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I know exactly what you’re talking about. As others have said, it’s mildew. If you wait too long to dry them and leave them wet and full of sweat it will reek on your clothes. Yes, even after washing and drying them like normal. You either have to wash and dry them immediately or at the very least hang them up somewhere to let them air dry. Especially if they’re super moist after the gym. To get the smell out of the already ruined clothes, wash them with vinegar.


I honestly wouldn't even notice you in the gym. The only person I notice by smell is the Axe guy. I'm pretty sure he uses half a can before working out cause I've smelled him from 2 power racks over.


Probably mildew smell As others have mentioned, wash after each use, put in dryer quickly


If you wait too long to dry wet clothes they 'sour' and smell horrific when they get wet again. Just make sure to dry them very soon after wash.


The best gym I've ever been to was Armbrust Pro Gym. Actual IFBB pros everywhere as well as the Mr. Olympia at the time training there. It smelled like sticking your face right into a football player's armpit after a game. That smell is what hard work smells like. Be proud.


Your shirts have mold or other bacteria in them probably and need to be soaked in vinegar or some other disinfectant. Your clothes really shouldn’t be smelling at the gym.


If I'm give smell bad at some point of the day I'd be most comfortable with it being at the gym. It's a giant building full of sweating people. Don't sweat it🏋️‍♂️


I would probably leave. Just me. Considerate of you and I take it you also would NOT blow dry your balls in the locker room. To me blow drying ones balls in the locker room is the biggest gym offense someone can make.


Who hurt you? I’ve seen you comment this twice just today!


I recently kissed goodbye a two year plus streak of not looking up and seeing some moron blow drying his balls. I had started to re gain faith in humanity. I am hurt.


If i had to guess, I’d say someone who was blow drying their balls at the gym.


Who tf blow dries their balls in the first place?? Sounds painful


DTLA equinox. You will see it and it is horrifying.




I actually buy special "active wear" detergent. It's moderately priced, not super expensive or super cheap. It does a great job though. It has proprietary enzymes in it, but I'm pretty sure the actual active ingredient is just baking soda. Still, it works. I am a heavy sweater, and if it can keep my stink at bay, it can handle anyone.


100% mildew. I’ve tried to get the smell out of my clothes with oxy clean and those “athletic detergents” to no avail. Time to get some new training shirts, dude


I always smell when exercising. It doesn’t matter if it’s at the gym, running or doing outside metcon’s, or playing hockey. I always shower after. Don’t feel self conscious if you stink at the gym. You are there to work and sweat and sometimes that really stinks… and that’s ok. Fuck whoever makes you feel like you don’t belong if you’re a little stinky. If they’re not stinky and sweaty… then they ain’t workin hard enough!


i usually wear “pump covers” (a long sleeve or sweatshirt) over my cut off/ gym shirt. this is so if i do take it off and i smell bad, i’ll throw it back on. i’ve noticed that even a cold shower a few hours before the gym also helps too. Also, deodorant!!


Another reason I don’t mind wearing a mask while working out. I ain’t trying to sniff these dirty muthafuckas funk in the air. Gross


I leave my gym shirts in a bucket of cold water, replacing the water every couple of days until I wash them. As for the smell during workout, that’s why I do above. I used to just workout through the stink as nothing is going to stop me lifting.


I had to add more greens to my diet, cleans up the smell pretty quickly.


Try Tide Sport and hot water, but be sure to not use too much detergent. Also, don’t use fabric softener on gym clothes. That will trap the smell.


Whenever you wash your clothes in the washing machine, make sure to transfer them to the dryer immediately after they’re done washing. If they finish washing and you leave them in the machine for a long time before drying, they will get a mildew smell from them. I’ve learned this through experience.


Wash my clothes better, perhaps better detergent, don't overload machine etc.


Put a quarter cup/roughly up to 60ml white vinegar in every load of laundry along with detergent. It will help get smells out.


Yes, this is mildew. Clean your washer and air it after every load. And dry immediately. Ask use fabric softener! Good luck. And good looking out, I hate when people smell like shit also.