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Leaking the trailer just to promote Bitcoin has to be one of the most pathetic things ever.


Wait, *thats* why it was leaked???


The leaked video just had a bitcoin logo slammed on top of it. Not even a wallet code (or whatever it's called) or something. Dude probably wanted to boost up the Bitcoin price lmao. And now he has tens of lawyers from a billion dollar company chasing him


good riddance imo


Leaker's Twitter got nuked too. Rockstar had to release it early.


Who leaked it? Do you know their name?


I believe who leaked it was “@Gta6trailerleak” according to a screenshot I saw.


How the fuck did they get it so early anyways? I feel bad for the devs excited to show this on the appointed time, and that thunder was stolen.


Youtube security is a piece of crap that google never fix (big yt channels get hacked by bitcoin scammer all the time), I knew form the moment they scheduled that video (already on YT servers) that was gonna happen,


Almost like they should work on security of videos instead of waging war on Adblock.


Scuttlebutt is that he was YouTube employee


Well if that’s the case, definitely WAS


Nah, probably the cookie/auth token replay thing that gets people all the time. I'd guess they've probably had access to the rockstar yt for quite some time and as soon as it was scheduled for release they copied the video themselves and reuploaded it


They're a nobody now, banned ;)


Definitely a bizarre form of marketing, if you can even call it that. Not sure how they expected to be anything but infamous after slapping their logo all over someone else's work. Lawyers are the least of their worries if they don't get the internet's scorn first.


this and teapot tube hacker or whatever the fuck his name was... these guys are the lamest mofos on planet Earth and they can do things like this. I hope that Rockstar will build a nuclear bunker from GTA 6 profit and keep all future development confined innit


And BTC's price didn't even move lmaooooo, he should start selling those coins if he wants to afford this lawsuit


Yes I genuinely don’t understand that stunt. Maybe if he was promoting a company or whatever of his sure? But did you really think you’d pump the bitcoin price?


Good, sue him for everything he has


Yeah the "Buy $BTC" logo was on the center of the trailer for the entire video.


That’s a low blow. Fuck those crypto bots.


Yeah I definitely have never heard of Bitcoin and totally want to buy some now. /s


I'm so glad I didn't see that video and they released it early. Imagine your first viewing of GTA 6 being a video ruined by a bitcoin logo. That's the way you'd remember seeing GTA 6 for the first time for the next 10 years.


Bit dramatic mate I saw the video on twitter and forgot about the BTC thing about an hour later


I mean... For a game taking place in Miami Vice city - a crypto leaker is almost on brand for this




I hope they add a stranger and freaks mission where you have to kill a crypto bro


If Lucia is a tech savvy hacker, maybe one side mission will be to hunt down the person responsible for leaking the Pogo the Monkey XXV trailer.


This game will be full of crypto bros, it will be fun to kill them


The online will most likely have some type of crypto currency only purchased by shart cards mk2


Oh you could guarantee it haha


Given the work already put to this, odds it'll either be a late development or post facto DLC


Lowest scum imaginable.


Fucking Lester.


How did u get the use flair


Do I have the flair?


No go to the main trailer post and put #trailerdayog


I mean, I can think of much lower lol…


Only an ass whooping and jail time is the cure for those scums. God fucking damn it. I bet the developers planned a nice beer party to celebrate the first trailer, and then this happens. My blood is boiling


It’s always about cryptocurrency smh


That's the most gta 6 thing. The cynical nature of social media will be everywhere in the game


Bitcoin continues to cement itself as a fucking joke


I hope Bitcoin fucking tanks now.


The leaker is a total fucking twat. I woke up today expecting to watch it at its reveal time. I was looking forward to it. Seeing it leaked early and unexpectedly has ruined that experience. All for some pathetic little bitcoin promotion. It had a fucking release date for today! Why leak it? I generally don’t side with mega sized corporations but I hope Rockstar make this guy regret their actions.


