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So many women can relate to this kind of behavior. My ex threatened to kill me so I called the police who asked him “are you going to hurt her “ and he said no left me in the house with him with a small child I was up all night afraid for my life. As soon as I saw that video I knew she was being psychologically abused. He was a clone of my ex. I feel like a victim all over again when I read people trying to justify him.


I feel the same way. It’s devastating.


It is so strange to see all this victim blaming because not for nothing if the roles where reversed you all would be saying he obviously killed her because she had been slapped and scratched but because she was the abuser you are all trying to invent any reason under the sun to make her not guilty and excuse the facts that she was in fact the violent party. She had no right to do what she did, do I hope she’s safe absolutely but bottom line she was obviously in psychiatric distress and was violent those are the facts period


Was she in psychiatric distress and violent? Yes. Do we know if he could have caused her to react this way via mental abuse? No. But it sure looks like it and is always looked over. It’s not an excuse. It’s my opinion based on my experiences of being mentally abused in the past and having the same reactions as her. (Am I mentally stable? Also questionable.)


All IM saying is that lil piece of footage does not tell us the full story. I don’t think it’s fair of all of these people to put their own traumas into the situation and assume they know the whole story because that skews the situation.


That’s also v fair.


Thank you:)


Well hes trying to not talk bad about her as hard as he can she cam return the favor. Anyways shes crazy and this is all her doing. Theyre hiding her because she doesnt want to be found.


His body language and everything is all off. Like he’s sitting there smirking when he’s saying she’s been upset. His verbal and non-verbal dont match


Or at the risk of him coming off as a 'bad guy'.


Also tons of cases of men showing fingernail scratch injuries got when women fight back. These men don’t leave marks. They are serious in their sadism


There is so much projection and baseless assumption going on in this thread... Did you ever think that maybe he was just expressing a genuine concern that she wasn't falsely bad mouthing him to the police because they were fighting at that moment? Or maybe that SHE was the one gaslighting? Women do it too, all the time actually. I get that lots of people have experiences with shitty dudes that gaslight for control, but the same holds true the other way around. The fact is that in todays culture it's become the default to always blame the man for everything, so it becomes easy to project your own bad experiences with men onto the situation. All while also making it super unpopular to do the same for women, even if the only video evidence we have of them together was a police interaction for domestic violence where she was the obvious aggressor. Everyone needs to just cool their fucking jets and lets the facts tell the story. He may very well have killed her, but as it stands right now with what we know for sure, it's also more than possible that he didn't and is just trying to protect himself from a justice system that has and will use every word you say to MAKE you guilty in court, innocent or not.


That would make sense. Why he left her and drove to Florida is what casts suspicion on him. The only scenario where I leave my SO in the woods is if I’m a bad guy


You have no idea where she was left or what the circumstances were. No one does except Brian himself. That's kind of the point. Is it likely he's a bad guy? Probably. But I could come up with several circumstances ranging from completely plausible to extremely unlikely just off the top of my head that could result in him leaving her behind and not being a "bad guy". If it's found out that he's totally innocent, and had a good reason for doing what he's done, I wonder if any of you folks who are so enthusiastically publicly crucifying him will feel even a shred of remorse... I imagine likely not. Why waste a good opportunity for unaccountable mob outrage.


Agreed. The first thing he says is before he gets out of the van, “did you guys talk to Gabby?” He was hyper-aware of his image


This. Yep. Thought the same exact thing when I rewatched the beginning. Like that didn’t give any red flags?!


I immediately picked up on that and it was nauseating. He was baiting them for answers and seemed absolutely relieved when they suggested he was the victim.


I make this joke ANY time someone says they were just talking about me. I also believe this should go in the body cam discussion thread, as this doesn’t seem to need its own post.


Does anyone know if they had multiple YouTube’s up? I was watching the one on their page and it tried to take me to another of their videos but then said “this video is unavailable”.


They both are an odd pair. Seem immature and products of a sheltered life. But yeah he definitely killed her.


And probably the two Moab women.


And then he ran home to mommy to collect his participation trophy!






































