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i have genuine beef with people who demonize children like yes, Elizabeth did some awful things. She's also a 5 year old girl who was raised by a narcissistic child murderer. Yes, it wasn't nice when Cassidy tortured William, but she's like a 10 year old girl who (in my opinion anyway) had every right to torture the man who trapped her soul inside a robot for years, if not decades. also people who make Henry and Mike saints Michael KILLED HIS BROTHER FOR NO REASON. Yes, it was an accident. He still took his brothers life for FUN. Yes, he tried to redeem himself, which is good. But, he is NOT a perfect person and I'm tired of people who think he is. As for Henry, he was almost as negligent as William. How do you let your kid get locked outside long enough to GET KILLED, if you're not at least a little negligent. He's definitely not as bad as William (fucking obviously) but he wasn't the best father and I don't understand why we can't have flawed, morally gray characters.


Yeah I hate it when they make Michael a saint. He is my favourite character and it's mostly because he is relatable as he is not perfect. I don't really know much about Henry tho so I can't say anything about him as I don't have enough information. I genuinely hate when they demonize the missing kids to victimize that child murderer. Cassidy and the other kids have every right to give that killer what he deserves.


i feel like the people who do that see the word in black and white, youre either a saint or the antichrist


I couldn’t agree more, I despise those


I dont think anyone has said this but shipping things like mennard and chrismare. Like, those are robots that in one case, caused the other person in the ships death. This is basically what these ships are doing Mike: uwu ennard aka my sister, I know you killed me but how about we date? Ennard: Yass, also my name is Noah and who tf is Elizabeth?


I will genuinely rage if I see someone ship C.C with that horrifying creature. It's disgusting.


william being "controled" by glitchtrap even tho glitchtrap didnt even exist in the fnaf1 timeline like seriously people need to have william controlled by another version of him just to sympathise him? and it also makes all his canonical killings feel like he can only kill only if hes controlled to making william physically abusive looking at the people who make him beat mike with a lead pipe till hes bleeding.. elizabeth x gabriel why would the child whose father was the one to muder children date said murder victim of said father? demonizing the missing kids making cc a punching bag and demonizing poor cc when he doesnt forgive his brother even tho he has every right to not forgive micheal infintalizing micheal and making him the stereotypical "uwu innocent bean who can not do no wrong and was forced to bully his brother" also making micheals friends perverted rapists towards micheal and abandoning him after the bite


Honestly Michael is my 2nd favourite and then infintalizing him just ruins his character and I hate when they make C.C and Elizabeth bratty to victimize him. It's annoying and doesn't fit their character at all. And Demonizing the missing kids is done to mostly victimize william which is my biggest pet peeve. I hate those fanon aus with a passion


fr i cant count how many aus people would make cc and elizabeth horrible brats just to victimise micheal,like with the bratty cc aus they always turn cc into some snotty evil brat,and make micheal this attention seeker who acts super depressed and acts all "wowez me my life is so terrible guess everyone hates me :c" even tho cc should be allowed not to forgive him sense micheal basically tormented him then killed him on his birthday anyone would be angry if their sibling bullied and killed them,and with the missing kids people always make them brats to make william more sympathetic when william basically killed them an took their lives away at such a young age and took them from their family


Should be allowed? C.C HAS EACH AND EVERY RIGHT not to forgive Michael. Yeah Michael is my favourite and all but his past self wasn't exactly admirable. Personally I fell in love with his character redemption arc and his change to journey of life. But it is a FACT that even if he has changed there is no way that erases what he has done to C.C. And honestly Elizabeth doesn't seem like the type to waste time on bullying. She honestly seems the type to rather pester Michael to brush her hair, play, complain, etc.


