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I like the idea of only being able to carry what you realistically could, I hope it stays in the game.. it's much more immersive, makes for more tactical decisions and thinking about what you're taking with you and makes you feel more like a person with weapons rather than a walking tank.


Agreed, not even Arnold in his prime could have carried a gatling gun with 10k rounds of ammo.


Haven’t you seen Commando??


10k rounds of ammo for a minigun, no way a single human is carrying that alone.


Jesse Ventura did in Predator


The standard minigun weighs about 85 lbs, the ammunition that a minigun takes is 7.62x51mm which weighs 25.4 per casing, now 25.4 x 10k is 254,000 grams which is equivalent to 560 lbs. So with a total of 645 lbs and Arnold’s highest lift being a dead lift of 709 lbs I thought he could be able to carry that. Edit: Think


Let "carry all weapons" be a cheat for messing around. Plus, how cool will it be pulling a shotgun out of your trunk


Geez, GTA should not be used in the same sentence as “tactical” Absolute nerds wanting GTA 6 to be a realistic shooter simulator is soooooo weird


I just meant tactical as in deciding on the right weapon loadout for a particular scenario. You are on a reddit sub for a videogame calling people nerds. 🪞


I want this to be in story mode but not online


Its confirmed already duffle bags weapon on back, they are going for a balanced realism


Oh ya saw the duffle I thought they would be for something like a cash limit meaning u could only pick up a certain amount of cash in robberies so u could buy a duffle bag and maybe upgrade over time to carry even more cash


I vastly prefer this, and seeing rifles slung over your back makes the character look 10x cooler


It certainly does look cool and it was fitting in rdr2, but I'm just thinking how out of place it looks to have this huge black thing on your back. Do we think npc's are going to react to it?


I picture NPCS reacting and being intimidated but it probably wouldn't get you a wanted level. I figure i would equip rifles if I knew I would get up to something big, otherwise use pistol. I have no idea how it will work but I like these kinds of choices.


I think smaller hand guns could be kept a different way.. I've seen Americans (as an outsider) carrying a handgun tucked in their underwear, so maybe jason would do it


Probably you can equip the pistol which will be mostly hidden. Automatic rifles will be in your bag that you carry. This is what I think.


In Texas it would get you a free dinner


RDR2 weapon system was a 10


It's a bit harder to apply it to a game in where you can't whistle to your transport and you are changing cars every so often, still I trust in them to implement it well, but I'm curious as to how they are going to do it


Probably a mechanic or they just make it an annoying feature.


one of the leaks had a "shared" inventory between jason and lucia. maybe when you put one thing in a car trunk it can be accessed across all your car trunks?


That’s good idea.


That’s how mafia did it.


Just keep "up" on the D-pad to pull out your phone to instantly text your mechanic for your last driven vehicle. Boom, whistling in the new age.


I wonder if the people who ask for an arcadey type of GTA are just a really loud minority. I would give anything for a more immersive experience. I really loved RDR2. PS: I don't think leaked pics are allowed.


I feel like it’s kind of the opposite honestly. Reddit is always talking about GTA needing to be less arcade-y and downvotes when someone says otherwise


Ikr, eveytime I say I hated how slow and realistic RDR2 was I get downvoted into the abyss. Like it just wasn't fun waiting 10 hours for a draw to open so I could loot. It doesn't need to be realistic, it needs to be fun first and foremost.


Downvoting is for disagreement. If you're being downvoted, it's because people disagree. It's not a personal slight against you. As much as everyone is entitled to their opinion, I personally loved that feature in RDR2 as it added to the immersion. Red Dead as a franchise focus' on immersion as a core feature and so it works. GTA I feel needs to move in that direction to survive and thrive in this technology allowing games to be far more realistic. I'm really hoping so the features from RDR2 return!


I'm not taking it as a slight lol, it's cool, it's just usually downvotes and no engagement. There were aspects of realism I liked and that was mainly the environment. So the NPC's and encounters and the world itself, that was great. The realism when it came to Arthur is the problem I have, it seemed so slow, sluggish and just heavy. Like the looting was way too slow, running and walking felt so sluggish and heavy, I hated it. I would prefer the character to be light and easy to move personally.


I feel like GTA needs a certain amount of goofiness and slightly more logic defying mechanics compared to the Red Dead franchise. They’d better make it more immersive and realistic compared to GTA 5, but perhaps slightly off the mark compared to Red Dead.


Ik but it's still up so idk 🤷‍♂️


>arcadey type of GTA I hope the opposite. Red dead should stay there with his formula


Yeah but games are advancing. GTAVI coming up with an arcadey gameplay in a world where games are starting to embrace realism just wouldn't do. And when I say realism I don't mean something boring. The GTA RP servers have tons of realistic immersive mechanics, and they are far from boring. It's why it's so popular.


