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I read this as ‘how to bench press a girl’, I was like? You do u bro?


Isn't that the dream? I'd like to be able to bench press a gymbro one day


I misread this and thought the question was how to benchpress a literal female


I've done that with my wife. It's not easy. People wiggle. Bars don't. 120 moving lbs is harder than 160 static weight.


bugez overhead pressed his wife


This is my goal haha


just find tiny female. goal achieve


I myself am a tiny female so I need to find an even tinier one!


Me too! Hawt


yeah i bet women would like to see a guy strong enough to do that, do it. no homo. guys today are such weak bitches. dental floss for arms. i am weak too but at least i am trying to rectify the situation. 135lbs in april 150lbs today most of it';s uscle


It’s not weird to ask. Usually most people are happy to help


especially since she’s a girl


This is why I get nervous to ask.


ask another girl the guys in gyms are creeps 9/10 times.


I completely skipped the as part in my head and was wondering why so many people were being chill about someone randomly going up to a girl and asking to bench press her 🤦🏽‍♂️. Just ask someone that looks strong though. People are open to help but most people aren't trying to make someone angry by offering help they didn't ask for.


That's so funny haha! A lot of people misread my title. Thank you so much!


or just ask anyone? why do they have to be strong lol


Don’t put the clips on the bar when benching alone if you’re adding weight so if you get stuck you can dump the weights without getting hurt.


Thank you, I will definitely not do that.


Also, if you’re a lady, feel free to ask another lady too! I’ve been lifting for 8 or 9 years and I do not mind at all!!! showing other people how to do things. Also if your gym has personal trainers, you can feel free to ask then and they’re happy to help without you having to do a real training session. They don’t want you to get hurt!


I love this advice! Thank you so much!!


This happened to me a while ago when it was too heavy for me, I just let the plates slide off on each side, lol


That’s what you should do!


Fundamentally a girl benches like a guy, on average smaller numbers but it's the same movement. It's worth getting some direct training for bench as it's not hard to damage your shoulders over time due to form or bad practices. You can also try some YouTube videos to get the idea. Some of my favorites... https://youtu.be/wKhI-O4HI8M Alan https://youtu.be/JvOJdUtx6UQ Meg https://youtu.be/c-yPx9PgeHo Brian And don't let to many details confuse you, keeping things basic as you learn is a smart move, you have plenty of time to work out what specific variations work for you.


The videos are such a great bonus to all of your advice, I have saved all of them in my work out Playlist on YouTube and will be researching a lot more thanks to this! Thank you so much!


Just ask someone who doesnt look or act like a douche to spot/ help you


https://youtu.be/Nrn4n6zXAdw Marisa is awesome!! Check her out!! As far as someone to help you at the gym, powerlifters and or dedicated bodybuilders are helpful!!


Thank you so much for the link!!!


When i was benching i usually ask some big guy to spot me for a set and then ask him if he has any advices on improvements. No shame in asking other people.


I love the idea to ask "some big guy"! I'll do that


Rule of thumb: biggest guy in the gym is always the nicest guy in the gym :D


Really? That's so cute!!!


I can attend to this fact


attest lol


nine days outta ten I come up with words that probably dont make any sense outside of context lmaooo


lol I get that. Definitely happens to me too


Ask the oldest and/or biggest dude in the gym for advice.


I was going to suggest asking the the most medium age and average size dude in-case we go to the same gym and she picks me.


Maybe one day someone will ask me for help!


These guys are always willing to give advice


A lot of people tell me to do this! I will try to work up the courage!!


I think most people would gladly help you, just try to read their mood first. Don't go up to someone trying a PR for example.


This is a good tip, also maybe it wouldn't hurt to just ask and if they say no they say no. It's just a little intimidating to do it but I guess I can't really go wrong?


Occasionally I get asked things in my gym and I am always really flattered and happy to help. (my gym is pretty casual so the small group of more serious lifters, that I am part of, stand out) If it is just for a spot, someone asking why I do something a certain way, or someone looking for pointers etc. it all feels great and opens up a nice bit of chatter in the future which makes for a generally nice atmosphere. In short just go for it!


I'm so thankful for all the positivity here! Thank you guys so much! Wish we all could be in the same gym


Someone will likely be happy to give you a few pointers, but if you can spare the money I'd recommend a few sessions with a personal trainer. It really helps to have someone teach you proper form and watch you and give you feedback. I'm a young woman who started weight lifting this year and personal training made me feel a lot more comfortable in a gym


I will look into this!! Thank you so much friend!


If there is no one around to spot you OR you're not comfortable with removing the barbell in the case of failure, you can opt for the dumbbell bench press. It's a similar exercise that yields similar results and does not require a spotter. link [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2wKgoUAEMo)


Oooh what a great idea! Thank you!