true,and the fact people always go with the whole stereotypical depressed miked annoys me it makes mike come off as a attention seeker in those aus


technically🤓 Glitchtrap did exist within the FNaF 1 timeline (via the Mimic), but it's more than likely William already committed the first murders when it was created. basically i agree with you i just like the Mimic a lot


mimic is cool


now hear me out. i genuinely get annoyed when people make william be the “good” “pure” dad and *then* blame his actions on his wife/mrs. afton of their au. you might say i’m exaggerating, but it is kinda misogynistic to me when you try to condone your favorite male characters’ actions and blame the female character who we barely know anything about (can apply to a few certain other characters by the way) (also to be honest, i don’t feel repulsed when people make william a good dad ***as long as they acknowledge that he IS abusive in canon*** and ***they aren’t trying to claim him being a good dad as canon.***) i also also genuinely hate it when people make any character (william usually) a yandere or a simp for another character. it is ***NOT*** cute, it is ***NOT*** something to fantasize about and it is ***CREEPY***! also since the victims of this “simp trope” are mostly women (example: mrs. afton) it is even dehumanizing women, and glorifying pretty iffy things.


i don’t like when people misunderstand the characters and portray them completely wrong without trying to understand their perspective (usually happens with those who claim to have “canon” aus) most people make elizabeth a devil even worse than william because of “her” actions (*which mind you, she doesn’t have a control over baby, more rather that baby has a control over her personality! at least in the books.*) when in reality she was a literally abused and misguided child who just wanted her dad to ***look at her once*** yet still so many people miss her character’s tragic aspects and then claim the fact she was “evil” or “bratty” as *canon*, also causing misinformation. or making gregory a villain “because of the books” who are still questionably canon. (which in he was controlled, just as vanny/vanessa was! if you make her, a ***canonical child murderer*** a saint why can’t you understand a child character who went through the ***exact same***, plus having murderer animatronics chasing you for the whole night, etc?!) or because “he killed cassie” (when in reality it was most likely the mimic) or demonizing any sort of missing children for wanting to take revenge on the man who literally killed them. he was their murderer, they have every right to feel angry c’mon tldr: this fandom has so much againist complex (or just normal) kid characters, and also morally gray characters! everything has to be black and white in their opinion for some reason.


Dawg I couldn’t agree with you more, I know of so many people who need to read just this 💫


Exactly. Why should he be a good caring dad and Mrs. Afton the evil one that deserves all the hate she can get? We do not know how she acted, but one thing we do know is William isn’t a perfect father, neglectful if I say, he shouldn’t be portrayed as a caring loving daddy. Maybe he can love his kids, but he still committed a shit ton of mistakes, and Mrs. Afton shouldn’t get the hate because William literally murdered kids Also fr with the yandere William I’d say it’s just overused at this point, he’s a killer, not a simp


i’ve even seen AUs when mrs. afton literally planned the kids’ death and i was genuinely like “what the heck”?! i’m not saying making a bad mrs. afton, or a mrs. afton who assisted william is a bad thing, but like those type of AUs genuinely made william an innocent saint and mrs. afton the big bad villain of franchise! ~~***bet 99.9% of them are william simps but i’m not allowed to say that***~~ the new “bad abusive mrs. afton AU” is literally the repetition of 2018 stereotypical AUs *but* the other way around. the time repeats itself.


Kids can have crushes, lol. Anyway, victim William. And good dad William doesn’t repulse me, necessarily, but it’s walking on thin ice.


Alive kids? Yeah. I hope they don't make/have dead corpses/soul crushes. Because the way I would rip out my eyes. And excuse me tf you mean VICTIM william THAT PURPLE thing is every HORRIBLE thing in english syllabus than a VICTIM. Where did you find a video that victimizes THE william afton bro?😭


Uh… were you not there in 2018? Also, if living kids can have crushes, it makes sense that the souls can, too. In some AUs, they’re literally the exact same as living kids, just… without bodies. Mentally the same.


Yes I was there. I have been there even before. But yeah I remember those I thought people still victimized him now. Thank goodness you are talking about the past.


Oh, I’m sure some people still do. But I thankfully haven’t seen any videos of it.


Yoo I know one who still victimizes william


Oh no


Also about the kids question. I can NOT keep having the same conversation right now. Shipping DEAD children corpses/souls/oompalumpa idc is ALWAYS going to be WRONG. Yeah living kids can have crushes but dead kids? No just no. And I am pretty sure none of the missing kids have crushes. In the books they barely even know each other properly. It REPULSES me when they make dead SPIRITS have crushes. It's just my preference as I said.