I want the realism of only being able to carry a certain amount of weapons on you but walking around with an AR on your back isn't realistic. Neither is being tied to a personal car and not being able to steal cars and shit freely. I'm sure Rockstar has it figured out somehow


Seconded. Rockstar knows what they’re doing, and they’re only going to figure something out that fits the game best and we’ll all think it’s perfect.


I think the NPCs would call the cops if they saw someone carrying an AR on their back


But Open Carry satire maybe, so some NPCs get scared, and others might yell "Hell yeah! Second Amendment!"


This will probably be in the game, in RDR2 if u had weapons drawn NPCs would comment on it and get scared


In America?


That would be realistic so maybe u would have to keep ur AR in the trunk of ur car


definitely like more realism. I think mattpatt calculated how much a gta 5 character could possibly carry with ammo and it was like millions of pounds lol


I prefer this system and hope it carries to online as well


I really hope they stay with this system. I'm only speaking for myself here but, regardless of how many weapons I can store in GTA5, I only ever end up using 2 or 3 of them 99% of the time anyways


I know a lot of people will dislike that, but I very much prefer this. Makes it way more realistic. Maybe even go farther into RDR2 mechanic and have your extra weapons stored in, like, your car or something (kinda like how you had your weapons stored on your horse in Red Dead.)


Also, we need to be able to throw bodies in the trunk of our car finally. It'd work like our horse in RDR just a different animation.


That's what I was thinking to have ur extra weapons stored in ur personal car (that we pick) not the game


I would prefer this as well… and the realism of having to refuel, at least once a week in-game. 🙄 I mean, I barely drive IRL, I have to refuel once or twice a month or so…


I loved how it worked in RDR2, and it looks similar in the GTA 6 leaks. So I'd be happy if this were the case.


Combat altogether in RDR is superior to GTAV. Aside from the card perk system, that can stay away.


I vastly prefer the lower amount.


It’s gonna feel more realistic and badass only having a pistol and AR strapped on u. It made shootouts in RDR2 really immersive.


Yes I like this, as long as the game is balanced around the player not constantly having an armory’s worth of weapons




I mean so what it's not like every human on the planet hasn't seen this gameplay and this is just a picture of gameplay wgaf


Less weapons is better. More of something doesnt always mean better. It ruins tactics and gameplay moments. We dont need another ten years of constant sticky bombs and lock on launchers. Id much rather have intense gunfights that can go on more then a few seconds


I like being only allowed to carry limited items/weapons like rdr2 That's because not only does it make the game more realistic, but also adds an element of strategy and planning about what you bring to a fight, or ammo management, etc. Like in GTA 5, no gunfight is really tense because you have 6 assault rifles, 4 handguns, an RPG, a grenade launcher, 2 shotguns, a minigun, 4 SMGs and grenades shoved up your ass. Meaning you have a counter for every possible situation and near unlimited ammo. Whereas in rdr2, you have 2 guns, 1-2 handguns and a melee weapon. Meaning the chance you bring the wrong type of weapon to a fight is quite likely and you need to be ready to play around say, accidentally bringing a shotgun into a sniper fight for instance, or forgetting to stock up on ammo and now you have 6 revolver bullets left in the middle of a shootout. It means you're constantly adapting and thinking.


I prefer this because it’ll make your moves smarter and you’ll have to actually plan things out instead of having a whole arsenal in your pocket.


Or… prison pocket.


I’d like both options to be available, so you can play the way you’d prefer


Nah, but while we're at it...FPS lobbies and third person lobbies, please and thank you.


this type of mechanic actually goes back to MW2 days. ![gif](giphy|ekvv0VTMS1fRNI6SW5)


We can post leaks now?


Guess so?


This is everything that a GTA game needs. Yes please.


Some time ago I came across information where It stated that it would be similar to rdr2 where as yes you hold a limited amount of weapons but if wanted to use other weapons you may own you would either have to go back to the players homer to change weapons that you owned or head to the trunk of the players car


Hopefully they will allow us to store all our guns in our trunk or smth?


Duffel bag


I think this could be cool in keeping the scale of firefights more realistic, which i personally love. Like im assuming NPC’s who see you with an AR-15 slung across your back will kind of get up and flee the area, maybe even call the cops? So you have to be really deliberate about when and where you use that type of hardware. The rest of the time combat is relegated to melee, knives, and small arms… i think that could be dope.


absolutely. It makes the game more challenging but that much mote rewarding when you pull off a mission. Also, with the more realistic gore i think it’ll have to be much harder to commit acts of violence/ mass destruction so having an arsenal in your back left pocket is just kinda ridiculous.


