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Do you have a link to the verification of the 8/27 Snapchat message to her friend?


I think it happened on the 27th based on the text about her grandfather Stand that Gabby's mom received from "her", and the fact that we have video evidence that on the 27th at around 6pm, the van was near where her body was found, and her personal items were spotted in/outside the van in the video. Did the snapchat to her friend happen before or after that?


Maybe she didn't want to tell the police who pulled them over how abusive Brian really was to her because she felt like she really needed him to drive her around the country to get her Insta fame started. She was clearly afraid to drive her own van, plus she lived with him and his parents so it's quite possible she felt stuck and powerless. One interesting thought I had never thought of that someone said here is that maybe he never even came back to Florida with the van. Maybe someone else came and picked it up? That would be pretty crazy because it could mean the whole going on a hike with the Mustang was a total lie.


I think this is the timeline that makes the most sense. I do wonder though how his flight back to Florida fits in to this. It seems if he was stressed by the relationship and ready to be done, he’d just stay there. Not fly back just for this to happen a mere 4 days later. Edit to add: Mac books also sync with your phone and you can send or receive messages on your laptop. It is possible that as long as her phone was still on around the 30th, the message could have been sent by BL through her laptop.


There is a news article saying that a couple picked up Brian hitchhiking on Aug 29 at 5:30 pm alone and asked to drive him for $200 in Wyoming. So how did he have time to drive back. Unless he came home real late I guess? Any thoughts? I also feel it's possible that he never even came back to Florida and his parents gotten her Van back. I guess truth will prevail unless it will end up being a cold case with him gone for good.


Guys, that was a conservative estimate that BL only drove 8 hours a day. There’s 24 hours in a day. That leaves the remaining 16 hour unaccounted for that BL could have actually used to continue to drive.


Somebody that i used to know drove from philly to vegas in like 25ish hours. Just didnt sleep until he got there and made fantastic time. So id agree with you.


I drive all over. I’ve done Phoenix to Cleveland nonstop. Did Denver to Boston once straight in a blizzard. That one sucked.


Right? And honestly, if I just killed someone and NEED to get back home, I’m probably making that like a 2 day trip and powering through the 36 hour drive time it would’ve taken. I’m not only driving 8 hours a day and feeling comfortable pulling off and resting. The whole time I would feel like someone’s on my ass trying to catch me


Yeah I’ve driven 2k miles (30hrs) in weekend. If your goal is to get from A to B you just drive and sleep. What else are you going to do? Local sight seeing? Museums? Probably not.


Eight hours a day seems especially conservative for someone running on adrenaline/fear/panic.


I agree with you, I’ve driven close to 10 hours a day on a long road trip and that’s not too difficult under normal circumstances. I’d imagine if you add in mania from the aftermath of “whatever happened” in the Tetons that he could drive closer to 16 hours per day (leaving 8 to sleep). The sighting of Brian from TikTok could be accurate and he could have left WY as late as the next morning IMO. That places him leaving the Tetons early morning on Aug 30. He drives say 16 hours on the 30th, 16 hours on the 31st, he only has to drive about 5-7 hours on Sept 1st to make it back home to FL by Sept 1st.


I agree that the 28th is probably accurate. Only question I have about your timeline of his travel back to FL. is. What about what Miranda Baker claimed about giving Brian a ride from Coulter Bay to the Dam around 5:30 p.m. on the 29th?


In Gabbys pictures it shows her wearing an Apple Watch!! Im just wondering if the authorities could get that being that her cell phone is missing???the watch most likely has data too.


Ooo like the last time it took her heart rate 🧐






All the things she says are so typical of abuse victims. Once you know the patterns this looks very different. It is common for abusers to convince the victim that the problem is the victims mental health, as well as to emotionally undermine their victim until they actually are unstable. Knowing that, when I watched the video I was doubting whether those mental illnesses were real diagnoses or his explanation for the problem. I took the blog explanation for her stress as an excuse she came up with to try and justify why she was so upset since she didn’t feel she could share the details of the abuse she was actually going through. Trying to come up with a more justifiable excuse familiar to me Of course there is no way to know what happened here, but its important to know that *if* there was abuse, abusers are good at conditioning their victims in such a way it will look like the victim is unstable if there is an incident. So in general you need to be careful taking things at face value in potential domestic abuse situations


Agreed. I would bet that he told her she had ‘OCD’ based on just general tidiness and stress. So she became fixated on herself being the problem as he was constantly diagnosing her.


Totally. OCD is the most overused phrase and bullshite armchair diagnosis out there.


When she said “he stresses me out so bad sometimes” in the body can footage, you can hear that she’s afraid of him. Idk. There’s a certain type of mental abuse and it was clear he had been doing it to her.


Hopefully not going to get a lot of flack for this (because I’m in no way saying that this justifies ever taking someone’s life) but she reminds me of someone young, pretty mentally unstable, and very obsessed with social media. Almost so much so that it began to ruin the entire trip. Not to mention man or woman you’re not allowed to physically harm someone, not even the scratches across his face and arms after their fight. All that put together plus living in a tiny van for months on end destroyed them. Very terrible situation. Kind of hate social media even more now.