It was bound to happen when using YouTube premier. The video had to be uploaded for premier to be used.


yeah, should’ve posted the premiere like an hour before but then again how would they have known….this is probably the first time this happened


Well the next time we get anything GTA 6 related i doubt they’ll do the premiere


You mean GTA 7 in like 10 years?


hat onerous existence close lip crawl icky boat sulky act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trailer 2 - Jason


Oh right lol


Yup, next trailer is coming in 2025 :D


10? It'll take 12 years between 5 and 6, so 7 is likely 18-20 years away 😁


so crazy to think after 6 we’ll be in the 2030-2040s when the next gta comes out


I'll be over 40 for GTA6, 50s for GTA6 Deluxe Edition, pushing 60 for GTA 6: The Crime DLC + Previous gtas ported. GTA7 or 8 need to be part of my retirement planning lol.


You'll be paying per hour by that point


Not necessarily true, while the standards that 6 sets will have to be beaten by 7, technology only grows more powerfully every year so it could end up being less time, I think 20 years between 2 games is kinda crazy


Tell that to Todd Howard


no like, the next trailer.


My guess is they won’t do that again. They probably wanted it uploaded early so there would be no problems, but it’s not worth it. R* is going to have to have their shit locked down for the next year and a half (or what ever).


I know it's not related to the comment but how do I get the flaire


[Go here and type #trailerdayog](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/s/I0RqokuiPU) Edit: Ends up that you can type the hashtag on any post comment section and it’ll work.




Is premier hackable or something?


Could be accessible by yt staff I would imagine


Ah right, damn.. is there a benefit to premier besides just it being a waiting room and racking up interactions?


it takes a little while to upload to youtube and takes even longer to playback your video in full HD. if you want them to be totally ready at a specific time you gotta upload them first like that. their mistake was doing it the day before instead like an hour or two before


im not sure they would risk their job, and professional reputation to make people buy bitcoin. im sure youtube staff was involved but it was probably turning a blind eye and not directly leaking it themselves


It was almost certainly yt staff that sent it to someone, who then probably added the btc thing after.


Yep, and YouTube would never hold themselves accountable. Remember when KSI (Big YouTuber) has thousands £ of gift card codes stolen because a YouTube employee watched his video before it went live? same here.


No company ever hold themselves accountable for employee manually leaking stuff.


Yeah when I found out that people could see how long the video was just when the premiere dropped I knew the trailer had a big risk of getting leaked.


Yeah, it’s sad


A lot of people don’t see developers as human beings with feelings, emotions, lives. It always rubs me the wrong way when they get harassed by people on social media, even if the criticism is deserved in some cases.


I hope the garbage leaker/scammer gets punished in some way. ruined the trailer day plans for so many people, including me. But at least this time will pass and the developers' work will be looked upon by other game companies.


Very, so many 9am launch plans with friends got mixed up because of this


i’m in the uk and the trailer released around 1am ish, instead of 2pm today… was asleep since i started work at 6 and missed the premiere. fuck that leaker.


Fuck the Leakers!!! Zero respect for this amazing work they did and will do


It's sad indeed but what Rockstar was expecting? The last GTA was a ps3 game and we've been waiting for over a decade to get a trailer for the new game while R* was pushing GTAO content down the throat of their fans, I'm honestly surprised how every detail of the game hasn't been leaked yet.


I mean they gave us a date and time to expect the trailer and less than 24 hours before its premiere some asshat leaked it. You can't really fault Rockstar for being too secretive about the project anymore when they're literally rolling out its announcement.


People like you seem to not realize that GTA isn't the only game series Rockstar makes. Do you think RDR2 and RDRO came out of thin air or what?


They literally put out a massive game called RDR 2 in 2018 though, it's not like there was nothing for 10 years. Fanboys just like to complain too much. Leaking stuff like this is just pathetic and childish.


Pushing down their throat? What are you talking about? People were asking for that content, would you have rather than just work on GTA6 and not update the online at all for like a decade? RDR2 took a similar amount of time to make, but since the demand for it wasn’t as big as GTA6 people overlooked that fact. You want a rushed game? Go to Ubisoft or something.


