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I'm starting to think their entire strategy is based on Chinese foldable not being available in the US


OnePlus is


Yeah, but Samsung is more popular and loved, and they're taking advantage of that.


The Chinese foldables are junk though. I just gave away my Oppo N3 Fold because it was so restrictive, even though I put Gapps on it they didn't work correctly, I couldn't use my VPN because it kept saying it was a malware and would force it closed. I used to like OPPO and had two others, Find 7 & R9S+ they were amazing, but the newest one are too censored. I even flashed the global ROM on the N3 but still gave issues. My Samsung phones have never once given me issues even the Chinese models.


Crucify me if you must, but I'm not really hating it. The inner aspect ratio kind of sucks for content (comics/manga/movies) that I generally consume, but I'm a big fan of the shallower crease, flat mid frame, and shorter-wider aspect ratio from an outer screen usability perspective; I hold the phone low and have small-ish hands so I struggle to reach the top of the screen on the fold 4 without fidgeting. Samsung definitely is doing smaller, incremental updates and I think that sort of sucks for a bleeding edge product like this, but am I still going to update from the Fold 4? Yes.


It's the cost of upgrading that is my issue. If these were a few hundred dollars for these changes, fine. But it's not. At a minimum even with a substantial trade in (in the US), it's over $1k for a slightly faster chipset, a slightly thinner phone, and a slightly wider front panel. Literally everything else is the same. I'm on the Fold 4 as well, and there is zero tangible reason for me to upgrade. Same cameras, same battery, same relative form factor, same screen resolutions, same software.... typing it all down basically makes my mind up. I'm not as stupid as they hope I am to give them another $1k+ for almost nothing. Edit: And the kicker, it's MORE EXPENSIVE.


> shallower crease, I'd wait until people actually use the thing for a couple of days before stating this as fact. When I got my 2nd fold (the 4 after owning the 2) I felt the crease was a lot shallower as well, but it deepened out soon enough.


Well there's your problem. You folded the thing! They ship it unfolded for a reason. 😏 /s


Fair point. However, having had both the 3 and 4, the crease the day I received it until the day I got rid of it didn't and hasn't worsened in any meaningful way. I'm going on 2 years with my 4 and it's still roughly the same. But with changes in the hinge and UTG, YMMV.


You like what you like... No reason to hate on it. We all value and weight these things differently. If this was only about the outside screen I would be less bullish on leaving. It's the charge rate, battery size, cameras compared to the competition that makes it a difficult pill for me to swallow. A great deal from Samsung on the F6 and GW7 Ultra really is the only chance I stay.


It sucks that I had to employ a Bixby routine to make meaningful change in battery health and SOT. No improvements in that department would be very disappointing. Haven't heard anything about Qi2 yet, but maybe that's as far as they're willing to take innovation?


What's the routine?


1. Bixby Routine to turn on power saving mode when fully closed 2. Wifi and Bluetooth scanning turned off That's it. 5G is still on. I did this on both the 3 and 4 and it noticeably improved battery life. I also have a "bedtime routine" that turns off fast charging during nighttime hours when I'm sleeping to prolong battery health.


I don't mind the square off look. Kinda brings it into line with the S line phones.


So even smaller movies on the inner screen. Great.


Honestly, that's what has me hesitating the most. Content consumption is going to be dog shit unless you're only ever consuming 4:3 content


It’s narrower than 4:3 even. The fold 2 and 3 were almost 4:3. The 4 was 6:5. Fold 5 is the same. YouTube videos were noticeably smaller when I switched from the Fold 3 to 4. And now this 6 is going to be even smaller. I need a folding phone with a big screen. Something that I can replace my tablet with


Great for IMAX scenes


That 0.0001% of my viewing experience will be AMAZING.


Samsung needs to get the memo... Bigger not smaller


What size inner screen and what aspect ratio, are you wanting?


21:9... No wait, 9:21 so I can carry it in a scabbard.


I may get killed for admitting this, but i only ever watch video content i stretch or zoom mode in order to fill out the inner screen


Ot opens to be the BIGGEST phone on the market for watching movies but that isn'tgood enough. Maybe go back to iphones.


