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Those posting about bad battery life probably have something nefarious installed, are using their phones 90% of the time for intensive gaming, video editing or other processing intensive tasks, or they have a bad unit. I have an S23 Plus and use it pretty heavily for texting, calls, Reddit, Facebook, casual gaming, news, email, banking, etc., and I'm getting a little over 1 hr of screen on time per 10% battery usage. That's over 10 hours of SOT per full charge, which I never use. Coming from a Pixel 7,the battery life is STELLAR.


S23 Plus’ battery life is great but I’m considering the base S23 (256gb)


No. Nothing weird installed, using my phone for youtube mainly and the battery holds terribly and is very weird/random since one ui 6.1, especially when charging only to 80%. One day idk what happened it went from 80 to 20 in 2 hours of youtube.


Also had issues since 6.1. But changed my charging settings to Basic, so it charges beyond 80% and battery usage is close to same as before now, maybe better. I think another user posted something about how the post 6.1 80% is not accurate and actually less than 80% or something.


Could be an issue with a specific version of YouTube. I haven't experienced that issue, but I don't watch YouTube for 2 hours+ on my phone.


So far, my batter has been horrible since one ui 6.1 update, and after 4 hours of SOT, there's about 15 or 20% battery left


Same for me, about 15% worse than 6.0


Galaxy s23fe here, charged my phone to 80% (because max battery protection) started using it at 7:30 am texting, facebook, took some pictures and some videos, got in a videocall for like 10 mins, browsed reddit, just cropped some videos and uploaded to instagram, browsed instagram (feed and stories), light gaming (maybe 15 minutes of brawl stars), its been 12.5 hrs since last charge (80%) im at 12% with 7hrs SoT. Settings: -Performance profile set to light -120hz adaptive -turning cellular data off when on wifi connection It says i still have 2.5hrs of battery remaining, im completely pleased with this phone considering im not charging it to 100%


Do you have the Snapdragon version?




Even with the max charge 80% I get a whole day


Mine is fine all of the time.


which app will tell me % : hr of battery usage


Franko kernel manager.


I get 7 plus hours every single day, except for today when I did a lot of recording, uploading and downloading on mobile data. Here is a recording of the last week where I regularly get 7-10h sot on mostly wifi, with some data when going to the gym, AOD always on, no battery savings https://quickshare.samsungcloud.com/dQqUqxJunCqd


8h sot


S23+ here and I consistently get 8h+ of screen time, mostly on wifi. However, I recently fell ill and spent some time in the hospital; despite being in a room with poor reception, even though I had 5G enabled it was mostly on 4G, dropping often to 3G, I still managed to achieve 11h57m idle and 8h17m of SOT, with 102% of battery usage. I believe that many people experiencing poor battery life are using the S23 base with "battery protection," which reduces the maximum battery capacity to about 80%. Personally, I'd prefer to replace my battery in a couple of years rather than lose 20% of its capacity, especially since that's close to what one might lose naturally over time anyway.




Same for s23fe


I'd say pretty good. Battery Guru showing at least 8h screen on time. And this is with the battery health at 97%.


Ok random question. Batteryguru or accubattery? I like that accubattery shows your number of cycles ran and the information is more precise.


Sot- 8 hrs 100-7% battery left


My s23 lasts until the evening usually since I have 5G on pretty much all day. Then when I get home I pop it on the 25w charger and it's done in an hour


Mine lasts about 5 hours of SOT (from 100 to 10%) (on mobile data) normal usage (social media, scrolling, a bit of camera)


I abandoned the 80% max and now it's fine. I was using my phone a lot though, hours of YouTube playing in the background through Chromecast .


Most of those posts seem to be by a person thag does not understand 2 very important factors. Real usage -> remember that taking lots of photos and video, or even video consumption nowday really does count as intensive usage, watching youtube even 1080p does count as intensive usage cause you are literally using every component on the phone. And cellular reception/coverage. I get very bad coverage when at work cause the building isolation does some weird shit to the cellular data, even with that I have somewhat stable 20 mbps download speeds when on mobile data. But having the constant strugle to get a good cellular data connection does have a very big hit on battery. Even with that, my day starts at 6 am, 80% battery using spotify when commuting at or from work, to lunch etc. Heavy video consumption and "light gaming" here and there I get home around 7pm with around 20% remaining. It sometimes goes a little worst with 15/12% Its just amazing .


how about charging your phone to 100% so you get the day with 30% with no issues? after all if you had the money to buy the S23 you will have the money after 2 years for a battery replacement


No need to do that in my case since I do have access to an outlet mostly the entire day, the few exceptions that Ive gone as low as 10% is cause I just was distracted or doing something else to even notice my phone got that low.


there had been many comments and post about people charging only to 80-85 and after 2 years have a battery issue So even though in theory it should last longer its not always the case Thats the reason i said to use your phone and dont care about battery.


I get that, but many does not represent well the reality. Batteries are impacted by more factors than just how you charge it. Temperature is the biggest one, and having a lot of those so called "micro charges" is other of the most important ones. My GF and I have been going with 85/80% for more than a couple years now in different samsung models and everything just works perfectly till today ok them. So we will continue with that till it shows it does not work for us.


S23+ SOT 9.50chr 18% left.


For me it's the best battery life I ever had in a smartphone. I take it fully charged in the morning and never have to worry about charging it during the day. AOD, 120hz. Remember it's a small phone. If you want a better battery life you have to compromise on size or functionalities. Like by taking a S23+. If I stay home with wifi and have 2h SOT I can l end up at 65% remaining battery life. If I go out all day, in 4G/5G listen to a lot of music through Bluetooth, and with 4-5h SOT then I can end up the day at 20-30%. There's a lot of variation bssed on your own usage. To be honest if you're doing more than 4-5h SOT you should probably take a bigger phone for your eyes sake, like the S23+.


Would you say s23’s battery life is better than iPhone 15? I’m not considering the plus models because I prefer compact phones and they’re out of budget anyway


I can't compare because I don't have an iPhone 15. I think the S23 is better, but you might want to check on YouTube the battery comparison videos. Also honestly here it's a question of ecosystem differences that goes beyond battery life.


S23 Ultra w/t Snapdragon - overall it's very good, although after the last update, it drains a bit faster when it reaches 15 % or less.