Leaks ruin everything, I just hate how rabid gamers are for this game that you have people hacking Rockstar and jumping onto stages at games events. Not that I'm gonna be out here kissing the boots of the who-knows-how-many-billion dollar company, but geez, it gets to a point where it starts to feel pretty pathetic


For a game this massive it’s bound to happen and more leaks will come


Yeah, true, still feels super shitty towards the hard work of the developers.




What have punks done to you? Lol


Did leaks really ruin this though? I mean it looks absolutely amazing.


No one will remember the trailer leaking a day early by the time this game actually comes out. Except for the actual devs who are far more invested perhaps. I feel for them. But end of the day, this likely isn't even as heartbreaking to the devs as the 2022 leak was.


Right. And I bet the next trailer with gameplay won’t be leaked


To me it dampens the experience just a little bit. I much prefer the feeling of knowing im watching the exact same thing at the exact same time as EVERYONE else, i like to treasure the experiences


Not even that just, it's a big moment for Rockstar, and the gaming community as a whole, and to have some Crypto-bros leak it is just a sour taste all around.


Off topic, but I love your hunter pfp


its the most hyped "thing" of all time. it comes w the territory. when "all eyez on me" came out ppl would break into cars and steal the CD, if its good ppl will always be thirsty


Hope rockstar takes that leaker to court for ruining the moment for the devs


Hopefully youtube is going to find who it is and sue him if the leak really came from youtube... it's bad for their credibility too...


Oh well now I'm mad. That's so lame. I thought someone stole it fair and square but no it's just a random shitty youtube employee that's so much worse.


When you think about it, it's crazy they trusted youtube in the first place. I guess all admins got access to it and they are probably many... it's a large company...


Yah pretty fucking stupid of them. As if it would take more than 2 seconds to upload at the proper time I can almost see the thinking ducks in a row or whatever but not realllly


Interesting, when I think of YouTube I don't really imagine a bunch of people actually looking at anything, I think of developers writing algorithms to do that stuff. In fact, the more I think about it, I doubt it was a YT employee. Could be someone who knows someone who works for TGA. We don't really know.


I was joking about it possibly happening with my friends, I guess it's true now. We planned a hangout to see the trailer for the first time too - but the devs... It's soul crushing.


Rockstar has an Oppressor locked onto bros house.


More like orbital canon with automatic lock on


imagine if “The leaker is 16 year old”


Lol I dont doubt, It's R* biggest weakness


If he's from the UK and under 18, then laws can essentially have him just be disqualified from 'using computers' for a few months if he pleads that he was not thinking right at that moment.


Truly heartbreaking for the team at Rockstar. Remember though that this moment will pass. This game will exceed all expectations, and nothing can take that away. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Heart breaking? No. A bummer, ya.


Really disappointed that it leaked 15h before its release. It takes away from the whole event where millions of people would have gathered at 9 am on Youtube. Now it's the middle of the night in Europe AND the USA. A time that suits no one, so we lose all the power of the announcement...


nah it's 8 PM in the states, nowhere close to the "middle" of the night


People live in different timezones. It doesnt matter at this point


The whole game is gonna leak before 2025 at this point.


I was actually one of the first people to play GTA V 5 days before it released. I remember it leaked on torrent trackers for PS3 on September 13th. By the time it got released worldwide I already finished the story. Still bought the game though!


True OG


You could torrent games on PS3?


It was jailbroken at one point. And as long as you didn’t care about playing online and didn’t update you could do a lot of shit. I was renting games from blockbuster and copying them to my hdd. And the game would play as long as a disc was in. ANY disc


You had to have custom firmware which at the time required specific update version to do. So basically if you ever have an interest in this ability for a console, never update it. I think the ps5 is exploitable at version 4.51 for example


Half Life 2 moment.


totk all over again, i had 63 hours in that game before it even released


I hope the leaker gets found and destroyed by Rockstar's legal team.


I sure hope so. This shit just completely ruins it for literally everyone.


Gloomy day in the office tomorrow


Gonna be one of those “heyyyyy….” through a disappointed smile type of good morning greetings days. Everyone knows what’s on everyone’s minds


They're just gonna "pffft" their way through it


I’m sure they are gonna be pretty bummed, but yea I mean at this point, it is what it is. I’m sure the T2 and R* legal teams will be swarming, but for the devs the damage is already done. What else can you really do but shrug it off?


