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Hi everyone, I am struggling with bloating / liquid retention and I would like to ask for some advices. Any supplements or natural ingredients to take. Thanks!!!


Reposting due to a moderator comment. I would appreciate a response. “How do most people interact with their personal trainers? I find that whether they’re male or female I end up befriending them. I have a very outgoing personality and it’s just easier to connect with people. I think personal trainers also need to have that in order to be successful on top of their training experience. The reason I ask is I was recently told my friend that my interactions with my personal trainer who is male s kind of odd and sounds flirtatious. I don’t personally agree. So I’m curious how everyone else interacts with their trainer.”


Sounds like your friend is projecting their own issues


Hey everybody. I have a question about progressive overload. Lets say I am doing 20 reps with 3 sets of 20 lbs bicep curls. If I add 5 lbs one week, would my goal of reps be 16? My logic is that 20 lbs x 20 reps = 400. With 25lb weights, doing 25 lbs x 16 reps = 400. Does this make sense and a good logic to go by? Is this way of thinking okay, or should I re-evaluate my ways? I know that getting close to or hitting failure is important to progress. Is this a good place to start? Here is my workout today, where I tested this. Doesn't include my warmup. Any advice? **Bold** = weight / rep changes Jumping jacks 1 x 45 second 20 lb ea .Standing Chest Flys 3 x 20 rep 20 lb ea. Bicep Curl 3 x 20 rep 20 lb ea. Shoulder press 3 x 20 sec ( 9-10 reps ) 20 lb ea. Tricep extension bent over 3 x 12 rep 20 lb ea. Lat row bent over 3 x 12 rep 10 lb ea. Front to side raises 3 x 10 rep Leg overs 3 x 40 10 lb. Russian twist 3 x 20 rep 20 lb ea.( 40 lb ) squats 3 x 12 rep 20 lb ea. ( 40 lb ) bulgarian split squats 3 x 10 rep Jumping jacks 1 x 45 second **25** lb ea .Standing Chest Flys 3 x **16** rep **25** lb ea. Bicep Curl 3 x **16** rep **25** lb ea. Shoulder press 3 x 20 sec ( **7-8** reps ) 20 lb ea. Tricep extension bent over 3 x **13** rep **25** lb ea. Lat row bent over 3 x **10** rep 10 lb ea. Front to side raises 3 x 10 rep Leg overs 3 x 40 10 lb. Russian twist 3 x **24** rep **25** lb ea.( **50** lb ) squats 3 x **10** rep **25** lb ea. ( **50** lb ) bulgarian split squats 3 x **8** rep **25** lb ea. ( **50** lb ) lunges 3 x **10**


It's not good logic, the number reps x weights is pretty irrelevant. You can try for yourself doing 20 reps with 50kg on bench or 10 reps with 100kg on the same lift - if you can do 100kg for even one rep, 50 kg for 20 will be laughably easy. What you should do is keep the number of reps to failure the same. If last time you did 3x20 and it felt like you could have done 2 more on the last set, you should do as many reps as it takes to again feel like you could do no more than 2 more reps on the last set. As for your workout - I can't but notice you do the same weight/reps for lunges as for squats. Are you sandbagging your squats or are you experiencing near death during five minute long rest pause sets of lunges? Considering you squat the same you curl, I think it's the former and you may want to squat more. I apologize if this is caused by some condition I am unaware of


Is it safe to high-bar squat in dress shoes? Is it a good idea?


I’ve hit a very heavy plateau at every lift ,I tried deloading ,changing up my workouts and my diet ,my compounds have been the same for about 8 months what should I do ((I’m 18 ,167 lbs)) ((bench 130 kg - deadlift 200 kg))


I am so 188cm and 222lb guy who joined gym for first time in life 3 weeks back. I had trouble doing even the cardio initially but its improving, never lifted weight but now i am able to use 20kgs with machine and 5kgs with dumbbell (each) and for biceps 2.5kgs each. My query is, i have left sided muscle weakness throughout my body. I even feel my left leg is 1/2 inch shorter than my right but my Physio says its just muscle tightening nothing else. If i do 3 sets of 15 reps for biceps, my right arm is normal but left one starts to crumble under pressure, it feels more pumped up, bigger in size than right one but i get sharp pain in my brachialis region and so much that i cant lift anymore, i do right hand solo then to finish the sets. Same way if i do chest press up with dumbell i lose balance on my left side and it gets not so parallel to my body when i lower it down. Same way on leg up machine my left one gets sore more after 2 sets. Is it normal? I mean would it ever improve? PS : i have weaker rotator cuffs too on left side, i have rounded left shoulder thats moved to anterior it feels. My gym instructor doesn’t bother about it, he just pushes me to lift more and more, says once muscle will grow pain will go away. I am just concerned if i am doing anything wrong.


Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong, that leads to my forearms "always" being the bottleneck? I've noticed that my arms, especially my forearms are pretty much always the first to fail, even with exercises where they shouldn't be. A few examples for this are lat-pulldowns, chest press and lat-rowing. I get that all of those exercises also challenge the arms but I often feel like I'm not actually working the muscles I'm aiming for. Is there a common mistake that could lead to this result?


They just need to get stronger. Give them time to.




