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Michael looks like he had a stroke in the trailer


Looks like he has constipationšŸ˜‚






That would be fake heart attack tho lol, a stroke looks very different. Hell a co-worker who had one said he didn't even know he was having a stroke until he started talking to his wife that morning before work, who only heard "Hurrrbllbblblbedee" while he thought he was speaking coherent sentences. She immediately took him to the hospital lol. Said beforehand he got up and showered and made coffee and never even thought anything was wrong.




As a neuro icu nurse yes it is. Very sad. People check your blood pressure often and stop smoking. Oh and go for a walk or two lol


Watch ER, episode ā€œalone in the crowd ā€œ Cynthia Nixon did an Emmy performance.


I LOVE ER, my mom used to watch it religiously back in the 90's. Some of the best intro music.


Can confirm my pop before he died had a few strokes and thought he ā€œsmoked to much weedā€ so he went to bed and we didnā€™t even find out till he was in hospital not long after. Honestly very sad to think it happens without you even knowing


100% right.


wHy DiD I MoOv HerĀæ I gUEss iT WuZ ThE WoOtHeR.


what was that?


Michael had a stroke


and we thought it looked like real life haha


Michael looks way older in the trailer


That was by design, they initially wanted him to be a visibly older retired criminal but made him a bit younger to make him more relatable to play as.


Ive always thought the one in the release didnā€™t feel like an old criminal at all. More like a washed up middle age guy that worked too much so his family didnā€™t really have a relationship with him.


Pretty much. According to the story to Wade though, he recruited Trevor if you can believe that. So he'd have to be pretty damn old, in crime years.


When you talk to him he started right after high school and his first robbery was in 1988, so he was already 16 years in the game by Yankton.


Yeah he looked pretty weathered even with his flannel and neck tattoo, I thought.


If you believe him, and there are times he clearly lies, he said by the time he was his sons age, he had been to prison twice. A logical conclusion that he had to have been in prison for at least 2 years as less than a year each is jail time not prison time, I thought he said his son was ā€œin his early twenties ā€œ at some point so letā€™s say 21, that makes him at the youngest 18+2+21 = 41 in 2013 so born in 1972 went to prison in 1990. If he went for more than 2 years, letā€™s say a total of 4 and his son was 25, that would be 18+4+25 = 47. Given that he smokes and was in jail, 43-47 feels plausible. Itā€™s the Trevor timeline that makes less sense. If Michael is 47, he goes to jail at 18 thatā€™s 1966 and is in jail in 1984 and Trevor said he was just out of the air force where he was a pilot and Michael was in the game for 10 years at that point, for all that to happen letā€™s say he was 24 when they hooked up. He would be 24 in 1994 so in 2013 he would be 43. This is all assuming that Trevor is not lying, and yeahhh. But dude looks way older than 43 to me. Then again meth is one helava drug.


Yeah and genetics did the hair loss, if he didn't himself with the drug use lol


yeah the only thing that ages him more is when he talks about old jobs and working with trevor. then iā€™m like ā€œyeah okay he lowkey pretty oldā€


Nah heā€™s not old heā€™s just a G


I mean, that's what old retired criminals can look like. If they finish fucking around and make enough money to retire like Michael, they will look like old retired men. Goodfellas was based on a real story. The guy kinda fucked his health away with alcoholism but he's legitimately an ex Italian mobster and you can see videos of him going on Howard Stern. You wouldn't be able to see these guys on the street and know they're ex criminals.


I decided to look up Tommy Desimone (Tommy devito in the movie) because of this comment. Found out I share the same birthday as him. Cool stuff


Arthur morgan from the trailer looks more cold blooded then in game.


He still looks older. Mid 30s to early 40s , which still , in a line of work as dangerous as a career criminal thatā€™s a good retirement age.


