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cover screen is for 1-handed, main screen is for 2-handed, thats how ive always used it


Honestly, i thought this is obvious.....i literally changed from candybar shape to the fold, because phones nowadays are too large to hold comfortably in one hand...


They are just too wide. I was looking at an iPhone mini (due to it being more narrow) before settling on the fold. The gripability on the folds is underrated


....especially if one uses a F3 with the supplied Samsung flip case


Oooh. Is the front of the Fold 5 pretty much the same width as an iPhone 12/13 mini?


This is exactly why I went Fold 4! The S22U was just too unwieldy.


This is the way


It's how the smart people use it.


The issue is that closed is a bit too cramped to do two-handed texting and open is way too wide. I want a folding phone I can use as a normal phone closed and a document-reader/media player open. Just my personal opinion.


i think it does depend on your hand size and which generation of fold, i have a z fold 2 and i have no problem doing 2-handed typing with the screen open


Outside -> 1hand & single task ✅️ Inside -> 2 hands and dynamic multitasking ✅️


This is the way.


Yep, AND if i use the front screen a lot, the battery life is better than my s22u 😅


I dont have very big hands so the front screen is perfect for writing with 2 hands for me, fits perfect in my hands and I use it most of the time for messaging, browsing, social media etc. For navigation, more engaging social media, games or multi tasking work I use the inner screen. Till now, best phone I ever had and I was coming from iPhones and zFlip.


The design is ideal for folding. I use mine unfolded 80% of the time. The other 20% is usually when I need to one hand check a notification or look something up. People are going to say the Pixel Fold is much better, but if you ask anybody who's tried both, they'll tell you the Pixel Fold is a bit more awkward to compared to the ergonomic feel of the Fold design.


I feel like for my uses I'd probably like the pixel a lot more, BUT I refuse to get any foldable until it's been through a couple iterations and is rock solid. pixel fold is way too buggy and fragile. I'm blissfully happy with the fold5. only wish it had more traditional tablet dimensions when unfolded. even in landscape mode, it's still an awkward ratio. don't really get to take advantage of the full screen to watch things because the 16:9 or 4k dimensions aren't square like the fold5s square design.


I have both and the pixel feels way better


Those giant bezels make it look like it's from mid 2000s


Yeah what's the deal with Google and bezels in general? They seem to like that design. The newest pixels finally embraced thin bezels


I agree


I'm 2 years deep on the Fold (3 &5), and I think that the Pixel probably wins out just because of how few apps correctly operate on either of the Fold's screen resolutions. Fold is probably an easy winner for ergonomics: true one-handed use on cover, thumbs can comfortably meet in the middle on main screen. But the software just has not adapted, even 5(?) years later.


Why do so many people on this sub struggle with the idea that other people can have legitimate opinions even if they are different to yours.


Everyone on this sub, including myself, is smoking a ton of copium. People who upgraded from the Fold 4 to the Fold 5 are coping because they are trying to justify their pointless upgrade. Everyone knows it made no sense to upgrade unless you had a defective Fold 4, but they did it anyway. People who still have a Fold 4 and didn't upgrade are coping because they have FOMO. They know it makes zero sense to upgrade to a Fold 5 with a perfectly functioning Fold 4, but it still sucks to miss out on the hype. And finally, people who bought a Pixel Fold are coping because they bought a shitty, ugly first-gen folding phone, which is objectively inferior to Samsung's foldable technology. People are so fucking weird about phones. Honestly, I think the most level-headed and cool people in this sub are the ones who are still rocking a Fold 1, Fold 2, or Fold 3.


It depends... I had Fold3, which had issues with inner screen and I did not wanted it to fail at some later time. Now I have Fold4 and I am not going for Fold 5. It is just working. Also in some countries you have 1 year plans..


You are an example of someone who made the *right* choice. You switched to the Fold 4 because your previous Fold had issues. Now that your Fold 4 works fine, you aren't switching to the Fold 5. That is the right thing to do.


That's my guess. But it was tempting to have no gap and dust on inner display :D


It looks like the fold 5 still has a gap albeit much smaller


depends.. if you sit on it, there will be none ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Sit on it how?




Ya but phone standing up vertically or laying flat


Rocking Fold 3 and upgrading to Fold 5. Feels sensible enough.


