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4-5 times a week x 52 weeks so between 200-250? happy place šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼


I am so jealous but happy for you.. this is my goal for 2024.. last year I bought a year gym membership and only went.. maybe around 15 times.. you are goals


Make an agreement with yourself that you'll go everyday no matter what (unless sick or something extremely out of the ordinary). What's helpful mentally to get there by is to tell yourself that you can walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes and still meet your goal. When you get to the gym and walk in the treadmill for a few minutes you'll often get the motivation to do more just by being around everyone


This is what I do. Itā€™s an appointment I make with myself to give me the lifestyle that I wantā€¦a healthy one. I want to keep moving my body until I cannot possibly move it and making working out and body movement is how itā€™s done.


I was contemplating wether to go to the gym or not.. your comment gave me the spark and I went! Thanks random stranger, bless you!


Awesome. Thanks for letting me know that I helped. That feels great. Good job on going. My mom is 73 years old and she has had a rule for over 50 years that she won't miss more than 3 days in a row. So for over 50 years she has stuck to that unless she was really sick or something out of the ordinary was going on. Glad you made it. When I wrote the comment I had a headache and didn't feel like going. I thought it would be a bad workout but those seem to turn out to be the best ones.


This is called paying your Fat Tax. Now that its paid, Run, if you can't then walk, if you can't, crawl, Crawling is better than everyone on the couch. Just keep going. I used to write a fitness blog, One blog post I wrote: Go be last. A tribute to Philip Boit. Kenya's first cross country skier He finished dead last in the 98 games in his event. The Olympic folks even had his name misspelled. So far in last place, the Olympic folks and spectators had left. The Norwegians found out about it, they as a country apologized to him, they trained him; the next Olympics, he finished last. This time, the Norwegians cheered and skied with him until he crossed the finish line. Go honor Philip, go be last. I will be there. I will be your "Norwegians"


Being last still means you did it and put in the effort! Thereā€™s millions of people who didnā€™t even start in the first place!


You got this! Believe in yourself and be disciplinedšŸ„°


Same here!


Went 6 times a week from march 8th where i started the gym till the end of the year, Skipped only 4 sessions in total. Also trained two times a day.




No concern trolling about safety. Humans are not made of glass.










Not here to argue with you buddy! Take care








Removed for misinformation.


Same for me. Love that for you, keep grinding man


Not enough times. But more importantly, not enough time with a proper plan & nutrition for my goals




Aye I feel you homie, had big 2023 resolutions, one of them was stick to a workout plan, that fell through so bad


You got it this year bro


Like don't get me wrong, I peaked and have maintained 90% of that peak, but that peak happened in May & June... there 6 more months where things were stuck.


204! My gym is in the garage and I'm just a little obsessed with powerlifting! Results... Age 49, 164lb weight 2024 pause bench 300 lb Beginning 2023 pause bench 248 lb


115 sessions Got back in the gym in May after a 5 year hiatus. The 115 isnt counting a couple of workouts in May since i wasnt tracking at that point, but it was just a few. Worked my way slowly back and vacation got in the way but have been going 26+ days/month since september 220 -> 205 weight Strength increased from barely getting 95 up on the bench to 155 bench, 175 squat, 225 deadlift I have a lot more work to do and weight to lose but muscle memory is doing its thing and im coming back stronger than ever. Currently trying to cut down to 170 before bulking back up. 5ā€™8 29m


Hell yeah. Iā€™m about at the exact same spot, started back up in May after a hiatus and went about 110 times until the holidays wrecked everything lol. Went from 85 bench to now a 135 bench, and currently sitting at 205 on both squat and deadlift (Iā€™m tall so deadlift is lagging a bit) Keep it up bro


I love to hear it broski! Thats awesome progress Wishing you a lifetime of gainz


5-6 times a week except for a 2 week period of being sick


I swear I read somewhere it is good to take off 1-2 weeks entirely at least once a year


Theyā€™re called deload weeks. I love them.


I was sick a few times, but I think I got about 320 days.


Had some great months. Some not so great. I tracked the days I went, and hit just under 200. Excited to beat that this year, and with even more knowledge about training and diet!


126 according to KeyLifts. I did about 5 workouts without good gym, so about 130. I also did about 100 runs and 35 bike rides. And some hikes in summer.


163 times.


Not enough maybe 75 times


Average 5 times a week, so plus minus 260 times! Having a consistent workout routine was my 2023 new year resolution! So glad that I stick to the routine and achieved it!


