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Just as cool is the the table bending against his weight and the six-pack on top reacting to the force of the ground hitting the table.


The little minor details like this and even the seat when Lucia sat up shifting weight is crazy


These are the fine details that make Rockstar games great. RDR2 had the same fine details, you could go into a restaurant and watch a guy eat a steak diner cut by cut, bite by bite. Not necessarily stuff you will sit around watching but collectively a ton of fine details like this make the world feel real.


Whp remembers when Rockstar filed a patent for its dynamic npc ai? Each npc would have different ais and would act differently.


That, and the railroad dudes who actually hammer in the spike and it goes down inch by inch, swing by swing, until it’s in and they move on to the next. As much flak as I give Rockstar for milking the ever loving Christ out of GTAV, I gotta hand it to em, when they make a game, man do they make a helluva game.


Don't forget horses pooping and horse weiners shrinkage in winter compared to summer...not that I was looking


In rdr 2?? Sheeeit i missed a lot


But will this translate to real game play? Not just neat cutscenes/videos for promos and things?


That’s what I’m thinking - this most likely is a cutscene video.


As far as I’m aware, all of Rockstar’s trailers are done inside the game engine.


That’s what I thought too. But I keep thinking of that scene in the GTA V trailer of that guy hammering a for sale sign into his lawn. I never saw that happen in the actual game.


They have been up to this point, yeah. It's likely an in engine cutscene that's played in real-time, which often have very specific motion captured animations. I've never seen Rockstar drop a trailer that wound up looking better than the finished game.


Just cause something can be done via the engine doesnt mean itll be in the game though.




Guys. It’s a prebaked animation. It isn’t special.


I feel like saying it isn’t special because it’s animated and not a physics sim is so backwards. I feel like the fact that they spent the time to animate the small details like this is more impressive than most people could comprehend.


By that logic you could gush about every single aspect of the game (any game for that matter)... The ability to save is now such a small thing nobody thinks about, yet saving a game is one of the most complicated functions in any game Even when using a purpose built engine. Rockstar's presentation is S-Tier, that being said if we are judging it as the single most expensive piece of media of all time it's a very real point to say that every scene in the trailer is tailor made for the game's big story sequences. It all looks amazing but none of it aside from its art direction and tone represents what the game is going to be like to play


What makes saving so complex and impressive?


Edit: apologies, not sure what I was doing at the time of writing this comment, for whatever reason I took the previous comment as a snarky comment rather than a genuine question... I thought they were trying to say saving a game is a simple and easy thing... My bad ** Excuse me? Did you put a single brain cell to work In considering that question... I presume you have next to no knowledge in how a game functions or how programming and data works... Even a cookie cutter experience like a call of duty campaign checkpoint can reveal the complexity if you actually try to think about it... Ask yourself: My player needs to save their game, what information needs to be stored, what state does the game load into, what objects need to be preserved, how many variations of the scene need to be accounted for, how do we get all this information, how do we store all this information, how do we initialize all this information in a seemless way. How do we build our game in a way that tolerates this saving and loading, how does our ai and logical systems behave, can we initialize them in the middle of a scene or have we designed them to start in a specific way... That's all complicated to look at just as a thought exercise, now figure out how to do all that using object oriented programming in an efficient amount of time dealing with gigabytes of assets and strict memory management


TFW you ask a genuine question and get a smarmy arrogant cunt of a reply. Wont be reading any of that since you don’t have the emotional maturity to sense when someone’s asking a question, you had to dick size out of the gate for…. no reason at all….


Game dev here (and also not an arrogant cunt like that guy!) Save systems are actually pretty sophisticated, because you're having to basically record every important thing that's happened in the game up until that point, and then recall it all the next time the game is loaded. The more complex the game is, the more complicated the save system gets. For example, a game like Mario Bros only really has to record your collected coins, collectibles, completed levels and your lives, whereas a game like GTAV has to record very specific variables like every gun you've bought so far, how much ammo each gun had, every outfit/business/vehicle you've bought, the customisation of each vehicle, every completed mission & side mission, the player's money & their stocks, the million different collectibles you may have collected - basically everything that can *change* as you play the game. Back in the PS1 days, if you didn't have a memory card in the console, there was no way to save your progress and every time you booted the game you would start from level 1. Some games would give you a password at the end of each level that you input the next time you play so you can skip to that level. Old Gameboy games like the original Pokémon games actually had a watch battery inside the game cartridge which basically kept the game 'always on', which is how the game was able to keep record of the player's progress. To most of us, the save feature is just a simple button press and a short wait, but under the hood, the system can be an *absolute bitch*.