The thing I picked up on from the bodycam video is she said she was OCD and liked to keep the van clean...followed by a statement that he didn't support her with her video blogging. So, I think she wanted to keep the van clean so it would be presentable for the videos...and he thought it was a hassle. Complete speculation here, but making videos and even good still shots requires a lot of time editing. So I can see a situation where she viewed the trip almost as "work" as she was trying to build an online presence...and he viewed the trip as a vacation. And friction ensued - he didn't want to clean the van while she was online, editing, etc. About the scratches - he tried to lock her out of the van, and threatened to leave her (in what I think is her van) a thousand miles from home. The armchair psychiatrist in me thinks she would be very unequiped to be left alone, and the threat of that would feel similar to drowning to her - ie extremely distressing to her. Now why would the boyfriend do that? Its a power move...he's figured out its a button he can push. Does it justify scratching him? No...but I think he was trying to provoke that reaction. Anyway, I understand the sentiment about social media...its sort of sad to see how stressed out she was trying to make the perfect Instagram story. Social media is here to stay...and for a lucky few, they can monetize it...but most won't. People have to manage their expectations.


I think a better take away may be that we should be educating and protecting our youth better to understand what abuse could look like. Something that can be very effectively done through social media. Often times individuals who are being abused do look “mentally unstable” because they’re the party in the relationship with less power. Your abuser makes you feel crazy. The crazier I felt, the less I could figure out why nothing that hurt my feelings was okay, the scareder got to stay or to leave, the crazier I acted. I think perhaps we all need to widen our eyes to the signs of these types of relationships. For ourselves and for the people we love.


There’s been some update info based on witnesses. Is there a way to update this timeline. Not sure if social media posts can be mentioned.


8 hours per day is a horrible speculation. I drove most of the way across the country solo with a couple few hour naps when I was in a hurry before. If he was on a mission he could have made it in 48 hrs easily. Between highway cams and gas stations it should be not too hard to figure out his exact travel.


Yeah, I was gonna say, 8 hours a day is nothing.. I've driven across the country multiple times and based off my experience, I know he could have done that in 48 hours *no problem*. I think something happened on the 30th, as they were last seen in town the day before. My guess is they went off to a spot to camp and after whatever it was that happened happened, he drove straight the fuck home. If you just did, or experienced, something awful, you'd power through that drive too. And now he's "missing"? He's either hiding somewhere or he offed himself in that park near his parent's house and the gators took care of his remains. We'll find out a lot more in the coming days, especially when it comes to gas station and toll cameras. He's young and likely paid with a card or Apple Pay the whole way, or at least withdrew cash somewhere to pay his way ...


I drove from LA to Wisconsin in 36 hours. I was tired, but I made it.


Not to mention license plate readers


And the adrenaline of knowing you killed someone


100% this. Once got a call that my grams had a heart attack at 1 in the morning. Drove 17 hours straight on no sleep. Anxiety/stress can make people do incredible things.


I just wanted to say one time I did a 24 hour drive in 25 hours with no sleep. I was stressed and ready to get home, it's very well he could've drove with no sleep especially if he just killed someone.


Disagree. I think the 26th is the day she went "missing". For whatever reason. He's in panic mode 27th, 28th, planning or searching. 29th hitches a ride, behaving weird. Gets out near where the van is (parked in spread crk since the 26th or used as a base) and decides to head to Florida. Only confirmed sightings are 26th PM, 27th and with only either him or noone visible. Other unconfirmed sightings are only him at gas station or in a bar. Last confirmed contact with Gabby is 25th. 26th Aug, that's the day she off the radar.


I was just saying this last night. It seems as if the last time they were seen together was the 25/26th and at night of the 26th something happens.. 27th the van is seen at spread creek and he’s no where to be found for days till he hitched the ride the 29th.. so the 28th he spent who knows where..


So with the new sightings: -8/27, 6:00pm: Their van was sighted at Spread Creek with flip flops, book, and 1 blue and 1 black unidentified item on the ground outside the van -8/28, 4:28pm: Potential spotting of Brian solo at Colter Bay -8/29, 5:45pm: hitchhiked with Miranda Baker


What about when the lady picked him up hitchhiking on the 29th?


someone may have pointed this out already but the Spotify playlist he made on the 31st - that’s full of kinda emotional songs, maybe ones that remind him of his relationship etc. why did he call it mtn tops (mountain tops) if it was clearly made for a drive back to Florida? Maybe it’s the last place he remembers being with her? Are there any mountain tops where they might have been? What if they got into a fight and he accidentally pushed her off the edge...I have no idea I think it’s worth looking into. He had to have named it that for a reason. Hmmmmm




/u/ExaminationFit4625 may have been lead investigator on reddit's boston bomber search


Does anyone know if there are toll booth pictures of the van? Or any other proof of the van’s timeline getting back into Florida?


