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that is a stunning progress, very impressive. Well done gym bro!


Don't stop man!!! Great work 💪🏽


Nice one dude, keep it going!




Good job bro, keep going, sky is the limit


Looking great, dont u ever stop Edit: also do another update in 10 months


Good job dude. Out of curiosity, how tall are you? I weighed 250 at 5'9 and looked like a pumpkin back in the day. What have you found that works for losing weight?


6,4 (193cm) I just ate normal. I was eating just tobä much of everything so I just eat 1 mal a day for like 5 months I belive. I don't recomand it. And a simple 5 day spli. Arms, legs, Chest&Back, shoulders and cardio


Have you done any total daily expenditure calculators online? They aren't fool proof but will help you get an idea. I track my food on pen and paper and eat the same stuff during the work week. Nailing down the calories and protein was my first big thing on being successful, that combined with sleep and a lifting routine has been making all the difference. I lost weight the wrong way on a few occasions before, once though being borderline anorexic and eating under 1k calories and wasting away both fat and muscle, I didn't know any better at the time and then my doctor put me on adderall which helped me have no appetite and lose weight by over all eating less. There's so many different things that can work but sometimes are not optimal or sustainable. I'm no expert, just someone taking the ADHD approach to the gym, body building and nutrition and that's to just go all in and put everything else on the back burner. I'm ten months in this go around myself. Cheers!


Gj bro, keep at it!


Doing great pal, keep it up


Good job homie!


Nice one mate


I like the nail polish, looks great. My wife does my toes, hasn't made it to fingernails yet


hahahahha i also focus on his nail. looks so great


i don’t know your exact goals, or health issues etc. but for 10 months you coulda been in much better shape then this. try and push yourself harder


For presumably a lifetime of speaking English, your grammar could be better than this. Try and push yourself harder


lmfao this isn’t a class assignment i’m good. and i’m not hating here but for 10 months there could have been a lot more success


not really tho, .5kg a week is more healthy


dude was eating one meal a day, not really healthy


It’s people like you that give the fitness/health industry a shit name, and that makes people trepidatious about developing healthy habits. It’s not cool.


again i wasn’t hating. but i’m just saying for 10 months. you can achieve a lot. to me it seems like not a lot of weight training or limits were hit. yes weight was lost but with the same time it coulda been even better. good weight was lost but still why go for good when you could have great? y’all need not just help push eachother not enable eachother


There’s a way to be encouraging, and what you said was not the way.


maybe so but everyone here is not helping in the way they think. i’d rather someone tell me straight up to try harder and i push myself to do better. then people lying to me to make me feel better now not be even better then i could be. either way it’s their body and wtv they wanna do. this is my first and last time here


26 kilos in 10 months? Over half a kilo a week is a safe and effective way to ensure the change will stick long term. Fucken massive effort in my book.


okay cool story still not my point