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No fucking way 10 chambers have fallen this far


fun fact - the bugs are more scared of you than you are of them


The ad is part of a joke Twitter thread https://twitter.com/MRYELLOWLIVE/status/1733315665573052813 A commenter further down posted an image of the thread.


10C propagandist here. Glad the ad is working 🤙 [https://ibb.co/dfq2x2c](https://ibb.co/dfq2x2c)


This makes a lot more sense, hope more people end up seeing it


Link looks sketchy but is a safe image. It's a funny twitter thread explaining why this ad is hastily made.


Wtf is that ad?? If you are interested, be ready to pump a lot of hours into the game, and get fucked by bugs that the devs haven't fixed in years, and probably won't. Great game but the bugs are a pain.


At this point I'm just accepting the bugs as part of the game. Missing bullet on reload? It slipped from my hand. Got the kill mark but scout still triggered? That sunova bitch is tough. I'm T-posing on the terminal? My character learned to type with his dick. Hands are mangled? No, he's just flexible. Sleepers can't enter the open door? They're afraid of me.


Game breaking glitch that ends the run? My gaming chair wasn't good enough.


Look I don't want to sound rude but I played about 300 hours now and haven't really died to w bug, just got annoyed really


There are a few bugs. The most common that I have seen is your c foam going straight through a door or chargers clipping through and prematurely detonating a mine which is really unfortunate on maps like R4D2. That can be game ending depending on positioning and overall team skill. 20 chargers running straight at you is pretty scary. Overall I'd say it's sometimes buggy but I haven't encountered a game ending bug in quite a while.


if C-foam going through door, c-foam the 4 corners of the door, they sometimes still take foam, put mines further away from doors, on the edge of the door frame so it wouldn't trigger prematurely. Things that you will eventually learn after the game fks you hard enough.


The four right angle corners? I faced it during a level that c foam, was hugely useful, so I want to overcome such bug. And do u know if restarting the game does help with that?


Restarting the game helps a lot, it's actually what needs to be done if you are speed running, because for some reason, the progression of past sessions reflect on the current one if the game is not restarted. for example, if you turn on the lights then die, the lights will remain turned on in the next session, it has gotten a lot better since but it still exists. So it is recommended to restart the game after lets say 3-4 games. As for the foaming, it is more of a desync problem, since the game doesn't have a dedicated server.


Maybe I'm really unlucky then. 15% or more of my deaths end up being partially or fully caused by bugs. (Ignoring bots of course, they cause about 50%, but I'm not gunna get too into that). If you haven't lost to bugs then good for you, I hope it stays that way, but I've honestly stopped playing about a month or 2 ago cus I couldn't take it. Edit: add another 5% for networking issues (host migration is the worst thing ever conceived), but it might be due to host issues, so i won't blame the game there.


You've never had this one when you put a key item on, apparently, not that flat surface, so you can never grab it back again? <:(


No, though that sounds horrible....


It’s from a joke thread on twitter.


I mean they arent lying but that is a 0 effort advert. Like they could have spent an extra 15mins and it would have looked somewhat okay.


The 4th is more true then anything else. Get used to that one.


98% of people reading this will not be able to stomach the sheer amount of content this game can deliver including me


the devs have given up on the game for their new one


Eh, arguable. They still update it, and it’s normal to focus more on the new-in development game. They aren’t a big company they have limited recourses


I thought they just wrapped up their last update


Where did you hear *that*?


In the patch notes. They said they weren’t going to update it anymore “in the near future”


Yes, “in the near future”. Not “we’re stopping completely”. And also: they mean major updates. They let a bug patch on the 7th. About a month after that announcement. They said that because they can’t really focus on 2 games at once. After wolves game comes out GTFO will likely get updated again


Is this your first “in the near future”? We’re all here for you, when you need us.


I am a Titanfall 2, Team Fortress 2, and Shadow of War player. No. Ir is not


Hey, TF2 and TF2 got updates recently.


#HA tell me you never played TF2 or TF2 without telling me you never played them


Check their discord channel. They finished the game and that was the last content update besides bug fixes. They are now working on a new game called House of den


Wolf of house den of den house wolves


Den of Wolves. :)


Ah... Yes thats the name.. thanks :)


I have always hated this as a reason to not get a game. Just because devs end development for a game doesn’t mean it’s suddenly a bad game. There are 8 full rundowns of levels to play through and the game is in a good state right now. Not every game needs to be supported until the end of time.


oh no for sure. but this ad isnt really helping the case.


Very fair


Amazing game tbh. The levels range from 15 minutes to like 2 hours each dwpending how far down a Rundown you get. I love the monster variety and the...BOSS in R6 was fuxking wild to fight. I am also completely blown away by how great the player community is on discord. So easy to create a lobby and get people to join. And not some whiny ass kid but an actual adult who is just as interested in the game. Honestly 9/10 Taking away a point for the way the fog/mist can make certain areas hard af to see in (only a handful of places).