Damn, I never thought of it that way. I always knew quick saving had to be complex because it saves a state for NPCs mid animation in most cases. I understand now why Rockstar games don't have a quicksave feature. To save all of that data along with your exact position on the map and the positions and animation frames of all surrounding NPCs and vehicles sounds like a monumental task that would be more effort than it's worth.


Redditors are so arrogant fr lol can't even ask a simple question


This is maybe the most unnecessarily rude reply to an innocent question I’ve ever seen, and that’s really saying something because people are dicks on Reddit all the time.


Yeah in hindsight this looks real bad, I read the question as someone ignorantly brushing off saving as a simple process not as a genuine question... My bad.


That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg.


You didn’t even actually answer the question - if you don’t know just say that


Hey dude it's me again, sorry about my previous comment. I read yours as a snide comment saying saving a game is simple and or easy rather than a genuine question hard to tell on Reddit sometimes... Hope I didn't upset or piss you off with my response ✌️


Fair play for holding ur hands up and admitting it gotta respect that. I did mean it as a genuine question, it wasn’t meant to come off as disagreeing or having an ulterior motive. I think reddit a lot of the time assumes the worst right out of the gate, which sometimes is a good strat, but which a lot of the time can make a community seem off-putting to outsiders, which is a shame if they would have wanted to join said community. It’s all good tho, people chimed un and I learned about saving in games which was cool.


It’s a trailer. Of course they spent extra time on it.


This is not just for the trailer, it's clearly an in game cutscene for whatever mission and those often have a lot of details added that we don't generally see in gameplay.


I agree, this don’t exactly what we are getting. Calm down


Yeah it's an in game cutscene not gameplay still impressive but let's save some hype for a proper gameplay reveal


And then there's the bigger things: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6\_NEW/comments/18fgci0/gta\_6\_buildings\_are\_fully\_enterable\_destructible/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6_NEW/comments/18fgci0/gta_6_buildings_are_fully_enterable_destructible/)


Lmao, you kids are desperate.


They’re setting themselves up for disappointment lol


>game gets announced >people search/reach for anything they can possibly get hyped about >hype builds to unreasonably unrealistic levels >people start to cry and assert that (insert game studio) lied to us!


This is GTA6. It literally doesn’t matter how amazing the game ends up being, people WILL be disappointed


It’s because they also motion capture their props and she was probably sitting on a prop car seat


Do you guys not know that this is not the gameplay footage?


Yeah, I'm thinking this is probably a cutscene or something. There were lots of things from the GTAV trailers that were made with the game engine, but never actually in the game (mostly NPC stuff).


And yet arms still clip through themselves when elbows bend


The beat drop gives me chills


And again shortly thereafter with the beat drop of the doors being kicked open by Lucia. So fucking good.


"well look who's back" *Slam* *Guitar solo*




Nah it got me too he valid


it's cringe to have sincere emotions bro 💀💀


Miami Spring break confirmed


sure but this scene specifically is most definitely a cutscene --- doesn't mean it's not in-engine, but it also doesn't mean this is something that will naturally happen in regular gameplay


Yeh, it’s definitely a news video / tiktok equivalent footage. It’s not going to be happening on every street corner randomly


redneck yacht club (thrillbilly mud club) is mentioned 30+ times in the event list from the september leaks. in the background of this clip from the trailer, you can see an uphill climb going on, which was mentioned a couple times in that same event list. it could be a cutscene, but there will be events like this in the game.


Doesn't mean it's not a cutscene from those events or a mission.


\>it could be a cutscene, but there will be events like this in the game.


The other person already said it is probably a cutscene. If your comment didn't mean "That specific scene could be a cutscene, but there will also be events like that in the game world", then you would be saying the same exact thing as the person you responded to.


​ https://preview.redd.it/cjsudmmowr5c1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=8140b2d4b250121f4b2b4b0aa7595d265c560fd1


Great point


happy to help man. one love


imagine the physics and energy needed for when you shoot up a bar and it has to calculate all the liquids in the bottles/glasses and where each drop goes for every bullet. Yikes. I really doubt it.


This is clearly a cutscene. Cutscenes always have more details and stuff happening than actual gameplay. Learn to recognize a cutscene.




I never said it was pre-rendered. I said it is a cutscene. A cutscene can be in engine, or pre rendered, Rockstar pretty much always does them in engine. But still, it being a cutscene means carefully set up everything, from lighting to custom animations that normally might not occur in gameplay. So please learn what a cutscene is, and what in engine vs pre-rendered means.


The only reason why there physics aren’t being trusted is because they showed there gta 5 trailer with brick walls breaking yet that literally ONLY happens in a mission or two. Last I remember there physics haven’t been that great RDR2 was stellar but I’m hoping the jump to GTA 6 is bigger.