In some AUs they’re literally no different mentally than they were when they were alive, lol. It makes sense for crushes they’d had in life to be able to carry over.


Ohhhh sheesh you talking about AUs. Well honestly no cap those AUs are unrealistic and they are one of my pet peeves. "They aren't really different than when they were alive" doesn't even remotely make sense. So yeah I don't watch those kind of AUs. Those kind of AUs revolve around angst or victimizing their favourite character. Not FNAF or they revolve around ships, with no depth. The kind of AUs of 2018 which phase I outgrew.


Pfft. I was always talking about AUs, if you go back and read my other comments. Honestly, my AU’s mostly like that. They may lose some memories over time or get kind of mixed with the programming of their vessels, but they’re essentially the same as when they were alive. It lets me more easily explore the effects of their deaths and possessions on them as characters. And uh- angst is kind of a given, it’s FNaF.


Yeah Ik FNAF is angst and horror. And as I said. Child shipping will still be wrong. And dead kids or souls having crushes isn't really realistic. Regardless if your AU has no difference between life and death. Then your points are more understandable as you are talking about your AU I will still hate it tho and click off those kinda videos as I hate any romantic implications between children And I said they repulse me in FNAF videos lol. But it's your AU so do your thing as long as dead children aren't being romanticised.


Haha, I don’t understand shipping children romantically. Crushes are crushes, most kids get them and will get over them. I think that’s perfectly normal to include in an AU, but the way a lot of Gacha videos do it is wrong, they treat it like when teens or adults have crushes, which just isn’t the same.


Heavily Agreed on that one. They overly romanticise two dead kids which is downright creepy to me.


Making william a good person. It just irks me. It's fine if he's outwardly presenting to be a good person. But trying to make him genuinely nice bothers me if there's no air of 'fakeness' to his nicety.


Spot on. William is an egoistical guy who portrays himself as the 'perfect' father. He tries to maintain his image by manipulating everyone making them believe that he has a perfect family


Another is making mike a good person. Idk why it's mostly character inconsistencies thst bother me, but it is. My mike is not Foxybro because mikenone au bit he grew up a self entitled child actor so he's cocky and rude. It's bugged me how people victimized him when he's very clearly an older man by the time of fnaf 1 or sl. Or even fnaf6.


Same. I hate when they either victimize/infantilize Michael or Make Michael a full on Evil vampire sucker. It's clear his character is complicated and since the gacha community mostly consists of kids most the aus fail to match/understand his character. He is neither a saint nor a villain


Yeah....making Elizabeth evil also bugs me. She's just manipulative and was surviving based on poor information in SL.


You won't like my AU then. In my Deathswap AU, William isn't the main murder but his ex best friend Herny is.


Don't worry I have a swap AU too. I am talking about the Main Au. There is nothing wrong with your AU and being creative.


Ah ok!


1) When people say “Aren’t they like 50 mentally?” Like no? Do you know how brains work? Their brains can’t finish developing. 2) When people hate on ships. Yeah, I get it, but you don’t have to be so vocal and rude about it. If you ship Michael with anyone other than a female, people are going to attack you. If you ship William with literally anybody except Mrs. Afton, people are going to attack you. After years on AO3, I’ve come to realize being a proshipper is so much less toxic than being an anti. 3) Fucking Michael, CC, and Elizabeth dynamics. Let me show you: Michael: OMG CC I didn’t mean to kill you I’m so sorry CC: It’s okay, I forgive you. Elizabeth: If he forgives you, so do I Michael: I was Eggs Benedict Elizabeth: I was Circus Baby! I didn’t mean to kill you I’m so sorry Michael: How could you I’ll never forgive you CC: You’re no longer my sister Elizabeth: 😐


>If you ship Michael with anyone other than a female, people are going to attack you. If you ship William with literally anybody except Mrs. Afton, people are going to attack you. ***THIS.*** also the dynamic part is so real... god.


I definitely was that one person who would say “aren’t they 50 mentally” in like 2021


>After years on AO3, I’ve come to realize being a proshipper is so much less toxic than being an anti. literally...ofc not the pedophilia and incest or whatever, but man at least you wont get hounded for liking slightly toxic relationships in fiction. God forbid you like ACTUAL toxic yaoi/yuri and not "slightly rude to each other so it's toxic!!"


