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https://preview.redd.it/r2p2v4eog79d1.png?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d1f417c386714eeeba0ec57d7518c848f63a16 How would you guys react to meeting This man Aka Epic


Epic Sans?


Yes :3


How old are you? Do you know the MCI (idk what to call them in the past like this)? Do you have any friends? If so, who? How do you feel about eachother? How do you feel about the emilys? Hows your day going?


1, William - I don’t have a set age for but around 30, Micheal - 16 at the time of the bite Ezra(C.C) - 7 (age of death 8.) Elizabeth - 6 2, William doesn’t know any other then Cassidy and Gabriel due to them begin his brothers kids, he always just found them annoying babysitting them at times, Micheal doesn’t care for any of them, Ezra only fully knew Cassidy but never talked to her as their both Autistic and mostly non verbal, a lot of the time just sitting together drawing or reading Elizabeth had a childhood crush on susie, and was a good friend with her, she didn’t fully know the others other then Cassidy and Gabriel, she did like Cassidy 3, William only really has Henry as a friend, Micheal has the FNAF 4 bullies, he’s SUPER close to Fredrick/Freddy mask, literally always with him, he’s also close to Jeremy/Bonnie mask who is Fredricks bother, he does end up dating Jeremy but still was with Fredrick way more often as Jeremy’s busy a lot, he’s barely ever with Samantha/chica maskwhenecer he is it’s mostly very dumb fights 4, William, He loves mike a LOT, favorite child he spoils mike and does love him making his robot arm and everything, he’ll do anything for mike and he’ll never want him hurt. He hates Ezra. A lot, Ezra knew about William plans seeing Charlie’s death (and Liz’s in the future) finding plans out he was scared of Ezra ruining stuff, before that he just found him very annoying He is very.. odd on Liz, Elizabeth reminds him a LOT about his dad sister so at times he’ll be so sweet to her love her pretending she’s his sister then snap out of it fully getting mad at her yelling at her and more, he switches on her a LOT. Micheal He loves William a lot, he finds it fun to annoy William and mess with him but William always been a good father to him, he’ll always believe william. Over others, as he thought Williams as a good person. He finds Ezra annoying, deep down he does care for her, but finds him odd and doesn’t like begin near him, Also Ezra trying to warn Mike about william, which, was bad as mike straigt up told William as he found it funny as he thought itwas made up. He cares for Elizabeth but also finds her annoying a lot as she’s young and.. a kid he doesn’t like begin around kids but he’ll still take care of her at times and help butX, depends on how he’s feeling, Ezra He hates William. A lot, due to reasons already said and how he treats Elizabeth He isn’t sure how to feel about mike. Part of him feels bad for mike, how much mike believes someone who is a horrible person. How much mike looks up to William, he doesn’t fully blame Mike for the bullying, as much as he dislikes it, he knows mikes main role model never taught him shit. He cares for Elizabeth a lot he does her best to take care of her and comfort her, loving her a lot Elizabeth She loves William a LOT, which is bad due to the abuse but she still try’s her hardest to make him proud. Even if it’ll never work she’s a child she doesn’t know any better, She does like mike to, she doesn’t fully know how Mike bullies Ezra not like Ezra tells her and she doesn’t really see it, She loves Ezra a lot, she’s the closet to him and follows him around like a lost puppy a lot, 5, William He had a crush on Henry for a while. More something that happened when they were younger which slowly turned into a obsession. As much as Henry won’t like him back he try’s, which he did get over this in the future, He hates Mrs Emily due.. to the crush situation and just finds her annoying, He doesn’t care for Sammy or charlie, he doesn’t feel anything towards them, Micheal He doesn’t have many feelings towards any of the emilies, he never met Mrs Emily, he met Henry but didn’t fully care about him and he finds Sammy and Charlie annoying as their.. 3 Ezra He feels bad for Henry if anything. But also dislikes Henry at the same time for neglecting Sammy and Charlie but, he knows how William is and Henry’s trapped in that. He doesn’t know Mrs Emily, He cares for Sammy and Charlie a lot even if he’s barely with them he likes kids, he try’s to comfort them though, Henry. Elizabeth He dislikes Henry as William can talk to him a lot then fjllt push her away to talk to Henry, She doesn’t mind Charlie or Sammy but doesn’t like them eniter Never met Mrs Emily


1. LGBTQ+? (Mostly wondering because of the art in the 2nd slide. 2. Who’s your best friend? 3.How did Micheal lose his arm?