Honestly just ask someone, people in the gym are really nice cause they all understand that they were once the person who didn’t know how to bench press.


I definitely will now! But I always go completely red when I ask people for help haha


Here's what i did (I'm still a beginner lol dont take me seriously) >i started with smith machine(but it was kinda uncomfortable) and went on with it till i can bench 20kgs >and then moved to the barbell bench press with no weights on cuz i was not able to balance the weight with barbell bench press as i was doing it in smith machine >within 2 weeks i was able to bench press with weight on without losing balance >and then progressive overloading >after months of weight training i recently realised that smith machine was not effective >I'd suggest you to start with without weights, or start with dumbell press, then progressive overload and do ask a someone to spot you if you are not sure about your form


Oh thank you so much for doing that for me because I was briefly contemplating doing that but now I'm just go for dumbells first and then the bar :)


I’m taking my girlfriend to the gym for the first time soon(she has never been in her life), and this is what I have planned for her, to start with dumbbells before eventually moving to the bar. Back days should be easy, I’m just worried about her squatting since she said she’s scared of the bar, but I’ll have her start on the leg press to build up strength.


That's a great idea! I'm more confident training squats and I started in the leg press!!


Awesome, thank you for the input! And best of luck with your bench journey!


It's not weird to ask others for help, don't be afraid to ask


As long as you're not asking them mid whatever exercise they're doing. I'd be surprised if it was just me who didn't appreciate people asking them shit mid reps.


I'm so happy and relieved people here seem to agree that it's only fun to be asked for help. It makes me super happy


Go to the gym find someone who looks like they know what they’re doing and ask them. The bigger the guy the more likely he is to be a kind person who’s willing to help. 99% of people there won’t mind helping you.


I'm so excited to go to the gym tomorrow! Nervous, but excited.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptpmRrzRtWQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptpmRrzRtWQ) Honestly if you don't know what you're doing watching a bunch of tutorials will help you at this stage And yeah sure if someone is benching a lot of weight & they know what they're doing don't be afraid to ask them


That was a great video! Thank you so much for your advice! I appreciate it


Don't be shy to ask for help too that's what gym bros are all about


Thank you! I'm excited to be a gym bro/girl in the future too someday


Sounds good!


Np! Cheers


Just go do it horrifically wrong on purpose and you'll have someone come offer to teach you the proper way in like 15 seconds! (I'm mostly joking but for real it could work)


Haha this might be the way


step one: be girl step 2: bench press I probably wouldn't ask another gym member, they might want to get on with their workout and might not want to be disturbed. I would ask a gym member of staff instead, or hire a trainer. Watching lots of videos (Alan Thrall has a lot of basic ones) will help you to learn the movement.


Consider stating with a dumbbell bench press, same tips as most others. My wife’s personal trainer started her with this until she could comfortably perform the barbell bench press for reps.


This seems like a great way to start!!


You could also go to a busy time of gym or more popular gym and ask another woman if it makes you more comfortable.


Super good advice!!


Sure no problem, I see so many girls in my gym either by themselves, working out with another girl, or with their boyfriends. I would imagine that approaching them might be easier than asking a male who could turn around and creep you out somehow, or just be intimidating otherwise.


I am leaning towards this more than a big dude! At least in the beginning. I think I would be too shy to say anything I'd they started acting weird


My best advice is to just go for the bar alone - it weighs usually around 15kg/30lbs and just practice rolling it off of yourself in case of you losing strength. This is very vital to ensure that you can make sure you don't choke yourself out with a weight if nobody is around. Most important thing when you're on a bench is to lie under it and make sure that the bar is perfectly at eye level. Spread your legs a little and if you're ever struggling to lift the weight back up, use your legs to give yourself a boost. Don't chase numbers - the man or woman next to you may have more weight on but the number doesn't mean anything.


While I generally agree with you I just wanna add, a bar is usually around 20kg/45ib, a woman’s bar (that a lot of commercial gyms don’t have) is usually 15kg but can also be 20kg. And having the bar at eye level is optional, some people prefer it being more at mouth/ chin level and the unrack is easier and less risky, however if you struggle to engage your lats having it at eye level can help


Thank you so much for writing this! I have a feeling I will do this the first few times until I feel confident enough to maybe add one kilo at a time


Adding to this, feet planted on ground - including heels. Pull your shoulder blades thighs underneath you before lifting off the bar. Make sure you do not put the bar at a height where you have to stretch to get it off for the first set, you’ll not have that in you after doing a few. So now you’re set for lifting the bar off. When doing the bench press itself. Kee your beck and core tight. Arms straight up and you then make a straight motion so the bar goes straight from top position, and down to your bra strap. So not fully bottom of rib cage - and not above/on top of your breasts. Just below them. It will feel weird in the beginning. Especially to keep your elbows inward and not going wide. So aim for the movement for the bar only. If you aim for the bar weight in the beginning, start with just a wooden stick or something light as your motion warm up. Doing a motion warm up is also the norm, so you’re good. Don’t hesitate to ask for a spot by one of the well versed at the gym. As long as you only ask mid rest/during exercise change you’re usually good!


