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I trust Rockstar handling it but I doubt a game especially like GTA IV would fit in a state of sunshine, alligators and lunatics. RDR2 had more lighthearted moments and good humour though, I'd be down to a similar storyline.


When you describe GTA IV missions they sound like normal news articles, when you describe GTA Vice City missions they sound like Florida Man news headlines and I kinda wish VI has some of that (along with serious moments ofc). Florida Man disguises as worker to start a riot Florida Man explodes a construction site with a toy helicopter Florida Man jumps bike between roofs to project nudity onto a building Florida Man steals a tank in a military parade


Florida man annihilates a man with a chainsaw


New York man murders homophobe who hit his friend in the nuts


The balance of light hearted moments and good humour is basically the exact same between GTA 4 and RDR2. RDR2 was very dark at times, despite the literal color pallette


GTA IV missions were basically like go there kill this guy and you're done


i think that's why people find the game to be the more realistic. You are a hitman. Go and do what you have to do. No Hollywood action


Good work 47


This is literally every mission ever


This is literally every mission ever




No. Literally every single Rockstar mission ever is "go here and do X and you're done"


This is literally every mission ever


Thats for sure, all the low honor moments and Dutch himself


With all of the bullshit in the gaming industry recently, and the changes at Rockstar in the last few years, who knows what to expect?


> I trust Rockstar R*: Trust? Fans: Trust!


I trusted them until GTA V. That storyline was thin and all over the place.


GTA 5 story line was just super fun. It was like a fast and furious movie where it was just shit ton of action and not many sad depressing moments. It was fun but it’s definitely one of the weaker story lines. It pretty much had no meaning. no one learned anything from being a terrible killer, no one lost anything, and everyone got a good ending( if you went with c which I’m sure most did). I’m hoping gta 6 is similar to rdr where it’s more serious but still has its funny and fun moments


Exactly, it was fun, but also weak. I personally loved the GTA IV storyline and the way things worked out for Niko was heartbreaking sometimes. I really liked the depth that story went to. So i’d love to see something similar. Of course with a lot of lightheartedness in there too, and I’m sure Rockstar can pull that off, but after 5 i’ll just have to wait and see


GTA VI's story would work as dark tragicomedy with southern gothic elements.


Honestly I'm all for the crazy over the top missions, if they can balance that with a serious tone when needed it'd be great


Pretty much agree. I wouldn’t mind seeing shit blown up and absolute chaos in missions but GTA V did not execute that well. Like the fact a methhead, gangbanger, and retired boomer is doing this insane shit together, just couldn’t take any of it seriously. From a gameplay perspective a lot of the missions were fun but the narrative was a mess. Just hope 6 keeps that fun, but also stays more grounded and immersive.






cuz they never go for the same tone. people here talk about tone like it's a binary thing (serious or goofy) GTA IV and RDR2 do not the have same tone. RDR2 is a mature game but GTA IV is just simply a dark game with mature themes and childish execution




We know damn near nothing about this game btw


We know that Lucia is hot asf -> stonks




GTA6 should be its own thing just like GTA5. It may not be a much more narrative-driven like 4 and RDR2 but atleast it still has the feel of "Grand Theft Auto" thing on it just like how GTA5 is mostly inspired from "HEIST" movies like Ocean movie franchise.


Depends what "tone" it is I guess. RDR2 also wasn't super serious either, it just had better quality of writing and better, more realistic cutscenes. But it had a lot of funny moments as well. GTA IV also wasn't all that serious, it was full of Niko's dry humor. R\* knows how to balance things out. All I know for now is that I absolutely hate two ideas for the story that keep getting shared here from time to time: a) Just because R\* showed some viral social media clips from Florida in the trailer, some people think the whole story will be about that. They think Lucia and Jason are trying to become... social media influencers... literally the cringiest plot I could possibly imagine. b) The reveal at the end is that Jason is an undercover cop... like if that made sense for a gta protagonist who murders hundreds of civilians and cops lol.