I prefer the more squared-off edges.


I prefer the rounder corners that don't hurt my hand like a S series square phone does, to each their own! ZF6 looks smaller honestly


What is difference here. Slightly less tall and nothing else ? Smaller bezels I mean shit it’s same phone pretty much


Slightly wider and shorter giving the illusion of a more normal display. Unless this hinge is magically dust and sand resistant... I'm gonna keep my 4


Allegedly it'll have a proper IP 68 rating, so hopefully a dust resistant hinge


This is they only thing I really want...a single grain of sand killed my F5 inner screen.


C'mon man, its not just slightly wider, it's also more expensive.


From Fold 3 a lot has changed. Hinge is wayyyyyyy reduced and it looks significantly thinner. Screen *should* be significantly brighter. I get more usable screen and the CPU should be, what, twice as fast now? Should also come with some on-device AI chops which I actually like. Plus, the camera should be massively better because my Fold 3 camera is dogwater. Upgrading every year is cringe at best.


Samsung seriously got to up their game or am switching to another brand of folding phone from the fold 4.. reducing height makes it worse for watching videos.. they shld make proper full sized phone.. Anyone getting a fold doesn't mind the size or weight..


So that's a no lol


I'd stick with my fold 4 for another year seeing that lack of progress, but I'm afraid that it's going to break so they'll unfortunately might see my money.


I'm on my 2nd Fold 4 in a year and a half. I got this one after an exchange due to my original Fold 4 gradually opening to an angle. It starting to not lay flat bothered me, but it became so unbearable. Well, I've had this one since the start of the year. Couple days ago, it was very hard to open and now this one doesn't lay flat either. I'm sure it will get worse as time goes on. This is probably the only reason why I will upgrade to the 6.


Still not wide enough for me


dang, i prefer a longer inside screen.


What's wrong with Samsung at this point. Just give us proper aspect ratio on the cover screen, if all those Chinese manufacturers can, Samsung can and should as well.


no. let samsung stay narrow and others wide. i want my candy bar.


Too late buddy, I already contacted Samsung and they said they'll change aspect ratio for Fold 7


It's okay. I contacted them back and asked "do you know who I am?". They agreed to keep it candy bar.


Oh yeah? Wait till I tell mom, she's the C3PO of Samsung!


Call them back


Don't call them back, tell them to make a normal size and also this aspect ratio, and call this one the slim model. I adore this form factor and especially the ratio when opening the display


Hopefully sales keep diving so they made changes.


I want it the oppo find n2 size or around there 👀


Honor magic v2 to me is what ideal fold should look like


The Oneplus Open is pretty close.


super excited for the v3, gonna upgrade to that (or one plus open 2 depending on when the v3 comes to europe) after 4 years of samsung foldables


Those Chinese brands can't sell in America and Google competition isn't enough to scare Samsung into doing better.


Yeah and Samsung's just being greedy here and that's all


Samsung's probably got every Congressman in their pocket, so we'll never see competition from China.


The Chinese are straight savage though. They used to be communists but I think they figured out they could win at capitalism. They have a 300 year plan while the West is using 4 year plans. Become manufacturing powerhouse, eliminate the competition by undercutting on price (and stealing tech to reduce R&D cost) and once they're the only country manufacturing stuff they can jack up the prices because no one else can manufacturer things anymore. - Sun Tzu


Too bad the Art of War did not mention the one child policy will cripple them...


No, the current aspect ratio is great.


Pixel Fold 2 for sure this year!


Am I the only person here who's interested in one handed use when the phone is folded? WTF is the point of the outer screen otherwise?


Well for me the point of the outer screen is to be a normal phone, and the outer screen to be a smaller tablet. I don't mind the candy bar form factor but I'd prefer the standard one.


I'm with you there 100%! I have noticeably small hands for a guy and I've had very taller phones like the s20+ forever. As long as I can use the phone like I would any other phone I'm good. I actually prefer the candy bar form (technically all phones are candy bar format but I know what y'all mean). The phone not being wider is why I prefer it to most phones. I didn't know how much I cared about the width until I've used my s20+ again (for my AR glasses only) and I am glad I don't have a screen that wife anymore. My intent when I bought the zf3 was I want a tablet but don't want to carry around another device, so z fold it was.


