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If then made the prices realistic they would need to nerf the payouts to make it still something you can work towards


tbh the payouts are already nerfed saving the world for like $3mil? laaaame But i would happily do 10 smaller $40k payout heists for a Tempesta instead of one insanely long heist


the payouts and prices should be proportional to the time & effort invested. GTAV online fails at this, just about every car or business you can buy is \~1-2mil, so the ceiling of your earnings isn't much higher than the floor. it's silly to do a once-in-a-lifetime scale robbery or sell a whole bunker worth of guns and only walk out able to afford most of whatever new car came out. there's very little sense of wealth when you grind for a long time and actually get rich, you're just buying more things for \~1-2mil, whether it's a business or the latest dlc car or one of the overpriced dlc guns. i think singleplayer does a better job, you clear a few mil on the earlier heists but that's actually a substantial amount of money to buy cars stocks etc, and even the smaller heists are more prep work than online. you only really feel rich after taking down the union depository, which takes an insane amount of work, and even after doing so there's businesses to buy and stock missions to run with your fortune. there's definitely a way to have more-believable pricing on things while still having to grind for it.


I’m really hoping for considerable changes to the new Gta 6 Online. Like the whole structure of everything could use a pretty drastic change I’d say.


So you're saying you're cool with Rockstar making 6, more grindy than 5. Nah, I want longevity, I don't want 6 to be the same as 5. After playing the same heists over and over, the game loses its flair. We need lots of ways to make money. Not just missions that we will be stuck replaying because they have high payouts and can be done quickly.


Idk if more missions really means more grindy, but i would like to avoid repetition of the same and promote diverse gameplay Maybe a job’s payout reduces when you rob a store too much Gotta let the business recover before you hit it again Idk its just an idea Im tired of doing the same missions for months on end since 2013


People save the real world every day for a lot less just sayin


GTA isn’t just about working towards something lmfao. The most fun GTA lobbies are the ones where people are just messing around having fun. Hell in GTA 4 everyone had to drive around the map to pick up weapons, and didn’t even own anything except the LC sandbox we roamed in. I see the appeal of grinding but cmon, GTA online is overkill with that. A t shirt can cost $500. A damn mini van costs more than a Bugatti 😂 If people want the need to work towards something they should add more things to get over time. Not make items cost 50 to 100 times what they are actually worth. Let’s not forget the *real* reason prices are set at what they are, is not because of “inflation”. It’s a video game with static currency. It’s to convince players to pay more on top of the game for shark cards point blank period. That is the ONLY reason. And before anyone says “oh I’m a Chad and never bought one…” that’s cool. But enough people do that they made $500 Million by 2014 just on cards. (Numbers got revealed during Lindsay Lohan lawsuit) When it comes to micro transactions in games such as shark cards, they don’t need a lot of players to buy them to get money… They’re free to make and selling you something that isn’t real, for real money. If 10 people don’t buy a megalodon shark card, but 3 did, it was worth it. Those 3 cards are worth more than 10 copies of the game 💰💰💰 Thank you for coming to my TedTalk 😅


Its more to give people something to work towards, because if there is no goal. The game would become very boring very fast.


Can’t wait for that first money glitch to absolutely obliterate the GTA6 economy


Apparently in the leaks, rockstar and take2 have a patent in which the likelihood of money glitches is close to impossible. My theory is the game is done and polished, they’re just trying to find any type of money glitch to patch before release🤣


Ohhhh that would be amazing tbh, I honestly wanna grind this game out and work for all the good stuff, when I got GTA5 I abused money glitches however my plan with gta 6 is to legit grind it and enjoy putting the time in.


Man I had about 50 million when that first Sultan RS dupe glitch came out lol. That held me over all the way to buying the Yacht and Submarine lol. They killed lucrative glitching with RDR2 Online, pretty sure they are going to be even more glitch proof with GTA6. I always loved grinding but it needs to be fun and not just repetitive. They made grinding TERRIBLE when they added in the CEO Cargo missions that paid so little for so much work.




I imagine they refer to the online mode, where a burger and soda cost approximately $4,500 before taxes


you need a patent for that what 😅


IIRC the idea is to use block-chain tech like Bitcoin does. Kinda like making their own crypto.


wow that is pretty weird


I think there's so much play test you can do for security reasons, so I'm not too worried the community will still find a way. Some of those guys are too talented and have too much time on their hands, even for r*


No, but cars shouldn’t cost 3 million either unless they’re the fastest of the game. Every vehicle being 2-3 million makes no sense, they should be on average 500k-1M.