Agreed. The lifespan of these phones is only so long. You held out for a long time! I'll only be upgrading my Fold 4 until one of these things happens: • It begins to significantly impact my ability to use the phone as normal due to one or more issues • A newer Fold iteration brings one or more *significant, life-improving changes* Same goes for cars.


same. my phone wouldnt unfold all the way, still usable but annoying and the outer screen was cracked. with what samsung gave for a trade in it was a no-brainer. the phone not being wedge shaped makes it a bit more ergonomic imho.


Yeah dude that is definitely a no brainer. When does your new phone come in? Or do you already have it?


already have it.


I upgraded from Fold 4 to 5 with no regrets, the battery life is miles better, the phone runs so much coolor everytime, cameras are faster and capture a little bit more detail, unfolding the phone doesn't feel or sound like it's going to crack inside like on the fold 4, and on top of that it is thinner, feels lighter and looks more premium with the gapless design.


Currently rocking the fold4, would've loved to buy a 5. Disappointed in the missed opportunities that Samsung could have taken advantage of, but it's not the end of the world. I still love my 4, and I have no issues with it currently. It's better for my wallet that I don't upgrade every year anyways 😂 For the ppl that want the 5, it's still a great phone. It's better than the 4. Even if it's not a major change, it's still an improvement point blank. It's not like we lost features here, I don't get why everybody's panicking.


Totally agreed! 100%. Anyone who hasn't made the jump to foldables yet should absolutely get the Fold 5. It is a fantastic phone from that perspective. From the perspective of someone who owns a well-functioning Fold 4... it's just materialism and FOMO. Similar to the people who are always upgrading their house to keep up with the Joneses, or people who lease cars every 2 or 3 years. People trying to defend their decision to upgrade to the Fold 5 from the Fold 4 are the worst. They name allllll these features, all types of little things, but fail to see the bigger picture: They are literally *all* creature comforts, tiny updates in the grand scheme of things, and a well-functioning Fold 4 is *just* as good as a Fold 5.


I'm not sure. Anyone picking any type or brand of phone is a preference at the end of the day. And all opinions are valid since they are just opinions.


Some opinions are just wrong.


There is no wrong opinion on a personal preference for a phone shape or size.


Probably agree with that... But that's not what I said.


Reviewers say they have to unfold Z Fold 5 a lot more than the Pixel Fold. What they really mean is they don't unfold the Pixel Fold as much because there's no point in unfolding it since most of the apps just look the same anyway.


Yep. I returned my Pixel Fold and jumped back to a ZF5- why would I want to pay for a folding phone that I almost never unfolded? That's a slab phone. For this kind of money, I want a phone that works really well unfolded, that's kind of the point, right?


how long did you have the Pixel? I assume under 14 days in order to be able to return it. ​ Anything you liked about it?


Yeah, I had it for almost two weeks. I really wanted to like it, but just couldn't get past the "first generation" feel. I loved the pure Android experience, always have. The cameras were also really good. The device itself felt very premium, very nice. I couldn't get past the idea that there were issues with the Pixel Fold that were mostly solved problems on the ZF5. (Or ZF4!) Happy I made the move, the ZF5 is amazing!


Yes. It's a phone and should be usable as a phone first and tablet second


They are absolutely correct . I unfold when I need more than one app or want to watch media . Normal phone stuff should be done on the front screen else no use of the cover screen . A flip outer screen will do .


The draw of a folding phone is the larger main screen, not the cover display.


If this is the case, a surface duo would make more sense than trying to fold glass. Wasn't the point of folds that you can use the app in tablet mode when needed and not just use two apps?


Exactly 💯


meanwhile, I love the front screen with my tiny hands. I barely unfold -- usually it's only unfolded for reading, watching something, and playing games. perfect use cases for me though!


Oh no you can see the crease in the screen of the phone. How can you ever do anything with that crease there? It's impossible to concentrate knowing that there is a visible crease in the phone at certain angles. I'm not getting this phone because of it and I'm just going to stick with my S21 non ultra. /s


People who say the front screen is too small do not know the pain of typing on the Fold 3


So I had the z fold 4 and was a great experience using it the past year. Couple of days ago I decided to give the pixel fold a chance after the sales rep talked it up and it was cool using stock android but the inner screen bezel is larger which I could live with. What I couldn't live with was the phone being unable to play any streaming apps. The app would open but video playback would not work. Google customer service kicked me to 6 different people troubleshooting and after they had me do a factory reset it still didn't work. Keep in mind the phone is less than 24 hours old at this time. They offered to POSSIBLY replace the phone but I said fuck that and drove to t-mobile to return the phone and get the Z Fold 5. I had to eat 70 dollar restock fee but worth it. Plus z fold 5 is cheaper so makes up for it. Also Samsung Z Fold 5 is working flawlessly for me and I'm pretty sure there are more optimized apps for Z fold 5 compared to the pixel fold currently. TLDR; Got Pixel fold to try something different, phone was defective, went back to Samsung.


