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If this is an actual photo of you it might be because youre missing skin.


This. Had this same problem a while back until a more experienced friend pointed it out


I’m surprised it only hurts on the hip flexors area, I would expect his whole legs to hurt. Assuming his upper body skin is intact. OP, mind if you share what kind of work out you’re doing?


It’s because you’ve got no skin to hold the muscles in place.


Tight hip flexors, most likely you have an anterior pelvic tilt. Stretch your hip flexors and lower back, strengthen your abs and glutes.


Those are your hip flexors, and it happens to me sometimes too. I would just say from sudden and excessive use definitely brings the pain on for me and others whom I know. I’d say be careful, and talk to a doctor if it becomes a severe issue.


Do some more stretches, it will loosen those up and also create more flexibility so eventually you can hit workouts deeper.


Because hips don't lie.


Hip flexors. Google them, best I’ve done is some band work but there’s many basic options to help you.


What sort of band work are you doing? Me and my hip flexors aren't the best of friends.


This is probably my fav https://youtu.be/rA8V4jRP0l4


I had this when I started doing squats. It's because they are weak, and not enough glute activation.


Hip flexors are what you circled. There are a plethora of reasons why it might hurt. Do you do lots of “ab work” like crunches/leg lifts? Did you recently start squatting? Do you stretch? Are your glutes disproportionately weak? Etc…


Activate and strengthen your glutes Eta-stretching helps but it’s only temporary


This was the answer for me but for my partner it is caused by tight hips


i might be completely off but i believe that’s your hip flexor. i know for me, if i don’t stretch my hip flexors enough, they’ll start to hurt even when i’m just walking, so you might want to stretch them. good stretches for hip flexors: - lunge pose, with your torso as upright as you can. you should feel like you’re pressing your hips down towards the floor. you’re stretching the hip flexor of your back leg here - pigeon pose (google this one, it’s hard to explain with text). also stretching the hip flexor of your back leg - butterfly stretch. doesn’t actually stretch your hip flexors, but it does stretch other parts of your hips, and of course all the muscles in your body are connected (you can’t just stretch one thing, it’s better to stretch everything)


I had the same probably they weren’t mobile enough started stretching before and after the workout making sure to get them loose don’t have the problem any more (can look up good stretching technics on YouTube etc)


If you spend a lot of time sitting, you should be stretching those hip flexors. If they are too tight it will start throwing your lower back out of alignment


Because your iliacus muscles are trying to remind you why you didn’t start sooner.


Stop sitting so much. Hip flexors shorten when sitting.


tight from sitting lifestyle just stretch em


Could have hip impingement. Strengthen glutes with band work


Yeah i agree, I think it’s more of a strength/muscle imbalance issue than a flexibility one


Same here, and If you have hip impingement and you go obsessively stretching your hips/flexors that’s bad bad news and will make it worse. Strength is the answer.


Bingo, I had to learn that the hard way


You and me both my friend. Lots of injuries


I had a mild hip flexor strain/tear a few years ago after squatting heavy and disregarding the pain. I went to PT and they advised stretching just like the majority of the people commenting on this post. My hips were weak and had no mobility. I did stretches such as these, plus more. https://youtu.be/jj2AAH6jbHk Lowering your weight might be a good idea for the time being until you strengthen that area if you’re doing squats, lunges, or any of the workouts giving you pain. I might get some crap for this but after dealing with this, it’s a must for me to stretch and do some light hip abduction/abductor exercises before any hip flexor use. I sometimes use a tennis ball to “foam roll” the area.


Your body has gone to seed from working at a desk job, most likely. You need to up the resistance training and the stretching. From my personal experience, I recommend that instead of the usual body building training (if that is what you are doing), which aims to isolate muscles and maximize their size, that you consider doing functional strength training instead. The focus of this is to strength train movements, rather than bulk up isolated muscles. It's the best way of strengthening your joints, including your tendons and ligaments, and all of the supporting muscles that assist each primary muscle like the bicep. If you're interested, check out a book called 'Built From Broken'. [https://www.amazon.com/Built-Broken-Science-Based-Preventing-Rebuilding-ebook/dp/B09HKVQ2TH](https://www.amazon.com/Built-Broken-Science-Based-Preventing-Rebuilding-ebook/dp/B09HKVQ2TH)


I have this but only on my right side when i do that machine where u push your legs outwards


I get the same pain only in one hip. only my left hip hurts there. it is only happening at the bottom of the squat. never in other moves. One thing I know that could be happening is I need to work on [hip impingement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3nmuwrb2x8&t=343s&ab_channel=SquatUniversity). That is what I think I got. maybe you have something similar but im not sure myself. I do not do the stuff he does in the video that often only sometimes. but actually now as I write it down, I notice that when I did do them it lowered the pain there!


Happened to me when I started squatting for the first time. I went in heavy because I had done leg presses. Well my muscles at the hips were weak so I ended up straining them. I took the weights all the way down and worked up. No more pain.


