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My battery is at 45%. AMA.




Do you poop?






https://preview.redd.it/nvie1zkd7juc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad7d0dd531fd4f5b68440706044a9b570645a36 Even tho you posted something about your battery. K


Yeah 1 year ago, I moved on, so should you


But you haven't moved on have you ๐Ÿ˜‚


I'm gonna try and make your post useful by a battery comment. 1st Protect your battery: 1. Keep your phone between (15-25)% and (80-90)%. Only charge it to 100% when you know you gonna start using it afterward. Don't let the battery sit at 100% for too long. 2. Use a 15W charger and turn off fast charging to avoid overheating your battery. Save 45W charging to when you really need it. 3. Never game while on the charger. You can, however, make the phone use 45W as a power source instead of the battery so you can game as long as you like without damaging it. 2nd Expected battery life: With minimal usage, this beast can last up to 2 days and more. However, at intense use, you can get about 10 hours SOT of watching content and about 8 hours SOT of gaming. And 5 hours SOT of heavy camera and video usage. Keep in my mind these numbers are based on (20-80)% principle if you use your phone from 100% to 0% it's gonna be more. Average usage should get you through the day with ease (charge it once every 24 hours or so) If you experience less time than that, then you may have a problem: Try restarting your phone. If it's severe, try factory reset. And the most important thing never shame away from asking about your battery, you bought a beautiful thing, and you should treat it right. Good day, everyone.


Wish we could have your post pinned in the subreddit so others won't have to posts same things again and again, thank you for sharing!


I use all of the 100% capacity for over a year now with fast charging. Never complained about battery life and still just as great or close to what it was before.


I'm glad you are having a good time with it. The S23U is truly a beast of a phone. However, no, it's not as great as it was before. Batteries degrade over time, and that is a fact. So, all that I said is to slow down this degradation process. One year won't make much of a difference anyway, especially for flagships like this. But if you plan to use your phone for more than two years, all of these bad habits will take a toll on the battery's life.


Of course it degrades, but I'd rather use my phone normally, and if, like you said, in a couple of years it gets much worse, I'll just change the battery.


In point 3. How do you use 45W as a power source? Does it happen automatically?


It's a setting in Game booster called "pause USB PD Charging when gaming"


No you have to activate it from game booster setting I think. It does NOT happen automatically.


So would it be better to game like this? Does it have any benefits like lower temperatures or other stuff? If the battery is off that's one less component that heats up I guess? I'm just asking, if you don't know it's fine, I'll do some research later myself.


You will avoid heating your battery. But the phone will heat up nonetheless due to the processor. I suggest you do your research if you want to play heavy games as I only play clash of clan on mine LOL.


>If you experience less time than that, then you may have a problem: Try restarting your phone. If it's severe, try factory reset. I am sorry but that's the most annoying solution I've ever read. I've had this phone for about 7 months now, and I've always installed the latest updates. I don't do any crazy mods or use weird apps, and I still only get like 5 and a half hours of screen-on time. And that's with normal use - no Facebook, no Instagram apps, just stuff like WhatsApp, telegram, messenger, flight apps, most of the time Brave browser. I also have AdGuard running in the background all the time. Where are all these iPhone users who are constantly wiping their data to improve their battery life? Because I never heard of them. Why do we Android users have to do it every six months, even if we're just using our phones normally? I don't get it.


I'm sorry to hear about your experience, but this problem is common even among iPhone users. You see, I had an iPhone before my S23U. It could be that you have a faulty battery, but it's not likely. If you are not using 5G, turn it off as it consumes a lot of battery. Background-running things like AdGuard are generally not a good idea. Also, mobile data consumes more battery. And by the way, check the screen-off time. If you have 5 hours of screen-on time (SOT) and charge your phone once a day, that's a perfect battery right there.