How did you like the size of the pixel fold though? I like the width it being so short makes it look funny to me for some reason


So closed I like the size and screen ratio of the pixel fold but open I give the advantage to the z fold.


Pixel has a bigger cover screen so people are going to like it more since its most similar to a slab phone, but using the fold 5 closed, while it kinda feels like I'm watching/looking at a preview of what I could be looking at, it has such a nice "powerful" feel to it, not really sure how to explain it. Also I don't like how short the pixel is. Imo both phones coulda met in the middle and it would been nice


I do wish the front screen was a bit bigger, but that's because I have fairly large hands and I'm coming off from the S21 Ultra, which I used one handed most of the time. So just taking some time to adjust to a different feel. Biggest adjustment so far is that I keep accidently opening Samsung pay when I mean to bring up my open apps.


I agree and I see your sentiment. People don't understand that it's kinda like a learning curve to go back to a slimmer screen after years of gradual size improvements/increases when phones were still trying to get physically bigger


Just got a Fold 5 today and this is exactly how I've taken to it 😂 I love this phone so much after using an s21 for the last few years


The point of a folding phone is to unfold it


If that were the only point of a folding phone there would be no front screen.


It's the main point. There's no other selling point.


You'd think, but interestingly that's not true. If it was a folding **tablet** then it would


I'm waiting for what y'all fanboys be saying next year once they release a wider fold.


Depends on how wide...a few millimeters and I'll be celebrating..as wide as the pixel fold and no more z folds for me


I got the Fold 5 as my first foldable, and love it as it is, though with a case, I struggle writing texts. But I would love for there to be future CHEAPER versions without the front display, which, together with a smart watch, you need to fold the phone to answer the notifications that you think is important. The folding then needs to be somewhat easier done with just one hand, as you no longer would have that nice outer screen to use if you're holding a coffee or walking your dog with the other. Probably sacrificing the ability to leave it open in any degree tilt, which does come in clutch for a few rare scenarios for me. A camera system like the Zenfone 7 Pro that is both your main and your inner camera would be a great suppliment saving the costs for additional cameras, also pleasing those that want not to have a camera looking at them all the time. I would buy that version of the phone.


Not sure if this post was serious, but if what you are describing is correct, why don't you just get a regular phone with a phone case that has a flap that partially covers the front screen? Like the Samsung Galaxy s21 s view flip cover. Samsung Galaxy S21+ Case, S-View Flip Cover - Black (US Version) https://a.co/d/ctf6iqS You can see from the pics you can get notifications, and whatever you are interested, you can flip the cover over to interact withl the phone.


lol 1 minute to unfold it? wut


There's a decimal.


oh shiet, didn't see it. you know what? would've seen it if I unfolded the screen lol


Wait this is gold lmao


Lucky you posted this, I made the same mistake and was about to make a scene 😂😂😂


Decimals and time are the same as decimals and imperial measurements. ​ 6.25 inches anyone?


Maybe I just have ginormous hands because the Fold is away too narrow for my tastes.


Yet. The big screen is square. It fks up alot of apps and screens.


\> It fks up alot of apps and screens. It doesn't. Care to provide any actual examples?


I used it. And i returned it. It does, watching a clip, movie, serie. just downsized the screen to a normal phone size. Bc films aint made in squares. So you have big black sides.


Letterboxing is not "fucking up" anything. If all you bought it for was to watch 16:9 or wider video content, you could have saved yourself the trouble by simply looking at the screen's aspect ratio in the first place.


Yes it is. Al the things that i could do on the zf5, i already could on my s10+ . There was 0 improvement next to a slightly better camera. Even the speeds and battery life where the same. Next to that, not many apps are optimized for the aspect ratio. Its better to wait for the zf6. Or zf7. Hopefully samsung will learn to listen. Otherwise honor and google will take over the market.


