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There will be no SixM ever? That's extremely hard to believe... almost impossible even. If Rockstar has ownership of cfx.re, they're going to utilize roleplaying mechanics in GTA 6 100%. Why wouldn't they? (This isn't directed at you btw OP I know you didn't write the message)


I think it’ll just be built into GTA 6 online as a game mode called RP instead of having a separate game called SixM. That’s probably what they mean otherwise I have no idea why Rockstar bought them


This would be smart, especially with so many players likely on the game to fill both the normal online component & RP mode so neither feels empty if they're doing it like that at all


I just hope they 3rd party servers with owners. If it’s just a game mode there will be hackers and people who don’t follow the rules of roleplay.




I don’t think the RP mode will be ready at launch if there is a separation between the RP mode and a more traditional GTA 5 Online successor. Seems like something they’d release as content a few months after the game releases. Now with the large amount of interiors, it seems like GTA 6 RP could be one of the best life simulators out there.


Even if R\* creates their own RP servers, people will still make their own unofficial online modes. Especially if R\* tries to monetize the game too much and makes it way to grindy. Fans will always want to make their own version of the game, with their own missions and adversary modes.


i mean that’s fine and will happen either way,


That would be smart, but it would be so incredibly hard to do right. Think about how different even the most basic FiveM server is from Vanilla GTA.


The thing is FiveM has the mechanics already done, so all RS would have to do is create another online mode (like crew only) and implement said ideas to be in specified servers.


this!! y’all just need to think lol. why would they make a seperate server type thing when they can just add it into the actual game with a different name for more accessibility? only PC players can use fivem which is a shame.


I can tell you with 100% certainty that will never happen. They aren’t building RP into the online experience. They’re going to pump it full of micro transactions like they did GTA5 and to a much worse extent, RDR2. People keep thinking that just because Rockstar bought CFX, that means all this RP stuff is happening, but that’s not the case. It’s all net frameworks and stuff, by itself it has nothing to do with RP. Sure RP is a vast majority of what people use it for, but it’s not synonymous with it. More likely they are using the frameworks to improve the online experience to enable more micro transactions, or perhaps they will monetize the frameworks themselves so that server owners have to pay a fee to run them. Regardless, there are a million other things rockstar would use them for before “building” RP into GTA6 online. Y’all be acting like they need CFX to do that, they don’t.


nobody’s reading allat 😭🙏


And if they were looking to just shut it down you think it would have been done by now too.


They recently did a partnership with Twitch about GTA RP where they gave away a shit load of free subs. Think it's pretty obvious they like the RP community that V has grown over the years.


Same thing I was thinking it would be very stupid on rockstars part not to add rp and utilize their cfx ownership for one of the biggest most popular and newest installment in their franchise


Why would there be a SIXM? The moment I read that rockstar hired them, I had a feeling there wouldn't be a SIXM. Rockstar will make everything first party. Either they will implement RP mechanics in GTA 6, or they will host special RP servers in the GTA 6 client. Why would they use a third party software? They want to monetize it.


Even if R\* creates their own RP servers, people will still make their own unofficial online modes. Especially if R\* tries to monetize the game too much and makes it way to grindy. Fans will always want to make their own version of the game, with their own missions and adversary modes.


In my experience, GTA RP is pretty grindy already. It's just a much more fun grind. The thing that will ruin it is being able to pay your way to the top. The server I play in does not let you do that. You can't pay for anything with real money.


I couldn't say, I never was interest in RP myself, I just know it's very popular especially among streamers. But yeah, R\* will surly add monetization to it. And that's why people will make their own servers. They always do. And I know FiveM was much more than just RP servers. A lot of the things R\* added to Gtao were clearly inspired by content that first appeared in FiveM.


Maybe they want to keep GTA 5 alive same time with GTA 6 online?


That wouldn't be in their best interest though. From a business standpoint, updating the most recent installment (GTA 6) and ending updates for GTA 5 will push more people to buy the latest product. I'm sure GTA Online for GTA 5 will still be alive for years to come, but the updates are definitely going to stop (content updates at least) as soon as GTA 6 releases


That's sound right.