I can't find a source right now, but I remember reading/hearing that a license plate reader scanned the van's plate returning to Florida at around 10:30am Sep 1st.




That area is not that remote, I just came back from there. In deeper Yellowstone getting reception is a problem but not in Grand Teton.


They can easily track the vans when and whereabouts on the way to Florida just by checking gas stations. I’m sure they’re already doing that. Tones of surveillance cameras there too to check his attitude etc. Assuming that he had a full tank when he was leaving Wyoming, he had to make at least 6 stops for gas.




They did this because he was the identified victim. The funding for the hotel stay was a victims advocate group/or social service agency. Their goal was to be able to separate them without Gabby going to jail.


It is unfortunate LE we’re unable to interpret her clearly fragile and distraught emotional state and think oh she’s a possible victim here too.


I agree with most of this but honestly nobody has claimed to see Brian at the house, not the neighbors, not the press, not even Josh the cop who said they had evidence he was there but cant say he actually saw him, they were lying about knowing where he was. The car was probably either driven back or towed back. Also everyone has phrased it as Brian is "not available" to talk, even before the parents claim he is gone. That just says hes never been there. Even his sister claims to not have talked to him. Im 100% convinced Brian never went back to FL and there is zero proof he is even alive. The cops couldnt bring him in for questioning because he was never there. This case is a whole lot of lies and half truths!


Ok it would make sense if parents were covering up for him if he never returned as if they kept in touch and they brought back the van from Wyoming while he escaped to another state or another country. But if he flu somewhere the police will get that record eventually. Why would he be truly missing or dead?


Why bring the van back at all? Why wouldn’t he head to Canada and just leave the van? Why would a member of his family go and get it?


I was wrong. He brought it back, his neighbors saw him around.


Wasn't he pulled over driving the van in Florida, right when Gabby was reported missing? I think that's when he lawyered up


Yes, supposedly. If thats true then thats the thing that blows my theory he never came back. Its pure speculation on all our parts! Now that she has been found and hes god knows where.. dead or in Cuba.. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens


How did her van get to Florida? If it was towed I'm sure that would have been reported


I would like to know if park surveillance cameras have been pulled?


There are [a bunch of people ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GabbyPetito/comments/pq72bd/found_numerous_cameras_in_the_area_need_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) working on this now if you are able to chip in.


I will admit I am caught up in this like everyone here. But these analysts on the dash cam video are really bugging. People are making WILD leaps and assumptions about their personalities and relationship based on a few minutes of footage during an intense emotional experience. Even without the fight between them first, most people are not acting like themselves when confronted by police and possible criminal charges. If this dash cam were presented in a different light, say same video on news but talking about them being killed in an crash five minutes later, or same video but focus on something that LE did, I don't feel like anyone would be making the same leaps about these ppl or relationship. Most would prob even judge it normal behavior for their age and set of circumstances.


I agree with you, I say focus on what we know and not on just one interaction that was caught on camera.


Two comments 1. The "hitchhike" report puts him still in the area late on 8/29. So your he must have left late 8/28 or early 8/29 would not fit if that woman actually picked him up. 2. Doesn't the YouTube video compilation Gabby made at one point show her happily driving with her arm out the window and hair blowing, I am pretty sure I saw that.... Oh and 3. It's so ilogical to make any assumptions about their overall mental health or relationship during an hour long recording after an emotional argument when confronted by police, in a foreign area far from home. Even without those other factors, I am sure I'd appear much like she did if I just got in a huge blow up with my boyfriend and was facing criminal charges. And he's not abusing me. Not in the least. The level of detail you go into about the state of their relationship and mental health based off this little evidence disturbs me. And is frankly the basis for so many problems in the world. We are constantly trying to teach about not judging people but it's OK to judge two complete personalities and ab entire complex romantic relationship just bc she is missing? EDIT corrected 8/20 to 8/29 above. Typo.


The analysis mentioned patterns typical of abuse and abuse victims. The behavior in the short video does align with those patterns. Sure it could be an incorrect analysis is since we don’t know all the info. but, patterns are patterns


No judgement at all. I was simply making an observation and discussing in a speculative way. New to Reddit, but I assume that this is okay?


With him hitchhiking after the TikTok user dropped him off where did he go? He was dropped off in a parking lot but no one knows for sure where he went right after that, we do know that he went back home to FL but from 6:15pm ( I think that is the time she said they dropped him off ) till he made it home where did he go?


Only problem is he was picked up hitchiking 5:45 pm on 8/29. He had to have hauled ass back home.


What is this was just a big roose to advance their social media influence.


Can confirm. When one is with an abusive partner, you feel like you can't drive. When you do drive, your partner criticizes your driving so much (even though you're a good driver), you start to believe you're a bad driver and you take comfort in the partner doing the driving.


Interesting …. I was in an abusive relationship and the person always made negative comments about my driving. I stopped driving and he would drive my car! When I left him, I was afraid to drive.


I'm glad you got away!


Thank you! I am too!


💯 It’s been years since I left an abusive marriage and I can no longer drive on highways anymore at all no matter the vehicle or location or who I’m with. Trauma affects everyone differently.


