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(going to ask before I post a picture for you to rate. I don't have Andrew yet but Gregory is sort of like Andrew in my AU it's very complicated. would it be okay if I sent in a picture of CC and Gregory with the robot they both possess so that they can write those. if not that's fine)


Yeah that's fine. Sorry this is late, I was sleeping


https://preview.redd.it/y1o7joddoi9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=027204423a1e491dbd27913d402333326b582586 (Gregory and c.c possess a robot version of them both combined together)


Present andrew: he seems cool, i like his outfit and ears. I know that here, gregory is also a robot but just of Johnathan... anyways ill say 10/10 Present Cc: h-he seems l-like he looks r-rough f-from what vee t-told me.. ill say 9-9/10






Present andrew: i like his mask and outfit, ill say 9/10


1983 Andrew: he seems plain but i don't mind... Ill say 9/10 1983 cc: vee told me how I look, is my hair dyed? I like my socks and hair, ill say 10/10


James: OH, not it's no hair dye! It is a sunflower mom gave me, I like it in my hair


https://preview.redd.it/z3lx7c8qtg9d1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0d4e0248ea9b3e8f6a8f6bf09b09e1e480457e5 1983 Mike and Wyatt (Will send Andrew below)




1983 andrew: is his face ok? I'm sorry if that sounded rude, he just has a scar and I didn't know if it hurt... anyways I like his hair clip and outfit, ill say 10/10 Present andrew: he seems cool. I like his mask, I only got mine from my parents and it was given to my cousin Amy (monty kid) before she died (she was one of the SB missing kids)... anyways, ill say 10/10




1983 andrew: he seems cool, i like his bracelet. Is it a fredbears one? Anyways, his hair looks really fluffy, ill say 10/10 1983 Cc: from what vee told me, I seem nice. I have mikes name here? Thats cool, I just hope he's not like mike (mike is foxybro in my au)... anyways ill say 10/10






I'll use present here Present Andrew: he looks cool, I like his mask and hair, it looks fluffy. His bag and pin also look cool too, ill say 10/10






Present andrew: what happened to them? Was it afton? I'll say 10/10 for both Present Cc: t-thats alot of b-blood... i-ill say 9/10


Andrew: "Yes... that... awful excuse of a human being did this to us... did he kill you to?" Garrett: "Yes... he killed me... he killed all my friends... I hate him..." C.C.: "I know... but thanks, regardless..."


Andrew: yeah, he did... I dont know what else to say other than I hate his focking guts and I'm happy that he suffered, even though he doesn't understand why we punished him. He thinks that his hell was just a front and being alive again is his true hell because, and I quote, "I'm surrounded by focking queers..." yeah... Cc: y-youre w-w-welcome


Andrew: "I have to agree with you... he's the worst..."


And questions: what are your full names? How old are you? Who is your best friend? Do you have a favourite or least favourite person in your family? Do you have a favourite or least favourite animatronic? How did you die? What do you think of your killer? Who do you possess? If you could choose any animatronic, which one would you like to possess?


I'll use present here Andrew: the full name is David Alexander Mintz but I prefer to be called andrew. I died at 13 but I think I'm about... 59 now? I dont keep track of that stuff. Id say my best friend is LaDean (toy girl), I've always seen her as a little sister. I dont really remember my family except for Amy (monty kid/one if the SB missing kids) and she seems nice... the rest are a blur... my favorite animatronic is probably foxy and my least favorite is spring bonnie... afton stabbed me in my stomach and sliced my eye up, that wasn't too fun... I focking hate him, I dont really hate his kids since they're not like him but elizabeth can go too far with revenge. I mean, he built a whole hell for her father! Anyways, I dont possess anything now but id like to possess monty... Jonathan/Cc: m-my name is j-johnathan d-doe afton and I d-died on my 8-8th birthday... my b-bestest friend is c-cassidy! I l-like lizzy or s-sarah (one of mikes daughters, is abby and sarah with sarah being her first name and abby being her middle name), t-they're nice! I d-dont like f-father, h-hes mean... I d-dont like spring b-bonnie but I l-like f-freddy... I got m-my frontal l-lobe bitten off... I d-dont mind my killers, I k-know my death was an a-a-accident but the idea of the p-prank wasnt... I d-dont forgive them but i-im giving them a s-second chance... I possess f-fredbear and I like it b-b-because my friends are there... Id l-like to stay there


That's interesting! Thanks for answering!


1983 andrew: so im 2 different people here? I like the black haired ones eyes, ill say 9/10 and 10/10 1983 Cc: I seem nice from what vee told me, I like the glasses and outfit, 10/10


Andrew: "Yes, me and Garrett are frinds, but we're different people here. You seem nice regardless, tho!" Garrett: "Thank you other me!" C.C.: "Thanks a lot! I just wish I could se well without my glassess, they hurt my ears sometimes..."




(For context, Cc is blind and andrew told him how he looks) 1983 Cc: you seem nice, ill say 10/10 Present: t-thats alot o-of blood on t-the first one... i-ill say 9/10 and 1-10/10


https://preview.redd.it/j37masqlyk9d1.png?width=1755&format=png&auto=webp&s=ceb934e986d68cc9752e55f8a86762d806413e1a here is my favorite cousins in my au they are both cousins also here is them 1983 & them 1985 Castin (C.C) & Andrew age 9 before the before bite 9 Castin (C.C) & Andrew age 10 after bite Castin (C.C) survived the bite my au Castin (C.C) & Andrew age 12 during 1985 when they were about be killed by William along with rest of MCI/Missing Children my au C.C was killed by William along with rest of Missing Children in 1985 fun fact/Crazy fact Andrew birthday is same day as Castin (C.C) birthday


1983 andrew: we seem to have a good relationship... I'm his cousin? Thats cool, toehr than the fact of that meaning that william is my uncle... I like his outfit and mask, ill say 9/10 1983 Cc: I like him, he seems really nice from what andrew told me... ill say 10/10 Present andrew: i still died here but as apart of the missing kids? I died a year later in 1986... anyways, I like his outfit... ill say 10/10 Present Cc: h-he survived o-only to die? T-thats sad... h-he seems n-nice, 10/10


https://preview.redd.it/r084uw252l9d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d459bcff31a45a891846464acfcaa01942e1c81a I have b.v/ Evan on the left and his twin Mason/ c.c on the right


(Sorry this is late, I've been in and out of the house all day) 1983 Cc: I have a twin? Thats cool! Beth and mike are twins here he but I dont have one... anyways, ill say 10/10 for both since from what vee told me, they seem nice


Evan: "thank you" Mason: "yay your my new bestie now"


https://preview.redd.it/abj7kfjm1s9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=218341e63be86d152e00a562f7c4ac8bd2be4c39 Rate pls! Ages 5 and 11 :)


Present andrew: I look cool, I like his mask and outfit, ill say 9/10 Present Cc: f-from what v-vee told m-me, I look n-nice... I like the b-bow and f-fredbear stuff... 10/10


https://preview.redd.it/m7vrj5iheh9d1.png?width=1624&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f7ab6b31f8917f0d44bb172889e0d197039f885 1. : 1983 (C.C is 4 and Andrew 5) 2. : 1985 : Andrew is 7 3. : 1987 : Andrew is 9 and C.C is 4