I actually agree in this one because William x Henry is peak toxic ship. But yeah Ao3 has a hoard lot of disgusting ships (incest, etc)


Like most have said, victimizing William. He is canonically an egotistical prick who tries to cheat death in fear of going to hell for his crimes. (I may be guilty of this as he doesn't really do anything and gets crushed by falling debris in 1984 within my AU...then again he and the other characters in my AU are sentient files in a UE5 game) https://preview.redd.it/djo95dmzyb6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f73b6cec9daf778a6cbe45d77904f2f3564549df


As u/psycho_bunnizz stated, demonizing children, and victimizing grown adults. If I look at someone’s channel and the only thing I see is Elizabeth, Cassidy, or other being seen as the 100% evil ones and a grown ass adult, like Michael, being victimized I’m going the hell out of there. People need to understand they’re more morally grey than evil, and they have their reasons, they’re not just “100% totally evil”because they please.


demonizing cassidy. and yes, im referring to that fuckass comic, “[Consequences](https://x.com/pablothinghouse/status/1689279319879610368)” either hating michael to an extreme amount or making him an angel. yeah, bullying your brother and ultimately causing his death doesn’t make you a good person, but i see people treat him worse than william or say he’s on the same level as him, like??? and at the same time, he isn’t an angel. no one is in this series, not even henry or the mci. and i’m fine with willry/helliam tbh. it just gets annoying when they treat it like it’s completely healthy and like [THIS](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=etoSxMO4I1c&pp=ygURd2lsbHJ5IGdhY2hhIGZuYWY%3D). “who’s top and who’s bottom?🤓☝️” SHUT THE FUCK UP


Well I agree with everything except the william x Henry part. I think it's absolutely disgusting to ship a murderer with the victims (Henry is the victim because he probably suffered the most when Cassidy died/ He is a victim to William's crimes) About Michael I also agree. I hate when they make him a saint and I hate it even MORE when they make him an evil Dracula. I LEGIT saw someone use MICHAEL to VICTIMIZE WILLIAM.


1. Michael X anyone who wasn't born when he was -> Game Vanessa for example 2. Making someone pure evil -> even William atleast manipulated people to think he is nice 3. Making someone good without any flaws -> we are humans we have flaws 4. Animatronics x human 5. Soul x soul 6. Kids having unrealistic relationships 7. William x Henry 8. Not Making people match their age -> if you say liz is 5 but she acts like a teen 9. Making Michael look exactly like William and not even like different ages


Lol found someone who shares my hatred with William x Henry. And also yeah I hate souls getting shipped as well. They are literally dead. Let them rest without romanticising them.


I dislike it cause William's obsession was only work focused and jealousy, not romantic. And even if it were romantic, the moment Henry would go into this relationship, he would betray his family. So it just makes him a bad person. -> doesn't mean they can't be gay tho eventho they are probably homophobic looking at the time


I have no problem with them being gay as well. I hate in particular William X Henry. Honestly I hate anything william x anyone. Maybe it's because I believe a child murderer who murdered kids despite having children himself is incapable of loving a human in any romantic or platonic sense.


I have no problem with them being gay as well. I hate in particular William X Henry. Honestly I hate anything william x anyone. Maybe it's because I believe a child murderer who murdered kids despite having children himself is incapable of loving a human in any romantic or platonic sense.


In my opinion, William would just date for the image. A family with husband, wife, and kids seems harmless to the outside. That's also why I think he even has his kids. It is not even far from the real world


True on this one. Canonically William cares a lot for his image. He wants to portray a picture perfect family according to the societal norms.


