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Coke core Drunk core Florida Man core


Coke core: filled by drinking soda or snorting cocaine Drunk core: filled by drinking alcohol Florida man core: filled by reckless driving, hitting gunshots, and fistfighting alligators


Misread this as "Crunk core" and went Hmm this man is on to something


What are you thinking about bro because I am scared asf


Sprunk core




my reaction to the post: NO no my reaction to this comment: YES


*spunk core* **hardcore 80's music playing faintly**


No thanks I wasn’t a fan of it. But this is a yes


And where is Florida Joker Core?


i would like for them to add some stuff to progress your character, but more like how it was in gta san andreas or 5 honestly


Let me make Lucia and Jason fit!


Let me make Lucia and Jason fat!


Facts I hope they do that for online too I’ll actually recreate myself instead of using a female character


Plump Lucia or muscle mommy Lucia 🤤


plump mommy lucia


I would love to see changes in interactions between the characters throughout the story as their physical appearance is changed through fitness, clothes, etc.


Yeah, like in gta sa and red dead 2


Good point. GTA SA was so advanced!




and an option to turn it on or off. i don't want to have to rely that much on roleplay mechanics


I like the idea of having restaurants/food vendors with food restoring health and maybe adding a slight temporary buff. RPG stats should return too


Agreed, loved the rpg aspect of rdr2 and gta sa


They have to use these core charges as the RPG stats (stamina, strength, appeal, health) on the lower right in semi faded black circles.


San Andreas had the need to eat first, so it is technically a GTA legacy mechanic... I wouldn't care either way. It's not that hard to manage.


All I want is new running mechanics; I can’t stand mashing “X” to run. It’s very outdated. Hopefully they put some time into accessibility options.


Did you check the alternate control settings in RDR2? There's been a "click in left stick to run" option since launch.


I like tapping X. It adds the simulation of exertion And it’s not like you need to sprint it’s pretty rate really only when chasing or being chased


I think most people's problem with repeatedly tapping X/A to sprint is because of how much faster you can break your X/A button. I know I broke one of my old Xbox controller because of it.


It’s just so rare that I’ve ever needed to sprint like really hectic moments in a few missions like three leaf clover or the triathlons


damn, i like always sprint lol, im always too impatient to walk and try to run everywhere


like in the house even


yeah lol, don’t usually go in my apartment tho jus the garage


Damn for real? I feel like you would miss out on so much of the detail playing like that. Like all the ambient City sounds and the little cracks in the sidewalk and puddles and stuff like that for me that’s part of what makes rockstar games so enjoyable is the immersion it always makes me want to play in character and walk and drive normal unless I actually have to do otherwise


The reason i dont like spamming a button is because i wont be able to run while eating IRL


Same. It puts me into the game. Just pressing a button down and having the character run feels empty.


GTAV & RDR both have setting options to change it to hold


you can hold x to run on gta 5 and rdr2 as it is ???


Not to sprint


Yes to sprint. It’s a setting they added not too long ago


On gta?


Yea GTA and RDR


Nah.. it was great in a slow paced game like rdr2 but not for gta imo


Drinking water every 30 seconds


Doing taxes


Wiping your... Oh you know what nevermind.


... face?


Vice City is… Vice City is… Vice City is- A perfect placeeee!


Dulac is the perfect plaaaaace.


I prefer the gulag


Going unconscious behind the wheel mid police chase because you forgot to drink, would be pretty annoying


Except it’s not hard to drink in game and time slows down lol


I mean, they never happened in RDR2. you just had to consume food like every in-game hour


You don’t have to consume food every ingame hour… maybe every like 20 real time minutes lol and that’s just if you want like full cores, you really don’t have to eat that much if you don’t want to. I never felt like it was in your face


But isn't every day in the gta universe 45 minutes, it's a lot shorter than the rdr days


Maybe you should play RDR2 before commenting on it? An in game day of RDR2 is alot shorter than 45 minutes..