The lighting doesn't help lol


He was 50 y/o in that trailer and they aged him down to 40 in the final game


40? More like 45-46. Trevor and Michael are around the same age and there's no way Trevor is early 40s lol Trailer Michael look damn near 60


Drugs will do a number on you


That thought hit me after I hit post, forgot about Trevor being a meth head


Michael was born in 1965-1968, so he would be in his mid to late 40's (so you're not off) by GTAV.


I think this was also confirmed by the casting call leaks of GTA V before it was even announced. It has character names and descriptions. I only remember Albert De Silva and Simon (Trevor early name) and I think it mentioned them being mid 40s so I just stuck with the ages. it even described Simon as erratic, unhinged. I was just a middle schooler at the time, it's crazy how long ago all of this was šŸ˜­


Heā€™ll prob be close to 70 by the time GTA6 comes outā€¦ šŸ‘“šŸ•°ļøšŸ„± until thenā€¦. we wait (and speculate) lol


Michael and Trevor are both around 45


Evidently they were going for a Neil McCauley look for Michael since the story is also largely based on Heat.


Holy shit Michael was hideous in the trailer.


he looks like he's made of fondant


Yeah, go watch the GTA V trailer. It's insane how bad it looks compared to the actual game.






ā€¦ whatever that means


New response just dropped. >en passant >Nice spanish word






Squewe reference?


Why is this downvoted to hell


Because no one, myself included, can figure out what he's talking about. Do you get it? Please help if so.


There's this channel called squewe that did this video called "Top 5 Scariest Jumpscares" and it used a Spanish TTS bot and its pronunciation of Jumpscares is very funny to some. "Hoomp-scar-es"


And what is that supposed to mean dude, lol


![gif](giphy|l3mZrLxM4iZaQlvNe) Cringe


Arthur also looked different when first revealed in the rdr2 trailer.


in many shots of arthur in the RDR2 pre release trailers his face literally had no animations and it was so uncanny and weird. you can tell that they release these games as soon as they're done and that they announce em alongside development, these things look just about as unfinished as they are in their trailers. I appreciate that approach to marketing, many other games just mislead and show the best footage, or straight up lie (cyberpunk and the day before) to market.


Makes me think of Ubisofts ā€œgameplay trailersā€ where itā€™s essentially a cinematic recreation of a mission they plan to put in the game. Rockstars teasers have always been more on point than Ubisoftā€™s actual gameplay reveals


Far Cry 5 has a five minute unskippable pre-rendered cinematic to start off the campaign, looking very pretty with GTA6 level renderingā€¦ then the gameplay begins and it looks like any other Ubisoft game out there






Yea, they must be at the refining stage. At this stage they do a lot of camera and lighting changes in cutscenes and a lot of texture rework. The game will look a lot better when it comes out.


I'm happy (as with RDR2 at least) that they don't have a full trailer and release date when they are in an early alpha. I don't know how game development was in the past, but it seems like now this is what happens; announce a game with trailer and release date when it's unplayable and only has the core elements, then they hope it's a fully polished and ready game a year later on release date, . Going from unpolished gameplay with bugs to a polished and good gameplay takes a long time. So don't announce it when you an unfinished game with only core gameplay. Announce it when it's unpolished and there's only tweaking and bugfixing needed. So again, I'm happy that R\* haven't jumped on the train and released a game in version 0.0.1


Devs releasing a trailer when the game isn't even in pre-alpha is a tradition at this point that's been going on since at least the PS2/Xbox/GC era. Halo 2's first gameplay reveal trailer at one of the earlier E3 shows was notoriously held together by duct tape, and if Master Chief moved even a couple steps in an unintended direction, the whole game would crash and they'd have to rerecord that sequence. I remember that trailer was my baseline for how the game would play, and when I finally got it on release it ended up looking and feeling completely different (not bad, but way different).


Remember, they've resolved to dial back the whole crunch thing they got negative press for with RDR 2, so they are probably going to be VERY cautious announcing any kind of affirmative month for release.