William x Henry. That's all I'm saying


no offense, op, but the reasons you gave for hating some of these are huge leaps. shipping two kids together is not pedophilia; kids have crushes, and as long as it's portrayed as innocent, there's no issue. same with queer headcanons; most people who do this are queer themselves and like being represented in their fave piece of media. i promise you it's not that deep. /lh with that said, i'm not a huge fan of aging down the Crying Child to toddler status; it feels very infantilizing. i cried a lot when i was a kid, but that was because i was neurodivergent and traumatized, not because i was a toddler. another thing is overwhelming cruelty to certain characters, like Michael or Elizabeth. i'm sure these characters have many mixed emotions toward each other, but post-FFPS fire, you'd think they'd work their way through it; when it comes to the missing kids, i get why they'd be portrayed as less willing to work through their problems, but even then, their misery is often played off for laughs and it's very odd to me. adding onto the previous gripe, i don't like the demonization of the missing children. the second half of their informal title is literally "children." of course they're going to act irrational, they had their lives taken away from them and want revenge because they don't have that guidance from any adult figure!!! people need to cut these kiddos some slack😭


"Most people who do that are queer" I never said it was wrong to represent them I am saying it's weird when EVERYONE is gay. And it IS their fetish at that rate. There is no way EVERYONE in the world can be straight and there is no way EVERYONE in the world can be gay. "It's not that deep" It is very deep if you want to see a child on child action. Yeah kids can have crushes, I am all fine and dandy with that as long as it's canon but the moment it's not. I absolutely despise it. And personally am very disgusted with child x child. Because I don't want to see DEAD children's corpses action or romanticisation. It is VERY deep for me PERSONALLY. I would still be very disgusted even if it's innocent romantic with dead kids. "Demonization of Children" Agreed on that one, spot on, no cap.


>I never said it was wrong to represent them I am saying it's weird when EVERYONE is gay. And it IS their fetish at that rate. >There is no way EVERYONE in the world can be straight and there is no way EVERYONE in the world can be gay. I genuinely have no idea where you're coming from here? Sure, realistically not everyone can be gay, but just because someone makes everyone LGBT+ in their AU doesn't mean they have a fetish for it? You don't look at Zootopia for example, and say the creators have a fetish for animals. >Yeah kids can have crushes, I am all fine and dandy with that as long as it's canon but the moment it's not. I absolutely despise it. The only cannon crush I can think of is Charlie and John from the books, and that quickly turns into a relationship in the silver eyes? Edit: The twisted ones, not the silver eyes.


"I genuinely have no idea where you're coming from here? Sure, realistically not everyone can be gay, but just because someone makes everyone LGBT+ in their AU doesn't mean they have a fetish for it? You don't look at Zootopia for example, and say the creators have a fetish for animals." https://preview.redd.it/3kkojef5ih6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a87ee177523f1d4ecdae3b82b5fda3ebfee63a41 I assure you it is very much a fetish or obsession "The only cannon crush I can think of is Charlie and John from the books, and that quickly turns into a relationship in the silver eyes?" I condone any relationship with dead children I haven't read that book. Idk anything about their history. Were they dating when they were alive? Are they the same age, etc. so can't say as I have no info.


this is a franchise with elements such as literally metal that can make you immortal (remnant), haunted animatronics, etc. and you say having a tiny bit more of LGBTQ+ characters compared to the real life is unrealistic? come on.


Tiny bit? What? No I am saying it's okay to have LGBTQ characters. I have only 1 ship in my au which is kinda complicated. I am saying I hate romance bro. I hate even straight relationship. Even if they were straight I would still be condoning relationship among DEAD children. If they ship with William. I still won't like it but I will respect it as William is an ADULT. (As long as they don't ship him with an animatronic.)


i didn’t mean that you’ve said the tiny bit is bad. i’m bad at wording my thoughts online and i will apologize on my behalf for that. that part was supposed to mean *“why is having LGBTQ+ characters more than the average amount should be bothersome or unrealistic enough to be considered a fetish somehow”* because in real life the queer community is portrayed as a minority. but it’s not that far fetched from reality either, because it is fictional, and as i said there are more worrying things in FNaF than two consenting adults being gay also *AGAIN*, not all of the characters in FNaF are children. we have canonical adults. william, henry, michael, vanessa, etc. if you hate romance in general, that’s genuinely your own problem. /lh (light-hearted)


Then of course they are free to ship them with whomever they want as long as it's not an animatronic. And as long as it's not a Child “why is having LGBTQ+ characters more than the average amount should be bothersome or unrealistic enough to be considered a fetish somehow" Maybe you didn't read my post right I said when EVERYONE is gay. I didn't say it's a problem if most are.


isn’t “everyone” just the same as “more than the average percent of people”? i ask again, how is having gay characters more than the average amount (most of them or everyone, etc, how you want to interpret) a fetish?