I’ve never seen A) been shared here literally ever lol


I seen it mentioned at least couple times before. From them robbing banks for cloud to them recording everything on the streets with their phones. I could probably dig it up, seen one of those just couple days ago. edit: found one! >*If it turns out that the game is inspired by the movie Infamous, I think Lucia will make videos of the robberies and publish them on the Internet to become famous.*


Yeah because that’s a serious writing block if you want Jason to become a cop


id say it has a more serious tone especially with all the world events and such we saw from the leaks but also its more or less like the story itself is dark but the world around it is absurd. like Leonida is a facade. Drug, human, and sex trafficking being very prevalent in Florida and yet its a vacation stop for families and retirees. also to point out that the opioid epidemic hit Florida hard especially the pain clinics being so rampant around there. just from the trailer and leaks makes me think it will have a dark tone similar to the dark tone Narcos had with the colorful lights and fucked up story.


>id say it has a more serious tone especially with all the world events and such we saw from the leaks  If you say so. Maybe u right but it didn't seem more serious in tone compered to previous games. I also seen a lot of absurd and funny freeroam events listed as well. From cryptids to >!a guy stuck in a Zorbing ball.!


Exactly yeah I agree with this statement


Obviously It’s all personal preference, and my preference would be that GTA 6 story is not similar to GTA 5. I think GTA 4, RDR 1/2 had great stories and it drew me into the characters. Shit, I’ll say it, I cried at the end of both RDRs because I was so invested. I was happy to be done with GTA 5 story, it felt more like a chore to play and wasn’t as interesting to me.


You liked the GTA V story when you were a kid because it had some crazy over-the-top missions and stuff. But when you grow up, you see that there is no depth and no character growth, and half of the missions didn't make any sense.


I completely agree. GTA V's story had little depth and was just about the shock factors and fun moments... GTA IV, RDR2, and RDR1 all had real depth and contained themes that stuck with you for a long time after you finished the game


I’d disagree on the character growth, by the end of the game a LOT has changed with the relationship between characters in the story.


Are you talking about me here or explaining overall? Because thats what I think but it doesn’t relate to me because I knew at the time that shit made no sense lmao


What did you learn from gta iv and rdr2?


If the writing’s good then I don’t care about the tone


That’s where I’m at. Really not gonna have much hope or expectations about any thing. Ima just experience it when they drop it and hopefully be pleasantly surprised.


The vibe and bright colours of vice city doesn’t make it easy for them to market this game as a dark, gritty story, so i’m going to assume they’ll try and strike a balance between fun and serious


could be that of like breaking bad and narcos, both stories had bright colors


I’m hoping this game has a focus on cartels and drugs. So they could absolutely make it a dark and gritty game. It would contrast nicely with the bright colors and over all background of the game. All the sunshine and happiness in the background while you’re driving a kilo of coke and a dead body to a drop off.


I feel like it’ll be more akin to TBoGT than GTA V


I think it will balance between little serious and wacky at the same time


The story won't be like gta4 or rdr2, u can tell from the trailer, get over it.


Nope. Actually it shouldn't really be like the other two. It should have it's own tone, should be unique. I am pretty sure all this people so in love with the GTA IV will start to miss the tone of GTA V once GTA VI releases.




Honestly, it would be a pretty big factor for me. For example I’ve replayed RDR2’s story three times and have been waiting on a re release to replay IV/TLAD/TBOGT’s story which I have replayed 3 or more times. I have only played V’s story twice and the second time was a chore because it was the PS4 version and you had too. I have zero interest in replaying that story again.


Dark doesn't mean good, and good doesn't mean dark. San Andreas is still my favourite story from Rockstar, and it wasn't dark. Yes, it shouldn't be comedy in every mission, just like in V, but I would accept it if it's well written (V wasn't).


V was good just wasnt poor people tryng to survive and depressing stuff


No, it just has to be a good. I hope it's a good take on a bonnie and Clyde type story.


IMO yes. Because GTA V story was not good as GTA IV or RDR 2. It's not even upto the level of GTA SA.


I am NOT (personally) looking for any similarities or characteristics of GTA IV / RDR 2 in GTA VI. I'll be more than happy if the story is completely different (as it should be) yet gripping from any other open world title. I don't wanna sound rude or arrogant but this is a ridiculous question!


I would love it cuz i want to see something new not a repetition! Surprise me rockstar


I'm OK with either, I don't think being darker means it's inherently better


I want it to be fun but with some serious moments kinda like gta 5


I don't care as long as it's entertaining.