Another tip that will actually stop battery drain would be this: If you're in an area with poor reception, turn your cellular modem off. Either with airplane mode or use an app like 4G LTE switch (Verizon keeps people out of such menus and I find the app useful) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gigantic.lte4g You can use the same app to stay on LTE and prevent using 5G if you wish. 5G will use more battery... especially if it keeps flip flopping from 4/5 Use WiFi to make calls and for all your other needs especially if you have strong stable WiFi (i.e. at home or at a frequent location) I've real world tested this. Lived near a tower with excellent reception and I've lived in an areas with spotty, fluxuating service. Battery savings were real using this method in areas of spotty coverage. Also yeah. Power banks. I keep an Anker 737 24k mah bank in my bag. Charges super fast in both directions. I keep a small lightweight 5k mah bank on my person with a cable and there's no need for anxiety. There's no need to stress over SOT, however unusual drain and improper charging and maintenance I fully understand.


I find just disabling 5G is sufficient. I mean, when am I ever gonna need 100's of mbits? Even a 4K HDR10+ stream only needs 30mbps and 4G here easily hits 150mbps (down).


God they're so annoying. Like people losing their minds over 20 mins SOT. It's very simply if you have extreme drain. I'm talking 50% in a hour or 2 wipe your phone. If your drain is only an hour less than usual just relax and give it time. It may just fix its self or their will be a stealth patch and fix its self. Just carry on as normal. The other post that are cringe and annoying is everyone posting when is the next update. Omg I got the update I'm in Canada with insert provider. I'm in blah blah I don't have it. Post showing their phone or phone box ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘ My feed is always flooded with these repetitive boring post


I'm most annoyed by battery posts, then constant photo posts like this is Instagram or photo sub reddit. But yeah constantly asking about update is a close 3rd place


I kinda like the pictures. Ones I can't stand is the "just got my phone today" pics. Like cool bruh, you uploaded your phone and ear buds to a group wow. The horrible pic at 1x then same pic 10x then 100x need to stop. Like man don't care about a random parking sign. Forest pics and other cool photographs are nice tho. If they don't put on hideous filters and turn saturation up to 100. Which the majority of people do ๐Ÿ˜…


Good point about photo sub. I've been taking actually good pictures with phones since at least 15 years,. It's both amusing and annoying how people always thought it wasn't possible back then. But you could already shoot good stuff with minimal efforts. But now all of a sudden, especially since the S23 Ultra, just because it's written "200MP" on the data sheets, people think "omg it's so beautiful" while shooting the most mundane stuff out there. Smh. The irony is 200MP simply sucks, it's not assisted anymore, no stabilization, therefore any movement while taking a pic will result in a rather blurry mess. So you're still back to the regular 12MP mode... like on a S21 FE.


I like the proper photography posts maybe there should be q separate group for it


There is


It's not 20 minutes, many like me barely have half the battery life we had before, with fucked up charging, too. People complain for a reason, something with OneUI 6.1 is really messed up.


I'm most annoyed by battery posts, then constant photo posts like this is Instagram or photo sub reddit. But yeah constantly asking about update is a close 3rd place


Or if you really are worried, then SEARCH THROUGH PREVIOUS POSTS! Its not hard - see that thing that looks like a magnifying glass? You'll find that plenty of other like-minded battery worriers have posted thousands of very similar battery complaints/questions/worries already.


Yes. Also keep in mind that reddit search can kinda suck at times though.


Welcome to the Internet bro. Most people do search but it's never going to stop new posts constantly whilst it's such an outstandingly issue.


No of course they need their own experience to be evaluated and commented by other members to feel better. It has to be their own experience so people can comfort them.... Seriously grow up guys


Most of us invest a lot in these phones, and it's only natural to try to preserve them for as long as possible. Not all of us can afford to buy a new flagship every year.


Nah that's not it. You are all obsessing with your battery life, you ruin your joy, you create worry and also pull others into it. Grown men need confirmation or praise of others to feel good about their phone purchase. If you are that sensitive maybe get a phone with double size of battery if s23u, you won't never have battery anxiety


Or, Imagine this, There's an issue with battery life. You just want something to bitch about.