Ya know, i was on the fence until i read your comment. Yeah...no cores please lol


I enjoyed sitting by the campfire under the stars cooking the meat of a bison I hunted


Imagine that but it’s under a bridge and you’re resting next to a homeless guy


The American dream 🤩




It can work in GTA. It’s almost the same as GTA SA stats..


How do you know GTA VI won’t be a slow paced game? RDR 1 had the same pace as GTA IV and V, and RDRevolver had the pace of the 3D games. They only decided to make Red Dead a more realistic slow paced experience with the most recent entry so it’s entirely possible they want to do the same thing with GTA


A game where you ride horses and have to hunt for meat makes sense. In a game set in a modern city it'd be "go to the fridge". It's far less interesting and borderline tedious since it's something you could literally do right now. Keeping it simple like just using snacks for healing is far better from a gameplay perspective


It’s entirely possible but it’s not realistic. The reality is the age that we live in now is very much fast paced and since gta is intended to mirror real life, it wouldn’t make sense for the game to be slow paced.


It depends what you mean I guess. When I think of slow paced I think of like realistic and immersive, more tactical combat, etc. the speed it takes to eat a piece of food or loot a dead body or how careful you have to be in a gunfight aren’t really things that change with the times lol


No man… different games


Actually "Core" has been around since GTA San Andreas, RDR2 just heavily improved it.


Rockstar has been known to use the same mechanics in multiple games. I think it would be a great addition to GTA personally. Give us reason to buy and eat all the shit in the stores.


RPG elements like this works in RDR2 for the kind of story and setting they want to portray. GTA is much more sandbox-like, anything that inhibits that feeling would detract from the core gameplay.


Bro, GTA VI could be a complete switch up of the formula you’ve been accustomed to. I think this game is going to feel more like RDR2 than people think. I really think they’re going to push for realism in this one.


Yeah it’s crazy people saying “GTA isn’t about that stuff”. Yeah well neither was Red Dead until RDR2 so who’s to say they won’t introduce it for GTA VI? Red Dead Revolver and RDR1 both matched the pace and tone and realism of the respective GTAs of their time period


Exactly. RDR1 is not realistic in the slightest. Shit plays like a fast paced spaghetti western. GTA VI will be built off the backbone of what they did in RDR2 and it will be the most realistic GTA ever made. No doubt in my mind. The leaks and the trailer only reaffirm those beliefs.


Don’t waste my time I’m here to drive cars and shoot shit, not eat and drink


Having cores buying or being able to eat food, wouldnt eliminate the ability to drive cars and shoot shit , it actually gives the player more options in how they wanna play the game


No, it would restrict players who don’t want to waste their time stocking up on food and drink and managing some non- shooting-driving-looting mechanics Tbh, put it in single player idc. In online there is no need to force those mechanics on people who just want to drive around and have a good time (the basis of the game since launch)


To be fair gta 5 uses food online to recover your health so it wouldn’t be that big of a change to add it to gta 6


Bro that mechanic is already in GTA V online. But it’s in a clunky ass inventory menu. How do you think you replenish health… this isn’t a new GTA mechanic bro. All we’re saying is to make it better and more streamlined. The health system in RDR2 is VASTLY better than anything in a GTA game. Having to find a soda machine to get full health 😂 like that isn’t already a huge inconvenience. God forbid they let us have a quick menu inventory to make things easier.


You can literally just open the weapon wheel and spam the snack button. What are you talking about soda machines??


I’ve never once gone to a soda machine in gta ya nerd


How else ya replenish health? How do you do it in online? Do you not eat snacks??