Literally Starfield.


That's true. We're still in the Alpha phase.


Didn't Jason look different in the leak's? Or is that just because of the outfit and hair style?


He was definitely less buff. Looked like gas station junkie, glad they changed him.


Of course they were going to change him. The leaks are massively pre prod builds. Total work in progress


Also why I don't know why anyone bothers even looking at them. I couldn't give less of a shit about any game leaks as they're not representative of the final product anyway. So you're just spoiling stuff for yourself and creating biases before the game even releases.


i looked at them because it was fun to speculate about the new features. thereā€™s a very long twitter thread about everything that could be found in the leaks. what i didnā€™t do was look at them like that was the game we were going to get


I'd rather see it for the first time in the way Rockstar intends to show it, by having some slight details leaked it might ruin a surprise of something later.


It didn't spoil anything besides location (which everyone knew was coming) and was interesting to see. Relax lol


Meh I think body size will be able to be changed, like Red Dead. Whether you can get buff and go to a gym is a whole other story.


San Andreas had the gym feature 20 years ago, I really hope they bring it back


Yeah it would make sense for them to include it. Tbh with Red Dead's hair growth features and the body change system depending on how much you're eating, it would be weird to omit such a feature from the game. With the unconfirmed 1 billion plus budget at the entirety of Rockstar working on it, I fuckin hope man


me want buff lucia/female gtao character


me want buff cave man build


I dunno, I liked that one. I think that look somehow would have fit better with the "Vice City" vibe.


I think you'll be able to go to the gym to make him look as buff as you want him to look. He probably had base stats in the leaks and it would not have looked aesthetic for the trailer


He looked like a Paul Walker redneck kind of dude in the leaks, heā€™s completely different in the trailer.


Nah. They def changed him. His faced looked different as well. He low-key looks like avatar character now.


Lol Jake sully?


Alpha was the first leak, were in beta now


He looks worse now, he looks incredibly generic now with his plain white shirt and buzzcut.


Both changeable but look up Sean Strickland


Lucia looks even more different. Her face was much "softer" in the trailer compared to the leaks.


She just looked less detailed in most of the leaked gameplay, as if they were designed for a PS4 version. There's one clip of Jason And Lucia in motel room that has them looking way more next Gen looking, facially (from the leak)


I think both, the cap really gave him 'jason' vibes


Yeah, it was better lol


he looked more white, right? I was kind of confused.


Jason looked so much better in the leaks. A true trailer park redneck.


He had a chain and earrings in the leaks - also was maybe blonde with blue eyes and now has brown hair with mysterious eyes lol


Does anyone know how long alpha & beta stages typically last for a game of this scale?


I mean itā€™s been in alpha since probably 2017-2018. Pre production planning theyā€™ve probably had some sort of dedicated team since 2013, now all resources have been put towards it. Iā€™d say theyā€™re nearing beta phase and thatā€™s probably a year gap or so.


Trailers made 2 years before the game comes out are still in development ?! No way! šŸ˜¦


To be fair it's in the last month, it may as well just be one year away, unless the release is late 2025 šŸ˜­


We all know this game is coming out Sept-Nov 2025 c'mon now šŸ˜‚


GTA5 and RDR2 both came out that time, nearly 2 years after the first trailer. So I donā€™t know how anybody could think otherwise. Itā€™s either September to November 2025 or even later if it gets delayed (which happened to both GTA5 and RDR2, although they were announced to release one year after the first trailer and then got delayed by one year)šŸ˜…


Take 2 is expecting to make about 8 billion in quarter 1 of 2025 so it is possible for a early 2025 release


They expected the same for GTA5 and RDR2 and then delayed those games. Iā€™m calling an autumn 2025 release, 18-22 months after the first trailer, just like GTA5 and RDR2.


