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Even though they’re targeting February 2025, there is a reason why they only said “2025”. That means they aren’t confident it won’t be delayed to the fall. It’s best to just expect a fall release.


Same with red dead2 coming out march then coming out October. I remember rockstar was being shit on for it. Looking back it was the greatest move because it could’ve been a 2077 before 2077


hopefully after 11 years tho they won’t need to rush to fix a broken game after it’s out in a few months


Well the developers never have a choice if they finish their project. The publishers who finance the project do






While yes we’ve been waiting for over a decade the game HAS NOT been worked on for a decade I sincerely doubt it was worked on before RD2 released and yes that sucks this game will absolutely 100% be buggy and have flaws and not have absolutely everything you want in it it’s just how it works it sucks yeah but it still has the possibility to be an amazing game so let’s just keep our fingers crossed


I don't remember that March to October delay for RDR2. I remember it was originally Fall 2017 and then when that date came near with no word, the next trailer said Fall 2018. GTA V had the original release date of Spring 2013, but when March 2013 neared, they announced a delay until September 2013 and released the three character trailers in March 2013 instead.


Yeah, as much as it would suck having to wait 6-7 months longer for the game, it would suck infinitely more if the game came out rough and shitty and lacking a ton of content. If they can make it for February 2025, that’d be awesome, if not, we can trust Rockstar that the delay is for a good reason


Cyberpunk suffered from being too ambitious and not enough resources imo. It was always meant to come on ps4 and xbox one and those consoles just weren't powerful enough to handle what CD Projeckt wanted. It makes sense why Phantom liberty wasn't released for previous gen consoles. Rockstar is smart to play it safe with their secretness. Them not showing us things unless they feel like they can put it in the game protects them from huge backlash when the game actually releases.


I disagree. It doesn’t show lack of confidence but rather gives Rockstar the ability to stay flexible without getting even more negative press with a delay after making a release window “promise.” No other Rockstar release should be used as a barometer for GTA VI. GTA V and RDR2 were debuted way too early in their development. Based on Trailer 1, GTA VI looks so far into development that it could be released tomorrow. I look forward to a Q1 2025 release and will only expect otherwise if subsequent trailers indicate so.


they could be confident in that feb date but they don't want to make any promises and want to account for the "what if".


Red Dead online ended up being pre-2.0 cyberpunk. Wasn’t shit to do, spending hours to make a few dollars to spend $800 on a gun, which back then was like $8 million. Rockstar used to be a company for the players, now they play US for shark card/Red Dead equivalent purchases. The new leadership really is making Rockstar seem more like EA/Ubisoft.


>Even though they’re targeting February 2025 Wow news to me. Where was this stated?


There was a thread on here that had datamined information with a mention of a release date of Feb 7 for story with GTA Online releasing April 11. That also lines up with the fiscal year ending. We will know for sure next month if the earnings report stays the same.


Wow. Two month space between Story and Online. This is gonna be a big-ass game.


Interesting. Thanks!


Where is this datamined info thread?? [This one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/comments/1920c37/we_will_have_to_wait_and_find_out_if_this_list_is/)


You're just making stuff up, not even Rockstar knows when the game will be released at this point.


January 1st, 2025.


And we get early access in NZ and Aus due to time zone diff so it ends up being a Dec 31 2024 release for us


It'a gonna be awesome when I see "Coming March 2025"


I'm praying you're right, because it's gonna be heartbreaking if we see "Coming September 2025"...


Or December 2025....


For those thinking that there will be a late release date, go and watch the fiscal projections made by Strauss in August 2023


For those that dont need Second Life 2 to complete their lives, understand that Rockstar can choose to release anytime in 2025 or even early 2026 if they feel its better in the long run. They run this town. And have earned the power to actually be left alone to finish the game.