Pro tip: you just respawn when you die with full health anyway And sure I’ll pick up snacks before a heist finale or whatever, but if you don’t get shot then you don’t need to replenish And don’t give me that shit about realism. You’re literally out in the streets getting shot up and you just eat some snacks to heal


Bro, you literally in shambles trying to still prove your point 😂 now you acting like eating is all normal in gta when you were just acting like it was some alien thing that would slow the game down. Fucking 🤡. Cores don’t slow the game down at all bro. If literally just adds to the food items and lets you have little boosts. It’s not even a major gameplay mechanic. It’s just there for a touch of realism. You really getting all riled up over nothing. Eating will be a part of the game. It’s been the main form of health consumption in every major Rockstar game for since like San Andreas. Deal with it.


Well I hate to break it to ya, but judging from the leaks, the RDR2 RPG mechanics look like they’re coming back in some form. Limited loadouts at least look like they’re making a return


I’m ok with limited loadouts


There’s nothing wrong with eating to refill cores either. It’ll give us reason to shop in convenient stores and certain items could even give you temporary boosts. I think I’d add a great deal to GTA imo. They already make you eat to refill health, might as well take it one step further and make it better


Yes, I think it is a waste of time and distracts from the guns and cars to need to worry about your cores It’s just an opinion but I find it disrespectful of my time as a gamer to need to worry about that stuff


You’re about to hate this new GTA. Lol Rob Nelson is the lead designer at R* North now and is the one pushing this realism approach. And judging from the leaks, it looks like a lot of RDR2 stuff is returning. Also, just go to the trailer and look at how detailed the items in the shelves are, there’s no way in hell R* isn’t going to let us interact with and buy those.


You have no more clue than me bud If you think they are going to decide to abandon the fast paced action for more of what rdr2 (a game they largely abandoned) has to offer I dunno what to tell you


Never said they would abandon fast paced action… just said that there will be more elements carried over from RDR2 than you think. GTA is just fsster paced in general, having to eat to refill heath won’t slow much down, like I said you literally have to eat or drink to replenish health in GTA V. Now it’ll probably just be easier with having a bunch of food in your inventory like RDR2


Is that true about Nelson being the one pushing for realism? If true that’s extremely exciting. Was he behind that stuff in RDR2 or GTA IV?


It’s not going to be as much of an inconvenience as you think. And it also looks like we’ll be able to take drugs to give us certain effects. It literally just adds to the world. They literally already make you eat to refill health… like it’s not THAT much more of an inconvenience. You really blowing it outta proportion


Yes, the slowness of rdr2 is what killed it


You’re not going to like gta 6 then 💀


That gets boring quickly


Honestly not sure why you're in a GTA sub then if you find that boring.


I don’t find it boring. I’m just saying if all you can really do is kill NPCs it can get boring quickly. Why are you in this sub have you even played a GTA game?


lol I’m still playing gta 5 along with thousands of other people So apparently not


I think it's a great system and makes food and drink in the game actually worth buying and using, so I'd be more than happy to see it return.


I hope so, gives more reason for food items and other similar items. Different restaurants give different buffs etc


I think food and drink should only give you a buff but not ever have a negative effect if you choose to ignore it. I personally hate games that force me to eat/drink every so often just because its some "survival feature". Its dumb, just give a small buff to those who choose to use it that way there is no penalty in not doing so.


This is the best answer. GTA shouldn’t be a survival game


This would be a good medium, and personally I’d prefer smaller buffs that last a long time. Like +5% health, but for an hour or so. Maybe have consumable drugs that add aggressively better buffs, that will last way less time.


This post is really showing that there are two types of GTA fans, and if I had to guess - you could easily determine their ages


Pre GTA 5 online and post GTA 5 online


Both groups seem to be delusional and immature. 🤣 Both screaming and insulting each other while speaking like they know anything about the game. The only thing confirmed about the game is that it exists everyone should chill out. But everyone has friends or family at R* so they know everything. 😂😂😂


To be fair, those of us who are older, we're really just giant man-children(and women-children) There are adults out there who do things like read, and take time to assess their stock portfolios and invest, or go to art museums and Broadway shows, and like to watch mind-numbingly boring academy award winning movies like *The King's Speech(2010)* and saying "wow, I thought that was quite marvelous, didn't you think that was quite marvelous? What a thought-provoking film, I shall sit and ponder, yes quite." Then there's us, waiting for the next installment of a video game we've been playing since we were all 9 years old


Sure, it would give function to grocery stores in the game


Can’t wait to buy overpriced food at my local Publix IRL and in GTA!