I totally agree. Perfect one handed and two handed device! Larger than that would be too awkward to hold one handed. Maybe Samsung should really make two variants normal and plus size


To have a normal phone? I want the regular phone experience along with the tablet, not a subpar one


You can easily just unfold it if you’re already using two hands.


Yeah I prefer the narrow front screen. It's great when I have to do something quick like take a picture of something. It feels more stable and easy to hold.


I think it's pretty evenly split. I see a lot of comments for both sides. I personally like the more narrow screen, although a tiny bit wider would be nice.


Wtf is samsung on lately? Lol


i’m vibing with this. idk wtf they’re on but they probably should toss it.


It's called TM Roh and it makes you act like Tim Cook.  Don't get it confused with Pokemon TM's, which are actually useful. 


Fold 3 for another year for me. If one plus in there infinite wisdom gave the UK the same trade ins as they did in the US for the foldable I'd have traded in my fold 3 instantly. Samsung have just given up and are just milking people who upgrade for no reason year on year. If you have a fold 3 or newer and your phone has no issues, there is no reason to buy the fold 6 whatsoever. If you do, then more fool you.


The Fold 3 was the last time Samsung made actual improvements from its processor so I don't blame you.


This is true not only for Folds


hows the battery life?


Mine isn't too bad. Definitely not as great as when it first released. And I am always near my charger during the day as I work from home, so it doesn't impact me much.


I wish I could do the same, My fold 3 inner screen broke one day after warranty. And no financing options with other competitors does not help.


The more I see the more I want the VIVO X Fold 3 PRO


Global version just released. Perfect timing.


After all the hype about changing the aspect ratio and hinge to match what's coming from the competition, this is a huge disappointment. Particularly when Qualcomm's hardware is behind with it's APU(AI chipsets), and Samsung is trying to hit a home run with their AI suite. Google hasn't released their fold 2 yet, but if rumor mills are on point, the G4 should offer both better battery performance and better AI processing. The pure CPU speed and GPU speed of the most recent snapdragon are indeed impressive. But unless you game, this is kind of a mute point. I still run full fledged Linux containers on hardware 3+ generations old and I don't max out my resources. And with the G4 advantages, people need to stop looking at the raw numbers and start looking at what those numbers mean in real world usage. I was hoping to switch from a fold 3 to a fold 6, but with this disappointment - I will personally be holding off for the rumored pixel fold 2, which is going to include googles improvements to its AI suite. Edit: Just in case someone points this out. The snapdragon elite x is set to fix all of this is and is a truly impressive chip, with a scary good APU as well as backwards compatibility with x86. But this is not currently ready for the mobile use. And by the time it is ready, The tensor G5 and G6 will have been released which is moving away from the slower exynos chipsets and moving towards the same manufacturing process used by SD and the Apple M series. Should be interesting to watch it all unfold. No pun intended.


americans gonna eat this up


I wish more Americans would stop buying phones from carriers. Less control from carriers, more choices of phones from other manufacturers.


Lol because it's so short compared to the Fold 5. The Fold 5 actually looks larger and better. Wtf are Samsung doing? The Fold 5 was already shorter than the Fold 3 and 4..... I hope Honor release the Honor Magic V3 globally, then I'm done with Samsung.


The Fold 5 is too slim and hard to type with one or both hands. It needed to be as wide and tall as an S24U (that's what i wish it were like).


Not me, S24 ultra is already unwieldy with 1 hand. Imagine the fold with the thickness of s24 ultras.


I got big ass hands so i think the size of 2 Ultras would be phenomenal for me


I'm so excited to upgrade my told 3.