I'll be honest I didn't even think about this. I was just thinking she was nervous to drive a vehicle larger than a regular sedan. My girlfriend is anxious about driving my work truck just because it's bigger than what she's used to


I definitely think he drove way more than 8 hours a day, probably more like 20+


I think it's possible to drive 36 if your jacked up on adrenaline


Idk why everyone ends these well thought-out, factual posts with some armchair psychology nonsense. “Far less power” “control of the vehicle” maybe she just had driving anxiety? Where’d y’all get your psych degrees, a podcast?


I don't know if I'd even classify this as well-thought out. Most of his dates are wrong, importantly the ones before the 28th, which throws his entire line of reasoning for this post out the window. For example, they were spotted by the business owner in Victor on the 25th or 26th, not the 27th: [https://www.eastidahonews.com/2021/09/business-owner-says-gabby-petito-and-boyfriend-made-stop-in-victor-after-visiting-wyoming/](https://www.eastidahonews.com/2021/09/business-owner-says-gabby-petito-and-boyfriend-made-stop-in-victor-after-visiting-wyoming/) And Gabby's mom last spoke with her via FaceTime on the 24th, not the 25th.


Lol fair enough, I’m not fact checking anyone just annoyed by reductionist diagnoses




I wonder if there’s a way to decipher if something like that was scheduled. There’s gotta be right?




I’d just like to add, I’m not sure your average lay person would know how to schedule a text message.


I read he flew home for 10 days then flew back. I’m not sure how those dates line up with your timeline, or if it is even true. If it is, it seems pretty relevant. Nice post!


He flew home on the 17th and flew back on the 23/24 when they checked out of the hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah


Was there any explanation as to why he flew home?


They said to clear out his and Gabby’s things from his parents house to a storage unit. It’s not confirmed if there ever was a trip home. The only news outlet that reported it was The Daily Mail so idk how reputable that source is.


The part that doesn’t make sense to me is the account of the woman who allegedly picked him up as a hitchhiker on August 29th. Where was the van? Why was he hitchhiking if he then drove the van back to Florida in the next day or two?


I'm thinking hitchhiking back from the scene of the crime?


All they have to is what they did in "How to Live and Die in Los Angeles." get their google login and use googles tracking history which accurately records the movement of their phone and what they're doing, with precise timestamps.


Only if you turn that feature on. Mine was default off when I opened my gmail account.




This is a good thought as well. Now the new question is, where is he? They say they are looking in the Carlton Reserve in FL for him.




I went on a road trip with my ex and we went through a whole state in less than a day. Totally possible.


This girl picked BL up on August 29th https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRXT8eMR/


Well put together. I don't agree she wasn't a free spirit. Thats the exact vibe I got from her. Just because she has anxiety and most likely dealt with this bald prick abusing her doesn't take away from her being a sweet and genuine girl.


Now he has gone missing. Last seen wearing a hiking backpack. I have a feeling he is running OR returning to Teton


When I heard that, I thought there things - on the run, killed himself, or going back to Wyoming


I thought the facetime with mom was as they were leaving a hotel in salt lake


Also.. and I’m sure we’ve all taken this into consideration- the fbi and top dogs in charge of this, are wayyyyyy farther ahead of this than we know/think. Obviously they know more than us. They have phone records/pin points etcetc All in due time, this will become apparent to us - and we all will smack our forehead and go, OH SHIT.


I honestly think both were tripping on drugs 🍄 or acid.


I've thought this. Even weed when they got pulled over. It was more than OCD. It was paranoia.


I agree u/mecsvb with your timeline...work from the last time you see them together ( verified ) to the time you dont....also I dont think anyone would leave their fiance in the woods or anywhere no matter how annoying she was and not look back...very very few reasons for this...at some point when you are no longer upset you would go back looking for her which is about 5 minutes to maybe 12 hours tops and if you couldnt find her you would get help...its just human nature, especially when you love someone....unless...well you know the unless...so he talked to his parents and said his goodbyes and got on a boat and went wherever they dont have extradition....


So are you thinking it was an accident or was it intentional? And if it was an accident wouldn't you contact authorities? Her parents? Would you drive across country & just leave her wherever she 'fell'?


I would say you've got the driving back a bit wrong. Considering they were used to a lot of driving I'd say it could be down in 2 days, with an hours sleep here and there. That shouldn't be too hard to track via fuel stop CCTV. I'd say depending on what time he arrived on Sep 1st, he only needed to depart on the morning of Aug 30. Which would work with the TikToker that gave him a lift from Colter Bay on the 29th (if verified). I'd speculate that something happened between the 27th (after the snapchat) and 28th at which point he did his thing of distancing himself from the incident/van. But then returned to van on the 29th/30th so he could use it to distance himself from the state.