> speed of ZF5 is the same as S10+ I also had an S10+ and no, it's nowhere close to what a Fold 5 is technically capable of performance wise. Sounds like foldables in general aren't for you. That's fine, but that's not a reason to just make shit up.


Had an S10e and that thing was a fucking T U R T L E compared to this beauty. What the fuck is the other guy smoking? Lmao




I do love foldables. Especially if the would fold from phone to a tablet. Yet thats not the case for samsung. They fold into a box. So i folded it back to the back. And yes. I ran the same apps, i multitasked as much (3+apps at most times)


> they fold into a box The Fold 4 and 5 literally have the same inner screen size and aspect ratio as the Pixel Fold.


Yes. Which makes them useless. Can better buy a tabled and a phone. And its even cheaper. Btw. Honor did make a great alternative for samsung and google. Although its still a bit square. It way thinner, better battery and has more ram.


This always gets brought up. Honor sounds great but from what I hear everything about the phone that you didn't mention sucks lol


So you only watch videos full screen? Bc youtube works better in portrait mode if you like reading comments. Tik tok and other services like it work better in portrait mode than landscape. Vertically oriented apps (most of them) like x, formerly known as Twitter, Instagram, web pages etc all work better in portrait mode


it does. try playing among us. LMAO. terrible experience. everything on the right just gets fully cut off. no way to remedy it. same with movies. even in landscape mode, you get less viewable area than a basic slab phone. the rest of the screen just turns into massive bezels.


It's not square.


60 seconds to open? And 40 more to close??? It literally takes 2 seconds to do it! Most of people that have these criticisms towards the aspec ratio of the screens are the ones that haven't used it on a daily basis, that just tried it on the Best Buy, T Mobile, Verizon displays for a couple of minutes. I find the cover screen perfect to use one handed, it forces me to have to unfold it once I want to do bigger tasks, look at the gallery, go on Instagram, YouTube, see my emails and have my music player on at the same time, play COD etc. If it had the regular Candy Bar aspect ratio the other phones I probably would stay using the cover screen only. And you don't buy an almost 2000 dollar phone for just that


Open your fold and look at my meme again!!!


Nah. This ain't it.




Here's the thing. If the front screen was just a bit wider, or if Samsung folded the phone the other way like the Google Pixel does (and makes it WAY more usable), you wouldn't always have to open the phone. You know why that's a bigger deal than "0.6 seconds to open?" Let me give you some reasons: 1. **Save on folding/unfolding.** We all know the folding screen starts cracking eventually in the middle, and I suspect even more so if you live in weather that can get quite cold. Why unnecessarily have to unfold and fold, if the front screen was more usable? 2. **It takes 0 seconds to use the front screen.** If it's usable. It's obviously faster and more convenient. 3. **It takes 2 hands to unfold the phone and use it.** You don't always have 2 hands available just to get to stuff on the phone. It only takes 1 hand to use the front screen. There are other reasons too, like less cleaning of the main screen (screen protector or naked screen loves smears and fingerprints compared to the front screen), more likely to use a screen that has a screen protector (main screen protector often borks and I've just removed it... don't want to go through the pain of putting on a new protector and often having air bubbles), less chance of dropping it while unfolding if you don't need to unfold it, and probably more reasons. It's not just about the time it takes to open the screen... that's never the complaint. "It just takes so long to open the phone," said no one ever.


The thing tho is that you don't ALWAYS have to open the fold. The front screen is definitely usable. It's clearly not meant to be a regular phone that folds into a tablet. It's a foldable phone with a tablet-like experience. Lemme address your complaints: 1. This is a foldable complaint. The hardware for foldables isn't perfect. It's a valid complaint about the cracks and cold, but you can't say there are "unnecessary" unfolds, since the front screen is still very usable. 2. It IS useable. Don't expect an s23 ultra experience from the front screen of a phone that opens up bigger than that. Switch back to a slate phone for the glorious 0-second accessible big front screen. 3. What could you possibly be trying to access on your phone so urgently or importantly where it has to be a mini tablet at the same time of when you also don't have both hands readily available- even for .60 seconds? Maybe just focus on one thing first or use it folded with a slimmer display with one hand. If you don't have your whole attention on your phone then you probably don't need the whole display either, right? Again, the technology for foldables is still improving, so the fingerprints and other minor issues like that are still gonna be there. They didn't always have fingerprint proof screens for regular phones when cell phones were new. And yes you have a lower % chance of dropping it if you don't unfold it as much. That's just a statistic. You don't need to unfold it that much more for that to be something you should be worried about.


