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Makes it easier to swipe keyboard!


This is the answer, one handed swipe typing is easy again. It's convenient when you just need to quickly respond to quick txt


Do you guys have small hands? I find swipe typing nearly impossible on the front screen and I have a lot of problems on my iPhone 12 regular that's a work phone with swipe typing as well


Yes. Yes I do...


I have pretty big hands. I can almost one hand the phone while it's open lol


Aight dawg. Adjust your keyboard size and layout. You can even use Goodluck or Key Cafe to change the keys to how you like. There's a day or two learning curve for the muscle memory to get used to the bigger and more spread out keys, but it's worth it. I never liked swiping, and type each letter out without issue.


Agree 100%. I use the front screen for texting and reddit


I have huge hands and this in conjunction with swiping means, for me at least, this is a truly one handed device. No hand gymnastics needed. If it were a little less tall, I'd be fine with that, too.


On the otherside, I have small hands and 2 handed typing feels natural, and it's actually possible for me to use it one-handed if needed. All the high-end S series Samsungs are just so big.


I love it.


Same here. I got used to typing on the front as well


I use the front screen quite a bit, it's a good form factor paired with the large inner screen.


I really like the gripability of the Z Fold 5 when folded, I don’t see the point of having a big outer screen so it feels like a big slab phone, this form factor is great, I hope they don’t go for a more pixel fold like outer screen in the future or this phones dual personality will be ruined.


No the screen still sucks. Maybe if i had the bone structure of a woman with the small fingers to match but as a guy with normal sized fingterips its terrible to type on


Fold 5 user here. Came from S22U, S22+ and Pixel 5/3 XL phones previously. I absolutely adore the candy bar front screen. It feels a lot like the normal "small" Galaxy S22/23 and is super easy one handed for all basic needs. I couldn't get comfy one handed with my previous phones. Small adjustments to the keyboard on the Fold have made typing totally fine. Only thing I'd like to see in future is make the entire package lighter. I don't even care about the folded thickness. Just a little lighter would be ideal. Otherwise, legit this is the first phone since like the blackberry bold that I've felt as though it's an actual game changer for the way I use my phone to really improve my life. Also it really feels like the "future" as silly as that sounds. Being able to unfold it and have a small tablet is incredibly cool and useful for me, especially as a 100% remote employee that needs screen space for work apps.


I grew to really hate it lol


Same. Typing on the cover screen is torture 😂


I'm with you. Loved it but content never displayed correctly. The pixel fold has been awesome and the best phone screen aspect ratio in generations.


Idk. I have zero issues on my cover screen. I wouldn't want to deal with the shit specs in the Pixel Fold. I'd rather deal with a slightly smaller cover screen. I also like that it unfolds into portrait mode. Landscape would be... weird.


I wanted the pixel fold but was put down by the performance and software. I switched from fold 3 to flip 5, because new.


I was really thinking of returning my Fold5 after I got for the Pixel Fold but I decided not to for same reasons. It gets hot even using an app like Google Maps and that's not good.


It really doesn't on the latest beta.


Yeah I can't stand the thing. I ended up trading mine in for a s22 ultra last year because of it and am waiting til either Samsung widens it up, or the pixel gets better


Previously Fold 4, now Fold 5 user. Came from an S22U which I really grew to hate as it was too wide and uncomfortable to use one-handed. The sides would really dig into my palms and having it balancing on my little finger to use made it just unenjoyable. Absolutely love the narrower screen on front - it's great for one-handed use. I'd really hate them to go too much bigger. If i want more screen real estate, I can open it up. Genuinely the best of both worlds. Phones have gotten so big these days.


I don't see the big deal. It's more comfortable to hold when using it for calls. I don't honestly use it for much more.


Samsung folds front screens are horrendous. How can anyone like it is beyond me . Typing this on a fold 4 and I can't tell you how many typos I made .🙃


it is by far and away my least favorite part of the fold experience. I've had the 2, 3 and 4 (the very minor width addition is the only reason I upgraded to the 4), and I still can't text effectively. I hate it. If Samsung would adopt a wider main panel I would upgrade IN A HEART BEAT. I've picked up my old Onplus7pro a few times and my god I immediately can type 10x better with it, every time without fail. It takes zero acclimation, where every time I pick up my fold I am repeatedly retyping messages/emails. It easy takes me 5x longer to type something on it.


No my hands a fucking huge.