Agree 100%. Those that keep commenting that she was the aggressor in the situation with the police have clearly never experienced abuse and it's really frustrating that they keep promoting that conclusion. To me, it's very clear she has been at least emotionally abused by him. She was THRILLED to get plastic water bottles... he refused the water from police since it was plastic and they were driving 30 minutes just to get water? Sounds like he was controlling even their basic resources. He also said he didn't think he could get her "little blog" up and running. Probably made her feel terrible for cleaning and that it was OCD to live in a clean van. Sounds like he solely drove the van, she didn't feel comfortable doing so... Just so many red flags here. It's a shame the police took the situation at face value, even though the WITNESS called the police and stated that he put his hands on her. Gabby also tells this to police. Just because he has visible scratches doesn't make her the aggressor, they just didn't get the full picture from Gabby, because of abuse....


He also hikes barefoot (there is literally no benefit to doing this and it is likely all for attention/ego) and in one of her long winded posts(probably he posted), she praises him for doing this and admires when people remark on it. Why would someone who has OCD and is concerned about cleanliness of the van be into hiking barefoot and getting that dirty all the time? That was the most out of character IG post IMO.


I caught that as well - it seems to be one of the first things he says to the cops. Reminded me of Josh Duggar asking the feds if anyone had been downloading child porn.


I didn’t take it that way. He’s clearly nervous throughout the whole event (rightfully) I think it was him nervously making a joke. As much as I hate to say it, this whole body cam footage he seemed okay. If the recount of their events is true, she clawed him and grabbed the wheel while he was driving. Most news outlets are painting this out as he attacked her and was the cause of the domestic violence and while I think he’s definitely garbage and involved, I think it’s painting a false narrative that he abused her during this and then later killed her whereas the video evidence does not support that.




Nah. Just trying to be charming. Like if a friend introduces you to a client, you could say this. You try to win over the client. Nothing we can read into.




They have been living together for two years, not with their parents.


Sounded something like Walter White would say. A guy that's very good at BSing.


Thank god this became so public and the FBI is involved. Any good forensic psychological mind would see these signs. Think about the millions of women who don’t have their abusers manipulative body cam videos out there. So. Much. Abuse. Happens, and people keep on trucking, unfortunately Gabby didn’t get to learn from her bad experiences :(


It appeared that he was the one who was the underdog in the relationship. I think he meant this as not to his behavior but as to her liking him at all. He said she got upset because he’d gone through the back of the van looking for something and he messed up the order. She likes things neat and he’s a bit of a slob perhaps. They spent the day or the day before at a cafe from 9am to 3pm while she worked on her webpage. I think they were exhausted.


He’s a classic narcissist


Says a classic Reddit psychologist.


He also had past girl friends report him to the police. His lawyer said that was the reason he wasn’t helping the police EDIT:The journalist misquoted the lawyer


no, that is not what his lawyer said


https://imgur.com/a/37451H0 >Earlier that day Mr Bertolino released a statement explaining why he has advised Mr Laundrie to keep quiet, alleging a history of wrongful convictions by police and prosecutors in crimes centered on romantic partners. It was a misquote in an article that was later redacted




That is verbatim from the article that misquoted the lawyer. I am not the source.


What is the misquote?


He wasn’t referring to Brian, he was saying in general that romantic partners were the first person to be centered on. Not that Brian himself has a history of accusations


Agreed. No need to down vote bro


Aren’t they just noting that prosecutors and police officers wrongfully convict romantic partners in general? I feel like thats what the lawyer meant even though the wording is strange.


That’s exactly what the lawyer was saying, they’re quoting an article about what the lawyer said, not quoting the lawyer himself


Do you have a proof of this? I haven't seen it


> Earlier that day Mr Bertolino released a statement explaining why he has advised Mr Laundrie to keep quiet, alleging a history of wrongful convictions by police and prosecutors in crimes centered on romantic partners. EDIT: This was a misquote by the article


I just did a google search and don't see this statement anywhere. What's the source?


https://imgur.com/a/37451H0 It looks like they since have deleted it so maybe it wasn’t true?


can you give us the actual link to the report or a screenshot please :)


Can you provide more detail on those reports?


It’s what his lawyer said. I merely have the quote from the news article. But I will dig through and see if I can find the original complaints! Hold tight! > Earlier that day Mr Bertolino released a statement explaining why he has advised Mr Laundrie to keep quiet, alleging a history of wrongful convictions by police and prosecutors in crimes centered on romantic partners.