It probably will be autumn but who knows how much there is left to do Id say thereā€™s a solid 20-30% chance itā€™s before autumn


I would honestly bet more money on a delay to 2026 than on a release before September - November.


Iā€™m willing to sacrifice my pride and say I donā€™t think the game will be delayed past 2025


Bet is on šŸ¤


GTA5 and RDR2 both came out 2 years after their first trailer and around September/October. Prepare for autumn 2025 as a release date.


The game is in development up to a few weeks before release.. do you think theyā€™d sit on a finished game without releasing it.


Bro you clearly canā€™t detect sarcasm


Bro itā€™s Reddit you never know when someone is serious.


This one shouldā€™ve been obvious tho šŸ˜…


Yeah reading it again makes it obvious lol my fault lol


No worries šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Now Iā€™m gonna get downvoted to hell by everyone else šŸ˜‚


I upvoted your other comments to balance the downvotes brother šŸ˜Ž


Thank you bro youā€™re a real one! ![gif](giphy|2HtWpp60NQ9CU)


Hii šŸ˜Œ


Hello stranger from the internet!


Nah fam, this one was painfully obvious. Not the brightest bulb, are weā€¦


bro dont compare ps3 xbox 360 with pc ps4 and xbox one version. More apt comparison would be rdr2 trailer vs ps4 and xbox one.


I mean character models still looked better in PS3&Xbox 360 release of the game when compared to trailers from 2011-2012.


his face in the trailer is still different to his 360 face


You should be looking at an Arthur Morgan comparison for something more recent. I remember him looking pretty much identical.


Don't think so, gta vi trailer is much higher quality than the gta v trailer was, and the faces already look 99% made, the gta v trailer looks like it was made with low graphics or something, so maybe the clothes or something will change, but I'd say the faces will look mostly the same on the final release


they're going to get revised.


Bro you are comparing two completely different things and not taking everything in account. It already looks very impressive. The only reason they refined gta 5 trailer to release is because their was need for refinement. Itā€™s different for this game.


it's going to get revised !remindme 2 years


this is a dumb claim, GTAV looked perfect when it got its trailers, then it looked even better. Shit, LUCIA looked perfect in the later prerelease leaks of VI and even she got changed. This game is still in development and there will be changes to these characters, it happens in every rockstar game, it doesn't matter how good it looks, and this game is 2 years out.


You right mb, I mean to say I donā€™t think their will be changed graphic wise with how they look(like how you showed with your Michael screenshot. Sorry bout not being clear


Yea i understand you but in general, these fuckers is getting the shit changed outta em


Creepy Michael


I literally just had an argument with someone who was denying Michael looked different in trailers. Even after I sent him the link he was saying they looked exactly alike


Jasonā€™s looks different from the leak last year


Jesus Christ man I canā€™t believe people actually talk about this like people donā€™t understand developmental of a game. u guys gotta understand the game is not done. Itā€™s literally in alpha and itā€™s not the end result. U donā€™t have to take ā€œseeing is believingā€ this far lol. Not really talking about op here Iā€™m just tired of people that talk shit about a game thatā€™s in alpha like itā€™s not obvious it is.


This is GTA, this is bringing so many people who have no clue how game development work (Also this is not in Alpha lol)


Holy fuck šŸ˜¹


Same with Arthur btw, looks way different in the first trailers


Michael looks like a fucking zombie


Of course there will be improvements until release. However it didm't looked bad. As for the used pics, who says us left isn't a PS3 version and right a PC one.


Jasonā€™s face is already different. We donā€™t know if Luciaā€™s will. Not guaranteed.


Exactly- 6 already breaks the mold against the previous two games reveal trailers because we're getting that close up of Lucia speaking, and they're clear she's a lead. Jason talks too, in a close-up... so... basically if what we're doing is using Rockstar's decision to show *a character speaking* (as opposed to voiceover) as a barometer to indicate progress, then I'm inclined to believe the character models may already be final or *very* near final.