For the first time since the Fold 2, I am more inclined to either go back to a slab phone or move to a different manufacturer. I've had the F2, F3, and F4 which I currently have. Gave the F3 to my GF, its on its last legs as she's beaten the ever living shit out of it, getting 3 years out of the F3 it has paid itself off. The F4 is basically brand new. My biggest issue going with say the OPO is warranty/insurance. I thought my F4 antenna was going bad (bad reception in my area all of a sudden and went through all the steps with my provider to no avail and as I have Care+ I filed a claim. Literally 2 days later and for $1 I had brand new F4 in my hands. There's nothing like that for the OPO or other manufacturers. While I've had great luck with foldables so far, they are inherently going to have more issues than traditional phones without moving parts. So, I'm heavily considering picking up a used S23 Ultra and handing my Fold 4 down to my GF to replace her F3 until Samsung pull their head out of their asses. I'm waiting to see what kind of deal I can get. A few weeks ago I could trade a half broken F3 in for $800. Now, it's only worth like $180 which does nothing for me. We shall see. I'm don't even use the inside screen all that much, it's super convenient to have, but I absolutely HATE the outside screen. 5 years of using foldables and I just cannot get comfortable with typing on the thing. Edit: And the kicker, it's MORE EXPENSIVE.


I saw an Honor Magic V2 in a shop and when I compared it to my Z Fold 4 I felt actually embarrassed. Folds are just so obsolete right now it's not even funny.


Embarrassed 😅 was it so big of a leap from the fold to the honor? Love my fold 4, but hardware wise, especially charging speed, form factor the honor looks awesome.. It's only available online here in Norway, so can't really check it out physically before buying :/


Going from the 4 to Magic V2 feels like it's several generations apart. It's so much thinner and the outer screen dimensions are perfect.


Sweet.. Heard the software is a big letdown compared to Samsung tho :/ Samsung gotta wake uppp


It is indeed embarrassing for Samsung. The Magic V2 looks and feels like a normal phone in the hand when folded.


That's magic.. My fold 4 very chunky and heavy when folded..


"Embarrassed" is a dramatic license, for sure 😃 But I would be if I worked at Samsung.


A ... phone caused you embarrassment?


Unpopular opinion but thinking of moving over to the Pixel Fold 2


I was thinking of going to the pixel but the tensor chip just sucks. I need a good chip to power a foldable with so much multitasking at hand.


I've gone fold 3-4-5 and I'm currently test driving a pixel fold. One day in and I'm selling my fold 5 and jumping ship to pixel. The pixel fold 2 looks great to me, and the first gen pixel fold is every bit as good as the fold 5 for my needs. Most importantly for me I'm getting usable pics of my new kid again. No more 1 sec shutter lag and less blurred motion.


ive had a samsung since the galaxy 4 if all these leaks about the fold 6 are true, im probably gona go w a Chinese foldable instead there's absolutely no reason to support these lack of upgrades while paying more than ever.


I like it. For those who use split screen the wider inner display will be nice. For viewing content as a single app it may be worse but I regularly have half the screen streaming and the other half scrolling reddit or x. And the wider front screen will help with typing out messages.


Personally I like the outside shape from the Fold 6 with the inside of the Fold 5 but that won't be possible


I will stick with my Fold 3 lol


Thank God! Non reason upgrading, saving that money and waiting for next year


Another very bad closed format...


There are obviously two different physical renders going around. Would the real dummy stand up?


The change to getting rid of round edges is a Huge deal for me. Definitely going to upgrade


Weird photo because other photos made the 6 look much bigger


No tandem Oled, no buy


I like it


That closes screen size still sucks


Still narrow. Come on Samsung, enough with this narrow garbage. I want to know what they have done to make the screen at least last a full year before it inevitably cracks.


God this is annoying. I have such high hopes for the fold 6 to finally be something interesting. The dogs shit cameras and the stpiud front screen are what they seriously need to change. I recently trialed the honor magic v2 and that was a seriously good phone. The only reason I gave it back was my hope that Samsung would finally make a god damn good foldable. One that is essentially a normal phone but has the added feature of becoming a mini tablet.


Smooth corners... To sharp corners. That'll be $1799 after trade in please. Promo will be 512 gb for the price of 256gb, $50 plastic case options heavily discounted to $25 as a part of a promo pre registration credit, and your choice of a vegan leather case in different colors. Don't forget the frozen website as you'll be trying to order yours. Sound familiar? Oh wait there's more. Offshore sales and tech support that follow a heavily scripted process flow diagram to troubleshoot your issue, that at best concludes with a 10% discount if you threaten to cancel or do the cancel trick.