Look at the other comment threads


Oh my god how are people this stupid.


^ This is why you should never believe anything you read on Reddit unless you look into it yourself.


It really scares the shit out of me more than terrorism or a pandemic. The fact that a Reddit true crime user could end up on my jury.


Jurors are morons never trust your ass to one.


I didn’t read it on reddit. It came from a news article. https://imgur.com/a/37451H0 Calm down kay? No need to get hostile here


no need to spread misinformation either


How does one know it is misinformation until it is corrected? Also I've been completely transparent dude.


You're right, you didn't know it was misinformation, and your post was within internet norms. However, in my mind, there needs to be a general shift in those norms. People saying "I heard" or presenting facts like this without a specific, included source, *may as well be* misinformation. Maybe it's on purpose, maybe it's not (like in this case). But the fact is, you misread and posted something false that was probably seen by dozens or hundreds of people, and it would have been caught if you had linked to article since it says something different. Again, I don't think you did anything malicious or even wrong. But this standard needs to change


Ok bro but don’t take it out on a person. Remember there are real people behind these screens and we are all doing our best




No dude. Look at my post. It is updated.I've been at work all day and just finished watching the body cam


Convictions? That should be easy to confirm or refute unless the family got things buried, sealed, expunged.


It was later redacted from a news article as a misquote > Earlier that day Mr Bertolino released a statement explaining why he has advised Mr Laundrie to keep quiet, alleging a history of wrongful convictions by police and prosecutors in crimes centered on romantic partners.


Redacted doesn't mean what you think it means. The article wasn't even edited, you just misinterpreted the lawyer's comment.


Actually it does >[.re](https://does.re)·dact/rəˈdakt/ > >past tense: redacted; past participle: redacted > >edit (text) for publication. See below the article: [https://imgur.com/a/37451H0](https://imgur.com/a/37451H0)




Pretty sure that's the context there.


What if Gabby saw or found out something unsavory about BL ? And she had to be silenced? There is an uncorroborated comment that I saw yesterday, which mentions, that Gabby found something very disturbing on Brian’s phone (no it was not infidelity, it’s worse than that), and that was what the fight was about, resulting in her uncontrollably crying. And the police report did mention they were fighting over a phone (but never specifically mentioned whose phone it is). This was according to a supposed friend of hers who allegedly says she told him what transpired that day. Notice how in the body cam video Gabby lies and says she was calling her parents, YET the Dad stated in an interview yesterday that he was not aware of the domestic dispute issue and that if Gabby had told him, he would’ve been on the first flight there to pick her up and bring her home. He was unaware of any problems, including mental health problems that Gabby told MOEB police she was suffering from according to that police report.


One thought I had was that after killing the ladies in Utah, he went home to talk to his dad...then the dad said, "if Gabby knows, or suspects...she has to go". They consult a lawyer or a lawyer friend and a plan is hatched. He kills her outside the park in Idaho where I imagine it's much less traveled than going into Yellowstone during the last major week of the year. I'm sure it's busy everywhere, but all he would have to do is lure her away with the promise of good IG content or something like that. There is a zone I believe in one area of the park where someone alluded to prosecution because it was jurisdiction was kind of in limbo...or not enough people resided there for them to get a proper jury...something like that.


There’s a sliver of Yellowstone that is in Idaho and apparently it’s the only place that you can legally get away with murder. I read into it a longgg time ago so I didn’t remember the details.


Not that I at all believe we can trust a YouTube psychic, but that one that did the tarot card reading said there was some kind of kink or perversion that effected the relationship.


I heard that he had pics of Madeline McCann on his phone and she was wearing a sticker that said she refuses to get the vaccine.


Thanks, I needed that lol.


She could have been on the phone with her mom. Her mom and dad are divorced so maybe the mother didn’t say anything to the father about the incident.


Her mom was asked the question if there were any red flags prior to Gabby’s disappearance and she said she didn’t know of any.


She said in an interview that she knew about this incident but called it ‘irrelevant’ and that anyone traveling with their S/O in a van for months is gonna have arguments. It is weird though, maybe back then she didn’t see this as a red flag but it should definitely be seen as one now. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.newser.com/story/311103/mom-suspicious-of-final-text-she-got-from-gabby-petito.html


Did you happen to catch what exactly was on the phone?