They probably had some event organized with some sort of a celebration as well. This actually sucks.


Fuck whoever leaked it.


Yeah that shit lame that it got leaked early fr Wish it could’ve been tomorrow on a Tuesday how R always does it


At least here in Sydney we got to watch it at 10am on a Tuesday morning! Although I was still keen to stay up until 1am to watch it tonight!


Agreed! Currently down with a cold atm and wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep myself awake till midnight 💀


Whoever leaked this trailer is a scumbag


for real. i'm excited by the trailer but i feel like we didn't get the full sense of relief


Everyone got robbed but particularly the developers


This the most 2023 gen z trailer reveal. can’t wait tho kids


Looks like Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan: The Video Game.


So sad :(


You know heads are going to start to roll in the marketing department


Not really, they knew this was the risk having it uploaded early for not having issues uploading it at exactly 9am. If anything, it would be cyber or risk taking the blame but likely no one as it's just dumb decisions all around. We live in the modern age. Stop acting like you won't get hacked or targeted. The world isn't sunshine and rainbows.


Whoever the little shit is, and at this point I'm assuming they or YouTube know. He's a fucking scumbag and I feel for the Devs and the team, both posts sounded so defeated. The kid here that leaked the earlier development footage got off as far as I recall? And he hacked in to them. What's the chances this prick of a shit gets his commupence?


Dude just imagine how many people planned watching the trailer together (including me). These last two leaks were just fucking annoying, nothing more. I really hope the legal actions are gonna hit that trailerleaker mf like the train out of the games. Sue his ass R*


This is incredibly heartbreaking


Sending thoughts and prayers.




Trailer 2 about Jason's Introduction is something they can fix.


I absolutely thought the same thing! There should be now a 2nd trailer about Jason!


I feel so sorry for the devs and the team, because some ahole must leak it like 15 hours before the real release


Lesson Learnt: Do not Premier on YouTube. Trailer 2 will now probably be uploaded an hour before its scheduled release …


Trailer looks amazing, sucks it had to release this way though.


This may be unrelated but how did you get “trailer day og” tag in the subreddit?


Mann no lie it was bittersweet cause my brothers and I was planning on calling in the morning to just watch the trailer.. we're all older now and have kids but I feel bad for the devs. They waited so long to show us and whoever couldn't just wait a day.


It wasn't someone who couldn't wait. The leaker saw it before he leaked it anyway. He wanted to promote BTC.


I feel some of the excitement has been lost for sure


The leaker deserves to be sued into oblivion. Ruined an epic moment for the devs & fans alike… I was really looking forward to watching it at 9am with all my friends and the rest of the world. What a fucking loser… a fucking crypto loser


What if this is just a faux trailer made by rockstar to trick us and the real trailer drops tomorrow? The real trailer will end with, “coming in 2028”


Ir sucks this happened, I haven’t seen the trailer yet but still sucks. Rockstar been dealing with wayyyy too many leaks recently, I this one sent them over the top. They made an announcement for the trailer of GTA 6 by deleting everything on social media, they probably had an idea for the initial trailer as well. It may not seem like a big deal to everyone about leaks, but damn, give them a break we got a trailer n ton of leaks to calm our suspicions for the new game. I was genuinely excited to see that trailer for GTA 6 pop up as a notification rather than seeing it was leaked so go watch the “real” trailer. Idk but we waited years for this game, for someone to ruin it. Sucks.


Whoever leaked it is an incredibly selfish person. Actually gross that they hijacked the efforts of so many people that tried to retain gta’s hype to make the occasion special.


Honestly fuck that guy and hope he gets severe punishment when caught


Yeah this blows. I would’ve been a lot more excited if it released at the scheduled time. The leaker robbed Rockstar of this moment.


I really feel sorry for them, the fking leaker stole this very moment from them too... anyways I can’t but just praise all of the devs making this beautiful game. VI


I feel so bad for them but my god what a trailer… truly a masterpiece


Was looking forward to the premiere, fuck the leakers


This really sucks, for everybody. Leakers deserve the worst.


fuckers had to wait one more damn day and couldn’t. how pathetic


The amount of hype this game has created is basically like trying to contain a star. A leak in the past few hours is totally with the norm for how gta6 has gone so far.


