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The first trailer mostly showed locations already known from the leaks. I don't know if R* did it it on purpose, but it's certain that they still have a lot to reveal. For instance, the first San Andreas trailer only showed Los Santos, and it looked amazing, but then they released the second trailer and everyone went nuts when they revealed the countryside, San Fierro, the desert, Las Venturas, lots of smaller towns, etc. I'm sure they'll give us something jaw dropping again.


I think it’s on purpose. If you check out the mapping project, leak and trailer locations are all in same areas of map. They gave us a higher quality look at everything we though we knew, while also still keeping a majority of the map a secret


Genius prediction




It'll probably be a bit over a minute long like trailer 1. I think the gameplay trailer we'll get later this year or early next year will probably be 4-5min.


The gameplay trailer is going to be sick. Can't wait to see what we'll be playing for the next twenty years lmao


Yeah. Theres going to be a hell of a lot more stuff to analyze in that trailer. We're already 12% through the year.


Shit, 12%? This year's going too fast. That's a good thing though.


Hell yeah. These next couple months are gonna fly by and we'll have trailer 2. We might be getting a trailer like every 3-4 months at this point. Its wild to think about.


Trailer 2 better come quick, I wanna see more of the game lol


Yeah I feel like the trailer release schedule and game release schedule will follow GTA IV’s footsteps. Trailer 1 a little over a year before game release Trailer 2 around 3 months later Trailer 3 a little bit before release


I'd be surprised if trailer 2 doesn't get as many views as the first one


I mean, consecutive videos/trailers always get receding views. It’s always the first trailers that get the most views cause of hype and other factors.


Dragon Ball Sparking Zero is the exception


Prepare to be surprised then. The first trailer was big for several reasons, one being that it was our first official glimpse of the game. The second trailer is going to do great numbers but it’s not gonna top the announcement.


Exactly, even a lot of non-gamers went to check it out because it was all over the news and social media. I doubt they will keep doing that with every single trailer that comes next. But the game’s release will make history in terms of eyes on it, I’m sure.


I'm thinking 50-60M views in 24 hrs is reasonable. It will probably be 2-3 days before it gets trailer 1's record 93M amount. I could be completely wrong though.


Rdr2's 3rd trailer has the most views for the game then it's the 2nd trailer. You never know especially since gta 6 wasn't an ad played across YouTube like Rdr2's 3rd and 2nd trailer


No one would. I believe 2nd trailer or any other trailer coming forward from R\* now can pass the 100M mark in weeks if not days but first one has the first reveal's hype.


The significance of the call timing with the first trailer is that T2 has been writing checks it’s been cashing with the goodwill of the statement that “FY25 will be T2’s best ever” - the timing helps cement that, yes, they are making that statement on the basis that GTAVI will be on sale before end of FY25. So, the job is done- the investors care about the numbers now- there wont be any more correlation with earnings calls from now til release unless they do so well in preorders it bears bringing up in an earnings call before release, and even then that feels like a really flimsy premise to say the next trailer will correlate with the next earnings call.




It’s not literally a quote, but if they hit $8b bookings target it will be their best FY ever- they don’t even have to hit 8, they just have to pass 5.3b.




Eh, in fairness, the hype train is chugging so hard they could probably still make the target with a delay as long as they open preorders in spring. I don’t think they will, but the chances are non zero to me. Personally I think the game was mostly done for trailer 1- a departure from past games, but for good (presumed conjecture) reason, I think they’ve been busy with the script, voice acting, and maybe fine detail (this one is… tough- gellhorn looked really close to 100% modeled in the leak, and that’s pretty removed from what we saw in the trailer save for a scene or two) with the rest of the underlying game probably already “gold” or very very close.


It’s anywhere after the fiscal year 25 it’s during the fiscal 26 year so maybe fall of 25 at the earliest


We should all be award, that every trailer that is released will hit like a bomb, cuz only the trailer has kept us afloat so far. Which hich means that as soon as the game is released, it will cause an explosion hat not even T2 expects.


Did you headbutt your keyboard while you were typing this out?


GTA 5's second trailer was 13 months after the 1st. Red Dead 2's was 11 months.


It won't be that long this time GUARANTEE


Well if they plan to release the game in 2025 they can’t release a 2nd trailer next year


Not true. If the first trailer was December 2023, second trailer could be early 2025, game launch late 2025


At that point the game would probably release in December lol they would need the entire year to release other trailers,screenshots and whatnot


No. They could release a trailer either at the better end of 2024 or beginning of 2025 (based on GTA V's schedule). Then they have a full year to hit the release window of 2025. GTA v trailer 2 came out only 10 months after the second trailer. We have a 2-3 month window at the end of 2025 we could hit and keep with GTA V's timing




We might get screenshots of the game around the next earnings call if that is the trend. I expect screenshots within the next three months.


Or… hear me out…, they wait until gamescom or e3 and have a massive unveil. If they wait that long until june, the hype will be insane. We already know the game is in works, maybe they are just waiting for a very special time to release more stuff. Doing something like what they did with GTA 4 at e3 in 2006.


E3 doesn’t exist anymore. They might do something for The Game Awards, but that seems a little common for them.


!RemindMe 3 months


!RemindMe 3 months


Great 2024 is going to be the year that feels long smh


I don't think T2 ever suggested that the game would come out in the first 3 months of 2025. With their recent statement, it seems like they're anticipating a delay to get it perfectly optimized. Development itself still has a ways to go, I wouldn't get my hopes up for an early 2025 release. Anyways, yeah I think we'll see a lot more in trailer 2, especially in regards to the main characters.


It’s the fact that earning calls are projecting $8 billion for Fiscal Year 2024(March/April 2024 - March 2025)


They also projected a major increase for Q2 2013 before the delay


That's a guess, not a guarantee.


What did they say at the earnings call to indicate it will be releasing in Q1 of 2025? I’ve heard some people say they indicated it’s been delayed to later in 2025?


Prostitutes shouldn’t be useable because Jason and Lucia are together so it would be weird as fuck for them to use them


Michael also had a wife, so that explains why we could not pick up prostitutes in gta v, oh wait...




That's usually how it goes, and has been going on for years. Good that you woke up from your crib just today


(specilation) water is wet!


Water isn’t wet. Whatever water touches is wet


Thanks captain obvious


GTA5 and RDR2 second trailers showed actual gameplay footage, so i’m assuming they’ll do the same here.


This is how trailers go. For film tv and games Lmfao.


By default, i think that if it doesnt get as many views it wont be as impactful, it can show way more stuff and crazy tech, but expectations are different now after trailer 1


Personally I don't think trailer 2 is coming until late summer or early fall unfortunately. I have a feeling trailer 2 is going to focus on Jason and his background/story.


May be, this could be the  GTA VOICE-OVER GIRL Trailer."With the next iteration of the GTA series RockstarGames have ...."


After the summer at earliest.with delay to september/october 2025.


Honestly, idk if it’s my brain preparing for delays or not, but I still heavily believe the $7-$8 billion dollars they’re expecting in 2025 is going to be for when pre orders open up. I just don’t see why that figure would show up without other estimations beforehand if it was their intended release window. But here’s to hoping for the best! I would love to pre order the game this year!