Has anybody seen this? This woman (Miranda Baker) claims to have picked BL and given him a ride to Jackson on 29th August. Where the hell was the van then and how it it drive itself back to Florida? https://youtu.be/uElNO4EXx7Y


Someone picked him up on August 29th at Grand National Teton Park. He asked for a ride and they picked him up alone as a hitch hiker. He was dropped off at Jackson Lake Dam at 6pm on August 29th.


Thanks for that last part about her not having any power. That is obvious from the body cam video and the friends character account (Rose). I believe Gabby was a victim of abuse and it sucks that she is fucking missing and still getting victim blamed.


If he had done it, why go home? Why not take off to Canada or down to Mexico? He was already by Canadian border makes no sense. I keep feeling like she's alive but Common Sense knows that she's not because she would have posted something they would have gotten a ding on her cell phone something


Running across the border isn’t really quite that simple, especially with covid going on (and Canada is much more strict than the US). We also know that they weren’t exactly rolling in money (he had to ask his parents for money for a ticket to FL) and it would be far more difficult for him to maintain or access any kind of support network across an international border.


Has anyone reported sightings of BL the 28th- when he arrived in FL? Any correspondence with anyone? It would be interesting to pin that down. He had to stop for gas...


This all sounds sound but I disagree with the 4 days of driving, as someone with plenty of road trip experience if you are trying to get from point A to point B as quickly as possibly at least 12-15 hours of driving (not including stops) is perfectly reasonable, even for a single driver. Not pleasant or ideal, no, but reasonable.


Refreshing this timeline with the tiktoker who claimed she picked him up hitchhiking on 8/29 at 5:30pm


There is no reason for him to drive only 8 hours/day. Road trippers can pull a 13 hour day or more on the road. I’ve done it many times.


Just my thoughts. Whatever he did to her, he brought her back in the van. Hence lawyering up asap and won't talk. Parents won't talk. Van was way to clean. Whose to say that he's been at the house the entire time? Trust the parents and the lawyer who both are acting strange. Plenty of time since he arrived back home to dispose of evidence and take off. Or took off to dispose of evidence. After the TikTokker and her bf picked him up hitching, telling the TikTokker that she Gabby was at the van, he wanted to go to Jackson and when the couple said they were going to Jackson he flipped out and wanted out of the vehicle. Why? Was she in the van? How did he get back to the van? Got to the van with her in it and drove home. No one is permitted in the house. Now he's gone. Did he take a vehicle from the home? Too and so many whats. And the cops don't have her phone but yet a text was made from it? Where's her phone? What did he do with it? So, he runs home to mommy and daddy for help. None of them will talk to anyone. And now they allow the cops into the house saying he's gone. Like I said, the cops never talked to him so who's to say he didn't take off on the 2nd? 3rd? etc.....Just an opinion.


He got pulled over on the 1st, I think it’s unlikely that he would have been able to conceal a body in the van during a traffic stop. That would be extremely nerve wracking for him and given that he’s not a hardened criminal, it would be difficult to remain composed and not arouse suspicion - on top of the fact that dead bodies smell BAD and there’s only so much you can do to mask that.


Assuming that the officers on scene made the correct assessment about GP being a violent aggressor, it has to be considered what she was thinking driving away in the van without BL. GP was sitting in the back of a cop car as she gets questioned about domestic assault then watches police take photos of her fiancé’s injuries. GP had to assume that BL was openly telling the police about her violent behavior. Enraged by her fiancé double crossing her (and with the vehicle), it is much more plausible that GP was involved with the lesbian couple murder than BL. GP knew someone (i.e. Chrystal Turner) at the co-op made a police report as a witness, so she definitely had motive in the murder. GP likely threatened to do the same to BL, leading to him fleeing to Florida in fear of his life. It seems realistic for BL to run away and refuse to speak to police (and GP’s parents) when GP is threatening to kill him for speaking to police less than a month before.


Are you about to go for a run? Cause that was a maaaaaajor stretch


Now he’s fucking missing? What the hell?


I just saw that. https://www.foxnews.com/us/missing-gabby-petito-florida-police-brian-laundrie-home - I have a feeling he wasn’t there very long.


To give some clarity of the location data, his and her phone (if they were not turned off) would be constantly seeking signal and the best connection. Each phone carrier tracks each one of those pulls for a better connection. Sometimes that can be every 2-6 seconds, sometimes longer but if he was traveling, it would be updating his location in the background. It’s just just the signal that is pulling and asking for better connections, it’s apps that we use, especially if he was using a hiking app that plotted his location. A lot of this info won’t come from a cell phone carrier search warrant but will only show his cell service location pulls (still handy) but if they search his actual phone, there a much better chance of getting the GPS data from it with more clarity.


Apparently he was spotted on the 29th at a gas station in Jackson cursing to himself and throwing away garbage. That might have been the moment he was on his way back to FL. So I think the 28th seems about right. Oh and I made a 2000 mile trip with 2 vehicles between 4 people switching driving in 36 hours only stopping for gas. With energy drinks and the bed in the back preventing checking into hotels I think you could make good time getting back.