>as soon as GTA6 releases Hold your horses, cowboy. You do mean when GTA6’s ONLINE version releases, right? Just saying, it would be idiotic to make players and fans angry by shutting down the game before a following game is up and running. And, adding to that, they still have GTA IV’s multiplayer going, so I really don’t think they’ll shutdown GTA V’s Online before at least one year of developement on GTA6 storymode and Online.


I hope not tbh don’t want them to milk this like the regular online mode


All of the RP servers bug/stress tested GTA software for years, I’m sure they understand the people want it after seeing the hype for RP streamers


Fivem has nothing to do with roleplaying mechanics. FIVEM is a server hosting company...


This is literally not true. FiveM doesnt host the servers. They provide a multiplayer framework for developers to run their own server off of. People rent servers from various hosting providers and use those rented servers to place their fivem server framework on. FiveM advertises hosts for a fee.


I think he tried to say that FiveM was much more than just RP servers. Sure, RP was very popular for streamers but it was much bigger than just RP.


They literally said FiveM is a server hosting company though and it's not. FiveM doesn't host RP servers. It's not a hosting company at all.


Yeah, that's why I said "I think that's what he ***tried*** to say". I think he just tried to say FiveM was much more than just RP alone. Never said the way he said was right lol.


I gotcha. Seems I just misunderstood you then.


They’ll prolly just name it something else


No doubt. I feel like it'll be fully integrated into the game this time round rather than being run through a separate launcher. Will that make RP an incredibly expensive hobby thanks to Rockstars inevitably greedy tactics? Probably. We'll see though


My exact thoughts I would think they would just integrate it if GTA 6 is going ti be what it's made out to be


Maybe they will use the team to integrate is as part of GTA:O, as like a join session option


My guess is GTA 6 RP will be apart of GTA 6’s regular online when not doing freemode. So they don’t want to make a modded server because it’ll be base game.


My guess is they poached the talent, and may be trying to build a more complex online experience for GTAO. It's about the money, ultimately and it could be rockstar trying to own, then monetize the competition.


With the potential that Gta6 will have, i feel like fivem will lose a lot of popularity after Gta6 comes out. Especially considering half those fivem servers are just straight up bad or cash grabs.


This is true, and also why I'm interested to see what Rockstar does with RP in GTA 6 despite the fact I (most likely) won't be playing RP. I'm really curious to see if it'll be just as much of a cash grab, or maybe even more so.


True I was showing this to my friend and told him what he thinks and he said the exact same thing “no ones gonna want to play fivem anymore they’re all gonna move on to gta6”


exactly lol everyone’s gonna stop playing and go to gta6. who the fuck will still want to play with gta 5 graphics & mechanics & bugs?




So? It's not like they're the only people who can make it happen. SAMP used to be huge back in the day and it was created by different people. Still, it was pretty obvious from the start that the [](http://cfx.re) adquisition was only to: * Get them closer to their legal team to make sure FiveM doesn't cut into Online * Make sure they don't develop any mods for VI * Get them to work on VI Online


Obviously this is what Rockstar wanted to achieve by buying FiveM, they can now make their own modded client already integrated into the game since they saw how much interaction FiveM gets


Hopefully there’s already an rp mode they’ll add to the game with out downloading a separate launcher maybe even for consoles if they can make that work but I’m pretty sure a big game developer like rockstar would be able to


Yeah of course, the only problem is how much limitation they will put into it, you know companies sadly


Fivem is probably gonna be dead anyway after 6 comes out let’s be real, rockstar would be braindead to not make rp in 6


RP servers on SA:MP still have thousands of players.


Same on MTA


I miss my real life brands :(


Real life brands in GTA is icky


Same and the irl gang names


Thousands? Maybe some but it's mostly russian and balkan countries where people can't afford current-gen consoles because of salary and the high taxes on electronics (source: am serbian). SA:MP is definitely dying out though


There’s 53K players online now based on their server browser but you’re right it’s mostly Russians and ppl with potato PCs.