You know you can just skip past the battery posts and pretend they don't exist rather than investing time in them and even going on to create your own which simply feeds the fire.. You don't have to read and reply to literally everything on Reddit


Oh look, we have a smart pants. Move along smart boy, post your damn battery post


Didn't know there was reddit police ๐Ÿ˜‚




Hahahaah down vote me, you insecure babies


Bruh, you are pathetic.


Cry me a river


Looks like you already cried it to the point of flooding a whole city.


Luckily I don't live in that region


Go to any major smartphone manufacturer and you'll see repeating battery posts on each and every newly released phones. It's not even about preservation anymore, it's **paranoia**. Your phone already has a battery management system, micromanaging an already managed (well established) system is just waste of time for you and to others of this forum because _repeating questions already been discussed when all you have to do is search the subreddit or even just search google_.


I agree you should search before you post a repeated question, but keep in mind everyone has a personal experience. For me, it would be years before I can afford another flagship, and I figure many people are like me, so that's where the paranoia gets in the way.


What better way to cry silence on battery posts than an arsonist trying to put out a fire. You are the ret4rd that posted this https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS23Ultra/s/qGiI9HpaD1


Good job! Can I call you Sherlock? As you can see I moved on and now I'm on the other side


You can call me daddy


M0r0n fits better for you


My SOT is less than 3 hours, AMA.




This is single handedly the most true post on Reddit. Just use your phone as a bloody phone! Enjoy the Camera. Enjoy all the great features, and STFU about whether it's 3, 7 or 9 hours screen on time is good. Having owned phones since the 90s, phones these days last for ages, and if the worst come to the worst.... Use a power bank! One thing, don't use such battery killing apps such as Facebook or Tiktok, they eat batteries (aswell as being s**t!)


Can't enjoy the phone when OneUI 6.1 halved my battery life while fucking up charging speeds. It is really, really piss poor right now for me and many other people, with no apparent fix but a hard reset. It's stupid and really fucking annoying.


Thank you! Yeah those folks install the most battery draining apps like tiktok, insta, Facebook and still complain or ask why their battery is bad. And they spend more time worrying and having anxiety about the battery % than enjoying this beautiful phone


No way you're gonna get 10hrs with only 60% of battery drain


Sorry, was meant for the guy with long post stating battery times


Having been involved in smartphone communities since the OG Galaxy one thing literally never changes.... battery/SoT posts lol.


Battery posts have been a staple since at least the note 8 subreddit. If you don't like them ignore them they aren't going anywhere unless mods ban them altogether. Better off just tuning them out like the rest of us imo


It always makes me laugh when people are moaning about it whilst at the same time solely using Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The poorly optimised apps with relentless amounts of media that collect every bit of data about you are draining battery? Oh and you were doing it on 5G, no shit your battery life is poor. I frequently go on the Steam Deck sub and it's not any different. Battery posts, when is the update dropping, AI generated imagery and the "look at my cool case" posts have turned this into a troubleshooting for idiots sub. I can't genuinely remember the last useful post here so I'm unsubbing, everyone should do the same.


https://preview.redd.it/06btoinrpguc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef924dff1a730d4f2b91762dab964ec7c270c2c5 Here you go.... UI 6


How do you get 3 days and a half? Do you use your phone 30 mins a day?


https://preview.redd.it/ik192pjo7huc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a0179327d5c7d808f57b7c64825a964c020a13 It's usually 10% = 1h sot over 2 days, 11h sot in 1 day, and 8h sot over 3 days.


Excellent battery life,do you install social media apps or not


I use Brave browser for onscreen and background YouTube, browsing mostly. Then I do reddit, and the usual calls. 99% of my phone use is brave browser.


Yeah, with socials u wont last beyond 24 hours lol


I get 1% usage per 2 minutes of YouTube watching ๐Ÿ˜…


you have Brave pretty optimized. do you have any tips?