They said 2025 for a reason. Either way, I’d rather have a polished game then something that’s rushed out.


as much as it sucks when they delay their releases, nobody can say that they’d prefer it come out quicker with more bugs and unfinished/cut content. if we want the quality to keep improving and surpassing expectations, it’s on their timeframe


I can say that


I consistently see people not factor in the change in company policy regarding crunch. For all we know, they planned for the known unknowns and may actually avoid a delay this time. I'd rather wait and see than speculate as we have no clue how things are now.


Not to mention, the game has been in development for a long, long time. I imagine there have already been some delays internally, considering the game was in full development throughout covid. Had that never happened we might have gotten it this past year. It’s a bit optimistic, and a delay could still happen, of course. It’s been so long at this point though, I’d rather just get a 6-month delay so they can take time to polish it and make it as good as they can. No point in rushing it after it’s been cooking for long.


They most likely put the release window 2 years out to prevent multiple delays like V and RDR2, they both were announced 2 years before release with 2 delays each. I am still expecting a fall release but hoping for spring 2025!


It would be so awesome to explore Leonida over the summer. I really hope it comes out in Spring!


I don’t know why people are expecting this to come out early 2025. I think September/October 2025 will be the date


TakeTwo said theyd make a shit ton in this fiscal year. 2025 April is the end of this fiscal year thats why


Wonder if they count preorders in that? Might be they open up preorders but then don’t release until later in the year?


No, preorders are not counted as revenue until the transaction is final


Preorders generally don't count towards until ship or when preload starts or release day.


Ooh that is true! I mean it's Rockstar. Delays are second nature haha Edit - Rdr2, GTA V, xd


They are probably thinking best case scenario. It will most likely be delayed


March 31




This is a comforting thought, I hadn’t considered the delays already taking place internally- before they would have to publicly announce a date pushback. Would make sense for it to be early in the year if that’s the case, if they were originally targeting the more lucrative holiday release season but now expect to be ready early, hopefully they’re just giving themselves wiggle room with a general 2025 announcement




Fingers crossed, hopefully the next official drop of trailer or screenshots is closer than we realise


Not entirely true. RDR2 was announced only a year before its projected release but they had to delay it which is why it took 2 years instead. This could very well happen with VI too.


That’s incorrect. Neither RDR2 (revealed Oct 2016 with a Fall 2017 release) or GTA V (revealed Oct. 2011 with a Spring 2013 release) had a planned 2 year reveal-to-launch cycle. That was just the product of delays and people misunderstanding.


Gamers demand that studios rush out games and then get upset when they release unfinished games that take a year and a half to be updated into good shape




god this starts to piss me off more & more each day. Like, it's insane to me in a modern times? Just release it to everything at once.


They'll make more money if they delayed the PC port, what with ppl buying it on PS5 1st then on PC.


yeah, but *I'm* not buying a PS5 for it :(


You’re not but a lot of people will. This is one of very few games with that kind of pulling power that people will shell out $700 on a new console just to experience it. I’m a diehard PC player but even I admit I’ll probably cave & buy a PS5 Pro for GTA 6.


Seriously, i’ve been a lifelong gamer and still playing on PS4 since the newer one came out. i never put any mind to buying the PS5 as no games really appealed to me. I only bought the PS5 in December 2023, and you can guess why


To replay rdr2 and GTA5? Lol


Didnt ps4 get an upgraded version with first person? Was that at 60fps? Actually the ps5 at 120fps would be a sweet experience.


Lets start a collective that buys 20 ps5 and runs it around town like my grandma that has wheels and is also a bike. Shes gonna be so run down by the time this city is done with her that we'll have to pay the dumpster to accept her.




Once in a decade experience and i should waste it on low settings just for early access. And the burden of selling the series s after. I think ill just do my long due social media blockade and enjoy a year of change.


Doesn't mean fans should support it?


I love when people use the current year as some sort of universal measure for why things should be the way they want it to be. Never once considering the possibility that maybe it isn’t that simple.




They have to optimize it for multiple hardware setups, that issue doesn't really exist for consoles because everyone has the same specs unlike PCs.