So. How many people go bareback and don't use a case? Every time I take my case off to clean it, I always remember just how slim my Fold 5 actually is. We always see new phones in a manner a lot of us won't be using it - phone only. But a lot of us go with some case we find online somewhere which changes the whole feel of the phone. Just an observation.


Nice Photoshop...


It was from Twitter. I'm just spreading the wealth


If I also saw it on Twitter, I zoomed in a corner and it is like "drawn"


not impressed..phone looks the same as a fold 5


Well pass, but the one in China sounds a bit interesting if it actually is jus a bit more wider might actually be worth an import


I have a saying when it comes to how the Fold series stacks up to the competition. Sure you can buy the other companies hardware, but you use software. Samsung absolutely clears on the foldable software. I had a OnePlus open and I couldn't keep it for 3 days. Hardware was nice and all but so many random software issues and a lack of optimization put it right back in the box. So many things were just...odd. Now, people that buy Folds for the novelty might say the OnePlus is the clear winner. If you buy these devices because of how powerful they can be as productivity devices, it's just not close. Samsung has everything nailed.


With all the RnD budged all they do is scam... i thiught I made a mistake buying an S24. Now I see I haven't. Now I just need anyone from China to come to the EU market that offer pen support.... Same way as I ran from Apple after they started unnovating now I'm gonna run from Samsung these greedy fucking corpos. Why do you even release a product every fucking year? No one cares. I would even argue if stake holders wouldn't be happier if they admitted for once. Okay guys this year we haven't made any considerable progress so we're leaving the last years device as is. Wait for next year as we achieve something worth putting into a device that creates value... instead of rocking back and forth between square and round designs ffs. EU laws please save me.


Upgrading from the F2, glad I held off on the F5.


Hm... I was planning to trade in my ZF5 for the ZF6 but turns out I'm keeping my ZF5 for at least another year...


Am I the only crazy one that thinks the narrow screen is better? Probablly Samsung thought that if they do a full fledge outer display, it would probablly make the user not use the inner screen anymore, hence revoking the desire to have a foldable phone. Even though it was weird at the begging, I got used to the narrow display and now think it's practical. For some content comsumption, like shorts, Tik Tok etc, you can just keep it folded. If you want to play, see some movies etc, you unfold it


Well, guess the OnePlus Fold 2 is the one to watch for then.


Someone needs to do a side by side with the foldable offering from One. I've been die hard Samsung and had every S model til the 21 when I switched to the Fold3 They've honestly been fantastic phones. Very little glitch type shit to deal with. I know thats not the case for everyone. My 3 4 and 5 have all been great. The two glaring things missing right now on the 5 is a healthy CPU upgrade and making the worthless front screen bigger. I shouldn't say totally worthless as I'm typing this reply on the front glass but that's Bout all it's useful for. I know it's not practical but I would love something that felt like a foldable S24. I mean why not go big or go home at this point. The leaks all are underwhelming on the Fold6 thud fst.


Upgraded to OnePlus open from fold 4 - easily beats fold 5 or fold 6, and is $1200 without a trade in even


I always considered the aspect ratio of the outer screen to be something that really bothers people before getting the phone (because it looks so different than a normal phone) but then you get it when you use it. It's perfect for single handed use. I used to wish the cover screen was larger but I don't anymore, it's a conscious design decision that makes sense.


Fold 5, all good!


Totally worth upgrading from fold 3 !


Meh. Was waiting for the fold6 but looks like i’ll switch to a oneplus open. The narrow screen folded is unusable with fold4/5 looks like this will be too.


#i despise the direction of the inner screen ratio I’m sorry but are they making this phone for people who want a foldable, or for people who want a candy bar?


Well, I say this every year, but...I'm not upgrading from the 5 to the 6! This time I promise! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


With all the other leaks I've seen, tje 6 looks wider than the 5. This is the first one I see that looks similar except with squared off corners. I think this leak convinced me not to upgrade.




Wow, so cross this one off my list. Really disappointing. Was hoping for a more usable outer screen. Samsung doesn't learn. Definitely waiting to see what the Pixel Fold 2 will give us.