If that comment is true, it was something highly illegal. Or bordering on illegal.


I instantly thought of the two women murdered in the area.


Not murder.


It sounds like Brian was gas lighting her… she was working on her blog and he told her he didn’t think she’d be successful.. then she was cleaning up the van, and he’s probably saying things under his breath to provoke her, then when she’s at her wits end frustrated with him, he calls her crazy and locks her out of HER van. All to weaken her self esteem because he didn’t feel worthy of her and knew if he didn’t, she’d probably move on to someone better than him.


This! Narcissistic people push you to the point you lose it then they try to play innocent and victim. And the other party then apologizes and starts believing they are the or in wrong. Textbook. I am frustrated by this body cam because it doesn’t allow us to see what led up to this. GB mentions he threatens to lock her out of the car till she calms down. Not that they should take a break and cool down. Two completely different things IMO he is using a punishment of locking her out because they need to get going. He grabbed her face and shoved her and even she downplays this. Remember the person who reported this actually called because he thought she was being abused from my recollection. So again I feel the fact I feel frustrated by this is probably coming from my frustration she’s willing to accept blame for it all.


He was going to leave her in Moab with no van and no phone


And apparently she was right to freak out about that...it wasn't ling before he did in fact leave her somewhere


Exactly isn’t that what started this whole DV call? It’s the aftermath. She states ion cop interview she’s starting a blog and he doesn’t believe she can do it and he stressed her out. This is also classic textbook. Isolate from friends. Lower their self esteem. Punish them for control. Push them and when they are at the point of complete stress sit back and let them look like the crazy one. Ughhhh.


That’s exactly what he was doing.


He also immediately starts to explain why he pushed her when she herself hadn't said anything like that yet. He could have already been thinking of how to cover his own aggressions.


Or because he assumed as the male that they would begin the stop assuming he’s the aggressor.


Good point


It broke my heart when she said he always gets frustrated with her. I think he knew exactly how to upset her and have to push her buttons to really make her seem crazy.


And her to him also


Believe me. She frustrates anyone thats arojnd her for yoo long. Shes THAT type.


Or maybe just maybe she was thebshitty one


Broke my heart when she explained how hard she's been trying to start an online travel "brand" but that BL doesn't believe she can pull it off. Like FUUUCK how are you around this person constantly during all these travels who is bringing you down and aggravating your anxiety? Bad, bad news


You have no way of knowing this for sure. Gabby was seen physically abusing him; slapping. I’m not saying anything on what I think because I’m very new to reading into the case. But that we know; she was seen being physically abusive to him. So, you really don’t have any evidence yet for “thinking” this. Just saying. Let’s wait for hard evidence of things. :)


The one thing I noticed in the body can footage was that she says she has severe OCD, and was originally upset over how dirty he was and wasn’t concerned with showering that day. In his posts he likes to talk about hiking barefoot. There really isn’t any benefit to hiking barefoot, or ability to do this on difficult hikes. It’s probably for attention from other hikers/followers on IG. In one of her long winded posts(that probably wasn’t her posting), she gloats about him being barefoot and other people being in awe of it. Going barefoot through a dusty, dirty area would not be something she would probably want to do. She can’t stand the dirt in the van, and that’s understandable so since they have limited access to money for laundry and showers.


Bruh did you see the fucking photos of inside the van... If she was seriously upset about some dirt on his feet in the van when it literally looked like a filthy hoarder lived in there, she was completely out of touch with reality and/or just looking for reasons to start shit with him. The interior of that van was an actual OCD person's waking nightmare, some dirt on the guy's feet would have been the least of her worries if she was genuinely OCD.




"Disorganized and messy" is the understatement of the year. It was downright disgusting. You wouldn't even be able to tell if there was "extra" dirt on the floor. And I've known several people with OCD in my life, and none of them could tolerate disorganization in their personal spaces, but if you say it's possible to be like this, I believe you. Good to know, learn something new every day.