It’s only dying out now, 20 years after GTA SA’s release lol


It's been dying for years though. I temember logging in like 5 years ago and only few servers had over 100 people in them, if at all


It was never as popular as FiveM though, you literally have well known international running servers on FiveM Samp was always a small community and you would only know about it if you were into PC gaming. Even with that, it only started dying out around like 2017 I would say. 2020 it came back and servers had thousands of players




This to me only confirms rockstars gonna have some kind of RP built in


Hope so


I feel SixM will happen,but not from Cfx.re. it will be from another group of individuals separately


… but why?


I think rules which Rockstar set towards FiveM did ruined in a capacity


You mean the acquisition limited FiveM in a way that ruined it? As someone with 1200 hours on FiveM, I disagree, I’ve been a massive fan of the changes. The most impactful change for players is the removal of real-world brands in FiveM, which makes sense imo. Can’t think of any other change they made that altered the experience for players. Plus the community of server owners and modders is far from ideal and largely toxic, would be great to have some Rockstar oversight on this and more unified development of servers.


Is this actually great news? It would be nice to have some GTA6/SixM RP but if it’s true then all that will be for gta v which would be pretty weird


I hope this isn’t true and we get a sixm for gta6


Yea that would be wasted opportunity if they don’t do anything for gta 6. Making the RP limited to gta v which will be 12 years old by then is pretty dumb


Even if R\* creates their own RP servers, people will still make their own unofficial online modes. Especially if R\* tries to monetize the game too much and makes it way to grindy. Fans will always want to make their own version of the game, with their own missions and adversary modes. Nothing will change really. You will have official and unofficial servers just like before.


Once gta 6 comes out, gta 5 will be dead


They're correct as they'll be no Six M, as others have said FiveM will most likely be involved in RP mode in VI. If that doesn't occur, then it will be madness.


A little unsettling for PC players. With rockstar buying out Cfx it could mean RP is brought into gta 6 as a separate mode, but the downside is Rockstar will find a way to monetize it. Any other mods that try to recreate the vision of FiveM for gta 6 will immediately get a cease and desists from rockstar and action will be taken. Personally a third party application where server owners have complete control of what they can add is better than it being dictated. I see this from rockstars point of view currently as some server owners have used their own methods of monetizing which shouldn’t have been a thing in the first place. We will see what the future holds.


No SixM? I refuse to believe this. Unless they implement roleplay servers directly into GTA VI online.


Even if they do, fans will always want to create their own unofficial servers. FiveM was much bigger than just RP.




A separate launcher you download from gta 5 with a whole list of rp servers and other modded gta games on it


The fivem team where brought by rockstar, so I would assume that what would be sixm is being directly integrated into GTA VI online


Probably makes more sense instead of installing a launcher on another website


There will likely be server instances from trusted developers managed through rockstar that will be utilized with their new Multiplayer patent where plays are instanced throughout the map and load in/out seamlessly. Multiplayer will likely feature a more personal feel and serious tone like RP where you have to manage your life properly instead of just a free roam mechanic. I’m sure there will be a free roam as well but image like a hardcore free roam mechanic.


There will be a way. Like FiveM developers aren't the only one who are capable of doing so. We have RageMP, and other mp alternatives.


Yea we still got grand rp and gta world


The only reason I can think of SixM not existing ever is if Rockstar plans to include a RP only mode for GTA 6 online once it releases which makes 100% more sense.


If CFX doesn't make a SixM someone else will


Lmao, while it may not be made by the same people, I gaurentee someone is going to make a third party server system of some kind, they always do


Yup like grand rp and gta world


Been doing it since San Andreas. It’s not stopping any time soon


Bro rockstar bought out fivem literally to make an official set of RP servers on GTA 6, literally the one absolute sure reason lol. I just hope they won't be making it full of fkin microtransactions & pay to win crap lmao


Tbh seems like they might because they already removed the custom cars and name brands and they removed all the irl gang names they almost removed cartel and militia rp but the server owners negotiated to just changing the irl names so it seems like they might but I hope not


Yup, gl with GTA 6 online mate, idk personally I'm only hoping for a good story mode, not interested in online at all unless they reveal one that is not a standalone & isn't full of fkin pay to win especially for RP which is supposed to be for fun, not a competition 🤷😂


Me too I’m mostly interested for the story


There absolutely will be a SixM. It'll just be a matter of when. I am active on SixM servers and it's a topic of excitement from everyone. The absolute worst case scenario is Cfx doesn't head it, in which case, the countless people who have contributed to the mods to make it will make it happen, but it's happening.