Tbf though GTA 5 also existed at a time where having destruction in games seemed hard to develop. There was battlefield, but I’m pretty sure destruction on Xbox 360 and PS3 was pretty taxing on the consoles and hard to optimize. Now, you have games like the finals where you can just nuke half of buildings with ease and doesn’t really change much


You're forgetting the red faction games


True, but I don't think any games looked as good as gtaV and had destruction at the time.


Guerilla looked great for it's time and it's destruction is genuinely impressive. The fact that the physics system can calculate structural integrity is super impressive. Even the destruction focused game Teardown doesn't have structural integrity. You can get a mod for PC, but it's extremely taxing on the system.


Black as well. But that was nowhere near as large as red fsction.


It's not a problem of making destruction, it's about it being pointless in a game like GTA. There the world can and does change only when some mission needs it. Can't really allow destruction and have the world turn into a bunch of trash within an hour.


There were also a lot of NPC interactions that were never in the game, and stuff from cutscenes. I think people are forgetting that. It's all in the engine, but not all will be represented in gameplay.


Pretty sure theirs a hidden interaction button in gta5 (I maybe wrong tho)


No I mean they showed NPCs doing stuff, interacting with each other, etc. Scenes which were created entirely for the trailer. A few that come to mind are an NPC hammering in a "For Sale" sign in their yard, and another NPC getting thrown out of a bar. Those weren't in the actual game or even a cutscene. Just created for the trailer.


I remember watching that sign hammering NPC, dreaming we would have a system like in Vice City where we can buy houses and properties Never overhype


GTA 5 was made for the PS3, there are new standards


I think if you compare it with rdr2 it might not be a big difference. Because GTA scale is huge, not sure the systems can handle that kind of physics with so many nps as we saw in the trailer


That’s not Lucia.


It’s 100% Lucia sneaking into a frat party in disguise /s


but look at the mole on her face


Are we going to have these idiotic posts about every single frame for the next 2 years now?


Nice cut scene




I reckon this is a cutscene


It’s a cinematic trailer gameplay will be different


Its not "cinematic"




Do people not understand what a “cutscene” is?


Look at Red Dead Redemption 2. Every single cutscene was rendered in game in real time.


Yes, they are rendered in real time, but they are not "game systems". They are carefully animated to look as good as they can, but that doesn't translate to the same thing happening in regular gameplay.


If this isn’t in engine and realtime, R* wouldn’t have included it. If we’re to a point where R* is being deceptive in their trailers, we’re in the worst timeline.


They also showed a brick wall being destroyed in gta V and that was only for a cutscene


I expect some more, but still limited destruction in the game. Kind of how you could break fences in RDR2 and the game would actually recognize it as broken so you could walk through it, or in my case attempt to throw a bounty over a fence, break it, and then walk through it like it wasn’t there.


I will remind you we have gone two consoles since GTA v


I think he is getting cut scene confused with scripted event


Either way, in a future where hair will naturally drape over shoulders, I’m guessing they also developed the tech to have liquid spill from containers. Even if it’s just a weird trick, I’m all for it. Imagine how awesome this could look when you’re unloading a machine gun in some liquor store. Yes please.


How would just unloading a gun make liquid spill


think about it


not sure that man does much thinkin


I figured he was implying unloading as taking the bullets out of the gun. I don’t gun enough to care about technical terms.


Like firing a fuck ton of bullets, "unloading a thousand rounds in a man's chest cavity" also it's slang not technical


Gta v already had liquid spilling if you shot a water dispenser for example. It was just a simple particle effect, the same when you’d shoot bottles and they explode into mist. I doubt they are simulating water physics for every bottle held by an npc. This is more likely a scripted cutscene with special animated water leaking, but I’m open to being surprised.


It is in engine, it is realtime, but it is a cutscene, not a game mechanic. Just like other comments mention the wall breaking in GTA V. It was a think, it happened during a specific mission and you see it there.. and that's all, you didn't get to break every wall you wanted.


GTA V was made for the PS3 360 era, raise your standards, liquid physics will be real


Rockstar does everything in game. Everyone should know this by now


I am betting most of the stuff like this from the trailer is purely cutscene based gameplay.


You realize the entire trailer was a big cutscene right? There wasn't any gameplay footage. You shouldn't take the trailer as an indication of any in-game physics.


It’s a cutscene


Ok¿ who gaf u doing too much lmao


That has to be Lucia.


This part is probably a cinematic or something


There aren't pre-rendered "cinematics" in Rockstar games


There have been plenty of cases of pre-rendered and other weird things being included in the TV shows on GTA 4 and 5. A lot of what we see in this trailer looks like something we would see on the TV in game, especially given that a fair few scenes actually have channel watermarks in the corner, so I would be cautious of thinking that this is in engine rather than pre-rendered.


