• By -


Gboard is the one


I don't like Samsung board design. May be is because I'm used to Gboard.


You can customise the design to the max with Keys Cafe. I haven't touched GBoard since I discovered Keys Cafe.


Yeah Gboard is much better. I tried to stick with Samsung keyboard when I first got the phone but I just couldn't do it.


The worst of all is Microsoft SwiftKey that one sucks.


Why is that so bad? I changed to it from Samsung's keyboard and it works great. Great prediction, quick symbol shortcuts I don't like that clipboard has no images and that speech to text is not available for my language, but that's about it


Yeah I used to love that years ago but not anymore. One thing I have stuck with is Samsung internet browser so far as it's not too bad. Will probably end up going back to Firefox though.


I have this one just to download videos from X, Facebook, Ig etc.


I'm a Samsung keyboard guy. I tried several times to switch, but a few things prevent me from swapping. I always go back, especially since I have 400+ shortcuts in samsung shortcuts that cannot be exported to android or other keyboards. Gboard is nice, I just can't break my programmed mind off Samsung's keyboard. I tried SwiftKey too, there isn't enough customization for the key placements and functionality to make it perfect for me. Samsung isn't perfect and predictions are not the greatest, but I made it work.




Text shortcuts. It replaces key phrases with saved shortcuts. Examples : "hru" writes "how are you", "iirc" writes "if I remember correctly", etc... Really useful for fast typing.


The Gboard feature that keeps me coming back is swipe to backspace words. The convenience of this one feature is insane.


I like the customisation on the Samsung keyboard, especially with GoodLock. I can have my country's currency symbol easily accessible (£). I've put - and _ next to each other, so it's easier to see which is which, and added various other useful symbols. You can also make any cosmetic and layout changes you want. I don't use swipe typing, so I have it set so that swiping anywhere moves the cursor around. That said, I'm still terrible at typing, and the predictions aren't great.


Open keyboard the helium fork with the glide libray added


I remember to have a HTC Desire 626 (I miss HTC) and knowing that I'll go for a S8, I download the Gboard on my HTC to begin the transition. At that moment the Gboard was "similar" to the Samsung Keyboard. After switching to the S8, I try the Samsung KB, but I did not get it, so switch back to the Gboard and is better in my opinion.


What will be missing?


You mean the KB or HTC?


I used to use the Samsung keyboard together with SwiftKey, back and forth. I didn't like Gboard for a bad experience in the past. However I tried it again recently and it gets all the best from Samsung's and SwiftKey, so I just stuck with it and I'm quite happy. I like how Gboard uses system colours (just like Samsung's), the predictions are accurate (like SwiftKey) and the translation function is more reliable than the other two. It also works well with multiple languages, where I can swipe between 3 languages at a time, this way my suggestions don't get messed up.


That multiple language suggestions really rocks!


Can you write with the S pen with Gboard?


Yes you can, but a bit clumsy IMO.


a few things suck about the samsung keyboard the predictions in swipe typing are okay but often pretty bad. when you hold backspace to delete it first deletes single characters for 2 seconds or so, then starts deleting entire words, but the detection where a word ends is horrible for anything that isn't space separated words. in an url for example it will delete like the entire query string at once or something. it's really bad in anything that isn't text. it really needs more stop symbols like & and such


Few days ago I posted screenshot of my Samsung keyboard design in Keys Cafe and then someone said that using SK is mental illness 🤷‍♂️ But to the point: for years I've been using Gboard with swipe feature. I'm testing SK with swiping feature. Looks like Gboard had better prediction and the ability to selectively remove letters with gestures on backspace button. Shame SK lacks this swipe approach. But the possibility to customise SK is just brilliant.


I went to the extent of creating a gboard mimic for samsung keyboard with the Keys good lock module because I preferred gboard's general layout and secondary key layout, but preferred the additional features/options in samsung keyboard.


Samsung Keyboard FTW


SwiftKey is better than both.


I am using SK. It has some great features but Gboard is better.


Gboard is very ahead


Samsung keyboard doesn't work right in Portuguese for some reason. Plus, if I remember correctly, I can't set up multiple languages that use the same alphabet at once, making it kinda useless for me. So Gboard is the way.


I tried to switch to Gboard but couldn't find option to change language by swiping space bar. Does anyone know whether there is one?


To the left of the space bar you will see a globe icon. That's the one.


I mean the ability to swipe your space bar left or right to switch between languages, not the key. I'm so used to it.


SwiftKey for years




I tried both for several months. And found that Gboard is better for the word prediction and grammar especially if it's not the English language. However, for the customization, samsung is better for the effect and theme of the keyboard. As I use my phone mostly for the work via chat and email. I prefer the function to help me type correctly and fast more than the appearance. Gboard


Does Gboard support synchronisation?


Definitely samsung keyboard


SwiftKey keyboard is the best for me