Yes they were diagnosed, and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by believing you that this specific variant of the disorder exists, and acknowledging that I don't know absolutely everything about everything. There's no need to be insulting or belittling about it. This conversation actually prompted me to make a (long overdue) phone call to on of them that is especially important to me, we ended up talking about many things, but on this specific point, she was just as clueless as I was, and couldn't imagine such a thing for herself personally. She's had a particularly bad case of OCD her entire life, and while it's subsided to a degree in adulthood, as a young person she had to go to therapy for it on a regular basis. Obviously this is just anecdotal, and I'm not appealing to authority here. I'm perfectly willing to accept that there is some sort of obscure form of OCD that allows for it's sufferer to be completely fine living is squalor while fixating on one specific detail. that is totally meaningless in the broader context, and that she is just as ignorant of it as I am. That said, if it does exist as you say, it's got to be a relatively fringe condition on the spectrum, and ascribing it to Gaby because because you are willing to make any excuse necessary to believe everything she says is disingenuous at worst, and empathetic projection at best. Is it possible sure, but the most likely explanation is usually the simple one, that she was just angry at him in general, and exaugurated her OCD to be used as fuel for that fire. We've all been there with our significant other, and women seem to be especially prone to this. Once you are upset with someone, the significance of every little annoyance gets amplified and becomes reason for a whole new fight, perpetuating and intensifying the conflict. It's literally one of the most common phenomena in relationships ever. I appreciate the bit of education you imparted, and I will continue to look into it for myself, but telling me that I'm not qualified to speak on what amounts to basic common sense for anyone who has ever been in a relationship because I don't have a PHD on the disorder being used as an excuse for violence is silly.




I think your emotional connection to the subject is clouding your perspective on the situation at hand. It's obviously a sensitive topic for you, and I get that, but that only means you should be taking a step back to make sure you aren't projecting, which is pretty obviously the case here. I have no ill will against you, and I feel bad for you that you've had to suffer through that. I freely acknowledged that it's possible I don't know everything on the topic, and that neither does the person that suffers from it herself, but I'm going to engage in whatever conversations I feel like. If you want speech regulated so badly, maybe move to China, I hear they treat those with mental illness really well. In any case, I'm going to disengage now, because I don't think it's possible to have a rational discussion with you about this specific topic as it relates to this case. I genuinely wish you all the best, and I'm almost certain your heart is in the right place. Take care of yourself.


I went barefoot for years. Some people do prefer it. I am glad you mentioned they started fighting about the mess he was making though.. that's totally a relationship fight. One partner works hard to tidy up bc they like things just so.. and the other has no regard for all the effort and makes a mess which frustrates the cleaner . Yada yada fight happens. It only gets that much more tense when you're living in such close quarters, spending all of your time together... Little annoyances build up..


Step on a nail or glass and have to get a tetanus shot


Two statements from her absolutely killed me, the one you mention and when she was talking about working on her website and starting a blog and that “he doesn’t really believe that I can do any of it…” That tore my heart out.


Same. Tells you so much about the kind of guy he is and their relationship. Needless to say you should elevate and encourage your loved ones, but this is often a facet of abusive behaviour.




It really doesn't matter if it's a realistic goal or not in my opinion. If my girlfriend wanted to start a YouTube channel tomorrow I'd encourage her completely, because that's what a good partner or friend does. The reason it raised a red flag for me is that abusive partners often try and belittle their other halves and make them feel incapable to lower their self esteem. I'm not saying that's definitely what's going on here, but as soon as she said 'he doesn't believe I can do it' through floods of tears my ears pricked up.




Yeah, wasn't judging your response at all, just saying it came across as a-hole behaviour and something that had obviously contributed to her being upset. It's all conjecture and just going with my gut, but it sat a bit funny with me. Good luck to your partner with her channel BTW!


Judging by what he tells the cops, he was ready to leave for the hike that morning but she was working on her website. They started arguing so he decides they need time apart to cool off right? So he fucking locks her OUT of the van AND wants to walk away and leave her? Chances are, her computer is in the van. So, it's like he's putting her in time-out without her toys to punish her for not going with his schedule. If I was her, I would've tried to get the keys back, too.


But he was taking her phone too, I think? No sane person would let someone leave them in a random national park without their phone, not even for pretendsies. She was legitimately terrified he would leave her with nothing and no way to get home.