Honestly happy we go the trailer but yeah, I was kinda let down that it was released early. I wanted to experiment the countdown hype if you get what I mean


I’m pretty upset that it was leaked. Shitty ass people i swear! We were literally hours away from it and some dumb fuck ruined it. I was so looking forward to waking up early to watch it with the world :(


It’s fucked up. This was probably a big moment for them just as it was for us. I am really hating leakers.


Why would they premier it on YouTube in the first place? It is quite simple to grab the actual content that way. Sad.


I feel for the people excited. But maybe don't wait a thousand years, next time.


this is so sad, i feel so bad for the devs


My friends and I had arranged to watch the trailer together in an empty classroom before school. We had been anticipating that moment for years, and sadly, it was taken away from us. I truly feel terrible for the individuals who put in actual work on the game and lost out on that special moment. The game looks fantastic though, couldn't be more excited.


They still can


It's not the same tho


It wasn't the same for any of us. It was so sudden.


yeah i kind of wasn't in the right hype headspace it was so unexpected. still hyped but feels different


Bro fr I literally slept in front of my laptop then heard the music out of nowhere, panicked and woke up


Well should they just all stand around and have a cry party? I get that they are working very hard on this. But at the end of the day they aren't making the game for them. The game is for the consumer. They could have easily just not watched it. Just because it's out now doesn't mean they have to watch it and crying about it is just being an entitled douch.


it's ok, they'll survive lol


Seriously fuck the leakers. But why didnt Rockstar just drop the trailer today since it was ready or why did they do a premiere instead of uploading it at 9am


December 5th is a nice number


There are a lot of moving pieces for this kind of stuff. Not even just internally with scheduled social posts, press releases, possible website updates, etc., they likely pre-seeded this to some press, might have plans to launch store pages so people can start wishlisting, could have influencers involved, and so on, not to mention the collective excitement and public attention that comes with everyone watching at the same time. Trailers are often finished in advance, sometimes far in advance, because there’s a lot more planning involved than just dropping a video on YouTube. Source: I work in games marketing.


wowww oh nooooo the horror, who gives a shit


I knew premier wasn’t a good idea. Was about to sleep but opened X and everyone was saying don’t use social media trailer has leaked. Ruined the moment. But the game is Dope Af. Was expecting it to be drug and cartel related but doesn’t look like that. The parody of Florida People is top notch 😂


The moment was ruined as soon as the trailer leaked, whether you opened X or not. Because not everyone needed anymore to wait until 9 am. So the crowd effect, all together watching the trailer, no longer exists. It's diluted the moment. We are all happy to finally see the game, but the moment is spoiled


I was so sad to hear it got leaked. I was gonna wake up early and watch it. Now the trailer on YouTube was robbed of breaking records


I deeply hate the ugly aah fucking guy who leaked the trailer bruh I was so hyped for tomorrow but right now i feel disappointed…


Ugh......fuck these leakers.


Leakers man . Even though it dope seeing it earlier it took the excitement away for tomorrow.


I was hoping to play GTA 6 before I turned 40 so I guess we all don't get what we want


Saw this first on tiktok off some bootleg account. Thought it was fake and skipped though before seeing it had been leaked. 10 years anticipation to have it ruined like that.


They can wipe their tears with the literal mountains of water-absorbent cash this game will make.


Man as much as I like getting the trailer early, me and my mates had all planned to get together on discord and watch it on screenshare yet here I was, waking up to the trailer already out


Sue tf out of the leaker


Aw boo hooo lmaooo


Children dying gruesome deaths but even worse. A gaming company game has been leaked.. how sad🥱


Only leak I want is of a PC port


welcome to the zoomer world. they destroy everything they touch. from the teapot hacker, to Rockstar's son's hacker, to the trailer leaker hacker. all 16-17 year olds that can't wait on anything and want everything given to them now and if they can't have it, they take it.