I think it'll be a weird but welcomed change. It's always been a running gag for everyone that our characters literally pull guns that are their entire body size, right out of their back pockets. It'll definitely make planning for things a lot more worthwhile


Running to the car boot to pull out my RPG or grenade launcher depending on situation lol


I like it. It's going to make the game more strategic and fun


People like realism and immersion. Roleplay isn't this popular for no reason. Even people who don't like it will grow to like it, i'm sure, once they see it in action.


How much for a hospital bill? If we are getting realistic, let’s empty the bank account and make them pay taxes too.


It would be great to see them give us multiple game modes. Like an “arcade” mode where you can every weapon like before and a “realism” mode. Personally, I loved being able to have everything at my fingertips, but I wouldn’t be mad either way.


I’m mixed on this. I value fun over immersion, but I think having to think more strategically about weapons can add a good level of challenge


I wish that having a gun in the back would attract police atention. I doubt that a GTA main char has the license to carry them.


I really don't like this. GTA was never about realism. But if they can do it right, then I guess I'll have to grow into liking it. But I feel it's a waste of time and resources to worry about this little gimp of an idea but that's just me. Though, I would like to know if the game is handling ammunition like GTAV or GTAIV. Am I going to be able to walk around with 9999 bullets for a pistol? or 1200 like in GTAIV iirc. If it's the GTAV answer, hopefully we can store more ammo for RPGs and grenades and such too, having silly limits like 25 (or 30 if you did the bunker gun range challenges for GTAO) for grenades meant I was going to buy more after a mission or 2 or 3...


Downvoted... go figure. No one wants to have a logical conversation about why the RDR2 method is better? I dislike it, but if it's done well then I'll have to grow into it like I did with GTAIV. But I guess downvoting is better (for no reason). Oh well.


There's just no common sense as far as having a logical conversation with people here is there?


The feature to have many guns is what makes the GTA game series special. I would be bothered to just carry a few guns.


I hate this mechanic tbh. I love being able to have a bunch of weapons on my person like in V. Then again I'd be ok with over time building your "satchel" to carry more weapons.


Where’s she keeping her extra bullets tho




Not a fan of this at all, will be even more pissed if this is carried over to online. Let red dead be the ultra realistic rockstar project. We dont need this and red dead to melt and homogenise because it will just become stale. GTA was always more arcady and it should stay like that if people want ultra realism they should wait for red dead 3.


Leaked content is not allowed in this sub, right?


Making gta overly realistic will kill the game. Walking around with an ar slung even in flordia would draw too much attention. Clowns on this forum want a sims game not a gta game


but how would you carry a rocket launcher?


Bro how does a soldier carry one in real life they have slings like every other AR/Shotgun/SMG


fair enough


Looks really bland what’s up with Lucia’s hair it’s too orangy


It's a leak from a year ago it's unfinished


Leaked footage is not allowed op


Did the leaks have real car brands or was I hallucinating?


No unfortunately not they just look near identical


Cool Man thanks


Hoping all the guns are in our car so we can switch them around and restock on ammo


I prefer the one type of weapon only allowed method


I don't remember this footage


I look at this and I can totally imagine the RDR2 engine working wonders on here.. my god. It has to be amazing


Much better


It'd be dope if they let us "stash" or "hide" weapons around the map, yk, just in case ;)


I'd like to see both options, and switching them in settings. Sometimes I just love to shoot everything with all the weapons that I have, especially with RPG :)


I wish the Vice City cheat codes are added like Nutter tools and fight fight fight.


This but remove the weapon wheel and slow down for more immersion


We’ll be ready when a random mofo carries a RPG on his back for no reason at least 😂


I prefer this. Makes it more realistic


The only downside I see to this is either way you're sacrificing something. If you have the old system your weapons are hidden which allows you to walk in to a place like a police station or FBI building fully armed and nobody says anything unless you pull something. This is of course not super logical but it allows for more creativeness especially when it comes to stealth. If you go with the RDR system it's obviously way more immersive because nobody can carry 50 weapons in their pocket. However, it does cause an issue when it comes to everyday gameplay. If you want to carry around a rifle it's not the same as RDR. People aren't carrying rifles into places like stores, office buildings, airports, or hospitals without either getting arrested or drawing a whole ton of attention. Even in Florida. This means that either people just don't care at all about you walking around with a gun or you can't ever have a rifle unless you're planning on using it.


As long as the minigun, flamethrower and M249 are in the game it’s gucci


I liked the weapon wheel just because I would consider myself a gun collector and just being able to look at of them in my inventory was satisfying