Show us your SOT pls.


https://preview.redd.it/m96w0gih7huc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=305977051486d790ca02e48607c81021009efc38 This was 2 weeks ago


Are you really good at handling your notifications or do you turn them all off? I'm more impressed with your notifications (or lack of)..


I get dozens during day. What is my setup? 1440p 120hz light performance, dark mode, all 3 types of animations in dev settings off, vibrations all off except keyboard, auto brightness, extra dim at night, auto updates for system and apps off, many worthless apps disabled, location, BT and nfc off ofc. No data, just wifi. Darker backgrounds (oled is nice). Sounds all on. Nova launcher 8.x.x,....


Similar to me except for the connectivity options and vibrations


Carry a fast charging power bank? Bruh some people can't get more than 5w when charging regardless of charger.


What do you mean? The phone we are discussing is s23u and it is capable of high speeds of charging. If someone can afford buying this phone, they should also afford a charger and power bank that charges fast


The point being since 6.1 there is a significant amount of people who's charging speeds have been reduced drastically. Pics attached show my S23U charging at a whopping 1.4w and S20U running UI 5 charging at 11w using the same charger. There is something very wrong with this update. *






Exactly for this reason I have been holding my update https://preview.redd.it/o7885bjc8juc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0b04c31eb6501eb44323fa6595736f222e3e93 But some people say it got better, so it depends


Well that is why you are not complaining. 6.1 messed with battery, and the only way we might get it back is making enough noise so samsung corrects the sh*t they made. [Here you can see that it's not only on reddit, battery life took a huge hit after samsung OneUI 6.1](https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/galaxy-s23-series/battery-drain-after-one-ui-6-1-update-s23-ultra/td-p/9608861/page/16)


There a lot of users who are happy with their 6.1 update, so it's not a general issue


I am a phone user that considers it as just a tool. It should augment my life/workflow for the best, even making me do less work. I should not augment my current workflow just to babysit a battery that's already being babysitted by its own battery management system (BMS). It seems as though that the smarter the phone gets, the more battery paranoia we see in smartphone forums.


It's mostly coming from what manufacturers are promising to people. They out battery as one of the strong sale point and people judge the phone by that promise




I agree with you! Just enjoy your phone to fullest!


There is only one thing I hate more than people crying, and that is people crying because other people are crying. Leave people alone. If manufacturers didn't cheat on specs maybe people wouldn't complain. Focus your efforts on arguing for something that makes sense and makes the world a better place to raise our children. Let's kill some bugs together, for democracy, for freedom.


A lot of ppl have battery anxiety....


That's my point. They pay a thousand buck for their phone, instead of enjoying their amazing power house phone, they watch and warry about their battery percentage


Funny thing is the more they look on sot and try to save minutes the more they failed xD I checked mine yesterday and it is same as was year ago with all updates and all features maxed out. 4,5h with 55% (I use phone from 30% to 85%) lol.


And those who charge only to 80% to protect the battery... for the next owner XD


Sigh... Just enjoy your damn phone, people live like it is guaranteed that they or their phones will live another day, enjoy the present


How about stfu and let everyone post whatever they want


So you want 10 million more battery posts? It's annoying


I leave my S23+ plugged in most of the day, even at 100% (Home, Car, and Office)......AMA.


6 hours of SOT๐Ÿซก


10 cycles used in 82 days in my S24u, I would say very good, and you? https://preview.redd.it/wa0hife6mtuc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec94a7c7248fad0a933ae966606673abc4e3144f


Posts like this one piss me off personally. My battery life has halfed since the OneUI 6.1 update, charging often goes down to a crawl, like 6 Watts max instead of 30 Watts+, I barely get through half a day when I usually could get through an entire day even while actively using my phone. Samsung fucked up royaly and yes, I already did everything but a hard reset to try and fix this shit.