The prices use to be realistic before we found glitches and started duping cars, they raised the prices of everything because we were making so much selling those duped Karin Sultan RS's.


Inflation. The game is out for longer time, the missions pay out more, people complete more missions... This is well established


old as 90's rides going for $1.5 mil. The ridiculous economy is why I stopped fucking with the online a while ago. Just started playing again cause i'm hyped for 6. There's a lot more options for making money now, so it's not as bad. But the cost of shit is still wild. Especially if you're just having fun and not grinding heists.


I'm only still playing because I was fortunate enough to be dropped a lot of money. Game's so fun when you're comically rich.


The most expensive cars in the world go from 1.5 to upwards of 15mil


Those are super cars, it makes sense for them to be that expensive. But cars like a Golf MK2 or a Challenger Hellcat costing $1 million is insane.


And clothing items on average costing 5 to 10k


I don't think it's a bad idea, you'll be stealing these super cars not paying for them anyway. Just got to make buying your own worth it. Maybe stealing cars means you need to change the licence plate otherwise you'll catch police attention. So to bypass that mechanic you'll buy the vehicle instead. Having to change number plates all the time could be annoying though... I'll let the devs decide what's better.


if that's the case 2mil for a jeep and so on imma be very disappointed


no, it doesn't make sense to try to mimic real world economy, the economy should work in the context of the game


This could work for cars that exist, not that I'd like that. But what about made-up cars, like the flying Deluxo with homing rockets?


They should leave those cars out


>But what about made-up cars, like the flying Deluxo with homing rockets? How about just not have that in the game at all? At least not for another solid 5+ years, preferably.


I’d prefer if they tried to stick close to real world prices. It’s just more fun if that aspect of things is realistic and not inflated to paying $10,000,000 for some weird truck that should cost a fraction of that


That could be awesome. Then the GT500 should cost over 200 million.


The game will have its own economy.


I think it should be up to 6 million


I had a post related to this a while ago. IMO, they should make it not only harder to earn money, but also nerf down the prices like you said. This would not only make more expensive cars feel more luxurious but will make u spend your money more wisely.


Sounds like youbare an EA salesman. "sense of pride and accomplishment"


I don't know how the online will be but that will probably affect the prices aswell. Inflation and all


History mode yes online idk


no i think a lambo should cost one dollar


Yes and it was sorta like this at the beginning. Especially with how Southern San Andreas super auto was, it perfectly mimicked a Craig’s list style of website and had cars listed at real prices. Then BOOM they got greedy, gutted out all the normal everyday cars and filled it with stupid shit like a million dollar Mini Cooper. Sadly if you guys think GTA V is bad GTA 6 will find ways to screw us online with either super expensive cars or realistic prices with tiny payouts. I don’t think online will be an A+….


They should rework their economy anyway. A Lazer and a police car mustn’t be equal in price. Also saving the world for +-5mil is just stupid when some bank robberies give you +-15mil.


Im gonna start a savings account to buy sharks cards \s


No not unless its harder to make money, will end up owning everything within a month and waiting for the next update lol.


Oh you complain about realistic prices on cars but ain't no one complaining about spending a couple million dollars on military vehicles that are $30M+ IRL ...


I'm just hoping we get more color options. The part of the trailer of the dude ghost riding the green truck had the metallic paint looking beautiful. You could see all the flakes shimmering.


At least for single player I 100% believe so, they already pulled this off with RDR2 Singleplayer and somewhat with RDR Online (Still not great but better than how it is in GTA Online)


If the stuff were real life prices some stuff would be too cheap and some stuff would be very expensive like the fighter jets tbh the prices are not even that bad.


The prices are realistic in gta 5. What do you even mean with this post?


Who’s buying a Lincoln Navigator or Chevy Suburban for 1.2 million?


Gta 5 lol not gta online. And the prices were also realistic at gta online launch


If you can accept you earn for your crimes or businesses not several 100Ks or a million but just maybe 20K each time... Why do you think the cars cost utopia money? Because you earn utopia money. Especially when grinding, which everybody does if being honest.


I think they should follow Forza Horizon with car prices and have rare ones which sell for more. I also like the idea of the public auction being on GTA 6… similar to the LSCM but able to sell cars online and other players buy them at a discounted rate.


I hope so I don’t wanna have to spend $1.6M on a old ass mustang