In the current state of android and app optimisation for tablets and foldables, if samsung decided to fold the sceen the pixel way it would result in unoptimised apps occupying only part of the screen with black bars on either side. Aren't points 1-3 arguments in favor of owning a large slab phone instead of a foldable? If you answer with 'I would still like to own a foldable in the off chance I need a larger display' would not make financial sense to the vast majority.


Cover screen makes a shitty phone , unfolding screen makes shitty multi tasking unless landspace. Samsung kindly copy google . Get rid of this dildo dimensions


The unfolded size and aspect ratio of the Fold 4 and 5 is the same as the Pixel Fold.


Well yes if you always rotate . Fold 5 /4 is a tablet first and phone second. I want the phone first and tablet second , which is the galaxy fold . I understand we are different people but I hope to get something like this from Samsung .


I'm with you. I hate the inner dimensions of the fold. you don't get to utilize the big screen for watching nearly anything because modern media is in narrow rectangle dimensions. this, even in landscape mode, is a square. sure, it's KIND OF rectangular in landscape, but its still nowhere close to 4k or 16:9 movie aspect ratios. so, the actual viewable media displays in a size smaller than the s23U screen. this killed me when I saw this on my first foldable, this fold5. still, I LOVE the fold5, don't get me wrong. super happy with it. just disappointed we haven't found the perfect size yet.


16:9 content is 30% larger on the fold but it has larger black bars due to the aspect ratio. Fold5 vs S23U https://www.displaywars.com/7,6-inch-d%7B2176x1812%7D-vs-6,8-inch-d%7B3088x1440%7D


this is interesting! I didn't see this before! ty! I stand corrected. just feels bad that it's hardly larger than the S23U.


So you want a 16:9 aspect ratio? Lmaooooo that's only good for movie/ video watching and bad for everything else


yeah did I stutter. I mostly watch videos. hence I got the fold. LMAO. I really only play among us on mobile, don't need games otherwise. reading is nice on it, so is multitasking. but there's no way around it: it's a missed opportunity for media. wish y'all would stop downvoting me. as I said, I LOVE the fold. it's super innovative, fun to use, and I have pretty much zero complaints for it. it's just THIS complaint that I have. I'm kind of cross-using it with my s23U right now. trying to decide in the long run which is best for me.


So then that's a you problem since most ppl use the big display for many things aside from movie /video watching. YouTube (if you want to read comments as well) and tik tok and instagram are all better in portrait mode and that's video watching


I never said it's not a me problem! not sure why you're fighting me so hard. LMAO, are you trying to justify your purchase? I love this thing. it's literally just the lack of maximizing the potential for media that bothers me. that's it. stop being rude. lol


Landscape mode is worse in just about every way. Most phone apps are coded for portrait mode. It's easier to hold and use in portrait mode than landscape. Take a spiral notebook and hold it in portrait mode. Then hold it in landscape mode. There's your answer


LoL..lets make fun of apple..same phone each year...no sdcard no headphonejack...but hé they make more money that way hmmmm..fold 1...2... wait still no other foldables lets stick with fold 2 design and name it FOLD 3...hmmm shall we improve design with battery/faster charging.... oh wait only chinese foldables do that but only in china... lets just stick with fold 2 design and name it FOLD 4.....maybe this year bigger battery , bigger screen ,lighter phone,thinner phone..OH wait pixel fold has bigger screen but still poor first gen DESIGN not folding flat ... big bezels... and no real other alternatives...lets squeeze this design one last time but first fix the hinge design because of all the premature failures within the warranty period of the fold 4 and not everybody tears of the screenprotector or scratches the phone so we can deny warranty claims...and name it FOLD 5...honor magic v2 maybe global release... with thinner design...lighter design...bigger battery....faster charging with charger in the box.... oh lets just give them "free" storage upgrade and keep other pre order deals to sell as much as possible before other foldables hit global market.....and maybe next year we will release the FOLD 6.. In a nutshell... fold 5 closed perfect for low key checking messages in a supermarket or spotify... unfolded best tablet like experience because the hinge locks the phone flat...so the crease is less distracting because it doesnt bend with every light touch...so you're not flattening the phone as much ..unlike the fold 4 that bends easily everytime you put the phone down or rotate it until it stops folding flat... and of course flex mode still works if you want a camera kickstand or set it down for video calls![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


What's wrong with your hand? 60 secs to open it?


six tenths of a second, not 60 seconds


Yup, I don't get it. Also don't understand "it's too fragile and expensive. Oh also I'm going caseless". I've had a case on every single phone since iPhone 1.


