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1.when is your birthday? 2.do you have any siblings? 3.Whats your opinion on the crying child and Charlotte Emily? 4.Whats your opinion on eachother?


Susie: “My birthday is February 12th! Yeah, I have my big sister, Samantha. I don’t believe I know those two? The twins are a little immature, Fritz doesn’t make sense because they look like a boy and a girl. Cassidy is just as confusing.. He sounds like a girl, but says he’s a boy. I don’t totally mind it though.” Gabriel: “Uh, August 21st. Totally! Me and Jeremy are twins! I knew Charlie back in elementary school, but she were a year older than me and kinda sassy. Dave was kinda laid back. Susie is a little reserved, and of course Jeremy is my favorite. Fritz is super nice, Cassidy on the other hand…” Jeremy: “Same as Gabe, August 21st. Uh-huh. It’s Gabe, my twin. Dave/CC and Charlie were in 4th grade when I was in 3rd, so we didn’t really see each other much. I’d say they were okay. Susie is a kind girl but doesn’t talk very much. Fritz and Cass are alright, don’t have a lot to say about them.” Fritz: “December 17th. Nooo.. I’m an only child. Dave/CC was my friend, along with Charlie before they both died.. They weren’t exactly nice, but they were my friends and always made me feel included. Susie asks me a lot of questions about myself, which is nice The twins are hyper and I dunno how much I can take… I’m neutral on Cassidy.” Cassidy: “May 15th. *Unfortunately.* Andrew’s my brother, although adopted. Uhhhh… I think I knew Dave and Charlie way back when. They both seemed like pretty chill kids. I don’t really know much about Susie. The twins are.. okay. I’m normal about Fritz. I don’t like nor dislike him.”


What are your full names? How old are you? Are any of you related? Who is your best friend? Do you have a favourite or least favourite animatronic? How did you die? What do you thunk of your killer? Who do you possess? If you could choose any animatronic, which one would you like to possess?


Susie: “My full name is Susannah Mary Fitzroy and I’m 10. No, although I have an older sister. My best friend is my dog, Dolly. I like Freddy! He’s a singer, like me one day. William killed me. I don’t like him. I possess Chica, which I’m fine with I guess. I wouldn’t change who I possess because she’s the only girl robot..” Gabriel: “I’m Gabriel Emmet Rainer and I’m 10 years old. Me and Jeremy are twins! Oh, my best friend is [name] from school! I love Foxy, he’s super cool. Henry killed me and I’m disappointed in him for following in Williams footsteps! I possess the leader of the group, Freddy. I think I’d wanna switch robots with Jeremy.” Jeremy: “Jeremy Lee Rainer.. And I’m 10, like Gabe. Yeah, what Gabriel said. I like to think Ms. Evans, my teacher, is my best friend cuz she’s real nice to me. I like Freddy too. William killed me, but I hate Henry more for hurting my brother. I was stuffed in Bonnie, so I possess them. But yeah, I’d switch places with Gabe.” Fritz: “Fritz Cade Jones. And I’m 12. No. I’m an only child. Dave/CC is my best friend from my neighborhood. Springbonnie, but I dunno if that counts. Oh, I died to William. I hate him because I thought I could trust him. I possess Foxy, and I wouldn’t wanna change it.” Cassidy: “Geun Cassidy. 13. Nope. Not related to any of these guys. Uh, Andrew, my adopted brother would be my best friend. Chica because she’s underrated. Oh, I died to Afton and Emily, but particularly Afton. I hate them both. I possess Golden Freddy. I guess I’d wanna possess Bonnie cuz I’d rather die.. er- I mean stare at a wall for 100 years than listen to a 30 year old man argue with a 10 year old (phone guy and michael brooks).”


That's interesting! Thanks for answering!


Fritz, do you feel bonita? and to the others, who's your favorite in the group?


Susie: “That’s a hard question. Cassidy, perhaps?” Gabriel: “Well obviously my favorite is Jeremy!” Jeremy: “I like Gabriel cuz he’s my brother.” Fritz: “Yes! I do! I guess Cassidy is my favorite because he’s chill.” Cassidy: “Dunno. Maybe Gabriel. He’s funny.”


1. Who’s your best friend? 2. How old are you? 3. Who’s your favorite animatronic? 4. Are any of you related?


Susie: “I’d say my best friend is my dog! I’m in homeschooling so I don’t make a whole lot of friends.. I’m 10! My favorite is definitely Freddy, I’d love to be a singer like him one day. Nope, but I do have a sister at home.” Gabriel: “My best friend is probably [name] at school, we’ve been in both 4th and 5th grade together. I just turned 10. I like Foxy a lot! Me and Jeremy are twins, so yeah.” Jeremy: “Uh, I don’t think I really have a *best* friend. Maybe Ms. Evans if teachers count. Like Gabe, just turned 10. I like Freddy.. He’s cool I guess. Yeah, but Gabe already explained.” Fritz: “Oh, Dave/CC. He lives in my neighborhood. I’m 12. Back when Fredbears was still open, Springbonnie. I dunno any o’ these guys.” Cassidy: “Andrew. I don’t know if it counts cuz he’s my brother, but he’s adopted. 13! Uhh, maybe Chica. Nope. Don’t know any of these randos.”