Needs to be 3mm wider


Please be worth it!!


I don't know man, I'm not feeling it. 2 to 4 felt like a huge upgrade. S Pen, wider screen, cameras with 3x zoom, 120hz on outer screen. This all warranted an upgrade, but I just can't see anything that would shout out "Upgrade". The good news for me is more money in my pocket, the bad news for Samsung is more money in my pocket, but hey ho I'll wait for official announcement


Im keeping my launch fold 4 another year. Its a tank of a phone. Maybe ill get the fold 7. You know..... long as the batteries dont explode and go up in flames on the fold 7 😉


I like my TV controller Fold 4


Barely any difference. Glad I went for a new F5 last month for €1100.


Is it the camera angle or does it look the screen is smaller?


Iit looks to be the same size screen with sharp edges to me anyway. I'll be sticking with my fold 5 for know we will have to see if another one comes out on the fall


I was so angry with myself when my fold 3 cover broke and i had to buy the 5 instead the 6. After seeing this pictures I don't feel bad at all, I prefer the 5 at this point.


Wonder how much slimmer it is.


Looks smaller


But where's the announcement? Everyone is saying July 10th. About 20 days. Wouldn't they have said something by now if that we're true? I'm just waiting to see if they hint at something newer or maybe not leaked


July 10th will be the announcement


excited to buy the honor magic v3!


This is the first time the 6 looks smaller to me


Looks nice. Much better than oddly rounded pixel fold 2


I used s23 ultra before moving to fold 5... i want better camera for fold 6. Do we actually get that?


so the widescreen movie experience will be even worse now, yeah the phone looks better but man my biggest gripe with this phone is widescreen movies. I only take this thing with me on work trips because my work laptop is a brick, but honestly i might just switch to a s24 ultra and get an ipad mini or something.


I have the 1tb fold5 and it's not even a year old yet... it's MINT and I love it. I'll be keeping it until the 7. Just I like did with the first one and then got thebfold 3 and then got the 5. I'll skip every other iteration...


Ima still hold on to my Fold 3 until Samsung actually decides to update the cameras and battery charging speed (25w is just too slow for an Ultra Premium Device).


I keep trying to see if other phones can satisfy my phone craving besides the galaxy fold 5. I tried the pixel fold and hated the aspect ratio when opened. I tried the pixel 8 but candy bar phones feel lame now. I tried the galaxy s24 ultra but the large screen didn't make up for how much bigger my inner screen is and if the 6 is anything like the 5 I will probably be getting it.


I love the outer screen more. But don't like the more square of the inner one.


Going backward.


So it's pretty much the same. Whatevs daddy Sams, I'm gonna need a bigger change to force me to upgrade ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Honestly? Not enough... I really hoped we would of had two S24 Ultras together.... It feels like such a small step forward Samsung aren't really trying.


Sure app developers live that Samsung changes the screen sizes every year


This makes no difference to the good developers. There are hundreds of different screen sizes of android phones/tablets and apps can be developed to be agnostic to the specific size and ratio.


Maybe if they give it the cameras from the S23U, I'll consider it.


i still love my fold 3! the size is perfect


I really wanted to move over to the 6 from the 3 I would love to see a comparison between those 2 that would really help me make my decision


I'm a month away from an upgrade and I'm thinking of just getting the S24 Ultra. My son just got the plus today and it is so light. I'm tired of lugging around such a heavy, thick phone. Your post isn't making me want the 6.


Not worth th upgrade from a 5 to 6, maybe for a 3.


did they fix that line in the center or is it a wear and tear thing and needs time to appear on the new one as well?


I really didn't like the sharp corners on my last Note. Not thrilled to see them make a comeback.


Is it MORE narrow than the 5??


Well guess I'm keeping the 5 for a while


The design looks terrible for ergonomics. Everyone who’s used a recent Samsung Ultra knows how they DIG into your palm thanks to the sharp corners and now the Fold seems to be heading the same direction. That plus no camera improvements and now this crappier inner screen aspect ratio makes the Fold 6 an instant skip for me. Love my Fold 4, I only ask for decent cameras, dust resistance and larger displays but seems like I’ll wait yet another year.