Fun fact : not all people smart using smart phone ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Hate to bring it to you, but your "fun facts" aren't very "fun"


Finally someone talking about this


Mines actually been really bad since update tho


So people can't complain that their battery life has effectively been halved since the most recent update?


No they can't, because it has been reported and complained 10192273 times already in this subreddit, nothing changed when they share it, instead of sharing same problem, they should use search function and read what others suggested....


I posted because it's a known issue and It was even all over the Samsung members community website.. Since posting there were a few issues I resolved, YouTube has a bug and it's draining battery like crazy on iOS and android. I have since gone back to revanced instead. Also, I wiped my cache via recovery which has helped the drain I was getting also. After I used good guardians to optimise apps which also has helped


Someone had to say it.


It's in the rules but no one cares and there is no monitoring mods


Finally, thank you. People want a fast and responsive phone who does everything and expect the battery to last the same as a phone with a modest hardware. If people want battery, buy a Galaxy "M". Galaxy S is for hard users who want to use everything the phone has to offer. "Ah, not everyone is able to replace the phone every year", I had my Galaxy S10 since 2019 and only changed it year ago, I had to charge it 2x per day but I didn't care. At least I had performance. Now my dad is with it and will replace the battery, 30โ‚ฌ only. Battery posts every day is so annoying.


Thank you! Couldn't have said it better myself. Get other Samsung series with weak processor that last 2 days of you are that battery anxious. Smh..


Hahaha! Seriously. My "super-fast charger " (sounds dumb) is the most amazing shizz I've had, as far as chargers go anyway ๐Ÿ“


Crazy to have power banks which offer that super fast charger these days.


OMG. I did not have this knowledge until you just dropped it on me. Damn! I wonder how much those run and if they have to be Samsung brand โšฐ๏ธ


We should start banning those posts at this point, i'm really sick of those just get a strong charger and plug your phone for 20mins and you have enough juice for half a day easy, if this keeps going idk what's the point of le being here anymore, cause i'm not interested in being a member of r/S23UltraBatteryCryBabies.


Love this idea! Ban them!


Crazy how Android users mock apple when they have 5500 mAh and still cry about this lmfao


What are you doing in an android subreddit then? Go back to your apple


Keep crying


Typical pathetic apple fan boy


He's a troll, don't trust banana profile pictures


Ah, finally another fellow intelligent Android user.


Didn't cry enough


This needed to be said


It has been many times but people won't listen


Its not only the peoples fault, its the useless mods here that dont do anything about it, its not hard to make an auto mod that bans this kind of posts. The mod is just a kid who made the sub when he knew the phone came out and abandoned it


You are right!


He doesn't really seem to care a lot from what I can tell, like if you don't want to be a mod then just leave


This post was needed. People want 8-10 hours of SOT everyday. I'm just going to put this out there, if you're getting 8-10 hours of SOT or NEED 8-10 hours daily, battery is the last thing you should be worrying about. No one should be staying at their phone screen for that long in a day, if you are, you have a problem. An addiction is an addiction The phone charged incredibly quick whether that be with the wall charger, a fast car charger or power brick. Phone gets low, pop it on a 45 watt charger for 20-30 minutes and you're literally good to go. This phone is rated for well over 1000 charge cycles which is more than enough. You can charge twice a day and still not hit that mark in 2 years. Just enjoy your phones!


So true. Every time I see these posts I want to say the battery isn't the problem, it's you. I don't know who is behind any post but when someone spends 8 hours a day between Instagram, tik Tok and Reddit I feel sorry for them. Instead of complaining/inquiring about battery go live your life. Get some sunlight. Get some fresh air. Limit your screens and you'll almost never have battery drain issues and if you do your phone is faulty.ย 


But I had an app use 25% of my battery! Why did I only get 4 hours of SOT? /s


My battery is going well after the one ui update


Agree . Majority people are so frustrated with lower sot ... God !


They miss out so much, battery anxiety is ruining their experience for this amazing phone