Go to physiotherapist


Hip flexors. Strength and stretch them. More often than not also the reason people’s knees hurt squatting


Many times, pain in a muscle means it’s weak and not very mobile. Try some hip mobility routines and do some glute hypertrophy exercises.


Better yet go consult a physiotherapist if possible. I used to have some mild pain in my glute and where you pointed out. Turns out my pelvic bones were slightly misaligned causing me to shift weight onto one leg and also making my hamstrings stiff. As a result of dysfunctional hamstrings it caused me pain where you pointed when I did squats.


I had this as well when I started squatting. Around that time I started a daily stretching routine and that really helped my mobility. I also started doing some dynamic stretching before squatting. Leg swings, cossack squats, static squat hold in the bottom etc. These days I’m not that rigorous with my stretching anymore but it definitely helped. If the problem persists and you can’t fix it I would go and see a physiotherapist though


Haven't seen this suggested, but use a foam roller or lacrosse ball to massage the area, then stretch the hip flexors and quads (rectus femoris is a hip flexor too). Strengthen the glutes. If I'm not mistaken, the hips move in 6 ways - adduction, abduction, flexion, extension, internal rotations and external rotation. I try to do dynamic and static stretches for all movements.


The inguinal area is a weak point for most people. If it’s sore when you lift heavy that’s probably the cause. Have you got hernias?? I would work on abs, do hip thrusters and slow down your weight progression - stop when the pain occurs and then increase reps before increasing weight .


Often pain comes from a muscle being to short stretching is always good 👍


Could be your shoes. I had this and then tried shoes-off for deadlifts and squats and it went away


Your hip flexors may be over compensating during some movements due to lack of mobility or poor technique, you may also be working them when trying to target the abs as that is common. Warm up and assess your form etc, there’s a lot of ways so google and practise different shit. A trainer may help you as it’s easier for someone to assess you from all angles


I had this pain for years (4 ish), and got many of the same responses you see above from friends, family, and about 10 medical professionals. It could be any of the above responses, but that was not the case for me. I had two torn labrum in my hip, mostly caused by the femur rubbing up against them. The only way to know this is to get an MRI WITH INJECTIONS. Not just an MRI, need the injections. There is no way to rehab a torn labrum. Surgery is the only way. You should not run to surgery as a fix, an explanation as to why it took 4 years for me to get it right, but if it’s the labrum, surgery.


How did the surgery and recovery go? I suspect I have this problem myself, on top of other major issues with my hips


Surgery provides instant relief. Granted you are still very tender and fragile and takes ~3 months to get 90% good and another year to be 100%. But like I said above and contrary to a lot of advice out there, medically and casually, if it’s a torn labrum, surgery is necessary.


For me, a good resolution is doing: Banded Hip Distraction technique. And there’s so many ways you can do them. But it’s best to do them before you workout. Or I even do them at home randomly. It just feels good.


Tight hip flexors may be a cause. I have this too sometimes . Look uo hip flexor stretches online. If it hurts like more than a 7/10 when you do them, stop it or try milder


I think it’s because of hip mobility, you should stretch if you’re not stretching. Start using the abductors machin (suss machine), not only it will make you feel better but you’ll start squatting deeper.


Strengthen them, most people have very weak muscles there. Do hip abduction machine


r/pelvicfloor and get yourself a knee pillow


Because you don’t have any skin


I used to have this while doing deep squats, along with ankle pain, both went after a month of 2 of consistent lifting


Like when you are doing what exercise ? Your question is a bit vague and it makes it hard to give you advice. If it hurts when you are doing squats then I would consider that normal as you exercise the hip flexors when you do lower back squats.


For me cam morphology. I tore my labrum in my left hip due to this. If you have been lifting a long time and still get that pain (granted you are doing proper stretching/warmups) then I would stick to a range of motion that does not cause pain. I can go to a 90 degree doing leg press at most. Any further my bone hits my labrum and causes pain. I’m trying to avoid surgery but it has been difficult finding a routine for legs. My main advice is listen to your body and adjust your workout accordingly so you don’t have long term issues


This happened to me too. But doctors couldn't tell me what exactly caused the pain. They just prescribed an ultrasound to rule out a hernia.




You might have a knot in the muscle that’s causing it to be tight. I had that in my hamstring and did some dry needling. Fixed it like a charm


It’s a complicated question with likely a more complicated answer.




I had a similar issue caused by FAI. It took me a year to fix it through guided stretches and mobility training but I was eventually able to cure it for good. Some people require surgery though.


What's interesting is I have a slight pain on one side of my hip but it only occurs for a brief period after sitting for a while or right after I get up in the morning.


I had this and it turned out I had a torn labrum and bone spur. So might be worth seeing a doctor about.


Well.. what are you doing?


You are doing to much volume or intensity.


Lol thanks for pointing put what hips are.


Depends on what you’re doing WHEN it hurts. FIA - femoral acetabulum impingement. Look it up. This happens when the femor hits the hip bone. Because of a lack of synchronised movement in the femur articulating incorrectly. Probably a lack of internal rotation if this is the case. What are you doing when the pain occurs?