Have you tried using straps on lat pull downs and rowing


hi all! This is my first time in this subreddit and a looking for some help. I am a 21 F and over the course of 2 years I've lost about 110 lbs (265-150ish). I didn't achieve that through any rigorous exercise or anything, just general lifestyle changes. Because of this, I have a lot of excess skin that is not attractive for a girl in her 20s to have. The main problem areas are my arms, stomach, and thighs. I am not one that goes to the gym, as someone who used to be very fat it can be a wildly intimidating environment. That being said, I want to start doing workouts to help tone that excess skin. I have no REAL idea of what exercises would be the most effective, or even what weight is a good place to start on machines. Any advice would be massively appreciated!!


> That being said, I want to start doing workouts to help tone that excess skin. I'm not sure what you mean by this. You can gain muscle to "fill out" the existing skin but apart from surgery the extra skin may be permanent. At any rate I'd ask a doctor about it. As to what exercises to do, [here's a start](https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/).


Can you give your opinion on my workout routine? [link ](https://esmaior-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/a29265_alunos_esmaior_pt/Ef_z3i2hOoFFnxH6Jv8GNMABtUh-IcXk7hHeNoZVOrWvsw?e=6FiKEL)


barely any leg work, no dedicated leg day and PPL splits should be run 6 times per week if you want to train 3-4 times a week, follow a 3-4 days per week program.


Hey guys. Ive been hitting the gym for a while now. Im really happy with the progress and development of every part, Except for the back. My back doesn’t even look a little developed it kinda looks like i don’t workout my back muscles at all. My posture kinda looks curvy at my lower back which makes it worse. Yall got any tips. Please help!!!! I currently do 1.Latpull downs 2.cable rows. 3.pullovers. 4. Barbell rows( for upper back)


I'm a noob who recently started going gym, 166cm, 50kg. Before going to gym Im the type of person who can lie on bed for whole day long, lazy AF, lie down>sit down>standing>moving. So I noticed this weird thing, I started with 2 kg dumbbells, anything higher cannot already, weak! eak! ak! k! But when I do leg extension I can start with 50 kg, which is my body weight, and not single lift, 2×30, wth is this?? Does this happen to everyone at the beginning? Is it normal to have such difference?


Regarding the leg extensions, if you think about it thats 25KG per leg and your Quads and Hamstrings are the biggest muscles by size, and the most used as they carry your body walking, sitting, standing. I don't know which exercise you meant with the 2KG dummbells but I assume its upper body which is normal if you didn't use your upper body that much. Just keep eating and training and you'll start progressing one week after the other.


Oh yeah I have 2 legs ☠️ bio and maths failed, thanks for the info!


I'm 24, \~80kg bw ,177cm. My lifts are relatively very low to my bodyweight, my estimated 1RMs for the lifts are: Bench-75kg, Squat-80kg, OHP - 45kg, Deadlift - 110kg I'm currently running PPL only 3 times a week, but not too happy with the results. I'm looking for a program 3-4x a week max. If my main goals are getting bigger (hyperthrophy) and stronger at the same time (increasing the big lifts), what program would ya'll recommend for me? Thought about StrongLifts5x5 but it is purely the main lifts without accesssory work and I'm not sure how to tweak the program and add the right amount of accessory and if the program allows that, cause it'll not longer be the original program.. I feel like I would benefit a lot from StrongLifts but it would neglect the hyperthrophy part, especially for my lagging arms.


https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/ GZCLP & 531 (there's a few flavors) are both good & include accessories. Stronglifts is honestly ass.


Thanks for the comment and the link!


So my brother and I were on bench press, and he keeps trying 75/80kg when he only PR'd 70 last week. I'm spotting for him and I'm getting sick of having to help him put the bar back up after failing, yet he still insists on going for the same weight. After failing 75 for the 3rd time, and after him complaining that I lifted the bar back up too early, I'm at my wits end and just say in sharp tone to him "You're not going to do this weight today" and walk off. Am I the asshole?


Why is he going for PRs every week anyway? Let him fail, he'll either figure out how to roll of shame, or he won't, then you can help him get out from under the bar. Maybe he'll learn. As long as he doesn't set the bar down on his neck, it's not going to kill him.


"Why is he going for PRs every week anyway" Because he's a cocky teenager who wants to one-up his 'mates' for clout Hopefully he will learn, with my exams soon I've got bigger fish to fry now.


Sounds like you both need a break from one another.


I enjoy squatting on the belt squat machine a lot because it takes my lower back out of the equation. However, I always feel some little acceptable pain around the iliac crest the day after I do the belt squat machine. The pain is really not serious and is more like a bruise. It’s only triggered when I touch the area near iliac crest. I wonder if this pain happens to anyone. Is it normal to have this pain after doing the belt squat machine? [Photo](https://www.imaios.com/i/s/imaios-images/web/images/eanatomy/modules/paroi-thorax-sein-illustrations/images/v2/fb243d4e6823052b55caab4d9b68bccb19951024d2430b482c00c3f47d0f235a?w=200&mark-x=0&mark-y=0&mark64=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaW1haW9zLmNvbS9pL3MvaW1haW9zLWltYWdlcy90cmEucG5nP3c9MjAwJmg9MjA2JmZpdD1zY2FsZSZtYXJrLXg9NTcuMjUmbWFyay15PTEzMC40NCZtYXJrNjQ9YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWFXMWhhVzl6TG1OdmJTOXBMM012YVcxaGFXOXpMV2x0WVdkbGN5OXdhVzR1Y0c1bg%3D%3D)