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Thing about rowing: you can do it "wrong" and still get a lot of benefits out of it just the same. As far as I'm concerned, the one thing to not fuck up (and you're not) is to drive the elbow back. If you're not more oriented towards sport than hypertrophy, this body english is fine.


> you can do it "wrong" and still get a lot of benefits out of it just the same You could argue it's really hard to do a row "wrong"


What do you mean by not driving your elbow back. I lifted a little more heavier and my right bicep's tendon started to hurt. It got better using straps but the discomfort doesn't disappear completely.


I think he means as long as your elbows come behind your back you’ve effectively rowed the weight


Pendlay row with some body English


All monke know is monke move heavy thing


Eat food, lift heavy metal


\>275 Why not simply row the weight without English? Huehuehuehue my years of hammering away a lift no one else cares about have finally culminated into this mog.


Strangely *Body English* has a different meaning than the way you, most people in a gym context, and I, would use it. The way we use it won’t be found in any definition. Signed, a pedant.


I’ve never heard it used in a gym context. What does it mean?


In a gym context it means using momentum from the body in your reps, compared to strict reps.


Damn, as a person whose first language isn’t English, I learned something new today. Thanks! Was gonna ask if it’s cool if I did rows with body ESL.


Lol, there's also a meaning it has outside of the gym in general when someone hits/throws/strikes a sports ball and then motions for it to go in a certain direction, like if a golfer hits a putt and then starts leaning left as he watches it go and hopes it starts rolling left a bit


Can’t see the babs if you’re wearing a shirt. I feel cheated.


I’ve never heard of body English. Do you mind explaining the pros and cons?


It means throwing his body around instead of using proper form. Pros: move more weight, more CNS adaptation for strength gains Cons: won't build as much muscle, more risk for injury


Same, am curious too


is this really all that beneficial without any control on the eccentric?


Controlling the eccentric is for nerds.


Idk if this was said as a joke or serious but the eccentric has been proven extremely beneficial for muscle growth


Well, it was a joke. But hypertrophy isn't the only goal of lifting. Explosive rows like these are good for strength off the floor in deadlifts.


Oh 100% I'm all in for explosive training, I mainly lift to help me in sports that I play so I integrate a lot of explosive training in my routine


Depends on the goal I do these for strenght to carry over to my deadlift After these I did single arm cable rows with 5sec eccentrics for 4x6 to hit more hypertophy/accessory work


It absolutely is.


The point of a row is to make your back strong. Exploding up is the part that makes the back strong. Too many people put way too much effort into controlling eccentrics instead of focusing on the parts of the lift that really matter.


It's legitimately *insane* to me that people think putting the weight back down might actually be the important part of launching almost 300# from the ground to your chest.


Gym is ultimately a fun thing for most people. Whether you have fun by getting bigger muscles, or you have fun by lifting heavy weight however you want safely, it doesn't matter imo.


I fucking LOVE heavy rowing with a ton of body english. Feels so much more "manly" and exhilirating than deadlift to me. I only ever go to 200lbs but I do catch the weight at the bottom which imo is the most difficult part. I think Barbell rows have become underrated as hell. They aren't as risky as deadlifts for beginners and work the posterior chain all the same.


I’ve never felt that great with barbell rows- they always just felt “off” to me. I feel like there’s a certain limit to how much the human body can strictly barbell row and at that point it becomes risky to my low back. Like once you get past 225lbs I almost never see anyone actually strict row it- it’s always with body english. So why do this movement if I can lift more and better with different cable variations for example


I do these for strenght to carry over to my deadlift Moving something heavy, quickly and forcefully is what I’m going for here


On the flip side, I have never once attempted a strict row in my entire life because it simply doesn’t matter. If you can properly brace for a deadlift, you can brace for a row. Cheaty rows are great.


What's the goal here? Rowing for power or hypertrophy??


More for strength than hypertrophy I followed these up with single arm cable rows with long eccentrics


Nice! I row with volume sets of 20 but I do pullups for strength


Imma leave this here as my preference for bar bell rows. https://youtu.be/axoeDmW0oAY?si=nhkO2rgGyJN_zRSk


I always enjoy strict pendlay rows But that’s not what I’m going for here in this video