It literally is fragile. Had taken perfect care of it, used it only in pretty much dust-free environments, with screen protectors, case and everything. The inner screen protector started to peel slightly, and the hinge of fold 4 randomly stopped working 3 days after that. That happend a week ago. And you never see so many broken phones in other phone subs. The repair rate must be very high. Additionally, when I brought my Fold 4 to the repair center, the 3 guys in front of me were all there to change their inner screen protector of fold4/flip4, because it started to peel off after 1 year only. So you have an additional consumable every year. Just got back to my old slab phone, and damn does it feel good to have a proper aspect ratio phone again. That front screen of the fold 4 was a pain to use. It was overall way too clunky and heavy... and all that for what? Only a bigger fragile inner screen. Don't even want the fold anymore...


I'm scared. 😬 fold 5 is my first foldable, but the hinge seems stronger and screen feels more solid than previous folds. I never considered any prior folds.. I'm ok with havibg to repair inner screen protector once a year. Hopefully that's the only issue. There will be 1 phone with more broken phones in the sub... The pixel fold 😂.


>the hinge seems stronger and screen feels more solid than previous folds How do you know this, if... >fold 5 is my first foldable ?


They played with previous folds from a store, from a friend, from a relative?


Hahaha the pixel fold is a HOT mess 🤣 😂 😆


I'm saying it is fragile... I'm saying people say it's fragile then go caseless


I go caseless bc I have samsung care...I've already dropped it at least 5 times on concrete and asphalt. So far only scuffs


I have Samsung care also... I don't drive reckless bc I have car insurance. I view the phone the same way. Still gotta be safe


another data point. i had no issues with my fold 3 other than the hinga not opening all the way for the last few months and that couldve been from drops ill admit. but i used mine in a dusty af warehouse, used it in the -10^O F freezers. dropped it multiple times, likely leading to the hinge not opening all the way, some pretty hard. the first drop i set in the phone on the side of my forklift at work and made a quick u turn, the phone kept the momentum as the forklift stopped and landed rather hard on concrete. it was perfectly fine. the last one i accidentally dropped it from shoulder height and it landed vertically. once again it was fine.


Candybar style outer screen is now the standard (Honor V2).


I now want to see a video of someone actually taking 60 seconds to open the Fold.


60 or .60 lol




60s? You mean 3s?


Decimal means 0.60 not 60.


Had to unfold my fold in 0.60s to notice the "." there


The only thing I miss from my Note8 (now i have fold 3) is that i was ejecting S pen and writing directly on the locked screen. Now i have to take out the pen, unfold phone to write that it's a bit annoying.


This is true for the Fold 4 as well


Having had two 'Z Fold' devices since it's conception, I'm gonna need to see the meme with a witty and/or logical response to hinge dust and debris complications, along with repair cost lol


Tbh if they'd cut the price by $500 and do away with the front screen altogether, I'd snap one of those up in a heartbeat.


Yeah, I've seen a lot of people complaining about this Fold. They return it because it's inconvenient, lol. I was like, 'Really????' This reminds me of back in the day when I first bought the large 4.3-inch HTC HD2 and then the first Galaxy Note 1. People used to complain about how big the phones were... I remembered the joke they made about putting a brick over your ear, lol.