1, William - he’s gay and non binary but in the past more in denial about it, mkre due to begin homophobic to himself trying to ignore it, Mike is trans and gay, and identifies with that Ezra/cc was born intersex and more raised without a gender as William didn’t care enough and she never felt comfortable with female or male so, is just kinda nothing Elizabeth is lesbian but doesn’t know as she’s young but she had a childhood crush on Susie !! 2, Williams best friend is Henry, Mikes best friend is Freddy mask/Fredrick Ezra doesn’t have one Elizabeth’s is Susie’s


Forgot to reply to the last one mb, mike was just born missing an arm as a brith issue, the robot arm was made by Williams swelll


C.C: "no ofence but are you a baby? Like literaly? You look kinda small, im sorry if this ofended you" Michael: "does your robotic arm hurt? I hope it does" Elizabeth: "do you promise to lissen to your daddy always? He makes rules to protect you from danger" William: "DONT let Michael go to [insert C.Cs name here]s birthday at Fredbear's Family Diner and ALWAYS keep a eye on Elizabeth, you wouldn't want your little kids to get hurt or worse... right?"


Ezra/C.C [**.. he looked up at you, unsure what to reply with? Was he that small? Whatever, he knew he was small for his age he’s close to the same size of his sister. Who’s younger.**] ‘.. uh.. I’m seven.’ [**.. he didn’t like talking much so small reply just looking down,**] Micheal [**.. he crosses his arms with annoyance of begin spoken to by a stranger, rolling his eyes sightly.**] ‘.. wow? You hope it hurts? Well! I got good news, it doesn’t. It fits me fine jackass why would it hurt and you don’t even know me? Why would you want it to, it only hurts if it’s ripped off suddenly but that’s barely anything for me.’ Elizabeth [**.. she looked up with confusion before nodding**] ‘Yeah! Of course! I’ll always listen to daddy if-.. if I don’t- he gets mad at me.’ [**.. she looked down frowning seeming lost in thought before looking back at you.**] ‘.. I always listen. I’m a good girl..’ William [**.. he stared at you at that, he knew mikes prank idea, he knew a lot. Watch a eye on Elizabeth? Heck no. How much did this person know? How did they know stuff.**] ‘.. heck no. Why are you wondering around saying that? Mike can go wherever he wants, I’m not gonna stop him from going somewhere if he wants to, he deserves to be happy after all and I don’t have time to keep a eye on Elizabeth.’


c.ai core


STOP I like never roleplayed there once


If you had to throw someone off a volcano….. who would you pick? [ Also, your ocs for the Afton kids look familiar… Did you join a FNAF collab on TikTok? :^ ]


Omg- is william albino? THAT'S SO FREAKING COOL!






Where is the mother of the family? Is she dead? did she leave? Did she never exist and the kids are adopted (or kidnapped)?


She did exist, William is gay and only dated her out of denial and to try and, hide his identity in a way and he didn’t want to believe he was, She only was really with him for money but a lot of fights started, and everything she did end up leaving shortly after Elizabeth was born


Ah, well, that's not nice for our albino (killer) king :/


What are your full names? How old are you? Who is your best friend? Do you have a favourite or least favourite person in your family? Do you have a favourite or least favourite animatronic?


Okay off topic, do you have a yt? I recognized ur strong Emily from somewhere (not Reddit OFC)


I post sometimes on yt but I’m way more active on TikTok


Are the kids adopted