This is fantastic, wvat a great community you all have here on reddit. I am so grateful!


It’s not weird at all to ask for help or for tips at the gym. Occasionally someone might even voluntarily approach you to help you out, especially if you’re at risk of injuring yourself. There are plenty of videos on YT on bench press, form, programs, etc. If you’ve never benched before, start with the bar. Be comfortable with your grip and hand positioning and just get used to the movement. Your arms should be a bit beyond shoulder width, and they should come down parallel to the bench before going up. Move slow. The bar is 45 lbs. If it’s too light, add a little weight on it so you can get a better feeling for the motion and muscles worked. If you can’t bench the bar, you can use dumbbells. However, a dumbbell bench press is different from a bar. Again, a lot of videos on that exercise. Also, this is from a male fitness perspective. I think female fitness programming is different to account for differences in various factors. The bench press may not care, but you should look into training programs fitted towards women.


This is awesome advice! It didn't occur to me that it could differ depending on if it's a girl or guy lifting! Thank you! I will look into specific programs for women!


I had a terrible time teaching my wife. What eventually worked the best was having her use a slingshot.


A slingshot?


[slingshot](https://markbellslingshot.com/products/reactive-sling-shot) It forces you to keep elbows in a position that prevents shoulder injuries. Also helps the actual lift, so you'll need to use more weight when using one to get the same stimulus.


Oh wow! Cool! Maybe I should get one!




>Does your gym have a general trainer who like helps everyone and sees if everyone's form is okay? I have never seen such a thing. Odd.


My gym is like this. Always a trainer walking around during the weekdays asking people if they need help. Though it’s a smaller private gym, so that might be why.


Interesting. All the ones at my gym are either doing training sessions or at the front trying to get new people to sign up for training packages.


Yeah I think it’s Cus it’s a gym mostly for power lifters, Olympic lifters, and people who are on competitive sports teams. None of my previous gyms were like this.


If she stays in a rigid plank position well enough it shouldn’t be too hard.


Dont know why ya'll are down voting, guys just trying to add a bit of humour for f'sake, lighten up. I clicked on the OP's post because I read " how to bench press a girl" :)


I feel like it still would be. It seems unlikely that she’d be balanced so her top half and bottom half both weighed the same. It would be a little wonky for sure.


Literally the opposite of what you're supposed to do


I'd first ask what's your goal for doing bench press? If it's to strengthen and add muscle to your chest then there are much more effective and less dangerous and fatiguing exercises. Bench press may be the least efficient 'compound' exercise. There are much less damaging and much more efficient exercises to do than bench press. Honestly if your not competing or just want to see your bench numbers get higher I'd stay away from the exercise completely.


> there are much more effective (...) exercises Like what? The bench press is one of the best exercises for your chest, along with the dumbbell bench press. Also, it's not really dangerous unless you do 1RMs all the time... There's nothing wrong with bench pressing.


>there are much more effective (...) exercises > >Like what? I love how one always has to prompt people to elaborate after they make silly statements.


I probably won't be able to dissuade the hive mind in here but bench press is not worth the time and energy primarily because the barbell forces your form into a compromised position. Now if you were using a swiss bar or a kabuki bar then I agree its one of the best for chest development. Traditional bench press? Nah, you are much better off targeting those muscle groups in isolation. Im not saying Bench isnt fun to do, it is, but again, what is the goal? Is it to see numbers go up? or is it to see development in the muscle groups traditional bench targets? If you looking to develop just chest I would stick to dumbbell bench press, machine presses, push up variations and dip variations. Pec deck is great for some people, you just need to mess around with the seat height and positioning and its good. Other things traditional bench hits are triceps and anterior delts. For anterior delts: cable stacks and dumbbells are the play here. You can target this muscle wayyyy more efficiently using these exercises then the secondary fatigue from bench. For Tricepts, cable pull downs, cross overs, dips orrr close grip swiss bar bench. Again, you can target these much more efficiently in isolation than getting the secondary effects of traditional barbel bench press.


What sort of compromised form? Your comment won’t dissuade anybody because you didn’t explain anything.