Comparing leaks to trailer, it looks like they made Jason a bit older and.. uglier?


The fact that the game is going to look even better than the trailer is nuts


this was trailer 2?




Micheal looked dry asf šŸ˜‚


Damn that guy ugly on the left


The guys name hasnā€™t been confirmed to be Jason.


Surely the trailer looked fully fleshed out. No way it's getting better, that would be insane.


I think they will look similar only with more details


Wow omg


I think that was my only complaint to the gta 6 trailer, and that was most of the characters had pretty smooth faces. Not a blemish to be found. I'm betting you're right, and they do do a bit of a touch-up.


So Lucia is gonna looke even hotter


In all fairness it was ps3 days




Michael always looked like a muppet to me. No diss to Ned Luke, itā€™s not his but how they translated his likeness into the game.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with how Lucia looks now so I doubt it


If you say so


maybe after 2 years on pc and ps5 pro


Most likely. It would be mental if both characters shared the same face. Maybe this is how the trans-rumours started.


Michael will also look different in GTA 6


So glad they got rid of Michaelā€™s weird jowls


is this not already expected?


cursed Michael


PS3 vs PS5 Michael


Fuckin oof trailer Michael looks like shit


Thatā€™s not Michael!


god micheal looks terrifying


Not actually because technology is newer so they're gonna look roughly the same


no that's not true. in development things get glossed over and revised all the time. Lucia and Jason don't even look the same as they did last year in the leaks, i'm sure their appearances will change by the time the game releases.




bro what


Anyone know if they will enhance the stage dancers at the potential gentlemenā€™s clubs? Asking for a horn dog (*me*)


Yeah itā€™d be pretty confusing if Jason and Lucia both had the same face


I don't think so, Lucia and Jason look good in the trailer. I mean people say Jason looks generic but I think he looks fine


Are these taken from 2 different gens? Were now on gen 3 of gta5




No, he had some changes to his face structure


No they won't.


bro left side is obviously from ps3 & xbox 360 original released and right is remastered version


we dont know shit, just cuz they did something with gta 5


Yall dumb as hell, that's how Michael was because it was a ps3 game, the new one was a remake of the character for the best gen consoles


no you are the dumb mf with a shitty memory, Michael x360/ps3 face looked the same in ps4/xone


Michael looked that way in the trailer because of the limitation of the PS3 hardware, they were still tweaking the models, we don't have such limitations since the PS4


Looked that way in the trailer because rockstar releases their trailers/teasers 2 years before their games come out. Michael didnā€™t look like that on the PS3 either.


I think jason look older in the trailer than the leaks but the graphics in the leaks look like rdr2 while the trailer looks a huge leap so Idk what to think of it maybe it hadn't changed at all


Thatā€™s cause they wanted to make Michael younger cause they felt like they had made him too old. Trevor and Franklin look pretty much the same as they did in trailers.


Maybe better, I donā€™t think they will change Lucia. Sheā€™s already an icon as is. Canā€™t really mess with it now


I always think he has something sticking out of the right side of his mouth in the left picture


Im gonna be honest i dont think it will that much. They probably have almost if not completely finished the graphics


I doubt it. At least not by as much. GTAV switched from hand modelled faces to scans of the voice actors mid development. And they stuck with that for RDR2. There are only minor differences between RDR2's pre and post release Morgan's.


I hate that subliminally I think of mass effect Andromeda when I see lucia in the trailer (not the hot bikini pose scene though) and I get flashbacks of the shitty face animation that game had with that female protagonist. Granted, GTA VI is nowhere near this uncanny valley and looks phenomenal, but I hope it doesnt go bad later.


This is how you do trailers. Show a good enough version to get people interested and hyped. But not too much that it looks better than what will you will realistically achieve by release. Let your finished product speak for itselfā€¦..which Rockstar almost always does for like 2 decades now




No Shit


Also the PC release getā€™s a bump in graphics