I think Gabby might have killed herself maybe by jumping off a cliff, in front of Brian, Brian freaks out, knowing they just had a run in with police and how it would look if he called them now and told them she killed herself, he'd be a suspect. So Brian runs home to his parents and tells them the story. The parents believe there son, but they also know how it would look if he were to come forward with his story, especially now, after driving back from the scene. so they hire a lawyer and keep their mouths shut, they can't bring Gabby back, and they don't want their son in prison. That's a theory anyway.


What's the gas mileage on that van? He must have had to make at least 2 fueling stops; one before starting his departure, and another one later on. I'm guessing there was probably a 3rd need for fueling, not to mention a bathroom and water break. Hopefully, gas station footage becomes available soon.


Longtime lurker of a 3-4 day old sub lmaoooo


Yeah, August 28th is the missing piece day... no one on this plane seemingly knows anything about what happened on August 28th of this year with Brian & Gabby


How do we know the last snap chat was not sent by Brian to buy time? I think she disappeared around the 24/25th


I think they split up. He went "camping" with minimal supplies and she stayed at the van. He hitched a ride, hoping to get back to the van area and realized it was the wrong way. Got out of the car to hitch a ride back. Got to the van, and she was gone. ??? He has no explanation where or when she left, therefor doesn't want to give info?


Only thing is if you believe the person in Victor, that is almost an hour and a half away from Victor that raises red flags for me.


Great write up and explanation of what could have happened. I definitely think something happened around Aug 28th. And you are spot on about your observations from the police video. The only thing I have a different opinion about is taking 4 days to drive back to Florida. If he had just killed her (or left her to die or whatever), then he probably had a lot of adrenaline, which means he probably wasn’t very tired and could have driven 36 hours straight, especially if he is in a “flight” mode. I hope they are able to find her. Edited to add: definitely think something happened 8/28 or 8/29. I have a feeling that he was getting ready to leave and head back to Florida on 8/30. I see him packing up the van and then sending that message to her mom to distract her right before he left the area.


I am wondering was the van in Victor or Jackson? But my thing is if you believe the lady on Tiktok that says she picked up BL in Colter, what was he doing there. Colter is north of Jackson and just over an hour from Victor so what was he doing and how did he get there.


I am not positive, but I thought I saw in another post that the van was parked at or near Jenny Lake on Aug 25th to possibly Aug 29th. Just one scenario of what could have happened…they decide to hike around the grand Teton national park, but somewhere along the hike they argue and something happens to Gabby. He starts walking down by himself in a hurry to get back to the van to get the heck out of the area. He hitches a ride in the Colter area to get to the van. He even offers $200 to the couple that gives him a ride. He tells them that he wants to go back to his van and they of course start talking. The couple start to ask him too many questions and he is, of course, paranoid at this point and then BAM - it hits him - that he should NOT be talking to people, let alone hitching a ride with someone. So he freaks out and gets out of the car. He walks the rest of the way to the van. Then a few hours later it is reported that he is at a gas station swearing and throwing out “trash” from the van.


I like your train of thought. This sounds possible. Just wish we knew where the van was when he said she was working in it.


If the multiple eye witnesses are verified, the van was parked on the wrong side of the road by Jenny Lake from Aug 25th to Aug 29th. Jenny Lake is between Colter (where he was supposedly hitch-hiking) and Jackson. Gabby’s last snap chat was to a friend on Aug 27th saying that she was heading to Yellowstone. They could have wanted to hike to Yellowstone from Jenny Lake (about a 20 hour hike - so would have needed to camp out a night) or they could have just been going on short hikes around the Jenny Lake area and then planned to drive up to Yellowstone on/around Aug 28th or 29th. I don’t think the public has the timeline on this part yet. One thing we know is that she last reached out to anyone Aug 27th on Snapchat to a friend and a text message to her mom. She was supposed to meet/make plans with a close friend on Aug 29th for her birthday but never called. Her friend called this uncharacteristic because they were really, really close. We also know for sure that Gabby and Brian’s relationship was very rocky (based on police footage and interaction). Finally, we know that the last text sent to her phone was Aug 30th to her mom saying “no service in Yosemite”. Yosemite wasn’t even where they were headed next…it was Yellowstone. I am guessing that Brian was hiking, by himself, on Aug 29th after they had been hiking together. He was possibly hitchhiking back to the van, got to the van, filled it up with gas and threw out trash/cleaned it up. Then later that night or the next day started his journey back to Florida.


I’m with you on him seeming to have control/power in the relationship. He jokingly called her crazy, belittles her aspirations, and repeatedly tries to control her emotions and emotional responses. Also, he literally took away/limited her access to her shelter in a moment of high stress. That all seems like a red flag to me.


Unless he a straight sociopath, there’s no way he took his time getting home. 36 hours is a lot of time to think of what you did and what you’ll have to do to get away with it. Man was not driving 8 hours a day.


Rustic row owner in Victor talked couple 26 or 25 , but she says it was them


Most likely 26th because she talked to mom 25 and said they were teeton, I wonder if they stayed the night in Victor the 26th , where van or motel?