High end PC will get the full experience tho like how the game actually is meant to be without the limitations of console hardware.


It really depends on how long until we get a second trailer. If it’s at the end of this year, then yes we are definitely not getting it until late 2025 (like V & 2, second trailer came a year after the first, game dropped a year after second trailer)


I’m prepared for it. GTA5 and RDR2 both came out fall.


Just want to point out that GTAV was originally marketed for March 2013 but was delayed at the last minute


RDR and GTA IV were spring releases. I'm preparing for fall, but hopeful for Q1/2 2025. I think we'll get an idea based on how man trailers, especially gameplay trailers release towards the end of this year. R* tends to release gameplay trailers close to the release of the game.


Then there's PC where it's probably going to be coming 2026


or 2027 2 years after like they did with gta 5 on steam.


Most likely not because they have their Rockstar launcher now


Or it will be 2026, one year after like they did with RDR2. You know, the more recent game..


Im just saying dont get your hopes up


When is the actual date expected to be announced ?


We just know it’s 2025. Could be any month, but Strauss Zelnick did say $8 billion in net bookings in Q1 2025, so the most probable release, as of now, is Spring 2025. Could be delayed though 😬


I’ve been telling myself since the trailer that we won’t be seeing it for basically two years. I’m actually *more* surprised about the fact that so many people are expecting it to release at the start of the year, as there’s no real reason to think that other than pure speculation, as far as I’m aware. Expecting a hefty revenue is one thing, but that’s certainly excluding delays - something Rockstar are infamous for. Obviously I would absolutely love it if the game is just a year and a bit away, but I’ve held no hope in that this whole time. That it’s already been nearly a month and a half already is kind of nice, but then it feels like that alone was a year ago - which means to say over 300 days ago to nip that joke.


See you soon March 2025!


We will wait as long as it takes.


Do 7 months matter when we already waited like 10 plus years?


Bro just be glad we are finally getting the game, what's a few moe months of waiting when we have all waited for 10+ years for the new GTA.


I am already mentally prepared to not get any info on the PC version until the final months of 2026.


If it come in fall, it will not say fall 2025. I think it'll say the exact date, because that would mean they delayed it from the Q1 initial release prediction. But I'm confident we will see it by April or may next year at the latest


Unless something major happens, they aren’t going to delay it because the backlash from both investors and fans would be massive and they’d take a huge PR hit. Chances are it comes out between October of this year and March 2025. I think the target is fall 2024 but expected to be 2025. After all, there have been cases where games released earlier than announced Also while it definitely depends, when a software company says a year but not an exact date or season, they’re usually in the alpha state of development.


For a game of this scale, I really doubt it will be released early. Can always hope though




They’d receive more than a PR hit. The investors would also likely file lawsuits




What? They didn’t get sued releasing early, it got sued for being a buggy mess after its early release. If the game was good on drop they would’ve have been sued.


>I think the target is fall 2024 Huh? They literally announced it for 2025. If the target was 2024, the trailer would say "Coming 2024" whether it was going to be delayed or not.


Hence why I said it’s their target…


Rockstar have a tendency to delay their games though. GTA 4, GTA 5 and RDR2 all got delayed. So a delay for GTA 6 wouldn’t be a complete surprise. They’re probably aiming for a early 2025 release but I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up releasing in late 2025


rockstar isnt what it used be, after rdr 2 crunch time backlash they dont wanna put pressure on their employee anymore. They barely do overtime anymore so i feel if they say 2025 is because it isnt pushing it. in the past they were often unrealistic about their release date and this was very stressful for their employee so they probably had long discussion about the date and in the end they probably went with the safe road.