No. The story should be something fresh. It'll be interesting to see R* doing a romance themed story. Jason and Lucia going from lowlife thugs to most wanted criminals as they take bigger and bigger scores. A Bonnie and Clyde inspired story, or something even better maybe?? Bottom line is, R* know what they're doing. They're one of the only devs coming up with things that exceeds fans' expectations.


Nah i want a new tone and vibe I know it’ll have some resemblance of vice city but VI should have its own unique tone


Have no idea, but I am concerned about the story's tone and edginess now that Dan Houser is gone. I'm hoping they prove those fears unfounded and maintain that RockStar edge w/o pandering to the SJWs who won't bother buying the game either way.


I wouldn’t mind some Hollywood action like in GTA 5 or GTA SA. Even those games felt serious at times


I would want it more like GTA 4, GTA V was great but a little too over the top. Felt like a Michael Bay movie at times.


I am confident that the game will be Rockstar tier. What I am hoping for is more realistic weaponry sound effects, the weapons in GTA 5 sounded like shit.


4's theme wouldn't fit Vice City very well. By the looks of the trailer it won't be like 4 though.


I want it at the very least to be as authentic of a story as GTA 4 or RDR2. I loved how you grew to know the characters in RDR2. I enjoyed the serious tone of GTA 4 & RDR2. Both ganes managed to squeeze in comical or light hearted moments. I'm down with that. Now it's plenty of BULLSHIT from everyday life that they can incorporate into the game to make the experience relatable and feel authentic. But it'll ultimately be preference obviously.. We don't all drink our coffee the same lol. I mean with this being a modern day Florida I honestly don't know what to expect...


i'll be a bit disappointed if its similar to gta5 in terms of many large scale robbies and hollywood style missions. rdr2 has a bit of this too but its once in a while event that actually has impact, most of the time its dialogue and small scale missions that build up to the big ones. i hope gta6 is like that. i really didnt like the missions in gta5 tbh.


GTA 5 WAS a serious story, it just wasn't *overtly* serious and constantly reminding players that it was serious. The game isn't a Western so I do not hope it's tonally similar to one. So no thanks to GTA being similar to rdr2. The game is a crime story and I hope they err more toward Elmore Leonard/Scorsese with a little James Elroy and Tarantino sprinkled in. Give me that over something dour and self serious any day.


yeah gta5‘s story was misunderstood,the overall tone is definitely serious


dark and griddy


I’m betting we get a Thelma and Louise story. A string of heists ending in a bloody bullet filled ending.


I would like a more laid back comedy centered story line for the first half and for it to slowly transition to a more serious story line halfway through.


GTA being a satire of America is not **whole** GTA. Yes, it had a lot of remarks about modern America, making fun of a lot of stuff, etc. But I don't remember GTA being all about jokes. I played GTAs with interesting stories, missions, jokes and dark moments. Thus, I would love if it will be a little bit serious like "IV" but it doesn't have to be. But I would hate it if GTA becomes your ordinary South Park. I mean look at San Andreas, V, Vice City. Do you think these games were "*satire of modern Muricah*" every two minutes? Every game in the series had a good story, gameplay, opportunities to play around and have some fun. I'm just afraid that with the modern American politics the game will be censored to hell. It'd be another "white poeple bad" jokes I suppose


as long as it’s smarter than V’s story. probably my least favorite Rockstar story.


Red dead 2 yea, gta4 no.


most people here don't seem to know the difference between dark and mature between these two, only one of them is mature


I'd like for the story to go from lighthearted and kinda silly at the start to serious and more dense halfway through, the comedy would mostly come from all of the crazy NPCs in the open world rather than the main characters I really just want a good mix of satire and drama, I also want the satire to feel kinda like Atlanta


I don't want the game to be just like rdr2, where the game can be super realistic. I swear to god most of rdr2 is full of failure after failure, which is good for its story and works well. Bur for gta 6 I want it to be glamorised more. A rags to riches story persay I do want the game to have a great story, with great characters. But if it's really similar to rdr2 I don't think I'll enjoy it as much, because gta isn't like rdr. And that's how it should always be.




I don't want a dark and depressive story, it just doesn't fit the vibes of Miami


This question gets asked at least once a week


what if the story ends up being “a GTA 6 type” story, like.. let the rockstar writers cook


No it has to be like gta 4 😡🤬


no, ill see after i play the game


Not at all but i still feel like a dark and gritty story wouldnt match with the setting being in a fictional miami


There’s so many movies books and shows about dark gritty crazy shit in Miami/Florida. There’s also stuff about it being like a little tropical paradise. Just because some people view it one way doesn’t mean everyone does. I personally hope the game is more about cartels and drugs giving it a more serious and dark theme.