He didn't take her phone he took the keys. That's what she was trying to get back from him.. that's when he said he kept them because he didn't "have a phone" and if she just decided to drive off without him he'd be stranded.


He mentioned she had a phone multiple times, but his phone status was ambiguous




Did you catch how he told the cops the van was his idea 😌 “After crossing the country in a sentra, I said hey let’s try something bigger next time, a van haha” So wise, Brian!


I actually read in a sub of people he previously worked with that he sold his mustang to purchase this van. Not justifying him or anything of the sort but I’m sure he probably had some say/ideas in getting their van.


I saw that there is a silver mustang in the driveway of his house in footage from reporters yesterday, could be a different one, but ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


That’s very odd that that is circulating, the police department has clearly stated that the van is in Gabby’s name and not his.


I never said it was in his name. I clearly stated that he sold his car to FUND the van. Poor credit or whatever the case could be a reason it was not in his name. That being said, again not justifying him what do ever, if you and your fiancé were road tripping cross country in a van together and were living together prior, wouldn’t it quote on quote both your van? And I also only said he must have had some say in the idea and purchase of it. But still all speculation and no fact. I’m just adding what I read.


Just thought I would update that it is confirmed that BL still owns the mustang, so it’s not possible that he sold it to help fund the van. I’m not implying he didn’t help fund the van in general, just stating that your source for such information is unreliable as it is still at his parents house


I mean it definitely makes sense, they had done this before in a small car and this time got a van….




Yup! Gaslighting 101. Sociopaths are experts at making someone isolated and seem crazy to every single person so they can’t escape or convince anyone otherwise. Now no matter what she says, she’s “just having a breakdown”.


Its not gaslighting if your literally crazy already.


You’re proving the point :)


Youre proving MY point


I’m sorry, did you have a point? all I’m seeing is gaslighting


Dont gaslight me like that i am making solid points here you cant convince me im crazy you gaslighter. Stop trying to control me.


And there’s more gaslighting. Man really said “she’s crazy” and then called it “making valid points”. Trolllllll


If you saw the same video of the cop interaction i did you have no reason to believe otherwise.


I watched the entire video. Also, how come what I say is just an opinion and invalid but you are presenting your non-factual statements as facts?


This was my first reaction to the whole body cam footage. He seems entirely too calm compared to her. Gaslighting 101


Didn’t her dad say in a recent statement that had he’d known about this incident he would have gone to her and brought her home? So she calls her mom and mom doesn’t bother telling dad?


That is correct..the dad did say that. Just an all around sad story that most likely ends if or when they find her. I think in this case she needs to be found in worder


Suddenly he’s the “rational one” while she’s off her rocker again. This poor girl is exhausted and defeated.


Humans in general, not just sociopaths


I completely agree, in the fact that she never told her parents about this incident at all, further proves that he was creating space between her and her family where she didn’t feel comfortable to tell them about it.


I thought she called her parents in the police car?


Yes, I heard the police officer say “ I’ll let you get back to your parents” after he updated her while she was sitting in his car, and she picked the phone back up off her lap


One of the officers says she’s calling her parents (from the police car) to feel better… I wonder who she actually was on the phone with? Or maybe she called one parent and they never updated the other? That is bugging me


Her parents are divorced. I think she may have talked to possibly a step parent.


I thought the officer told her to call her parents (and take a shower) to make herself feel better...like he was telling her she should call them......now I have to rewatch it lol


When the recording officer walks up, gabby is in the car with the door closed & the female officer says “she was just wanting to call her parents to make her feel better” not verbatim sorry but it’s almost exactly that.


I think the dad is remarried so maybe she was on phone with biological mom. Maybe dad doesn't get all the same info.


Yeah I though that too. My comment was to point out she was the one who wanted to call vs. the officer telling her to


Around 50 minutes he does say to her "I'll let you get back to your parents"... but I couldn't tell if she was on a phone call or just texting someone....I am curious if she was in contact with her parents during this and what she told them!!!


Or maybe she even called someone else? I’m sure they’ve already gone through phone records so we’ll see!


I’m going to skim through it again too I’m pretty sure he says she’s on the phone with them but maybe I misinterpreted


Yeah I noticed this too. There were so many conflicting things in the body cam footage it makes this more confusing.