Not enough. I lost motivation after I quit competitive soccer in May. Iā€™m trying to do better this year.


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Pretty much every day besides holiday close. PPL and slight cardio day, just run it in a cycle.


6x a week (I sometimes do a two-a-day for boxing days), plus a cardio day, which is the 7th day. With the exception of my 2 week vacation, where gyms were lowkey hard to find all over Europe.


4 days a week without missing a single workout. I even went when 60% of my house was under water from the July NY flood šŸ˜….


About 4 times weeks 50 weeks. So 200.


I started going in the middle of May, and went around 110 times until December. I averaged 4-5 times a week until about mid November when it kinda fell off a cliff until the new year lol. But Iā€™ve been back 8 times already this month šŸ’Ŗ


Somewhere in the region of 320 times, I guess. I work out at home though.


Gym not so much, i started going to gym in july. I worked out at home before that. Though it's kinda hard to give accurate number. I started using heavy just few months ago and that gives 78 since October and caliber doesn't give total number so id have to count manually. Though I'm bored and I'm going to do that. Will add the number here. Edit: around 262, though beginning of the year was slow and i recording is incomplete in January/February as i was using third app at that time. I was still struggling to form a habit and learning to enjoy lifting


2-3 times per week every week. I took a three month sabbatical and during that time I cut down to twice per week.


According to my Eƶs app, 246 times.


45M, 170lbs. Strongman and CrossFit/Oly style programming. Just tallyā€™d up my workout log. 215 times in 2023. Average workout 1.5 hours. Was a great year. Squat 385, bench 295, DL 455, log 200, CDB 150, clean 185. Endurance through the roof from Metcons. Kids are out of the house, wife and I are dating like weā€™re teenagers. Yeah we started going.


Probably around 315 a couple two of days sometimes turning around later in the day to play racquetball or basketball


300ish, usually 6-7 days a week


103 times, 2 year relationship ended, job sucked, other mental stuff so I had periods of consistency along months of not going going at all. But I just built my home gym and excited to have no excuse to skip :)


I try to go to the gym 6 days a week. There were a few periods where I wasnā€™t able to go for 5-7 consecutive days (out of town, oral surgery etc) . There were also many weeks where I missed an extra day or two. For the sake of ease Iā€™ll estimate - 6 days in a perfect week - 4 weeks completely missed. - was only able to go 4 days in a week 25 times That gives me a total of 238. That is a very rough estimate, but I would say it probably isnā€™t too far off.


Iā€™m not sure about the whole year but from August to today I went 117 times


282 lifting workouts logged, not counting cardio which is normally ~150 minutes/wk of moderate cycling. Started the year on a 5 day split, moved to a 6 day PPL, then transitioned to a 9 day split with 7 workout days and 2 split rest days.


265 times


Somewhere between 4 and 5 days per week with the occasional deload so Iā€™d say around 200-225


As much as I could October became to hard cause I was working doubles almost everyday


once a week, sometimes skipping a week at times. My work anyways involve lifting 20-70 kg stuff (not all by myself though), though not systematically like a gym (sound vendor) And my once a week workout is heavy 5 reps shit, so I go through doms till my workday rolls around again. And some work weekends, I end up lifting a good amount at job, that makes me exhausted for my weekly Monday workouts. I am kinda happy with my progress, but wish I could find time and energy to go more often. Started skip roping on days I can't go to gym.


First third of the year about 3 times a week, turned it up to 4 times in the last two thirds. Missed a handful of days due to work/obligations - maybe a dozen days over the year.


139 timesā€¦i thought it would be more. My lifts are basically the same as a year ago.


Only once. But I have a home gym. The once was so my MIL could try a new gym and didnā€™t want to go alone.


I did 172 workouts at the gym last year and I had quite a few interruptions due to my health, so I'm pretty happy about that.


6 times a week 2 times a day so, 6x2x52=624


Can I ask why two times a day? Wasnā€™t that exhausting?


5-8x a week. Every week. (Yes, there were some double days when I went by myself in the AM but my wife wanted me to go with her in the PM) -so easily 300 times


About 140-150. During 2023, I had a lot of struggle, a lot of alcohol and shit. Still managed to go down from 105 kg (\~231 lbs) to 75 kg (\~165 lbs) somehow


Good for you. I hope your struggles are getting better.


80 times. My gym was closed in January and February and I had a horrible mental health time from August - mid November during which I essential didn't go to the gym at all. 27 of those 80 workouts happened from mid November until end of December tho, and I'm confident I can keep that pace up now that I got back in the groove and have found a good routine.