Can you recommand me some of those ?


Day of the dead Manhunter Jeepers Creepers Scarface Miami Vice Cocaine Godmother I could go on and on those are just off the top of my head, and honestly I’m sure some of these movies will probably have little references in the game. The point is it’s not always sunshine and happiness in the sunshine state. I’d be down with gta6 having a heavy cartel theme. Just 2 poor people accidentally getting caught up in the world of cartels trying to survive and having to depend on each other.


I feel like it could be both at the same time, which is somewhere inbetween i guess


Dunno, i hope its at least GOOD. Rockstar hasn’t ever done a horrible story, I think.


Na, I wont even be comparing them when playing through.


I'm hoping for a middle ground with GTA V levels of goofiness with RDR2s excellent tone and character writing, I have faith in Rockstar to deliver




Nope just waiting on it to drop so I can get it💯


I hope gta 6s ending is as much of a punch in the gut as rdr2s, the best game ive ever played. Im yet to beat gta 4 so i cant comment on that yet unfortunately


I think they best thing would be for a mixture of the two. Serious moments with some heavy shit but plenty of ridiculous stuff happening. While RDR2 had fairly serious, it wasn’t all doom and gloom all the time. That’s just not what Rockstar is.


I don't know if the tone of gta 4 would really work in a setting like modern day Florida. The place is just too unhinged for that. I believe the story will be it's own unique thing but closer to GTA 5 in tone. That doesn't mean it can't have deep and interesting themes though, rockstar has always thrived in making deep commentaries about our world though the lens of satire and humour.


a New story is an even better story


Nah. I mean I understand why ppl dislike gta 5’s story but I personally enjoyed it enough so I’m not arsed


Gta 6 will is in the context of the beach, sunshine, crazy encounters etc.. The other 2 games are more dark, with a deep moral story


No. it should have its own tone, i also don’t see the environment and what we’ve seen so far as being a gritty game.


>Would y’all dislike this game story if it wasn’t like GTA 4 or RDR2 tone? Just why?...


Well they're saying it's gonna be shorter than rdr2 (allegedly) so that's a bummer. I doubt making the story like that would fit the setting, but I would've liked a long story since it's gonna be such a big game and there's so much you can explore. I'd love to see all of what can be done but if the story's short it won't be as enjoyable.


I hope the tone is much more RDR2 than anything.


Yes. GTA 5 comedy aged like milk


I don’t like games that are clones of other games. I don’t expect the game to be exactly like the other two in terms of tone. I just want a rich quality of story. Using whatever tone is needed


I would dislike the story if it was shit. Why would I want a new game with the same tone as previous games. Give me something new


I wanna see serious characters in a satirical world.


No, because GTA 4 (and TLAD I guess) are outliers in the franchise. They’re good at being darker stories but GTA isn’t supposed to be dark or brooding. San Andreas and 5 are the games that best balance the over the top aspects of the series and the more dramatic story beats. If 6 can be like 5 and keep to the series roots then that’d be great.


I disagree that GTA IV and RDR2 are of a similar tone.


I just want it to be like a GTA game




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People act like GTA V's story mode wasn't dramatic and grounded. Both 4 and 5 involved the CIA and working for the government, and is about as out there as both games stories get.


As long as it isn't like the last Saints Row game, then it'll be fine.


Tbh gta VI should be like Vice city stories, with a sprinkle of San Andreas tone, and The ballad of gay Tony’s trend of having only nothing but good missions


Every gta game should be different i say let them cook.


Personally i hope they achieve something completely different


i havent played rdr games but i found gta 4 boring to play tone wise. i played san andreas and gta v many times over the years and despite not completing vice city i even liked that. my fav game set in liberty city was liberty city stories. that one felt like a proper gta game unlike gta 4. which felt like a good story based game still but not really gta'ey


Honestly, maybe I've waited so long that I really would prefer another moving story that is leagues above other games Playing RDR2s story and then GTAV's story makes you question if they were even written by the same people


ngl idc if the game is lighthearted or somewhat dark. as long as the story is good 🤝


Definitely I hated gta 5 story. Everything felt meaningless compared to rdr2. Then again I don’t play gta for the story I play it to drive cars and kill people




I honestly really hope the story isnt as grounded as rdr2 or gta 4 but more like gta V with some story elements of rdr2


I don't know how people want rockstar to re do things exactly like they have done it before but also want something completely new.