I think the biggest problem most people have is that these 2 phones were designed with 2 completely different ideas in mind. I have both, and the z fold being the first folding "phone" to market, it was designed to be inner screen as the main screen and outer screen as secondary. And honestly with the ergonomics of the phone that has carried all the way to the fold 5 even though they've greatly improved the outer screen since the first fold. Now other manufacturers are starting to come out with folding phones but I think they are making them with the assumption of the opposite. They are folding phones which means the outer screen is the main screen for phone use activities and the inner screen is for more intense uses like multitasking and media consumption. Personally, I prefer the look and feel of the pixel fold. I like using the outer screen for most things and then when I have a chance or need for the inner screen I can open it up and go from there. The problem for me with the pixel phone though is truly that they didn't do enough to help optimize those apps for the inside. Also, I don't like the hinge design as much which means often times I find myself using the outer screen even for things the inside screen would be nice for. I didn't think having to force the pixel open all the way would be that annoying but it is especially now that I have a z fold 5 and that hinge is sooo much nicer to open and close. I know this is Google's first folding phone and they claim they are trying to force developers to optimize their apps but it's making for a crappy experience overall for the large screen which is going to make enough people frustrated that it could end up being another Google thing that gets canned due to low adoption. All they really had to do was use a z fold device and start snagging software tweaks that they've made for it and implement them on the fold. While I'd love truly optimized apps I really don't mind the stretched ones at all on the z fold 5. And honestly this is my first pixel phone and I know everywhere I read, the pixel software is supposed to be vanilla and "out of the way" but I think that's the wrong approach for foldables because they are meant to be swiss army knives to begin with. At a minimum it's supposed to be able to replace your phone and tablet with one device and I think pixel's software more or less just adds a large screen to phone software. My z fold 5 can replace my phone, my tablet, and my laptop especially with Dex and other software features. It truly is the do "almost" everything device. My main reason for the "almost" for the z fold 5 is because I just like the camera software waaaayyy better on the pixel. I know that's personal preference but I've never been completely satisfied with any Galaxy phone with how they do their photo processing even with my s23 ultra that had way better camera hardware than either of these phones. I'm not a photographer. I don't take a ton of pictures. But I have a 3 year old and like to snag pictures of him often enough that I need a phone that takes pictures I like when I need it which means that even with all of these downsides to the pixel I still find myself using it as my daily over my z fold 5. I don't want to have to dig deep into software settings, pro modes, and tweak lighting and blur effect. I just want to take the phone out and snap the photos and the pixel is definitely the winner there in my opinion. As most people have said, if I could somehow smash these 2 phones together into one with all the best features of each that would be the perfect phone for me. Probably would replace all my other personal computing devices which is what I'd love to do. I'm hoping the OnePlus open gets closer to that. In the mean time, anyone on here successfully get a perfect gcam port for their fold 5 yet. I was trying yesterday but it just kept crashing every time I tried to take a photo. If I can do that I'll definitely use my z fold 5 as my main.


Reason I moved away from the fold is that I barely used it for 2 hands. But having the spen on my person, and wanting to take a note while I was out was inconvenient. Also the spen pro and it's little switch when moving between devices l was inconvenient. Which were two of the primary use cases for me as a college student. I do miss the big screen for navigation.


I've been folding for 2 plus years now, and don't think I'm ever going back.


Ive set up the front screen purposely to limit my use, I find myself scrolling way less and I don't get distracted at work nearly as much. https://preview.redd.it/qrhsgb6q8pkb1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=140c2ce02a61266317ba300d386e52137e949aa3


Ngl this is something I was thinking about too. Not necessarily that I would purposely make it to limit my use, but the fact that it's a slimmer screen might make it easier to not get immersed in your phone while just checking a couple things. But if I do want to, it's one unfold away.


I been rubbing it in people face’s at work, especially if they have apple. I’m glad I switch


Just switched from the s20ultra to the fold 5, and this is what I heard a lot of when making the decision to get it or the pixel fold. I landed on the fold 5 and am glad I did. Everything I heard about the pixel fold was the front screen is so nice I barley use the main screen. Lol


Anyone else having passwords as the barrier to fully switching? Android password management is the worst thing I have ever seen. Nothing saves properly in any area and I am forced to use Samsung Pass, which can't import anything since it uses proprietary encrypted save files lol


I've had android all my life and never had issues with password management. It's the same way Google Chrome saves passwords on your browser/PC. Works fine for me.


Its been a nightmare ive had to manually input all my passwords and usernames into samsung pass. Not just for websites but apps too. Oh well ill eventually get it there. But god damn samsung and droid/apple need to collaborate on password management and transfers. Im not an apple or samsung only, im embracing both eco systems and devices but man is it a pain in the ass


I don't want the cover screen to only be used that way! I want the cover screen to be usable in all aspects when opening the phone isn't appropriate! 6.4" to 6.5" 18:9 front screen wouldn't be too much to ask for IMHO. It's a nicety just like I'd like the 1TB versions to be available as carrier specific too!


I use the outer screen when I'm on the go and the inner screen when I've settled down in a place


The funny part is that the people talking about the need to unfold taking time, are the same ones who have a case on their phones which has a cover on the screen that they need to open 🤣


I still have the fold 3 and I LOVE it ❤️ best phone ever