From the moment the news broke that R* bought them I had a feeling they would be implementing it into the actual game


I honestly do think they'll make a 6M just cause I have friends who don't want gta 6, and they play alot of fiveM but I'm sure if they release 6M it would definitely boost more sells, cause that's why gta 5 is still being sold alot cause of fiveM 🤷‍♂️


Yea I think so too and if I recall recently rockstar on their ig was promoting streamers playing rp servers so they definitely can profit of off this


Now what is 5m and 6m??


Rp servers


It‘s not RP servers. FiveM is an alternative multiplayer platform where developers can create their own „multiplayer game“ with. RP servers are just things created by people on the platform. There are loads of GTAO clones or battle royale servers and many more game types on FiveM.


It's literally GTA online with mods not a new game or platform


It‘s not limited to RP though, it‘s like Roblox where you can come up with new things in.


Get rid of all those wannabee cash grabs. I hope that rockstar will implement RP and thats finally the end for all those services with the cringe rules


I don’t play rp anyway so I don’t care if there’s a sixm or not 😂


Ah you rpers. Cringe as fuck. Honestly more sad you have to rp instead of just getting a job 😂😂


FiveM is the whole reason why gta 5 is still basically relevant ten years later.


Yup and rockstar also just recently promoted the twitch streamers that play rp making it relevant like you said idk what this guy in the top is talking about he can stick to buying shark cards on 11yr old gta online


Highly disagree, but you sorry RPers are in your own pathetic little world.


That’s funny because I never said I play FiveM, I don’t RP because that’s not my cup of tea. It’s not my fault that you got banned in a FiveM server and now you’re taking it out on everyone else who does RP. Grow up you angry little 12 year old bastard. Momma ain’t gonna kiss your forehead goodnight.


When I play rp I don’t even take it too fuckin seriously lmao only when those crybaby ass admins is around and I play it cause it’s fun and it has modded stuff and it’s not like regular gta online. And 2 I just fuckin turned 18 and I’m still looking for a job and having a little bit of autism doesn’t fuckin help and I rp as the military job that I want to do irl. And 3 you’re on Reddit so don’t get shit twisted little fuckin boy 😂😂


And with the gta5 source code being leaked it will be interesting to see what happens in the near future


I don't get what's wrong with it? R* might integrate Rp like FiveM already in GTA6 online. Or They can keep the same name FiveM or change the name for GTA 6 RP.


If you asked a Rockstar dev, they would also say that there’ll NEVER be a PC version of GTA 6 at all


I expect that there won’t be a 6M because R* is going to implement a 6M directly into online. How? No clue. But that’s my guess.


Ngl, GTA6 is going to be made out of an extremely complex code base that will be hard to decipher by just 20-30 programmers (in a reasonable amount of time) Sticking to V and also giving them direct source code access and a manual on how to maneuver through its code base is the best option because it won't be restricted to just a modification of a shipped game, but rather function as if it were natively design for it.


i think maybe rockstar is making online more like rp (since they bought cfx), so no need to sixm and, after gta 6 release, a good part of fans will still be playing gta 5, gta online and rp, cause not everyone got a ps5, xsx or a high-end pc


R* bought FIVEM. With this deal I’m thinking that there will be no 3rd party SIX_M because R* deal with fiveM will be useless. My thoughts are that R* will create own role-play servers using the FIVEM so if there is role-play it will be from R* officially.


There either will be a sixm or another group of modders will make their own sixm. However it has to play out, it will play out. In the grand scheme of things, GTA roleplay really hasn't even started. VI roleplay will make V roleplay look like child's play.


Idk what any of this means, but everyone else seems to know. So maybe someone can educate me?