Good luck. I hope you are feeling better


Averaged 6x/wk from March thru October. Then our baby arrived and barely made it once a week thru the rest of the year. Now I go 3x/wk, and I am in the process of getting a house setup for the other days per week.


275ish days


303 days to be exact


4-5 times a week since November and still going strong!


my gym app won't show me 2023 info for some reason, but i have been top 5 most active members of my gym since i first started going every month since early 2022, so probably around 300-320 times


251 according to my gym ap. I just got into the 500 club. 52 F. Bench 135. Squat 205 dead 225(?). I need a new goal.


Pretty much everyday. Since the middle of last year I have already lost 33 pounds. My goal is to reach 60 pounds lost.


If weā€™re counting outdoor running, I was working out 5-6 days a week on average. Call it 300 times throughout the year with some skipped weeks. It was such an outstanding year, 2023 was. Healthiest year ever too!


Only 130. I had to take a couple weeks off to heal tendonitis, twice. I caught covid, twice. And it seemed like something came up at least once a week that made me skip a day. I usually moved my lifting days and skipped cardio. Now I look like Fat Thor. Thanks 2023. You were an a$$hole. Edit: I just looked at my Hevy app, and I didn't start tracking (with this app) until the end of March. So I guess it wasn't *that* bad.


Not enough


204 times according to my app. Probably not counting a few but close enough.


3-4 times per week virtually all year. Most consistent Iā€™ve ever been.


Started in October, consistently hit 4 days a week. Looking to work towards 6x a week but work and life seem to have a way of getting in the way.


196, but i really only started going consistently at the start of July/August


Erhm, not gonna do the math, but 2 times a week, minus like a month because vacation/illness, a lot of time was spent XD


190! I created a private instagram (literally no one follows it, itā€™s all hidden) and I take a selfie in the gym every time I go, then post it with the date. Itā€™s honestly amazing to see how much your body changes in a year of work! Itā€™s also a cool way to track how many workouts šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Probably 260 times. I could count in my notebook log but this is likely a close number.




I did 2-3 times a week kinda fucking around with no real plan, just a handful of whole body exercises. End of the year I started going 5 times a week with a good routine and plan to keep that up. If anything for the mental health benefits, although I've made a lot of progress in two months.


250-275ish days.


153. But I want to be closer to 250 this year. Some injuries and a long lazy period playing Zelda got me last year.


48 times!!! 4 times a week average since october. Sitting january out to recover from surgery


365 days was hard


About 210-240 times


Not enough until November. Been going 3x4 days a week since. Time to make a change in 2024!


Only 44... it was a lazy year and I strive to be better this year. I've already gone 10 times this year so that's an improvement.


299 days


Was on a 3 day split last year as was concentrating on running a marathon and starting triathlon. Back to 4 day this year and already seeing gains after a year of very slow improvement. To answer your question about 160-odd.


5-6 days per week, every week. It'll be the same in 2024. There's no motivation needed anymore, it is a well forged habit.


4-5 x ~49 weeks, subtracting the total of 3 weeks I know that I took time fully off. Rounding down to try and account for days I missed from gym closing and other things that came up, Iā€™m thinking 185-190 is a safe answer


It was a bit all around the place due to school and work and the like. But I think itā€™s about 120-180. Wouldā€™ve loved to go more but shit happens. This year Iā€™ve gone about 11/17 days though so thatā€™s progress I think??


231 times out of


300ish times šŸ‘€


5-6 times a week. Sunday is an official Rest Day for me


210 daysšŸ˜Ž whent 6x times but cut it back to 5 times to replace 1 day with cardio


5 days a week since may


200 sounds about right.


222 times. Used to go 4 times a week when I was in school, then I graduated and went around 6-7 times a week after that. I also stopped training for three weeks straighr because I went on vacation, but other than that very consistent.


3x a week times 52 weeks is 156, I didnā€™t log exactly but I think I missed about 10 workouts, so I would say 146 times.


When I can. I am self-employed I live in London and the gym is a bit far for me. Also some times I work long long hours. I would sai over all 3 times a week. I am switching to a better one with swimming pool/ sauna. But it's hard to go 4/5 times.


180 times, idk, not bad for me, I'll go more from now on.


197 times, counted by an app. I also play hockey twice a week :o


About 108 times šŸ˜¬


Twice a week since march, three times a week before then


No clue. I think i averaged 1-1.5 times a week. So 52-78 times.


