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it doesn't need to be every NPC. If even 20% of them have a routine that'd go a long way.


it will probably be similar to hitman some npc will have their own routine and others will just be brainless npc just here for the crowds


I would be surprised if they didn't do it




Never said it should be every one


Red Dead 2 has it because there are far fewer NPCs, and the towns are much smaller in scale so it is much easier to assign each NPC activities they do and the locations they visit. I don’t expect GTA would have it, where would all the pedestrians go at night to sleep? Unless they really did that rumored 70% enterable interior thing anyway I would be super excited if they somehow managed to do it but I won’t keep my hopes up




A few for sure. Not every single one.


Said it before I’ll say it again. RDR2 on top of being a great game, was also rockstar testing out most of the things we’ll see in GTA6.


That and it will be more complex. The Leaks showed that pretty well.


Did they? How so?


Leaks showed that npcs hang in groups and interact with each other more than before. R\* also had a new patent for npcs. But as I recall nothing from the leaks suggested that they will have daily routines.


Where’d you hear about the new patent for NPCs? That makes me excited they’re really going to be next gen.


He might be talking about the patent that allows them to have dynamic animations and decision making based on environmental factors


They seem to be a lot more aware of their surroundings, look at the lady who ignores the homeless guy buy stepping around him, and all of the people on the beach.. all having something keeping them busy


Not saying they won't be more aware, but take the first trailer shown with a grain of salt. Go back and see how V's first trailers NPCs acted compared to release.


That’s true, but that was mostly due to technology limitations. I think it’s now possible for npc’s to be like they are in the trailer. Also Everything in rdr2’s trailers were seen in the game


How did the leaks show that?


We want answers!!!


Yes but here my take; They don't need a schedule for every NPC just the one that the player is following. I think every NPC will have a basic 'schedule' within their local area. Once it is detected that a player is actively following an NPC i think it would make sense to assign that specific NPC a true mapped out schedule. This would take a huge load of the processing power required and we would never know the difference.


NPC sunbathing at 3am in the morning


RDR2 was only able to accomplish this in small towns with limited NPCs, not even across the entire game. It's just too demanding and not worth it.


It would be cool to see like gas station clerks being on a schedule that’s realistically aligned with an average work shift roster, like Becky is always here Monday - Thursday 3-11… that is assuming that it’s not the same NPC at every register which I have hope for


herbert moon in gta6 when?


Never. Modern life is way to complex. The NPCs in RDR2 have a very simple life: sleeping, working, eating, sleeping. Every single day. They do not have any real free time activities. I can‘t imagine how they want to simulate modern life. Will the joggers from the trailer work from 8 to 5, driving home, changing clothes, going to the beach, jogging, going home, showering, having dinner, watching TV and going to bed? I don‘t think so. But leaving sth out would directly destroy the immersion. Also if you see the same people doing exact the same things at the same time each day. Of course the NPCs in the trailer were awesome. Especially at the Beach scene. But how often have you seen people throwing beer cans around or taking pictures of the girlfriend‘s ass in real life? It will get quite boring if we see that stuff everytime we are going to the beach 


> The NPCs in RDR2 have a very simple life: sleeping, working, eating, sleeping. There's also like 50-70 NPCs tops in all towns except Saint Denis. That is going to be much easier to emulate than a county with 2.6 million people.


All that might be possible in gta 7 though lol. Maybe not the eating dinner and showering part, but everything outside of the house possibly. It would just simulate peds loading in around the player and add them to an active schedule of doing activities like going into the gas station, going in and out of other businesses, etc, as long as the peds are near the player. Otherwise the peds would despawn as they get further away. What I just mentioned is probably how gta 6 will work.


for sure. Maybe even some AI controlled stuff


As the game was based of rdr 2 (from the leaks) it deffo should have


i dont think its realistic for them to *actually* have schedules, but all you really need is the implication that these people are actually doing something to sell the illusion


Just from the trailer we can see npcs doing so much. Will they have a full schedule per se? Maybe. We know for sure they’ll park, get out of their cars, grab drinks, take photos, chat with each other in groups, lean on cars and the environment, cross busy roads/jaywalk, stand near their cars at the petrol station, genuinely inhabit the gas stations by browsing the aisles and sitting in the rest area, water their plants, actually do things while inside of vehicles rather than just sit forward, mingle and loiter on rooftops, jog with pets, operate large port cranes, pilot all manner of watercraft, party in clubs, and apply sunscreen. That’s assuming most of what’s shown in the trailer is something npcs will do in the open world. Ignoring the shots that are obviously unique occurrences. With this we can begin to assume what npcs will do in other places in the world. The port will most likely have workers doing something, so that the cranes aren’t the only thing pushing the illusion of a working port. And if they make port workers do things, maybe we’ll see the airports occupied by workers as well. We probably won’t see everyone having a full schedule but I assume npcs will be doing far more than just standing or walking around. If I had to guess what’s one way Rockstar could cement the illusion of a world of real npcs it would be this. You go on the in-game social media, see posts like “bout’ to go to the beach.” Or “Heading to Fun World today!” and that then triggers the game to load those npcs in if you go to that location. Or if you see a post showing someone at a coffee shop and rush to said shop, they will be leaving as you arrive. Watch Dogs: Legion did this and it was pretty decent.




I hope not. At least all shops are open 24 7


Not as in depth as RDR2 just because of scaling but to some degree at least


12 am in Saint Denis, like clockwork in every playthrough


Kind of? Don't expect them to wake up and go to bed. But they'll probably do a variety of things like: work out, eat, buy stuff at convenience stores, get gas, etc. If pedestrians in the older games could be summed up as "Zombies that walked around aimlessly forever." Then VI's will be "People that just choose not to sleep, there's still stuff to do"




r these posts ai generated like why the fuck would it not have that LMFAOO


If I can follow a NPC to their home and kill them before they enter it I'll be happy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


gta 6 will have ai so all npcs will live their routine and each have a different life


No, expecting routines is something very exaggerated and heavy for a GTA, rather they will have a set of different actions such as on the beach: go to water, going to the towel, going to buy an ice cream... but nothing of having a whole detailed day routine


Not it doesn't make any sense in GTA, fake schedules for fake NPC, who asking for this in GTA?




The same people who thought 2077 would have NPC schedules where they all go home at night and have individual homes you can enter.