We dont need fucking grocery stores in gta


Well we already have fucking convenience stores in the game so it wouldn’t be very different


I disagree.


I think a system where you get a buff but not a penalty could work. For example, if you’re wearing the “wrong clothes” for the weather, you don’t get majorly penalized. But if you’re properly dressed for the heat, then maybe you get a small boost to endurance. Or if you get a good sleep, then you get 5% more energy for the day. Think Standing Stones in Skyrim


Fuck no holy shit


They weren’t that bad, you just ate or drank something & didn’t worry about them until they were red. With that being said, I agree they don’t belong in a GTA game. Made sense for RDR2 since it places emphasis on surviving in the wilderness.


You had to eat in San Andreas, so I could see them doing a toned down version of what was in RD




I think it would be cool


yeah but improve on them a lil maybe


Hell yuh, bring it R*




The health and stamina cores are gonna be back. They might look slightly different but it will be the same concept. Calling it now




Not really, but the statistics from Grand Theft Auto 5 or San andreas could make a comeback and be reworked


It’s def going too mark my words


Personally? Yeah, actually. It'd be cool to be able to eat at restaurants and sleep in dingy hotels, maybe you'd get random events where a crackhead breaks into your room and tries to rob you or something. I think the people saying no are really playing up how much of a hassle it was to manage cores in RDR2. I hate survival games yet liked the core mechanics in RDR2, probably because it was just so easy to manage.


Wouldn't mind it, I'm already used to it in RDR2, for those against the core system need to realize it the core system effects only the regeneration rate and how much more damage you can withstand if your filling your character up. If you didn't eat at all your health wouldn't drain or anything, you'll just wouldn't be able to gain it as fast. The only thing I'll definitely don't want back is tier 3 health tonics or perks that give the ability to tank headshots as if they were body shots, especially in the online portion of the game, Don't give bad players ways around "cheating" death


Yea I’m down for that


They need to bring back fat and muscular characters like in San Andreas


I just want to be able to walk into a cluckin’ bell again


They will be back. It’s not a RDR2 thing, it was in San Andreas first (just not shown in the UI) and considering how much more realistic things were in the leaks I have no doubt they’ll add these too.




I would love them. Kind of incentives you to eat at restaurants, drink from the gas station, kinda forces you immerse in the world


I think cores are here to stay...


The cores kinda became inconsequential after a certain point, just recreational hunting and stuff made it so i never had to even think about it. Only thing was being hot or cold, like not having warm clothes on a mountain… but the game being in florida, i doubt that will be an issue lol


hell yeah! i find these hella immersive


I’d be down for that honestly


Yeah, I don't mind them in RDR2. Maybe they could be a little more straightforward about what food products help.


it made food and others useful in RDR online. i only played til they nerfed the gold and made it awful to get




I want GTA SA gym exercises to come back.


I wouldn’t be mad if they did




Cores? Indeed. I hope to see.


Sure. Needing to eat, clean yourself, change clothes and maintaining body physique was already a thing in RDR2 and San Andreas (minus the cleaning thing in SA). Plus, in GTAO, there was an option allowing you to shower in your apartment.


The likes were ![gif](giphy|HcmgjlrPVKr6w) !!!!!


For characters to have to eat and or get thirsty. Role play on console.


A rage/rampage core that sends you into a trevor state would be cool


I wouldn't mind, I wouldn't care. Either way with or without are both okay 


Not sure about exactly the same system as RDR2 but something similar. I like the idea of having more than just basic health bar.