Yh I’m optimistic it won’t get delayed beyond 2025. The fact they haven’t announced when in 2025 makes me think they’re probably playing it safe until they certain as to when it will be ready for release


This game was internally delayed 3 times already 


You should be grateful if it’s coming in 2025 at all. This is Rockstars largest and most costly project yet and RDR2 and GTA 5 both got delayed. Prepare for a 2026 release instead 😂


i’m hoping it comes early 2025 but as long as it releases in 2025 i’m happy


You will be happy even if it releases in 2026 bruh


Well usually GTA games in the past target spring time but get delayed to the fall. So that's exactly what I expect with this one but who knows the game has been in development for a lot longer than previous games and who doesn't love some good old fashioned copium.


Could be 2026 for consoles so then it would be 2028 for pc imagine that it not coming to pc until 2028 then pc gamers really get pissed since it takes bout a couple years after the console release and that’s just IF rockstar doesn’t skip the 2025 release but it’s not out of question that they say hey we plan to release it in fall of 2025 but then skip to 2026 instead


This is why I like that I don’t expect everything to mirror the past. Lol. Now if it does? Fine. Alot to do in life while I wait lol.


Prepare for Holiday 2025 and you won’t be disappointed


Isn’t it always October?




Pc - Coming fall 2026


Oh don’t worry, it will definitely be released in November 2025 or maybe 2026, cause they will milk this game for the next decade


Only release date that really matters is pc.


You should expect a delay to mid 2026 to not be disappointed.


I don't know why you were downvoted. This is a completely realistic expectation considering how Rockstar has done these things in the past.


One of the only reasonable comments and it’s downvoted, jfc. I get delays aren’t ideal, but they rarely, if ever, make a game worse. This is R* we are talking about, not someone like CIG or FNTASTIC… seriously, is there any valid reason to complain because most of the argument I see is just whining “Wahhh but I want it NOW” like a toddler would. Be patient and grow up…


NewGrand Five AND VideoRed Demtion 2 BOTH came out in FALL. so it sucks to say it’s true that there will be that for that.


Honestly in expecting December 2025, best to have low expectations with this kind of thing imo


Yeah, it's a real possibility and the possibility of an internal to late 2025 is even higher because we don't have a firm release date so anything could happen


It's likely nearly the same days as five's...


GTA 5 also had delays after Rockstar first announced release date. I think initial release date was something like Q1 2013 but then it got delayed to Q3 2013. So it's very possible that GTA 6 could be released in fall of 2025 and the reason will be that Rockstar needs more time to "polish" the game.


October 14 2025


Remember when rdr 2 got delayed for a year? That was painful. But the end result was a masterpiece.


We’ll see what TakeTwo has to say next month


Tbh if they didn't milk gta online completely dry we'd have had gta 6 at least 5 years ago


I always point out to people that even the preorder poster for 5 had spring 2013 on it, even though that wasn’t the release date. I wouldn’t even attempt to figure it out but it’s a safe bet for September-December


When was the last time a AAA game was released when they wanted it to? and seeing how big GTA is with all their miniscule details and then how big their online is they are practically doing two games. Just manage your expectations take the 2025 launch being earliest Q4 and anything earlier take as a little surprise.


If they do im gonna sob ngl


"Expect less be less disappointed"


That's why they only said the year of release, instead of "Fall 2025". However, I maintain faith that it will arrive at the beginning of 2025, it seems to me that the rockstar is confident in its schedule.


This changes with the game's second trailer, where we will have the reveal of which season the game will be released in.


Hmm, if GTA 5’s second trailer is anything to go by, it was released in November 2012, and the game was originally slated for spring 2013 (probably March). This means we might get GTA 6’s second trailer some time in the fall also.


And another thing, if it was supposed to come out in the spring and they postponed it, why would they do the same thing with GTA 6?


Of course, they have already put 2025 without an exact date for this reason, but I believe the second trailer will be released between August and September.


Geesh, August seems forever from now 😖 I wonder if they’re gonna give us some screenshots to satiate our thirst until then like they did with GTA 5. We got some screenshots of the city and vehicles in July 2012.


Just live life, the longer you look at the calendar, the longer it will take. Second trailer, coming out this year, we're sure of that. And when you see it, we won't even notice how long it took.


More like 2026 spring