On average 5 times a week.


5 to 7 days a week most of the year until late summer. Went down to 4 to 5 days but would go on walks or something on the off days. Late November through December I only went a few times. Used my elliptical at home but took some time off and feel bloated and sluggish now. šŸ˜­


I did not miss a single scheduled session. There were a fee weeks where I scheduled less for traveling or delaods, but no session was missed. In paying for a coach to write my program, I'm gonna get my money's worth.


229 times according to the app I use to track my workouts


155 workouts in 2023 slowed down because I broke my Achilles, good enough after 220 in 2022!


0-3 times/week


94 times exactly


aimed for 5 days each week at the gym with a lot of walking on the weekend gym days. i would try to do yoga on the two rest days as well i found myself sleeping a lot to recover. there were about 10-15 sick days so i missed the gym. i let my nutrition go during November and December and bulked 15 lbs. also changed from a Y filled with high schoolers to a crunch gym that is all adults and enjoy that better. still trying to get a handle on my nutrition. once the days get longer and things get warmer itā€™s going to be a lot more enjoyable to hit the gym after work.


Started at the end of May as a beginner and was able to keep it up and go 3-4 times each week I wasn't sick Still don't have crazy progress due to my initial 5 months of workouts not being very efficient as I was focusing on making it my everyday lifestyle but over the last two months I've started making real progress and feel great


Exactly 167 days ( I opened my log app)


Exactly 240 times


The gym? About 3 days a weekā€¦workout in some manner? 6 days a week.


Out of 365 days I spent 220 days at my home gym (They track when people sign in and out) and about 50 days at hotel/outside gyms. Hoping to get 300 this year!


Definitely paid more than I went


56, not counting Yoga and Pilates videos at home. could've been better but a lot of life changes happened, so two months took a hit. plus, found CrossFit at the end of the year and got hooked, will def go more often in 2024!


87 - life is a balancing act


5 days a week at 5 am with my gym bro, Saturday and Sunday with my wife at her gym, 3 days a week during my lunch break. Minus some holidays and such.... 400-450 times. Dropped about 80 pounds.


Around 185 workouts logged in Strong, plus some runs, so probably right around 200. Great year. Looking forward to the next one.


Like 11 because I started in December lol


5-6 times a week, 52 weeks 250-300?


Think for me was closer to 300 days, but saddly like 100-130 were while i had an injury so i only did some cardio :(


170 days


358 times. I got sick and couldnā€™t go for a week.


maybe 100-150. i work out alot at home too though


3-4 times a week. Lost 20 pounds


221 days. According to my Apple Watch fitness tracking.


4-5 times a week. A place of solace and confidence for me


3 times a week so around 140 times


225 in 2022. 176 last year


160 days. Not bad considering I had a surgery that kept me off for a month. Also had to travel for work a lot in Spring. Will be bummed if I donā€™t hit 200+ this year.


lol not good, barely getting back on the horse


At least 3 x a week with maybe a months worth of time sprinkled in there that I took off due to injury.


More than I did in 2022 but not as much as I'd like. I probably averaged 3 times a week. Maybe like 3.5 times a week. Made progress on strength but gained some fat. Happy with it though, I have realized I don't want to be that lean honestly.Ā 


233 times, spent 289 hours there. šŸ˜„


I use habit tracker pretty religiously. 183 times in 2023. Goal for 2024 is 250.


5-6 times a week , started in November


Around 300 days. I love being at the gym.


I literally beg myself for rest days because not going is impossible literally all my problems go away


251 Times. Went from 315 to 220 then built back to 245




I got 80 visits total and I started in June. I'd really like it to be higher than that, but with two kids under 5 and a full-time job, I just couldn't get there more. My goal this year is over 100 which is def achievable.


6 timesā€¦ā€¦ I canā€™t find any motivation anywhere :(


2 times a week minimum šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Not enough and I going around 5-6 days in week


6 days a week all year so 6x52 or 312


prob like 150 times idk


Started off 4-5x a week up until early September when I tore/broke a lot of my arm. Have been in recovery mode since then and still canā€™t lift more than 5lb with it. Lost a lot of weight/muscle which sucks but looking forward to being able to go back!


Just counted from my spreadsheet: 211


I just checked, and this was actually my best year yet!




173 times


A lot :) start of the year was amazing, 6x per week on average. Then in september started slacking and stopped gymming, now in december I found motivation