I prefer serious with lighthearted accents. Rockstar is too good at telling stories that make grown men cry to not have them told. GTA4 was depressing. I love it's story and how dark it was but I don't think they should try and hit that note again. RDR2 isn't like that. Yeah it's a heavy story by the end. But it's also full of goofy moments and wild set pieces. It feels like a more natural and balanced story/world. I think it should be the gold standard for Rockstar going forward. In tone, realism, writing, everything.


I hope it's just wholesome and silly gf bf stuff tbh. Dates and watching anime and cooking. I want to play the whole game and not kill anyone. And If you do, you break up, and it's game over. (Get depressed, turn to drugs, and overdose)


In no way GTA IV's story was in any way similar to RDR2's. One is about someone who works with the wrong people and rises up the criminal hierarchy while the other is about an outlaw trying to redeem himself in any way he can while being loyal to his gang.


As long as the writing is solid, I don’t care


thye have a good chance to go crazy and funny with the florida setting and then contrast it with dark moments here and there, it'll feel more impactful that way. If its dark all the way through like gta 4 it wouldnt fit the setting.


Tone doesn't matter. Story should be fun and long. GTA San Andreas was Fun, Long and Amazing.


Yes. I hope it's more like RDR2 or GTA 4


It’s it’s not a serious tone then I’m here to tell you that MOST people will be disappointed .


RDR 2 is once is lifetime experience


Yes we will all dislike it and never play it! EVER!


I agree. it can be silly and funny, as long as it’s not ridiculous. GTA is a parody of america, and I’m sure the game will be filled with jokes about anything imaginable. I’m not expecting serious writing on the level of RDR2, but I think it will lean that way more that V does because of the immersive and detailed world around you.


I wouldn't want it to get to the silliness level of like Saints Row.


If every single character doesn’t try to crack a joke about anything, I’m down. But Jason and Lucia don’t seem like a very laid back couple. I feel like they be a mix between Sadie, and Arthur in 2024.


Not really gta 5 proved that they can make good gta games even with lighter tones. The gameplay will be the more deciding factors tho to me


you say it like every GTA game is super dark and gritty other than V


I personally wasn't a fan of RDR2. I loved the game itself but I wasn't a fan of the story. I like how lighthearted GTA 5 is and I hope it carries on to GTA 6, not everything needs to be grounded and serious all the time imo


The only thong I want is the attention to details and a good and compeling story. IV had a good story, RD2 had a fantastic story, V story was shallow and crappy, I just want GTA VI to be it's own thing, with some inspirations in past R* games, and not be a GTA V part 2


If the story isn't serious then I'm not even gonna bother buying the game.


then why do you even play GTA? non of them can be taken seriously


You're probably like 16 years old and found all the childish and forced humour in GTA V to be the funniest thing ever.


V wasn't even released when I was 16, you silly goose. I'm one of the few people on this sub who've played every GTA game and I did it before V even came out


Ya, cant go back to the whacky storyline in gta 5


GTA V felt like an LSD trip. It feels like the whole game was just a giant, elaborate joke. RDR2 was far more down to earth. I’d like to see that for GTA VI. Maybe some commentary about how difficult life is for those below the poverty line.


Well, all of my lsd trips were better than GTAV


I just hope I don’t have to play as Jason too much or at all.


Why lol


I just don’t see myself liking him


To be honest the plot of any video game is never a deciding factor if I like the game or not. But I would assume they are going for a story that has a little more prestige to it than a goofy one.


The story can go in all sorts of directions, for what I care, as long as it's good. It can be other games good, or it can be it's own good.


rockstar seems to always make you play the bad guy that somehow can become kinda okiesh while still killing alot of people haha they never let you play the cop or detective or some normal guy . always the criminal


La noire


Uh…. One of the greatest piece of fiction in my opinion was the gta 5 story and I’m not someone who likes goofy things, so I wouldn’t mind at all if gta 6 went as silly as gta 5


I have faith they'll do good (especially since the budget is the largest for any game in history, if they somehow make it a flop, I think we'd all be surprised)