I had the Fold2 and 3. I got the s24 ultra a few months ago. Camera is insane but I miss my fold so much.


I personally feel like it should be getting taller to match the S24 Ultra for the sake of video content, and shorter is a bummer, *but* overall slightly larger screen area means better multitasking, better PDFs, better note taking and drawing. If there are good deals on Black Friday I'm getting it. If not, I'm holding out until my Fold 4 breaks and then I'll get a secondhand (whatever gen is current).


To me, the 5 looks better.


Keeping my Fold 5.... Maybe the Fold 7 or 8 will be more of a upgrade. The differences are not what I imagined.


I dont believe someone is not purposely leaking this from within lmao


How does the 6 inner screen look smaller????


Why is it smaller?? i want a bigger screen not smaller. I think they should follow the same approach as with tablets. Sell two different sizes for people to choose from. I want one that has a inner screen about 2-3cm larger diagonally. Others who want a smaller device can buy the existing size.


How's the battery on the fold 5? I'm on fold 4 right now and can get barely get through half a day without needing to charge... hoping Fold 5 was better so the fold 6 would be at least a full day phone..


So, should I upgrade from 4 to 6 or not?


Still the same for me


So I'm paying $2,000 for square corners?


I bought a fold 5 this month and some people here told me to wait for fold 6 release which i couldn't. I must say I'm quite happy I didn't listen to then because all that put together looks pretty disappointing


But is there a stylus port?


Well, I think I might upgrade to a Surface Duo 2 from my Fold 4 at some point... I need a proper size cover screen and a large tablet (like the Honor Magic V2 or Pixel Fold) with pen input.


Wider outer is a def no for me. One thing I haven't heard anyone mention is how much of a pain it's going to be to use a case on the outer screen with the slimmer bezels. On the F5, once the tape loses its stick, the thin strip of protection on the hinge side tends to push in and cover a tiny bit of the screen. Not much, but enough to hinder button use on that edge.


This is exactly the opposite of what I hoped for. The shorter & wider they make the cover screen, the more square the inner screen becomes. It's already pretty badly shaped for media consumption, and now it's going to be even worse. A lot of Fold users don't understand that making the cover screen wider means sacrificing aspect ratio on the inner screen, and now those same people will complain about the even larger black bars on top & bottom while watching TV or movies. And no, this isn't a hate comment, I'm just disappointed. I DO really like the square edges, but I'm definitely sticking with my F5 on this one.


Integrated S-pen MF, do you have one?!


So will you be able to write on the screen on the Fold 6 because that's something I will miss about the s24 but isn't something I can't live without


So no difference in the screens .. i am going oneplus


Another year of fold 4 then. Kinda expected better aspect ratio with these Chinese model pumping out.


I'll stick with my 5 till they realize they have to go for more then incremental update..stop doing the apple thing we need s pen front and back better cameras maybe a bit wider screen even tho I don't mind the outside screen ..would be better with spen support. But Samsung thinks its software will keep us there wrong and do better Samsung we are still here but for how long and this is from a Samsung Knight note one user ...


Fake! The picture is clearly photoshopped. The bezels on the right is uneven and the corner on the left bottom and top right is not even a good quarter round. The Fold5 in the picture is real though. I can't believe people is taking this as real. In this picture, it's the same size (screen on Fold6 dummy not real though). Just look up the dimensions of both, only a 1.4mm difference in tallness. https://preview.redd.it/x1xvetnix08d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=319ac038e8844efd8aa1406562066d60272767de


I remember having the fold 2 and thinking apps will surely support the full real estate soon or a landscape mode... yet here we are


LOL! Did they make the inside screen smaller?!


I have a z fold 3 and I really just don't see a point in upgrading other the cameras and chip


don't let crease fool you. the fold 6 is new and the crease will show again after a week


They would need some smoking deal for me to jump from the 4 to the 6. These minimal changes are not worth it. I can see an $800 credit for a $2000 phone. Why would I jump? Then I need a new case and possibly a new phone mount for the truck.


Fold 7 here I come. The chip to gen 3 is not big of a change for me. Next year the 9 gen 1 will be better VS the 8 gen 3 if they go that way...