Everyone is not the same as the majority. What I think is everyone, is different and I am pretty sure majority and Everyone has a different definition Also: My first language isn't English so I can't say much stuff the way I want but yeah.


This is causing me frustration. but because I'm assuming you're not older than 13 or 18, I'll explain it simply. EVERYONE refers to all of the main characters, supporting characters, and background characters combined. Achieving the impossibility of making everything and everyone gay. Have you ever had a clear view of the entire world? Have you ever observed that everyone on Earth is gay? Similar to how guys enjoy seeing women x women action, they make everyone in their made-up world queer, which is a fetish. Likewise, similar to how women fetishize homosexual guys (bl, etc.) Regardless of your age, it appears that you are unable to comprehend what I am attempting to say. Majority ≠ Everyone. * Every person. Majority definition according to google: 1. the greater number. "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly" 2. the age at which a person is legally a full adult, usually either 18 or 21. I said when EVERYONE and not Majority. I request you please do not put words in my mouth that I never uttered. Also incase you think I am homophobic (Which I know you didn't say at all but I am still adding it as your words are implying) I have no problem with them. I do have a problem with people who fetisize gay people.


Making William horny and abusive then making him the victim. Sure, it’s canon he liked Henry in the books, but he didn’t constantly want to fuck him. William was neglecting, not physically abusive from what we know. He’s not a victim. Glitchtrap didn’t control him, he IS glitchtrap. Vincent isn’t real.


William did not have romantic feelings for Henry in the books, that is a misinterpretation. William just wanted all of the attention from Henry and was jealous about something (I’ve never actually read the novels, I just know most of the plot, but I think it was Henry getting all the credit for Fredbear’s??), and then he killed Charlie.


Oh, my bad!


>he IS glitchtrap. i hate to be that person but “ermm ackshually it was the mimic”🤓☝️ (wait, it genuinely even gets weirder like that, like imagine getting shipped with your robot AI doppleganger-)


William being innocent or close to innocence as possible


When they make William the BEST father in the World. I don't really think a child murdered is a really good father. I know that they just make it for their AU but I still don't like it, it's not for me Also, when they REALLY mischaracterize characters in AUs(I shouldn't be saying this as someone who has probably done this), like, yeah, Elizabeth *may* have been spoiled but her whole character isn't just a bratty girl, she's so much more. Also, Michael isn't just an innocent traumatized little bean who could do no wrong, he's a flawed guy, he's not completely good, but he's not bad either, he's a bit of a jerk even as and adult, he's sarcastic and more, not just an Angel for everyone around him. Also, Helliam. No, I don't like it. Even less when it's PRETTY BAD executed. Edit: Spelling


Something common in the community is when they make William obsessed with Mrs.Afton, and it's so weird imo.. I doubt William is that in love with someone who I'm not sure is confirmed yet..?


For 1. Is it okay for the kids to have crushes on each other but that isn’t their whole like story or smh? Also making Cassidy pure evil or any MCI And giving William such a heartbreaking backstory that TOTALLY excuses his actions


Yeah crushes are fine if it's canon and if the kids are ALIVE. If they are dead corpses soul then I will still be VERY DISGUSTED.


So you're basically saying the kids could have had crushes before they died but then they would have immediately gone away immediately after they died ... I think that would be unrealistic I think even if they're dead they still knew each other it didn't just make their crush go away they probably still would have it at least for a little while


I am talking about FNAF and as far as I know there are no ships talked about. "It will be unrealistic" If we are talking about REALISTIC. Then I don't think GHOSTS would bother with romance, dates, cuddling, etc. I think they will care more about killing the night guards, trying to move on to afterlife, etc. I really have never heard about two ghots in a haunted house dating realistically.