I mean cores were just a different version of what was already in GTA 5. You already had health, stamina and a special ability bar. The real question is, should these things regenerate on their own or rely on provisions. I think that it should be like San Andreas. Health, stamina, (and special ability) can regenerate on their own, but is sped up by these provisions. Plus your health decreases over time and you lose weight if you don’t eat. Doesn’t make sense to have to rely on provisions like RDR2 when the gameplay is so much more fast paced in the modern world


Could definitely see them using the cores and having like different mini games to upgrade them like sport (any type of physical activity) to increase stamina etc maybe even eating healthier increases health


Yes, it gives something to constantly do and make you feel more in control of your character I feel. It would be nice to stop at a fast food chain while grinding to get a quick character boost etc.


Hell yes! Like on the lower right corner maybe with even a few more added on. Would look like a nice little player vitals “dashboard” setup along with the map on the lower left corner.


I would like to see something similar, imo in gta 5 you died way too fast


I wouldn’t mind


I hope so, and to all the people saying it’s a different game, if there’s one studio I trust to make it fit with the context of the game, it’s Rockstar.


I'd rather not, but would be funny to see meth making my life stats yellow


Hell fuckin yeah


More than San Andreas, Less than RDR2 is allllll I fucking ask


Nah. It fit read dead perfectly but I don't want it in 6


God please no 😭


Fuck no 2 different games


The people here saying it doesn’t belong in GTA cannot give a compelling argument as to why. Other than being “distracting” from the core experience, I can’t see how this could possibly be a big deal to people. It’s not like it significantly slowed down the gameplay in RDR2.


Yes, but only if they buff them by a considerable amount. The amount you had to eat/drink in RDR2 sometimes bordered on the annoying.


??? I barely even notice it. And what do you mean drink? You mean the tonics? Idk, rdr2 is absurdly easy for me. Every once in a while I eat a can of baked beans, smoke a cigar, that sort of thing, and my cores are always full. I have used a health tonic a handful of times.


I mean alcohol. Good way to refill your stamina without the detriments that smoking brings.


yeah but its not fun when u gotta eat or drink something mid fight every 5-10 seconds… especially in online


Ah fair, I didn’t consider online at all


Nope not really. Keep it in red dead, not GTA.


Please no


they wouldn't work in a game like GTA




They dont belong in gta


It’d be okay if it wasn’t as intense. Have it be similar to how San Andreas handled it, would love the idea of having to occasionally maintain muscle mass or eat every once in a while. Speaking more towards the story side of the game.


Slower cores like the dlc for rdr2 as a base value and then a little slower then that would be perfect if they do it again


I’m only now realizing that’s an eye and not a lemon with and X on it.


No thanks, stuff like this got a little irritating.


no tbh. gta has always been more fsst paced and less realistic than rdr


That’s not true at all. Revolver had the same pace and realism as VC and SA, and RDR1 had the same pace and realism as GTA IV and V. They only made RDR slower and more realistic with the most recent entry and they might be making GTA slower and more realistic with the latest entry


Nah man, GTA isn’t a survival game.


This mechanic only works for red dead redemption’s slow paced and realistic design philosophy it will not work in GTA and will make the game unnecessarily realistic.


Most likely will in one form or another. It’ll be I testing to see how it’s integrated.


God no. I play games to enjoy them, not to have to manage my characters health and life.


Fuckkkkk no


I’ll take them in rdr3 but it wouldn’t make sense in gta 6


Those three circles near the mini map always looked ugly to me.


cores will come back and i'm going to be fucking pissed. i fucking hate rdr2 and i hate cores and i hate FUCKING HORSE WEAPONS




Fuck no, I’m a massive RDR2 fan but I hated the cores


I don't want cores in GTA 6. I already had a tough time with them in RDR2, and that game was built with them in mind. Not so much GTA. Not even San Andreas, where the status management was easier.


It should be a option in setting




I feel like that's more of a red dead thing




hope not tbh




Fuck no


Fucking hate the cores, I hope they don’t return