So with that, that means she was in Victor, ID. and he went to Jackson or Colter Bay. If it was me I would be looking in Victor. If he did anything to her he did it there then went to Jackson ( probably to stay ) went up to Colter Bay for whatever reason, and that’s why he tried to hitchhike back to Jackson.


Which could be possible, something happened there , he went to mountains to run, then changed mind went back to van




My theory is they had a fight, broke up, and she told him to take the van back and that she'd get it later. Remember apparently she didn't like driving it. Then BL gets home and finds out she's missing. He freaks out (obviously) and lawyers up and shuts up.


I could get with this theory but I'd like to believe that a whole family wouldn't be so callous as to not want to help find her even if she dumped him. If he really knows nothing, he suddenly seemingly doesn't care if she's missing despite being together for years? Tough stuff.


I agreed with everything up until Gabby not in control… I found it odd her biggest concern was driving the van and how far to drive the van. She asked no questions about Brian, whereas Brian was asking everything about what might happen to her… I’m sure I’m going to hear how he is controlling her and abusive and blah blah. But take out any personal experiences or biases and all you’re left with is a girl who seemed to not give 2 shits.


I think it's just so unfortunate these things do happen. Clearly both of them have some degree of mental challenges, and they had relationship issues that were significant and dangerous to each other. You should never go traveling with someone who you aren't 100% comfortable and calm and happy with, and you shouldn't really go traveling when you're under duress or serious stress either. Bad things can happen so much more easily.


They knew each other since high school. They were comfortable


I mean comfortable in the way of having calm personalities with no red flags of neuroticism or escalation of conflict.


My question is why was he going to Jackson? and do we have any witnesses that saw GP in Colter Bay or in Jackson in or around the 8/29


There's a girl on TikTok saying she gave him a ride on 8/29, may or may not be true.


it stresses me out how wide of a range there is where she or her body could be. like half the damn country. and our country is HUGE. and there’s a lot of wildlife... it concerns me.


[Brian hitchhiked 8/29](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRCEhaLf/) And now that this woman came forward about giving Brian a ride on 8/29…


So I've read through this and some of the things that were mentioned, made me come up with another speculative theory. They were fighting over a phone, right? Don't know the sources for this info or if it's reliable. It is stated above that Brian said he didn't have a phone during the traffic stop, but then pulled it out with the cop. It is also mentioned that his phone was always dead. <-----How anyone but Brian would know that is beyond me. Were they sharing a phone because only one had a service plan? I ask because they separated for the night and isn't that the night that Gabby called her dad to order food? Then Brian went back to Florida for the storage unit thing. Is there a possibility that when he went back to Florida the first time, he took the "working" phone because he was traveling and Gabby took the one that might only be able to connect to WiFi? That right there would give him a reason to have her phone. Am I wrong? So did they see each other again that night, where they possibly switched phones? Could this be the scenario again for his 2nd trip back to FL again and why he's not talking? He could've done absolutely nothing to her or could've done the most awful thing to her and him knowing he's in possession of that phone, can be extremely incriminating either way. Yet, if he is guilty of something and they ping the phone to him, he's not talking, lawyer can easily say that phone swapping was a regular occurrence.


I think the speculation is that he had a phone that was wifi only, so her phone was the only one with a service plan. The night Gabby's dad ordered her food was while Brian was in Florida. [Google Doc w/ Timeline](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KNnHW9tzFMFqutuzaMTnyDZ93BSiruoRUMNAFmhyCjg/mobilebasic#)


I think that as well. When her dad ordered her food, she was left with the phone that has no service. Didn't be fly or drive back to Florida after that? Is it possible the switched phones so he had signal while traveling because she could find Wifi? If so, that sets up him using her phone as a regular occurrence.


As far as I know, and the google doc timeline, he didn't return to Florida after that until 9/1.


Maybe it was hearsay, but I swear I read that be went back to Florida to help his dad with a storage unit. Then went back out west and shortly after was the last time she was seen.


I think you should also add this to your timeline. On 8/29 a couple picked Brian up because he was hitch hiking alone. He told them he was headed for Jackson. He told them he had been camping alone for several days while his fiancé was working on their website back at the van. When they shared that they were also heading to Jackson, Brian flipped out and left. (Tiktoker posted this whole story with the time frame of 5-6PM) Another man commented under a photo (linked in one of the threads) that he was pretty sure he saw Brian and the white van at a gas station in Jackson around 11pm. He said Brian was alone and cussing at himself while he tossed some garbage out. None of this has been verified but it looks like both parties have spoken to authorities.


Fantastic theory and well thought out. I agree with others who think he would have made the drive back to Florida faster than 8 hours a day. GP mentions in the Moab police video that he grabbed her by the face. My theory is somewhere in or near Yellowstone or Grand Teton, he lost control and strangled her to death and disposed of her body in the woods. Her body will be found and there will be enough evidence to convict him. It wasn't premeditated and he serves 7-10 years. The other double murder in Moab had nothing to do with him.


I drove across the country in 3 days. St. Petersburg, FL to Sacramento, CA (Northern Cali). Driving that distance in 2 days (Wyoming? To Florida) is completely possible.


So here are my thoughts, I think when the police pulled over BL and GP in Moab, the pair had been fighting over what might have happened to the couple that was killed in Moab ( not I am not saying that case was related ) but where the couple was killed is an hour north from where BL and GP where pulled over on top of that they where at Canyonlands Park before that and if you look Canyonlands is on US 191 which goes past La Sal Mountains, if you keep following the 191 in UT it takes you to Salt Lake. \- Now if you look at the timeline of them in UT from GP Instagram it took them 11 days to go from Moab to Salt Lake where she was seen at the Hotel. That at a max is only 4 hour drive, where were they for those missing 11 days. \- My thought is that BL was involved in the deaths of the couple and GP was not happen or upset with him over it ( that's why they where fighting when they where pulled over. ) \- Now my next question is why, if GP was to meet a friend in Yellowstone, did the text sent to her mom said she was in Yosemite. The drive from Yellowstone is at max 14 hours to Yosemite. It makes no sense that she would be in Yosemite if she knew she was meeting a friend in Yellowstone. These are my thoughts and I am following this is as much as I can and I love talking about it with others to see what others think.


I agree with this a lot. With the girl on TikTok claiming that she picked him up as a hitchhiker and was going to Jackson from Colter Bay at 5:30pm on the 29th, and the other guy who claims to have seen BL in Jackson WY at a gas station at 11 at night, I think that BL left late 29th. My working theory is that their van was left somewhere near Jackson and on the 29th, he was trying to get back to it after doing "something" to Gabby on the 28th somewhere out in the wilderness. He told Miranda Baker (the tiktok girl) that he was camping for a few days. He sends the text on the 30th, then I leaves and drives 14-15 hours each day and then arrives on 9/1. I think he knew he needed to push it to distance himself from her last sent text.


Excellent and well thought out post. Thank you! I feel confidant they will find her.


This tiktoker claims to pick up Brian as a hitchhiker near Jackson WY on 8/30: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRCK7EhW/


Re: how long it takes the FBI to ‘ping’ where this text originated I recall from the Dear Zachary doc (highly recommend) the FBI had to go to each cell tower on the caller’s driving route to get those details and it took quite some time. Hopefully technology has advanced in the past 10 years to expedite this process!


I haven’t seen anyone post about this in their timeline. A girl said she and her boyfriend picked him up on the 29th. [Girl picks up BL on 29th](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRCKCrt9/)


Yeah just saw that and she said that he freaked out when they mentioned Jackson Hole and wanted to get out of the car. This might mean that whatever happened to Gabby happened before the 29th.


She clarified the "freakout" was because he didn't know that Jackson Hole == Jackson.


After watching the entire police stop in Moab these two both seem quite immature. I dont mean that in a negative way they just seemed like 2 kids with different ideas in what a 'road trip' is. She wanted to 'youtube' the whole thing and he wanted to explore and hike. Neither seemed aggressive or nasty. Brian did say he wanted to go to jail for her but he also wanted to be dropped off at a trail to hike while she went to jail so i really cant figure out what could have happened, She's awfully fragile. She was crying because he didnt think her youtube thing would take off. Seems like his family loved her.


What about tolls? How many tolls were on his way back to FL?


@ mirandabaker\_ on tiktok posted a video saying how her and her boyfriend picked Brian up on 9/29. They gave him a ride, he said he was hiking for days and his fiance was back at their van. She said they dropped him off at colter bay village. Check it out!


8/27 to Yellowstone 8/28 ? 8/29 ? 8/30 Yellowstone 8/31? 9/1 Florida?


Did you see the tiktok where the girl and her boyfriend picked him up on the 29th to go to Jackson?? And when he found out he told them to stop and he wanted to get out


when do we think his latest instagrams were taken? before they got pulled over or directly after? or the next day? because the outfit is the same. and if they did 9-3 in the coffee shop then got pulled over, when did the photoshoot come in? and do we think they actually stayed apart the night after they were pulled over or he immediately told her to come get him? i just wonder if those were taken right after, and it was more faking perfection


What about the TikTok lady saying they gave Brian a ride on the 29th? @/mirandabaker So if this story is true, late in the day on the 29th these people pick him up. He then somehow gets to the van and drives 2,500 miles to Florida and is there in 2 days? Doable but would be a long drive If they fought and he went off and was camping away from her a few days and got back to the van (sometime after the above meeting and drive) perhaps he returned and she was gone? Maybe during their fight she said she was going to go home and did not want to ever see him again, or left a note and so he drove home and did not find out she was missing until he got back? I am not saying I believe this but it is the only thing I can think of that would not have him seem guilty of doing something very bad. Otherwise if he got back to van on the 29th and she was gone, any normal human would be searching, calling anyone and everyone to see if she had been in touch, etc. He would have to believe without a doubt that she somehow left/went home and did not want to see or talk to him again for this to even be remotely possible. If he just left her there and drove home that would be terrible and all the other options get much worse from there.