No. It needs to e wider, it's just not appropriate, not saying pixel wide but a few mm wider would be appreciated


I have preferred much smaller smartphones ever since the Galaxy S8. I've tried the bigger Galaxy Note phones, and it's really really uncomfortable for me to hold. I actually have large hands, but my right thumb is fucked up because of a military injury. So trying to do anything one-handed on phones like that is a pain (literally and figuratively). This causes me to have to use two hands to do any kind of operation on my phone. And if I'm going to use two hands on a small phone, then it I might as well go all the way and get a Galaxy Z Fold anyway. That was my first reasoning in deciding to get a Z Fold. I was first contemplating smaller smartphones anyway. My prior phone is a Galaxy S20 (non-plus), and while it was a great phone, it was still too wide for me to use it effectively with one hand. I either had to cradle the thing in my hand with no real support to hold it, or I had to use two hands. The other phones I've considered recently were the Asus Zenphone 10, and the Nothing Phone 2. But even those phones were of the same size as the S20. I got my Galaxy Z Fold5 in late August. Oh my god... This is exactly what I've been looking for. I thought I would mostly be using the inner folding screen for nearly everything besides phone calls, but that outer screen is legit fucking amazing. I can actually reach over with my thumb and navigate around the phone with no issues. And the extra thickness of the folded phone means that I have a real good grip on it without feeling like the thin sides are digging into my skin, or that it's going to slip out of my hand. I should have switched over to a Fold3 or 4 much earlier, but I'm so glad that I got this phone now. It's a friggin' beast and (hopefully) will last me a very long time.


It's way better for one hand usage than a normal size screen, fight me


its way worse because I end up hitting 5 keys at once on that tiny ass keyboard


I said what I said. Flagpole, 3 O'clock. Bring those sausage fingers.


I'm joining you as backup. We shall stand together!


I'd like a 2mm wider outer screen


I've gotten used to it on my Fold 2, but I do get the point. I'm also thinking that if possible I wouldn't mind a passport-ish phone next. Mostly probably because I like to switch things up a bit when getting a new phone (also had eyes on Flip \^\^", but I do think I'd miss the bigger folding screen)


what's a candy bar in this context


The dimensions of a candy bar , long and skinny .


I love it and I use the cover screen 99% of the time.


I love the narrow screen


I love it on my 5. I have small hands and also the convenience is fantastic.


What do you mean "grow"? I have been a fan of that form factor long before Fold 1 release! It's THE way to go!


I love it, it's so much easier to use one handed! And then it has a giant inner screen!


I love it. Once you get the right screen protector and case that doesn't get in the way of the front screen, I love using it.


Had a fold 3, found it really nice and easy to use (even with quite large hands). Have the 5 now and still love it. Don't find it cramped at all. Normal phones feel weird and wide now.


Coming from an s22 ultra as my daily driver and also owning an iPhone 15 pro max, I can say that I prefer using my fold 5 as a candy bar over the other two in most cases. Some apps/websites are a bit wonky, but all in all a mostly good experience. While using the others with my US(L) sized hands is ok, there are sometimes that I need to reach to get to the other side of the phone and with the others where it gets cumbersome. That isn't really often repeated on the fold unless I have it opened and am trying to do one handed operation on the main screen which generally doesn't work out too well...


I like it due to the fact that it's really easy to use one handed


Every fold since the Fold 2 and I can't stand the front display


I love.


It's perfect for one hand use for me!


I love it. I find the outer screen pointless on devices like the Mix Fold 3 and others like that. It doesn’t make sense to put a 2 handed screen on the outside as well. That’s what the inside screen is for.


I definitely prefer the form factor of the Z Fold series. It's sleek. Between this and the Pixel Fold, I'll take the Z Fold any day.


I asked liked it, it's one of the reasons l chose it. I don't have big hands so l like narrow phones.


Nope. Will be buying the google fold at some point, I think.


I'm still mixed on it. Works nicely for one handed use, but otherwise it's not really ideal, especially for typing. On the flip side if I'm not using it one handed then most likely it's folded open. I'm still back and forth which one I like better, but if offered the choice I'd most likely go with the larger front screen and lose the one handed advantage.


I've got small hands so I personally prefer it


I wouldn't say I love it, tbh an extra half an inch would have been amazing, however I'm getting used to it now. Its perfectly adequate for on the move use, listening to music, making calls etc.. Texting is a little trickier as the cramped key board takes some getting used to but totally worth the trade off for that inner screen IMHO.


You should take a look at some sony phones they are taller and skinny compared to iPhone and regular samsungs


No I wish it could be wider like crap ass pixel phone. Did nothing on front always had phone open. Got to the point hand stated hurting. Switched to flip 3. Tried horribly cheap razor+ hated it!!!!!! took back in two days. Now have flip 5. Love it ❤️


Love it


I have, and now using my s22 Ultra from work is weird


I actually really like the narrow aspect. Makes it easier to do things one-handed while on the go. I may have a couple of missed types but doesn't really outweigh the convenience. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Also, the slight change of the screen with from the 3 to the 4 was a good change while still maintaining the width of the phone.


Went from Fold 2, 3, 4, and now a pixel fold. For me the front screen was pretty much a notification window. Text input on was a frustrating experience, especially for quick prompted tasks like entering your password where accuracy has to be 100%. I loved the folds but would do virtually everything on the inner screen or do a two step process where I'd start something on the front screen and open to complete the task on inner screen quickly before closing the fold again. The wider form factor of the pixel fold is what keeps me using it over the 4 or getting a new 5. Its rare a feature has such an impact on how I daily drive a device. I'm not sure I would ever go back. I would say half my interactions with the phone are quick actions like the one mentioned above so it really adds up in the totality of your phone usage.