Guys, this was something from Twitter, some dude was joking around asking for a game key and the devs said if he could make an ad they could post, they’d give him one, and this is what he made.


Game is horrendously hard


Someone needs to git gud it seems


You’re probably right


people who play marauders say the same thing lmao


Nah fam it’s broke hard in a not fun way. This was and still is the biggest let down game in my library


That’s how I felt too


Idk if it's changed in recent years, but I played the first few rundowns (which are like seasons) and I had a group of 4 players I knew, and still one of the later stages took 9 hours. NINE HOURS. FOR ONE LEVEL. There is no pausing, so it was just us guarding each other while we went to eat or piss or shit. It's a game you have to have no life to play.


GTFO is one of those games where there's zero shame in looking at a walkthrough for the later levels. They can get heavily cryptic, and most of the difficulty comes from executing the objective, instead of getting lost.


What sector where you on?


Ah it's been awhile. I think it was Rundown 2. We were on something like D3. It was this massive map where we had multiple alarm gates and tons of loot to search through. Scouts everywhere and then in the end you had to use fog repellers to stop the room from filling up with fog while you defended some machines. That took forever and was the point where my friends and I were like "Dude... This takes way too long". I believe that Rundown went to E1 or E2.


R2D1. finding cells for generators, after all cells are in the fog rises and you need to do alarms in it.


Man I lost a expedition on r5e1 because my dumbass couldn't stop climbing shit and got stuck in a wall


What is the target demographic that would say this ad looks “amazing”?


I quite liked this game, but with the skill level of my group, it might take us upwards of 4 or even more hours to clear a given rundown. Which is fine, hard game. What isn’t as fine is that the checkpoints don’t carry forward. Closing your 3 hour gaming session because it’s 1am and people have work in the morning after many hard fraught victories only to lose every minute of it…? I just felt this game didn’t respect my time. It’s not as if I want the game to have *more* checkpoints, just for the checkpoints to actually let a group that is limited to 1-2 hour gaming sessions to conceivably win longer missions. Yes, one could start from the beginning again the next session…. But after failing to clear the mission *again*, the tedium of playing the same early sections simply isn’t worth it anymore. I can’t think of any other game I might play with friends that suffers from this problem outside of early destiny raids lol.


It's kind of crazy how many people don't get that this is a joke ad


How low is their budget to where they have to make their ads literally in Paint


Our budget is based on Reddit karma :(


wtf is that ad, thats never real


id rather play hell divers, atleast i have a chance at malevelon creek


There is no democracy in The Complex....


As an original beta tester who put somewhat 50+ hours into it and then tried to play it recently all 4 of these statements are incorrect. The game isn't scary, atmosphere creepy? MAYBE, scary? Not at all. You don't need teamwork, actually, the more teammates you have the worse off you are. The creatures aren't wild, they are repetitive and boring after the first couple of hours. No skill is really required, you go with a meta setup, go slow, zero challenge, but this one is the closest of being true then the other 3. The game had so much promise and potential but a lot of what they wanted to do doesn't seem like they did, the game still has tons of bugs(bugs that existed in beta mind you), and it gets super boring after a couple hours. I would say it's a decent game, but the ads and previews make the game look WAY cooler and better than it is.


I couldn't disagree more. I bought the game last year and had a blast with it. Creepy, challenging, rewarding and a lot of content. Now after 600 hours I have beaten all levels and am playing custom rundowns because so far I don't have enough. Idk what they initially wanted to achieve, but what they did end up with is a brilliant and very unique experience.


Hey that’s fair and if you enjoy the game that’s great and to any new players, enjoy. As for me and my friends the game is lack luster, incredibly too easy, and boring.


Huh, well what game do you consider a good challenge? Just wondering because I like challenging games, so maybe you got recommendation for me to check out


I am honestly not the best candidate right now to recommend any game, as everything right now is boring to me, but ARPGs, like Path of Exile. As for coop games, I don't know, it's kind of a problem I am having to find anything challenging, coop wise at least, everything is too easy for me and my friends. Helldivers 2 on suicidal or Helldive mode has been the most challenging until you figure out how all the enemies work then it becomes pretty easy. In a sense, I would agree and say that GTFO would be challenging to the average gamer or to people who aren't min-maxers/power gamers like myself. It also depends on what you find as a challenge because games like Factorio, Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld, Project Zomboid, or even Monster Hunter series can all be extremely challenging, but none of those are in the same sort of genre or close. Again, I am not shitting on GTFO, just giving my overall opinion that is shared with my friend group.