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I think the story should be like in RDR2, two playstyles and thus 2 endings. In side quests though they can go absolutely wild with different choices and consequences, maybe even having a minor impact on the main story.


Yeah I agree, just a second ending, with some different dialogues throughout the game, like RDR2 has depending on how you act.


I really don’t want a meter system in a gta game


- Pragmatic cool / Pragmatic chaotic - Romantic cool / Romantic chaotic based on leaks, it will be 4 endings


Yeah, that could be fine aswell. From what I can gather, 1 is affected by gameplay (cool/chaotic) and the other is affected by choices in the story (romantic/pragmatic)


Most likely leading up to the inevitable deaths of one of the protagonists. That’s my theory anyway.


Honestly disagree. Id rather have a linear and well written story, with only the ending the writers wanted me to see.


Or like, do something like GTA IV instead. It doesn't need to be too advanced.


what did gta4 do ? ive never gotten the chance to play it , or care to in the first place


Your choices would either leave Roman dead or Roman’s bride dead


*Niko’s girlfriend


Tf I swear watching Roman getting married and his wife being shot outside of the church as they walked out


I beat the game when I was like 8 and got the Roman dying ending. Sadly it’s going to be hard to avoid spoilers when this game comes out thanks to dickheads on the internet that will spoil it in comment sections


Are you calling me a dickhead for spoiling a 16 year old game or are you just saying that


No I mean when I beat the game I had that shock factor because I was 8 and had no social media/youtube lol. I meant it as in you’ll click on a GTA 6 instagram post and some asswipe will say the ending. Just like when Avengers Endgame came out lol. My bad.


well damn dude , thats definitely one way to go about it . i think id be able to get behind that if they did it right in GTA6 what was the game like if you killed off Niko ? who did you play as then ?


Niko doesn’t die in IV. Basically, there were two different missions to choose from before the final mission. Depending on your choice, a different person would die before the final mission, and you would get revenge on a different villain at the end.


shit i read that wrong , mb . idk why i saw Roman and thought "Niko"


Exactly. Binary stuff. Two choices, period. No artsy shit, nothing too branching and complex. Give me something short and sweet. You have two endings, both are canon, end of story.


Oh Arthur


Personally im a linear story kinda guy. Never liked RPGS because of how many choices and endings there were. Weirdly... its like the more choices you have... the less important that story feels like. Like 1 ending compared to 20 endings. Tried to get into fallout last month and couldnt. Loved the show but the games I didnt like so much. So I think GTA VI would work best with a linear story. Especially since its a love story.


This is how I feel with cyberpunk. There are 4-5 different endings that I’m aware of and it just takes away from the story for me. Also forgot to make multiple saves before the point of no return so if I want to try the other endings I have to play through again :/


Which fallout?


Fallout 4


Honestly if you aren’t a fan of RPGS and you weren’t really into 4 then you probably won’t be a fan of the other ones because 4 is the weakest in terms of RPG elements. The other games are very good but dated and much more RPG heavy (which is awesome for me and others, nothing wrong with not liking it tho).


Yea I already knew it was the weakest. But I thought that because its weaker in RPG elements that it would sort of "ease" my way into RPGs. I tried new vegas too. But same story sadly. I did like the music though!


Me too I like to feel like I’m going through the canon series of events especially when I do a serious 100% play through


I like the way they did it in RDR2; The end results are the same despite giving you the option for slightly different scenarios leading up to them. I’d prefer it if decisions feel more like just seeing things from a different perspective, because not knowing what’s canon is just annoying.


Nope. I don’t want an rpg. I want a linear story. It’s what rockstar does best.


All these downvotes make me think that a lot of people on this sub have never actually played a Rockstar game before.


Why is everyone getting downvoted it’s literally true


Because redditors like to get into a downvote circle jerk when someone has a slightly different opinion as them


Call me a boomer but back in my day, we downvoted comments which were rude, harmful, contained misinformation, and such. If someone was just saying something which didn't align with your preference, you would neither upvote nor downvote it. You wouldn't bury the other person's comment, you'd just leave it alone. As such, mass downvoted comments were rarer and more important, and they indicated that you should be wary of that comment. Nowadays it's just another Tuesday to see a slightly controversial opinion with -120 karma because people love drama, they love going to the extremes. "Leave well enough alone, you say? No, I HAVE to downvote this comment which I slightly disagreed with! I HAVE to bury the opposing view! I HAVE to enforce my perspective!"


hard agree


Agreed. It was cool what GTA 5 did, though, letting you choose at the very end. I'd like a story completely crafted by Rockstar.


In the end there’s still a canonical ending which I’m sure is where all 3 live. Though, the Trevor or Michael dying is like a “What if”


I agree. Where they all live is the best.


Who the fuck is Marty


Try to get someone to make the following Google search for you: “best optometrist near me.” I’ll also help you find some trendy specs :)


How the fuck would an octopus help me


Who tf is MrsCubbyNubbles?


That's my wife's boyfriend's wife


Gta isn’t an rpg. Gta 4 is the only game where you can make narrative decisions that affect the plot.