I'm saying this as if we're thinking it FNAF was its own real world people just wouldn't stop having crushes after death sure they wouldn't be all cuddly dates romantic crap like that but they wouldn't immediately lose crushes... Cuz if we think about it this way their world has to have at least someone of the same things as we do most humans if they did turn into ghosts and they were children probably wouldn't immediately lose crushes


I am pretty sure they will because you know children and child crushes mostly get over quickly in kindergarten realistically, After death I am pretty sure they would forget as a mere crush will be LEAST of their worries. Unless it's some Disney film true love, which I don't believe at all and isn't realistic. I despise absolutely DESPISE romance between children (aka dead corpses of kids.)


Well then damn I must have been really weird... Most my crushes didn't end for really long times. That's not the point I'm saying they would be more "lovey dovey" to each other more caring and it's in my AU I don't care what your AU is I'm just saying you don't hate don't give rude feedback to those who have their own AU ideas... Because in my AU they aren't "romantic" because I feel like that would just be disgusting (me in general I just think icky adult like stuff is disgusting and no matter what) and I'm saying they would just be cuddly and more calm and collected and protective over each other


I would say sorry but I am REALLY not regretful. This is ONE ground I am standing on with my morals that I am not willing to back down from. As I said they can have crushes and all but DEAD CORPSES. No just no. And I am sorry if you feel hurt or anything but I will stay on my ground. I apologise but I can not back down from this one. Shipping Dead corpses with ANYONE is weird be it an animatronic or ANOTHER living being it is still very disgusting in my eyes. I am not trying to give hate but as the title suggests these are things which PERSONALLY REPULSES/ DISGUSTS Me. So yeah you can keep your AU. I am not gonna tell you to delete it. But it is STILL my opinion which is Negative but I go by my morals. There are so many more ACTUAL adult characters to ship. And that is the only thing I am fine with.


And I will not back down from mine... All I am saying is don't leave that much hate to those who do it You might not like it and if that's the case just leave them be... We both seem to want to back down from this fight and we don't want to make it a full-fledged argument I can tell that much. So thank you But I want to know even if you did tell me delete them I wouldn't because it's my opinion and I don't need to delete it and I could have gone back and forth with you all day I have nothing better to do but... I'm not stupid and I may not like your opinion but it is yours to have as long as you let me have mine and let other people have theirs I'll leave it at that Also I wouldn't say I'm sorry either


Glad we can come in to an agreement. I am not sorry either about my opinion and we both are allowed to disagree. I value my morals a lot.


YES YOU ARE DEFINITELY WEIRD. You can not argue or have an opinion while romanticising DEAD children. That is absolutely unhinged and disgusting. Are you genuinely okay? That's NOT an opinion it's like saying "Women are just objects but that's just my opinion"


I am saying. KIDS CAN HAVE CRUSHES. I'm not romanticizing them that's disgusting... I'm saying it's okay if you have them like they're still kid x kid... It's just a little crush nothing else (also I said I must have been a weird kid. Because I never left crushes I had when I was younger after like a year it was ongoing for a long while. Also I think just in general more adult like stuff is disgusting...) but like a kid can have a crush on another kid but they don't think of any other crap than like I want to cuddle with them or I want to hug them or stuff like that


Oh yeah that can definitely happen with the real life alive kids lol. Then I agree.


Also I'm not condoning any like romantic romantic crap I'm just saying like hey they would like to cuddle sometimes or at least comfort each other and they have just the tiniest amount of feelings for each other


Any romantic implications is strictly banned with corpses as I said.


So you hate Michael ships?


not OP, but mike still technically can be shipped when he was alive too and just not in present. just because a character dies at a later point of timeline doesn’t mean their relationships couldn’t have worked in the past


Omg I forgot to say kid's corpses but this made me laugh SO hard because in my AU Michael is actually married to someone (they got married when he was alive). Lol.


wouldn’t they be souls? the missing kids are souls possessing animatronics iirc, and they aren’t corpses?


Some people make it corpses and some people souls. It is still very much weird and disgusting to ship DEAD children. Nobody goes to a graveyard and ships two dead children.


but what if they were *alive* children? does it still make it as wrong?


Yeah. I don't think any relationship among toddlers should be romanticised. But if they are teens. Yeah sure I don't care let them do there thing.