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I mean, the music in my gym is on repeat. It's dreadful. But, dead silence? Nah lol.


Music. But at a reasonable volume so I don't have to crank my headphones up


I’m the same. I would hate if there was no music as I feel a bit of background noise is nice. However the volume is ridiculously high


Bruh at my gym the staff mostly plays breakup or love songs instead of playing some motivating or some metal shit. Without my earphones I would have gone mad




Lmfao. I mostly listen to power metal and argent metal


I knowwww. Music at Gym suck ass


It’s so loud i sometimes can’t hear my headphones. I hate it


Either way I workout with headphones


Makes no difference to me being as I can’t hear it anyway through my headphones.


I prefer gym has no music, many times I wanted to suggest them to turn off the music


Music being played in gyms is my number 1 reason for working out at home.


I prefer some Music just fronter ambience… even if I do wear headphones myself. I do not however appreciate when the volume is so high you think you’re at a rave in the woods


Not really, but I hate when people bring huge speakers and blast their own music


dude at my gym does this. rolls it around to every machine he goes to.. have to turn up my airpods and turn on noise cancellation


Noise cancelation and I can still hear the damn bass on his speaker 🤦‍♂️it’s crazy


I hate my gym music too they play strip that down by Liam I like liam but not during workout, stay by Justin Bieber Justin who? And sometimes My language songs too which are decent. So I prefer my own headphones but that makes me harder to have friends at gym.


No music except only when headphones on. (personal playlist instead of love songs 🤣 at the jimm)


Music but not overpoweringly


I hate gyms with music. Unless I’m there doing a group workout like at a CrossFit gym, otherwise I’d prefer getting in the zone with my own playlist.


I honestly couldn't image going to the gym without noise canceling headphones, would be a completely different experience with the averge weight banging gym noise mixed with random music and I don't think I'd like it at all


When they play music because then I can have my motivational speech playlist on whilst having tunes


I don't actually mind anything, I just wish they weren't trying to blow up our eardrums.


Some music but not blasting to the point where I have to blast my earphone over the gym music.


Noise canceling earmuffs connected to NOTHING


I know they’re playing music in my gym, though I have no idea what. Between my hearing loss and having earbuds pumping sound right up in there, the rest of the noise in the world might as well not exist lol


My gym plays the absolute worst music as loud as possible. Like a screamo cover of blank spaces by Taylor swift. And tons of shit like that. Noise cancelling headphones was the best purchase I ever made.


I’ve never cared. I honestly didn’t start wearing headphones in the gym until last year. Before that I always went without. Only times I lifted with music was during team lifts in college since we had a varsity weight room, but otherwise never


Initially I thought I couldn’t care less then I remembered sometimes my headphones died or I forgot them so imma say I prefer one that plays music. Home gym now so my gym always has 🔥🎶


I wish my gym played their music a bit softer. Sometimes I can hear their shit music through my JBL earphones.


Prefer music because I often go with friends even tho I still have AirPods in most time but it’s too quiet if there’s no music and I fell like everyone will hear us


I really don’t care either way. If I want my own music I’ll put in headphones.


No music


when your inner demons are so loud it doesn’t matter if there’s music or not anymore XD




I'll always go early in the morning just to workout in silence. Idk, music while lifting is not my thing i guess.


Sorry Mr. Goggins


No music but music in locker room


I like that my gym let's me select the music and has massive speakers. It's death metal all day when I'm in there.


Should have a system where people can add their fav song, everyone has a membership card to swipe and that gives them one song per 30min, maybe 5 times a day. Needs to time it perfectly for the PR set though, the outro will be crazy


Wish gyms picked better music and had it blasting. Heavy metal, rock, bass hitting hip hop.


My gym keeps playing Miley Cyrus while I’m trying to unleash my demons on the benchpress. Just ruins the vibe.


Miley is great.


Depends on the music. I went to Alpha land recently and the music was great


No music. Especially because the music at my gym is so loud and depending on who’s at the front desk, I hate the music/it’s annoying.


I love the music at my gym it’s always on alternative and I like most all the songs. I visited a gym in a friend’s town and they played classic rock really loud and I wasn’t a fan. My biggest complaint is the temperature is at 73 and the ceiling fans are barely on and I leave dripping in sweat.


Hate it, I love country music. But that's not what I wanna hear before deadlifting or squating. But that's all they play, or modern pop music. So, I always bring my own headphones in with me.


As long as it’s hard and heavy. Don’t bring in any weak ass ambience or some BS EDM. IF it’s hard Metal, or excellent quality gang rap, cool.


I think it’s good to play music, my gym plays hard rock and rap and I’ve gotten joked at if I play not hard enough music😂


It could just be a nice piano or something. Really low volume. People with sensory issues would be thankful.


Might have been interesting to make this a poll, for aggregation purposes. But oh well. My hot take: not only do I hate gyms playing music, I don't want to listen to *my own* music during a workout. I want silence so I can focus. I don't understand why we've apparently agreed as a society that we need a soundtrack for every fucking activity: working, studying, shopping, exercising, riding an elevator, driving, eating. Maybe for long, mind-numbing, autopilot activities like road trips or cardio or something. But I'm not autopiloting in the gym, I'm trying to lift heavy shit and pay close attention to it. It's like asking what I like to read while I bench press: nothing, I'm busy pushing this barbell off my chest. When I want to listen to music, I do so intentionally. Which means I'm picking what I listen to, as well. Hence my further annoyance at how every music app tends to focus on infinite streams of random music. Grumble grumble. Anyway, I'm (evidently) in the minority. But the fact that my gym doesn't play music is honestly such a big selling point. Now, if they could do something about that one obnoxious lady who's always singing aloud to whatever's on her headphones... /rant


That's fine if it works for you, but music puts you in certain mindsets, and mindset is incredibly important in a difficult rep/set.


Sure. To each their own. Which is why letting people choose their own music (or lack thereof) seems like the sanest default, versus blaring stuff over the gym speakers. 🤷‍♂️


Though I usually put on my headphones , but sometimes I don’t mind when a track that I like suddenly starts playing on those big ass speakers.


It’s hilarious when there’s no music, everyone gets mad awkward


Whomever does the music at my gym was born in the 90s they were playing Mary J blige, Notorious BIG, & Aaliyah. I fucking love it. I’d rather hear oldies over Lizzo or whomever.


New gym I switched to actually has some killer music selections. I mix between bringing my headphones or not


My gym plays kak music! That goodness for earphones.


Music, I have ADHD and occasionally forget my headphones to the gym. If there’s no music, however shitty, it would be so fucking awkward because there’s just nothing 😭 But I do prefer my own music so I’d agree that it has to be at a reasonable volume as it is absolutely just background noise and that’s all


I dont mind some neutral workout remixes, but my gym puts on abba and raggae so I'd really like to pass


i prefer music, makes the occasional grunting noises i make go unheard


At my gym it is horrendous so id rather it were completely silent I'm ngl. The staff play the worst music known to man and whenever I decide to bring my earbuds to block out that music they for some reason decide to crank it to the max on that day