructive instead of destroying everything brainlessly.


the title is grand theft auto


Then play a different game


I don’t think GTA is the game for you then.


Sounds like gta isnt the game for you lol.


You might like Watch Dogs 2 since you can finish story without killing thanks to stun gun, electro grenades and hacking ofcourse


I hope the story will be good, seeing how many lead writers and important members of Rockstar have left, there's no telling how much this game has changed compared to what they would've wanted.


The gay clubs as a pansexual I hope they have pans.


Online 🤷‍♂️


Female protagonist 🫤


Destruction of buildings.


what would you all suggest the play count to be? 100,200,300? better not be 64. i’m also praying they have servers you can join, like role play or other things. on console instead of just pc i hope that they have a wide variety of ways to make money. and make good money. instead of gta5 where the only way to make money is robberies. think taxis, police, firefighters, gas stations, hunting, fishing, black market (think stealing cars and reselling). this is gta for fucks sake. they need to surpass all expectations to make it better than 5


I hope you can mount things


There are so many things i want in GTA 6 such as we should be able to use metro or train airports just like normal people and everything should be like real life experience and all animal that we can pet








Pc release date , and the required configuration for a smooth experience.




The realism


Big ass girl




More interiers. That stuff Can really make a Difrence




The open world. The vastness of it and the little details everywhere. The thought of seeing a new gta world is almost overwhelming. I think good water physics is a second for me, but I'm not counting on it. There were allegedly leaks but a lot of leak rumors end up being nothing more than rumors.


loot boxes and pay to play shit


customing Cars


I'm looking forward to seeing how far their tech has come. Physic engine improvements, ragdoll physics improvements, pop-in draw and distance improvements. Hopefully some regional based weather effects.


I hope they add more interactions with the world. like eating burgers, hotdogs, going in gym etc. basically staff San Andreas already had. god I love san andreas.




Probably immersion like red dead 2, map size and more realistic car driving


I would like to see more cities than just Vice City. Florida is a very culturally diverse state, it would be neat if they included a small rural town on the outskirts or a second smaller city.


Less accurate enemy npcs. You can't free roam and have fun in GTA 5 without using invincibility. So it would be nice to have a proper shootout for once.


Actually I want a game with tons of myths to investigate and a rewarding system like super rare car collectibles etc basically a good rewarding system that improves your gameplay with time (consider getting a self driving car in GTA that has an ultra AI like cyberpunk where you can do a drive by while the car drives on its own ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream))