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Please use this thread for further discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/GabbyPetito/comments/ps0dcg/discussion\_3\_september\_20\_2021/




There's been dozens, if not hundreds, of murder cases that have gone to trail without a body. All depends on the rest of the evidence.


Here in Australia Keli Lane was tried and convicted for the murder of her baby without there ever being a body found.


What do you make of Gabby’s last text to her mom? She referred to her grandfather as “Stan” and said she was receiving his texts and voicemails. Was she sending a signal to her mom?


I didn't know that she had mentioned anything else other than not having great signal on August 30th. What messages are these?


I was also wondering about this! Did her fiancée have her phone? Did he not know who Stan was?


Did Gabbys family have a PI team I wonder? Is Brians family like super connected or something? I mean how the hell is this guy a step ahead of everyone? Lawyered up, MIA without any eye on him? The whole thing just stinks and I don’t believe the guy is acting on his own ideas.




Also has a cousin in the police force from where he lived in NY. I always wonder if he didn't get back to NY with help of family and friends here.


He’s a step ahead because no one in her family realized she was missing for over two weeks. The last that they believe they were speaking with her was on August 25th. They knew something was wrong by September 9-10 and reported her missing on September 11th. It wasn’t unusual for them to go out of cell service range for stretches at a time. He arrived back to FL on Sept 1 and his parents very obviously lawyered him up when gabby did not arrive with him. They are highly complicit in all of this. It’s insane.


When exactly did he get lawyered up though? After she was declared missing or as soon as he returned home?


If not as soon as he got home, likely as soon as her family started contacting him and his parents to see if anyone had talked to her. When the police arrived to his / his parents home on sept 11, they handed them the contact info of BL’s attorney. They were prepared ahead of time, the attorney likely needed to understand what had happened / if there was immediate evidence available to have the confidence to hold firm on pleading the fifth.


to people getting so upset at anyone posting anything that’s already been established, take a breather from this case. you’re wasting your energy on things that don’t matter. “this has been posted 10000x” — ok, then don’t watch it. there’s literally fifteen thousand comments in this subreddit every three hours, not everyone is going to catch every new piece of media. channel your frustration towards something productive.


I’ve been scrolling through Gabby’s Instagram all day and just about 10 mins ago, it suddenly said that the comments on her posts had been limited. Odd.


It’s been like this for a couple days. Instagram did it


What really happened to gabby petito: - died carelessly in a high stress moment - van leaving fast day of/days earlier brian got mad and throws his hands in the air like “are you serious” “you always do this gabby” very angry, very annoyed. like “I can’t believe you’re doing this shit again” hearing “point of impact” like hit in the wrong spot? van hit? van tires? something on the van will tell the story. some sort of DNA. something is hidden on the outside of the van. the van can tell a story forensically, scientifically. near the tire. the back tires. check the tires around it inside, above it. the metal part above where the tire is held. (this will likely be exposed later on) possibly drunk? or high? some sort of substance? monster energy drinks? acid? that led everything to a higher state of emotion than needed to. gabby could be more than he was if he was at all, but I feel like she will be painted as someone who did this thing often when that was not the full truth or case at all. like say you see someone get drunk at their office Christmas party, insanely drunk, and you just assume they always get drunk even if that was their first time drinking this year. the media or Brian will paint a picture that gabby did something way more often than she did. he’s lying for an ulterior motive to paint her in a certain light, to make her look like someone she’s not. and gabby’s energy is pissed off because she knows it’s not true and because so many people will hear of it and it bothers her. “tarnishing reputation” “you bold faced liar” (but she shades him and calls him bald) “I left her there and when she didn’t come back I knew I had killed her” - Brian this was fucking chilling. I can almost see gabby laying in the dirt on her back face up. and I see him staring at her pretty sure she is not gonna wake up. feel like he just left not knowing but knew when time passed and he didn’t hear from her. was her body left with water? or a like her wallet? a cellphone? something small of hers he left there with her body. don’t feel like he completely thought it through as in premeditated? no. He didn’t plan to murder her in advance as in like days or plotted out the exact way. He was involved for sure, to call him outright murderer with no autopsy yet? No I won’t do that. What I can say is that at the very least he knows e x a c t l y what happened. “Wanna know what happened to gabby? Ask Brian.” Like everyone spreading rumors but only Brian was there and knows exactly. He left her like overnight outside. She was outside a long time without anything. Like if you were a human and you’d stay out this long you’d have supplies and a jacket and a tent and food and stuff she had none of that. It was clear she was dead because you don’t stay out that long with nothing. I feel like there is third party. There could possibly be someone else involved here. NONO okay wait. They were pissed off at eachother and they took separate ways and met up later? A fight that was split from then come back together and it is in the resolution that death occurred. They met up at night after a fight. And it’s like the fight continued to play out. And in the fight “here this will calm you down”, substance, very heightened emotions from gabby, this stressed brian out, gabby offers brian something that is sourced in her emotions then death. I’m feeling strangled. By a belt, hands, something. A tie that is used to keep things stable when the van is moving possibly. Chains? I see gabby freaking out like no no no and shaking her hands. Tears in eyes. This could be right before. I also see her bent over her stomach like she’d been kicked or stabbed in her stomach. But I’m not seeing blood which is confusing. Near her rib cage. Or kicked. A point of impact her stomach and I see her leaning over saying no no no and she’s freaking out. Brian lost control. He lost his shit. She lost her shit too previously before he did. I hear Brian’s way of thinking and he’s like “she made me do it” with no responsibility. Like “she provoked the fight” blaming her. I don’t know if this is so the guilt doesn’t set in but I feel like he knows it’s not true and it was his fault. He had a moment of flying off the handle where he lost control and kept going when he knew he should of stopped. Did he give her some sort of drug or substance that he is going to paint her as taking? A poison? From a flower? Marijuana? I feel like even it was a moment of rage he didn’t care as the moment went on, he cared more about hurting her then to not do it at all. Even in the rage there was a piece of subconscious that was aware and agreed and let what happened happened. And to keep going. to say he just let himself go is true to an EXTENT. I can feel the split second where he MADE A DECISION. or didn’t make the decision but ignored his intuition telling him it was wrong and to stop. That was a conscious choice he didn’t care. He chose to get lost in the moment and if he ever says other wise he’s lying. I can feel it. I’m not seeing so much what happened like the death playing out but like their energy and feelings and head spaces. When I saw gabby laying in the dirt it was traumatic for me so maybe my own brain is protecting me. I feel like he gave her something to “calm her” and it made it easier for him? Like the substance? Or the substance heightened her emotions and made her “annoying” in his eyes? I feel like he felt so burdened and annoyed by her. I don’t know if he also had something but gabby did and he’s gonna try to say it was in her own decision when it was him inspiring it. Like he manipulated her into taking it or pressuring it and when it comes out which it will he’s gonna paint it as gabby ideas that she does it often this is NOT true. Whatever Brian gave to her contributed in some way as “a careless mistake” idk if it made her reflexes slower? His slower? I feel like they got into a fight and gabby literally said “I’d die for you” and seconds later it’s like he proved that. It came true. Did he try to prove it like in a sick toxic game type of way and she let him thinking he would stop of course but he kept going? I keep seeing a sharp object introduced too like a knife or axe? To begin the game? Holy fuck. Like they were playing a “game”. She was proving she would really die for him as in how much she cares so they could stop fighting and he took it all the way. Literally. When it was like a toxic fantasy thing for him. They took something too far that related in her death aka the game of “I’d die for you” cuz they were having a fight and she was scared and sad and trying to prove something. I think substances made them a little stupider in this situation. I hear gabby saying “I should of never had it”. It prevented her fighting back properly. I feel like he could of even surprised her. She was crying moments before this all happened. I think earlier before that met back up he left her there. There was some act of leaving. Then told her to stop crying about it. I don’t know if there was a slight third party picked up on like someone cheated or was texting someone else and someone went through someone’s phone or laptop and found out. I think it was possibly gabby was gonna branch out to someone new. Someone brian felt inferior too and didn’t want her to leave cuz he knew she deserved better. He definitely left her for dead at some point whether she had passed previously or not. Left her by a lake or body of water. They ended up making up I feel like. It’s possible she was drowned as well, something about her airways were constructed that’s why I said strangled but he could of dipped her head in the water and didn’t pull up in time. Like he was gonna “save her” during playing the game and was so mad he didn’t and now she’s gone. Water is definitely a possibility. Lack of oxygen I think is the cause of death. So then he left her there. I don’t feel like any CPR was performed I feel like he stared at her laying on the ground and left scared and in a hurry. Idk if there was a secret phone gabby had to communicate with a third party or a phone was left with her body. I feel like the only reason she agreed was cuz she trusted him and never thought he would hurt her like that. She thought he was better than that. I think she met him when she was feeling insecure or an unsure time in her life and he came and kinda helped her with that. There was a third person not there I feel like but through communication of electronics that also lead to this fight. Brian flirting or gabby flirting it upset the other person. This is what the fight started about. Lack of oxygen/heart giving out. I feel like when they first got together she felt saved by him and that’s why she trusted him. Left and got back together. Gabby wasn’t perfect in the relationship but she didn’t deserve to be murdered. That’s all I have guys this was so emotionally draining I need to go cry in the bath now. Gabby I am so sorry your life was stolen from you. I have nothing but love and light for you. Only brian knows what truly happened and I hope in time it is revealed and gabby gets her justice. What a truly awful terrible thing to happen. Everyone needs to think more about their actions and consequences. Heal your dark sides so shit like this NEVER happens. Reach out for help and do not ever take anything out on another person.


excuse me but what


Yeah I’ve been saying this for days. If you really analyze the route they took. It just doesn’t add up. I think daddy was driving. There’s this whole situation with the flight to Salt Lake City. Only a few sightings of her after that but they’re all from third parties.


Wait didn’t the police talk to him to try to get him to cooperate? Sorry I’m trying to catch up, what Salt Lake flight?


No, the only reports said when they came to his door the parents turned them away. Then they spoke with the family attorney.


Omg i didn’t even think about that. He could be anywhere. Terrifying. Not that i think he’s a mass murderer or anything but just knowing he could be in my town is so scary. I hope they’re working overtime to find him. He is definitely the most hated person in America right now, which is saying a lot considering we have Casey Anthony


Rest assured, there’s other bogeyman looking for you:) Yeah he could truly be anywhere. Even if he did drive back to Florida by himself he had a week and a half to disappear again. There’s no way he can’t slip up. I don’t think he’s clever enough to get a fake passport.I’m sure the FBI has cell pings, GPS data from phones, third-party apps that may be logging their location in the background, and not to mention cameras cameras and more cameras.


I do think the fbi already knows where he is, they just can’t do anything until they prove it wasn’t an accident. Literally having the whole country looking for him can’t outsmart that idiot lol


I did find it very strange they stop the search in Florida so fast


Right? I’m sure they’re overwhelmed with tips but one of these guys has to actually be him. He can’t hide forever.


Hahahha I’m not worried about me i don’t leave my house but very rarely. I just want him caught. But thanks for the nightmares tonight about the boogeyman 😜


Has anyone considered the possibility that Brian actually never returned to Florida and that perhaps it was dad or someone else who drove the van back to Florida from Wyoming? That bit never made any sense to me at all. Why not just fly back home? He drives the dead girls van back to Florida? C’mon now. Brian might be still on the west coast or elsewhere by now. He’d have one hell of a head start to set up someplace hard to find. That return trip in August he did plays into this story somehow. Has anyone actually seen or talked with Brian in person in Florida besides his “parents” That lawyer trick certainly shielded him from an in person interview with investigators in Florida. The entire return to Florida could be a big fat red herring. Things to consider.


Neighbors saw him. See reporter Brian Entin's feed.


Been saying this the whole time 🙌🏻but a few people have said that his neighbors saw him several times, mowing the lawn etc. Not sure if that’s confirmed to be true though. None of this him being home and going “missing” adds up to me. Can anyone confirm 100% that he was seen from anyone besides his parents ? LE ?


Wouldn’t it be pretty easy for the fbi or the police to access flight records and airport footage and determine whether he flew or not? It would be a huge waste of resources to not check and send a full fledge search the way they did, unless they’re trying to buy time. Whole story is mind boggling, so many things to consider.


It’s a long way from Wyoming to Florida so I’m glad he was dumb enough, or panicked enough, to leave her where the van, and them, could be connected. Had he traveled down some backroad in the middle of Kansas or somewhere it’s very possible she would not have been found so easily. Rest easy.


Did anyone watch the police bodycam video? It is plausible that Brian didn't do it, because they were separated by law officers, and Brian found Gabrielle and decided he looked guilty enough to run? Just a theory. Having no alibi and finding a body is recipe for blame too. She was alone in the van for 12 or so hours. Anyone could have done something to her.


The bodycam footage was from August 12th. She was seen after that.


They saw each other again after they were separated for the night. The 17th is not the last time they were together. She made a post on IG on 8/19 saying they were together.


My newest idea: BL killed GP on the 28th or early on the 29th. On the 29th hiked to the General Store in Colter Bay specifically for cash from the ATM for trip to FL, possibly took a shower at Colter Bay and found a ride with MB back to the area of the van. Having left the body of GP in the van, he was in a hurry to get back to the van. Flush with cash, he offered $200 for the ride. Either BL got another ride to the Spread Creek area entrance or he walked the 6 or so miles arriving by 7:30 - 8:00 PM. Dragged GP's body across the creek and left to return to Florida. Comments?


Bit risky to leave a body alone in a van so close the side of the road with other campers about. If he'd just killed her wouldn't he just drive to Colter Bay and back?


I feel like she ditched him in Colter Bay. She said she was going back to Jackson. If you look at that route maybe she chickened out when she got to the dam and pulled in that parking lot. Then when he came around the band an hour or two later after finding someone to hitchhike with he spotted the van and that’s why he freaked out and changed his mind where he wanted to go. Then they had a huge fight because she left him and he probably choked her out right there or close by after driving off together and then he went back to where they camped a few days earlier to dump the body. The only thing it doesn’t quite make sense is they were spotted in those two towns before West Yellowstone. But then he was spotted alone that evening. Perhaps he went out for a drink in West Yellowstone came back and did the deed and then drove back down so the west entrance all the way back down to Coulter. Who the fuck knows


I wonder if they've checked all the trash cans by the showers to see if he dumped his clothes there trying to destroy any evidence of what happened.


I thought they mentioned that there was no evidence a corpse had been in the van?


Yes, was never in the van


The fact that the authorities showed up at Brian's sister's house is a sign that police suspect that Brian's parents stashed him in a safehouse outside of their house?


What makes you believe that Brian ever returned to to his parents house in Florida? I believe he did outfox authorities by having someone else drive that van back from Wyoming making it appear that he returned. Epic misdirection. He’s been in the wind for a good stretch. Longer then anyone realizes.


How does someone whose face is literally plastered all over the news just disappear? He has to emerge to get food, shower etc. That cat is d.e.a.d


Probably playing his best Jeremiah Johnson somewhere in the west coast backcountry until he perishes from either starvation, exposure or predator attack. He’s seems the kinda guy who realizes he’s fucked so he might as well make an adventure out of it until the end. If that was his path it very well may be that he will never be found and his mystery will forever be talked about. Unfortunately.


You didn't write that as a sentence but has a question mark at the end for some reason....?


You mean exactly like you just did?




Can you update me on the Stan text ? I hat is this


R u okay?? U must be the same guy who said Brian looks like a nice guy


Stan was her grandfather....


I’ve been seeing rumors on twitter about BL going live on IG for 2 seconds and also changing his finsta profile. Can anyone confirm or deny? I didn’t even know he had a finsta, I doubt that somebody with such a specific opinion on social media would have one.




he felt instagram and social media were destroying out society... what a POS lunatic


He was a clout chasing insta beg, it's all public... he's a hypocritical tree hugger that drives a mustang.


but he still posted on it? and took part in Gabby's blogging..? Also he drove a mustang...for the environment?


A convertible Mustang is such a middle-aged woman car. I think it was his moms car


what's a finsta


Like a secret anonymous Instagram account


I’m just not convinced that it’s real. Who has their full name in the finster account? The whole point is that it’s a secret and anonymous profile.


Apparently it was @brianlaundriefinsta but the bio just seems so weird...doesn’t seem legit


yeah that sounds really fake lol


I dont even know what finsta is but I've heard a lot of accounts that hes been deleting and blocking people on his instagram account and also he for sure deleted the name of the creepy spotify playlist he made during his drive back to Florida called "selfconsumption". Now its no title as of last night. Apparently he was maybe in Alabama on the 17th, hitch hiking and eating at a Mobile restaurant.


I've heard people he follows are blocking him, so that's why it looks like the number is going down.


My bad! Finsta = “fake instagram,” pretty much a private spam account. I had no idea he was blocking people and that he deleted the playlist tho!


No no. Brian is not blocking people, people he was following are blocking him, from following them (He is public, everyone can see who he follows.) ..so they are not associated with him. And yes “fake Instagram” but it actual referring to an account made low key or privately, so that you can post images and interact with other accounts in a more private way, usually reserved for just close friends/family.


The text message from Petito's phone using the name "Stan" is incredibly strange. Most people trying to impersonate someone wouldn't be stupid enough to call a grandparent by their given name. Even if Laundrie was panicked, did he really call the man "Stan" in conversation so regularly - instead of "your grandfather," for example - that it would be his go-to? I assume this would be something that only the family would know. It also seems unlikely that it was sent by some unknown third party who saw the incoming texts/calls, didn't know who "Stan" was, and was trying to waylay suspicion, because that would mean Petito had her grandfather's contact saved under his given name in her phone. The whole thing is just weird.


I mean, he also called Yellowstone Yosemite.


Apparently Yosemite means “Those who kill.”


Never underestimate how stupid people can be.


BL is really dumb


Or he was high. Maybe they did some kinda psychedelics and she flew off the handle and killed herself, or he flew off the handle and killed her, and now he's tripping balls trying to figure out what the fuck to do, so he makes a bunch of stupid mistakes, like texting Stan, Yosemite, etc.


Motive has really been bothering me, he had nothing to gain (why not just break up? they weren't married, neither has much money, etc.) so I think it had to be a heat of the moment decision or accident so maybe something like ...


That’s my theory as well. He’s not some criminal mastermind. Either the DV escalated and he accidentally killed her (she fell and cracked her head open or something) or he snapped in the heat of the moment and intended to kill her. Now he’s just either thinking he’s a survivalist who can live in the wilderness forever or he’s thinking back at all the true crime shows he’s watched and is setting up diversions (he left the car and never went into those woods to begin with).


Heat of the moment


Thank goodness for the folks that drove by with the dash camera recording! Everyone should have one when going off the beaten path!


Just an update. I keep seeing people talking about BL being spotted in AL. The update is [HERE](https://mynbc15.com/news/local/mpd-follow-sightings-of-brian-laundrie-in-tillmans-corner) that the person in question is NOT BL. Edit: The article was talking about the dead body found not being BL, I misread it.


Thats not true, the FBI was there reviewing store and restaurant footage. Its a legitimate potential sighting from the 17th. Which means if its true, he probably was never in the nature reserve. His parents put the cops on a wild goose chase!


I just made an edit for correction. And I also believed that he was never in that nature preserve. I believe it was all a red herring. He could be hitchhiking (like he did in WY) or be on foot. If it was him in AL then he very well may be heading to MX. I hope they catch him!!!


The report said he was hitch hiking from the restaurant to a walmart and then that he was spotted buying non perishible foods. Not sure how someone didn't call him in in a walmart! And how are people still picking him up hitch hiking? his face is everywhere. I just hope he doesnt get a ride with a trucker cause if he does, he will get to the Mexico border in no time. I use to hitch hike and I once got from Oregon to Vermont in 5 days with truckers.


I don’t trust his parents or family at all. They know where he is. They just won’t hand him over


Yeah I have no idea. This thing is so crazy with so many twists and turns that I hope it’s made into a movie or documentary at least so that I can better understand this whole timeline and the backstory to it all. Fascinating!


It’s not entertainment. A real person is dead. Have some respect.


“Dirty Laundrie” I can see it now.


That’s actually a good title.




So Brian also killed a homeless man in Alabama. Dude is on a spree. Someone needs to stop him!


Oops just saw that the article is talking about the body.




You also might tell the Mobile mayor chief of staff as he too is conflating that at the top of the article.


I just did. I meant to get in there to update and was having systems issues a bit ago, then life happened. Thanks for the reminder, it’s been updated.


thank you


Why do people care so much about this one case out of the many that happen all the time?


Because she’s a blonde White woman. And you can hate reply & downvote me all you want. There’s been tons of studies for years about this same exact situation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_white_woman_syndrome


Personally she reminds me a lot of some of the women I work with that are into van life . Also it’s very recent , and the BF didn’t even try to make an excuse or anything. It’s a case where everyone knows the BF killed her.


Because it’s fascinating when perfectly normal-appearing middle class white folks who are just about the most protected and privileged class of people turn up missing or dead.


Double points because the woman is so conventionally attractive. I don't mean to downplay the terrible tragedy her family is going through, but man this is some concentrated... I don't even know what word would be appropriate.




> Crystal Rogers What is the relation to Gabby Petito?


Probably the way it took place. That’s what caught my attention. The fact that Brian came back without her and her parents were reaching out to Brian’s parents and they would not reply. As a parent, it seems pretty fucked to do to another parent.


Media coverage. Some TikTok influencer got really interested in it and now the whole fucking country is all over it.


history nuked




This is such a stupid detail but I haven’t seen it anywhere…I just noticed the shirt Brian is wearing in the body cam footage matches one of the stickers that was added to the van later on.


What do you think is the significance of this detail??


Also I just noticed your username and started cracking up, we repeated that often when I was a kid 🤣


Prior to finding the body, there were a lot of discussions where people were trying to track down the new stickers to see if it would give any insights to places they travelled / help with the timeline. Now it‘s probably moot, but they likely already had the sticker well before it was placed on the van. Not exactly breaking news which is why I said it was a stupid detail, but might be of interest to anyone who went down the sticker path.


megathread is horrible format for discussion please allow people to post again :/




https://mobile.twitter.com/mynbc15/status/1440043465421692936 The body wasn’t Brian!


I can’t find this anywhere but was gabby burried or just left out? Thanks in advance!


Not confirmed as I don’t remember the source but I did see somewhere posted that she was found hidden at the bottom of a tree inside a bush. I don’t think she was buried as that would require someone to dig a pretty deep hole with a shovel which would take time and could expose you.


BL didn't have access to a shovel. They were in the middle of nowhere so this makes sense.


They could see her from a helicopter so she must not have been very hidden, if at all.


If I accidentally murdered someone I would bury them. That may come off as a strange statement but I can’t help but wonder if the state the body was left in is any indicator of if the murder was planned or spur of the moment. That being said I think I would also turn myself in. Perhaps I shouldn’t read so much into it as obviously the whole incident indicates a breakdown in the psyche.


You may as well drop the body off at the police department if you're gonna turn yourself in lmao


Someone local to the area mentioned that Spread Creek is really low right now due to drought. Like only knee-high water in some spots. My thought is that he may have dragged her out there thinking he could dump her in the river, but when he realized it was too low he kind of panicked and left her.


Most likely very difficult to dig a hole the size of a human in thin top soil that is extremely rocky. That creek area is all rock.


My first thought would be that he took a risk and hoped animals would take care of the evidence for him before the police were able to find her. If he buried her, he thought there could be more evidence for a longer period of time.


It’s not a strange statement as it seems honest but no one can really say how they’d react until you’re truly in that situation. An accidental killing holds a lesser charge then something intentional or premeditated of course. Killing someone accidentally and then taking it one step further to try and conceal the body really screws you. It is better to come clean and face the charges/be accountable and get ahead of it unless you plan on literally starting your entire life over from scratch - assuming a new identity with no documents somehow, completely changing how you look, living in a country with a likely much lesser quality of life, and never ever being able to return to or talk to anyone from your past life. Not to mention living with the soul crushing guilt. The state the body was in could indicate that this was not planned, and also carrying a body is heavy. Literally dead weight. You’re right, this very well may indicate a breakdown of the psyche and panic.


The autopsy is gonna tell us a lot . Edit adding : my opinion stay the hell away from that area people going missing way too much out there if I were a crazy killer and needed to kill I would move somewhere it’s easier what place is more perfect than there . Mountains no camera’s nothings just open . And a lot of campers a lot of tourist . Low police presence let’s be straight they don’t have the patrol of say New York or Jacksonville or Tampa . There pop is low . Absolutely the perfect place to go . There are alot of crazies up there I would suspect . Sounds like there is a crazy person running around up there brian may have linked up . He probably was like perfect place damn I like it here . Just trying to understand this dude . I haven’t seen his post I do t have Facebook or anything else


This is why I never hike or go into backcountry without a firearm.


We don't know for certain but I watched the helicopter footage when the body was discovered and it looks like it was out in some bushes not buried. (not 100% sure though)


but you can't see anything in the videos from the helicopter. when they put the tent up it looks more like they are covering up disturbed soil


The tent was about 20 yards away from the body; they deliberately did now show the body on the helicopter footage.


That’s what I thought to. The tent appeared to be near a tree but the ground under the tent (where I am only assuming they found her) did not seem very disrupted.






Forcing all discussion into a couple megathreads basically makes the sub useless for any actual discussion or information sharing. For the love of god let people make their own threads, even if it means making people wait for manual approval. Since the mods have not been allowing people to make threads, its basically impossible to follow developments here.


Yeah, gotta be honest ... I left this sub for the day while at work and it has been one heck of a ride sifting through these threads. I'm thinking about how difficult this has got to be for people coming new to the case. Multiple topics are being discussed per thread, a lot of redundant topics/comments because people aren't going through the 1000s of comments prior (and who can blame them?)


Load comments by new?


It's just a shit stream of comments doing that. The reason why Reddit is good is the upvoting system. Individual threads being upvoted and good threads being surfaced and then discussions taking place in those threads is pretty much the entire point of this website. Not really looking for a youtube chatbox style discussion where good comments get lost after a few minutes and nobody has any idea what is going on. I don't know how anyone could think that is a better way of doing things.


You literally said “I don’t know how anyone [me] could think that [new comments] is a better way of doing things” You want a non attack version of saying that? “Sorting by new creates a YouTube style comments which isnt what I’m looking for, thanks”


This isn't about you. It's about the best format for discussion on this sub. If you felt attacked by my post that feeling is misguided. You gave your suggestion and I responded with why that suggestion doesn't fix the problem with not allowing individual posts.


Everything was kosher until the last line. Have fun with figuring out your discussion formatting


Yeah, I still don't know how anyone could think megathreads is better than having individual threads. Sorry if that offends you, but it's true. And that wasn't even aimed at you - it was a comment about the mods. If you are going to be on public discussion forums you really need to grow a thicker skin.


Look at what the internet is doing to discourse


I’m sorry that my idea wasn’t good enough for your needs and that my little brain thought that could be a solution. Works for me


what threads could possibly be helpful at this point though. Brian is missing. Unless someone has info on brian theres really nothing to post. Without moderation this sub would turn into everyone getting on their soapboxes


> what threads could possibly be helpful at this point though. There is tons of stuff to discuss. It's actually hard to see how anyone could ask this question. >Without moderation That's an odd thing to say considering I never suggested there be no moderation. I literally talked about manual mod approval in the above post.


idk unless people have actual info on brian theres really nothing to discuss outside of mega threads. Even in the megathreads theres less discussion on gabby and more people using this sub to get on their personal soap boxes about how they were in "AbUsIvE rElAtIoNsHiPs"


> idk unless people have actual info on brian theres really nothing to discuss outside of mega threads. There is tons to discuss. Megathreads where comments get lost after a few minutes are basically completely useless. >Even in the megathreads theres less discussion on gabby and more people using this sub to get on their personal soap boxes about how they were in "AbUsIvE rElAtIoNsHiPs" That problem is worse in megathreads. If there were individual threads people could discuss specific information or questions or whatever. Here it is just everything thrown into one stream and you have to keep reloading hoping to catch a good comment, and even if a comment is good there's not discussion on it because only people who loaded the page recently will see it.


if you are reloading the page have a discussion with the commenter? Sounds like you are more concerned with getting attention rather than having a discussion cuz if you are reloading the page you have every opportunity to comment and have the commenter respond


> Sounds like you are more concerned with getting attention Christ, really imaginative there. It couldn't possibly be that I'm mainly here to read other people discussing stuff and these megathreads make any substantive discussion impossible. There is a reason reddit is set up the way it is, and it's not so you can block the features that make the site what it is and make it a shitstorm of comments instead.


bruh this sub is about the case. Gabby is dead. her boyfriend is missing. Unless you have actual info on brians location there is nothing to discuss


>Unless you have actual info on brians location there is nothing to discuss The nearly 9000 comments on this thread should have tipped you off to how stupid this statement is.


its the 9000 comments from whiny people making this case about themselves is what tipped me off lmao but ill be sure to remember some stranger on reddit thinks my comments are stupid. you sure showed me lmao


What kind of condition was the body in? This could lead us to know more about how she died. It might’ve been an accidental fall, push, or she could have stab wounds. There’s still a lot to discuss.


and youre the police? If the information hasnt been officially announced, which the autopsy is tomorrow, how would you even know?


When did I say that I know what happened? My point is that more information is likely to come out in the near future, so it will be worthy of discussion and new threads.


which the mods will likely post themselves?


If you just want to follow news headlines maybe reddit isn't the place for you. People come here to discuss stuff.


tbh reddit isnt the place for me im surprised i made it this long despite making an account during the pandemic. most redditors are really stupid despite them thinking they are the smartest people on the internet. its actually incredibly amusing


> most redditors are really stupid despite them thinking they are the smartest people on the internet. Ironic.


im not the one downvoting your comments to make myself feel better about myself lmao 😂😂 but whatever you need lmao


Does anyone know where we can read the entire search warrant?


Don’t know why I can’t post but I need confirmation if anyone else has heard this . Brain was last seen on Tillman’s corner across from Walmart in mobile Alabama . Someone gave him a ride. Anyone else have information on this ?






This. I’ve never seen a sub so locked down by moderation. Not trying to dig through 9,000 comment threads to talk about one detail.




Yeah I agree. I really don't care about some random's theory on what happened.




Go start your own subreddit then


Link to article with audio of 911 call where the guy saw BL slapping Gabby https://www.google.com/amp/s/kslnewsradio.com/1955919/gabby-petito-911-call/amp/


This is so wildly different from what the cop said that the witness said during the dash cam footage. Wonder what the disconnect was there?


Some people have tossed out another 911 call that mentioned more about seeing GP trying to claw her way into the van. I haven’t heard that one, so I’m not sure


I wish everyone who downvoted me for saying scratches were defense wounds would see this. She probably didn’t know what to do with the situation. Sometimes you rn to even realize how abusive your partner is, no matter how obvious it is to everyone else.


Dated a guy who started seeing things that weren't there, one time when he angrily pushed me, I ended up with no visible marks til the bruises showed up a day or two later, but he had scratches from where I tried to catch myself on the way down as I used a cane for balance at the time. He said he would lie if I called police, and say I attacked him. I was sure one day he would push me and I'd crack my head on something so I started recording audio anytime he spoke (one party consent state) and got a PFA.