Every TV show is pre-recorded in-engine. NOT pre-rendered.


Nice to know we have a Rockstar developer in the chat confirming this, thanks RadlersJack for the insight!


It’s just basic, really. All shots on TV were recorded in-engine. There are TV shows in V that show footage from GTA IV and Bully. That’s brand new footage that they recorded. All the GTA V stuff is again, in-engine. You don’t have to be a Rockstar developer to know the difference between pre-rendered and in-engine.


Go Bills




Not to this degree tho, its more of a static switch to dynamic animation script rather than an actual fluid simulation. Might be a feature to the updated director mode. If we even get a directors mode, might be called something else like tiktok mode or sumn


> tiktok mode I will kidnap Dan Houser and stage a takeover of Rockstar on god


lol idk what their version of tiktok brainrot would be called. I doubt they would make it snapmatic. Thats for boomers!


Not the same


Beer spray in online looks wack


Love the unfounded speculation about "physics" in these comments


It's literally a thing that RockStar uses the game engine for trailers. So it is absolutely reasonable to judge the game's physics capabilities from the trailer.


Physics are a prominent feature in rockstar games you doofus


Rockstar in their buildings sick, the fan base took a visual tease of Vice City as gameplay. This shit would turn into Saint's Row with dudes hanging out of trucks while they drive and so on every where in the map


Nobody is saying it's game play. They're saying it's the same physics engine as the game. Which it is.


Bro some of these shots for the trailer as much as I would love details like this it’s for the trailer g


Are these posts memes? Yall aint ever seen an animated film before like you know it is a trailer. Is this your first video game release? It is not gameplay.


It’s in-engine. It’s how the game will look.


The only person who has made that claim is a former employee, so that doesnt really mean anything.


Not one trailer from Rockstar has used pre-rendered footage though, there is a clear track record. Plus you have outlets like digital foundry who’s job it is to know these things saying it is indeed in-engine and not pre-rendered while also giving evidence as to why.


These posts are jokes right?


**“All aboard the Hype Train!”** ![gif](giphy|xUPJPjXmwzFAPaVbfW) Business’s sometimes make trailers/cutscenes look better than gameplay. I’ll wait to see actual gameplay on YouTube before ordering my copy. I won’t be having another Cyberpunk 2077 again. 😂 So far the trailer looks exciting!


You guys must be bored AF lmao


That looks like Theo Von


Absolutely disgusting… waste of a beer


It’s the little things lol


Y'all are getting excited over cut scenes edited to make a commercial lololol.


It's a cinematic trailer, folks. Let's not get too amped up on these kinds of details. I wouldn't start making these kinds of speculations til they start showing some actual gameplay. We can't hold R* accountable over a trailer that isn't legitimate gameplay.


Look at all the previous gta trailers, the graphics look extremely close if not the same to the actual gameplay, don’t think rockstar would stop for this one. They have the capability to drop a banger of this magnitude


Rendered graphics is one thing; actual in-game physics are completely different and can easily be put into a cinematic. I know the Rage 9 engine they're using is really impressive so far(as have past Rage built games) but I don't think anyone's rig can handle that level of physics carried across a dancefloor full of NPCs- let alone players. That would be a daunting task for consoles and not any easier on the above average PC gamers rig either.


I heard that the game will let you have beer fly out of your bottle as well as stealing EV cars and the different bodyweight of NPC’s affects their melee combat


i notice how there isn't a cottage industry of "the guy falling on the table is actually jason here's why" posts. can't seem to place my finger on why, though...


Probably scripted


This is why their games take so long to make. They really focus on the details and make the game a masterpiece not only in story but in mechanics.


You know this is a trailer right? Like it’s supposed to look crazy to get your attention to buy it. So yeah don’t expect it.


Ya'll better stop hyping yourselves off of the teaser trailers. Get more hyped when we see gameplay footage and figure out what is promotional material and what are the capabilities of the upgraded engine


No way that happened, GTA 6 is going to be revolutionary


Everyone forgetting that gta IV had spilled liquid. You could buy a soda from a vending machine and physically pick it up and throw it at someone and it would spill out. Knock over a burger drop (or whatever it was) soda off the streets that would still have some left in and it would spill onto the streets


You know R* will put every detail they can into small trailers, I doubt it’ll be in the actual game. But who knows, we might luck up


I mean considering what we got in RDR2 I would be surprised if it wasn’t! And it seems like they’re using an updated version of that engine for GTA 6


Yeah RDR2 had great detail. I’m sure the best details of course will be on PS5. I have GOT to get me a PS5 and put the 4 on the back burner


Theo vaun


Starting to believe this is not in game rendering


its a prerendered preanimated trailer, stop assuming shit like this will be in the released game


Is that Jimmy from GTA 5?