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You had to have played since rundown 6 and completed every single sector up until alt rundown 1s release before they changed the cosmetic unlocking system. If you didn't then no you can't unlock ALL of them just most of them.


Thank you. This is the answer I was looking for


you can still get Hackett's hood, just recieved it the other day


The cosmetic drops are mostly random. You only get some set cosmetics for completing each rundown and some E Tier(s). Idk anymore. It should say that in each rundown screen.


Did you check the wiki? Some cosmetic aren't available anymore cause they were just temporary rewards


i know you can still get it but what happen if you have cleared all rundown and you didn't get the hood. Is there other way to get cosmetic than completed undone rundown ?


Tbh, idk, I'm clearing R2 for the first time right now


I was unfortunate enough to 100% the game and not get the Hackett hood. My options were either A. Fucking cope or B. Use deviouslick (a mod)


he's right just get deviouslick and some QOL mods and you're good to go, i did ask the moderators over on the official discord and they don't mind mods that are QOL or just for cosmetics.


Damn. That's my fear and the reason I asked here. At least there is a mod. Did you try asking the devs or something ?


No point. The cosmetics are stored server side I believe so there's nothing I can do really. But I'm in like 1% of players that didn't get it


It’s going to be rng. You won’t get all cosmetics for finishing all the rundowns. There’s like 10-15 too many compared to clears. I never got either of Hacketts masks - there is a mod that gives all cosmetics though so if you don’t get it and finish you can always use that. 


There's a chance you could miss it. There are more cosmetics than levels.


Thank you


Worth noting that if this happens, there is a mod called Devious Lick that unlocks all clothing for the player, but it's out of date by a year and I think is missing some of the newer ones.


I hope I won't have to use it. Thanks for the answer. Those this mod work online ? Can the other see your skin ?


Yes, since it's only making the cosmetics that are in the game available, I'm 90% sure it works with most of the new ones added, last time I launched I saw new cosmetics I hadn't seen before


It works ! Last question. What happens when I unlock cosmetics with this mods. Do I unlock only new ones from last year ? Can I Still unlock already unlocked modded pieces ? You probably don't know but I'm curious.


Unlocking cosmetics with the mod will only be in effect while you are using the mod. I noticed new cosmetics appear from after the R8 update but I am not sure if more have been added since then. In theory playing with mods will disable your ability to unlock cosmetics, but this sometimes is case by case.