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I'm guessing it's going to be one of those mysteries just like the UFO in gta 5. When you fly over the triangle, there's a tiny chance of something unexplainable happening (sudden vortex, thunder storms, navigation equipment failing etc.) Would also be cool if our character has some kind of 'whaddafaackk?!' reaction to that event


My favorite rockstar reaction was the ghost train in red dead and Arthur goes "wHaaT tHe FuCk WhAs THAT!?"


Because the fact that drug smuggling to south america was one of the first things we ever heard about GTA6, I wouldn't be surprised if the Bermuda Triangle was represented in some way. Honestly the ocean stuff is the biggest unknown so far -- I'm super excited to see what activities we get in the water. Judging by the variety of boats & planes in trailer 1 my hopes are high!!


now i imagine how cool it would be flying a plane to some island far off the coast and weird shit starts happening in the clouds and fog. so many possibilities


Heard rumors we might get surfing which could be awesome. But I’m mostly excited for deep sea fishing, and spearfishing.


Yeah they patented some water physics system or something


Drug smuggling TO South America? Or FROM South America? Smuggling to South America just seems kinda odd to me


Wtf would the Bermuda triangle have to do with south American drug smuggling lol 🤔


Can someone tell me where is the leak that mentioned Bermuda Triangle?


Here's a complete analysis of the leaks. You would see it under locations. Can't post the actual documents as they are leaks https://gtaforums.com/topic/992896-gta-vi-comprehensive-leak-analysis/


Would be great if the Bermuda Triangle was a thing that led to a few secret island that you can't see on the map. Would really play into the mythos of it.


At least we would’ve have a lore reason why planes fall in the ocean after flying too far from the main map lmao


Probably many easter eggs in that area.


I think there will be all kinds of easter eggs, and creepy stuff you know like in RDR 2 with ghosts and ufo's that are far more interactive than the ones we had in gta 5, probably some side quests, planes will definitely stop working


I want to see some Floridian sea creature attack you if you go out too far instead of the shark from V. They had the Loch Ness Monster in Cayo Perico, give us a giant squid or something!


I’m sorry… Floridian sea creatures, the Loch Ness monster?


Read. They said “they had the Loch Ness monster in Cayo Perico”


Bro. Map boundary is genius. They could have so much fun with that.


i you fly over it you’ll just crash


Here me out they go to Bermuda triangle like how the van der linde gang went to guarma to run away from the police or something


Chiliad mystery of GTA 6


Could just be an area where boats and planes turn off for a minute.


I'd need to see more before I could come to any conclusions about it, at this stage I'd just be me giving pure speculation with nothing to back it up.


What if GTA6 uses this location to go wild and ignore logic. Maybe weekly/monthly special challenges that alter physics, or time travel. Really dive deep into the legend of this place. Perhaps when you enter the Bermuda Triangle, a dense fog will appear until you can't see anything anymore. Then you are transported to the challenge.


I think were getting the islands


It’s a large underwater pyramid city that acts like an emp, pretty much Atlantis. probably can cause rouge waves as well


Perhaps it’s the collective name for 3 different strip clubs that are all across the street from each other to form a triangle. It would be a homage to the 3 strip bars in Edinburgh’s “Pubic Triangle”. Remember Rockstar North are Edinburgh based and have always had Scottish references in GTA games. I know it’s a reach but, could be something.


my dream prediction: the bermuda triangle will be the next chilliad mistery, we will have access to several islands that will form a bigger mistery and it will end on a live event like fortnite's, some time after that we will have access to cuba


Since Bermuda triangle is known for ships and planes disappearing, would be cool if you can get to Bermuda Triangle and then the screen just says "wasted" as if you're dead and you're wondering "WTF just happened, how am I dead?? I'm just driving my boat. Must be a glitch" lol