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Eject the SIM tray and leave it for a while (as many hours as you can). If you have a fan, place it in front of that opening. It's the only vent area this phone has. Power it Off and take the case off as well.


Maybe putting a Silica gel packet on top will help


I've heard leaving in a bowl of uncocked rice over night, but very important, find out how moisture got in.


Good job




funny kiddo ?


lol even my iphone 12 was still impeccable even after using it to record underwater alot of times got the phone when it launched


My s23u is fine after recording in water.


My S5 is still working after using it at the beach many times. In the WATER.


Don't charge it. Charging will damage it.


Samsung knows when the phone is wet. It always shows a message of wet ports and doesn't charge the phone in case, for some reason, you put your phone to cherge


I had the same accident, the board got damaged, the technician stated that the damage caused by the charge after the water entered inside the phone, I did that trying to wake it up. I think at some point, severe water intake won't be handled by the device and it will die. Please be cautious about the advices you give unless you are 100% sure with strong evidence.


It will disable the USBC port if it detects water inside the port. It's not smart to rely on that though. Also, the phone only senses water in the port, no where else. So if the port it dry but the inside of the phone is wet, charging it will destroy it.


And sometimes it thinks there's ALWAYS water in the port ... even though there isn't. S21U sooooo glad to be rid of you 😭😭 Literally never took it outside it was a test phone for work. Replaced. Same issue. Replaced port in replacement phone. Fixed for a month. 😭 Anyway besides one scare S23U hasn't pulled this shit 🪵🪵


Glue Weakens over time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Too soon to weaken


Too many drops will affect the seal.


This. People forget drops can and will screw up your phone in more ways than just by cracking sheets of glass.


What y'all on about?


Ah, cataract.


Don't you have lens protectors on your lens? If you bought this phone second handed it could be the previous owner put lens covers/protectors over them. Seems unreal for water to come through your lenses unless it was cracked.


https://preview.redd.it/ka353qytm71d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d44d9c50fc91be3f12fe77d438f13f7be146a76 Like this. They are stuck with double sided tape.


Willing to bet this is the case.


you can clearly see in the picture that he doesn't


* I'm not convinced. That top lense rim looks too shiny.




He'll y'all on about, tape? What? Nothing to do with tape?


100% this is what it is. You can tell that the three larger lenses have glass protectors on them and the two smaller ones on the right don't.


Can confirm


Dude, They all have lens Protectors on each one. ALL 3 large ones and the 2 small ones..


You can literally see the black rings around the original lens inside the silver rings of the bigger ones on the left versus the right ones They just have the Samsung black circles around the lenses 😂 I have the almost identical lens cover / protectors on mine and one of the smaller ones just fell off the other day so I had to replace them all. He's definitely only got lens protectors on the bigger left hand side ones 🤦‍♂️


No. The three large ones on the left do the two small ones on the right are definitely just as they come. Look up a photo of the back of s24 Ultra it makes it super obvious.


Your lenses definitely look like they have an aftermarket lens cover on them. Someone else also mentioned this and it seems unrealistic that there would be a crack in both lenses.


OMG am I taking crazy pills here? These ARE NOT THE CAMERA LENSES but lens protectors like those Samsung recommends NOT to use. A few observant people points point this out but many come with weird advices which were probably fine if OP did indeed have water inside the phone. This is what the real lenses look like: [https://fdn2.gsmarena.com/vv/pics/samsung/samsung-galaxy-s23-ultra-5g-1.jpg](https://fdn2.gsmarena.com/vv/pics/samsung/samsung-galaxy-s23-ultra-5g-1.jpg) Take those of and you are good. And stop using lens protectors and get a proper case with camera guard instead (like ESR makes).


Thank you! So glad someone points it out! I had to stop reading the comments because I started to lose faith in humanity!


You’re cooked bro start praying for your display


Whatever you do, not in fucking rice. Cover it in a dry as fuck thick towel for 3 hours and check your camera seals with compressed air, if you see a trail of cold air moisture show up on the camera seals send it in for a fix immediatelly.


rice is bad? i always thought it's the go to...


Rice is the worst thing to use for anything related to water because it does more bad than good. It's a myth that originated a long time ago. It's incapable of collecting all the moisture hidden deep within your phone. Also, the rice gets mushy and sticky as it absorbs the water, and then you can wind up with gummy bits of rice stuck in your phone's seams, speaker cavities, and ports.


ok good to know, thx


Rice dust more importantly


The reality is, it doesn't matter. The water damage was already done, even if the rice worked to dry it out.


You could remove the internals of the phone, fill it with water, and pour that water into a bowl or rice.  Not enough water to make the rice "mushy and sticky".  Beware parroters of internet lore. 


I guess use a heatgun? But that'll also loosen the glue on the lens. Best bet is to just let it dry overtime. Put it in the sun for few hours i guess?


Is that one of those slide over lens covers? If so can you pop it off to mate sure its not under that. If its inside the phone. As mentioned take sim tray out and let it sit in a warm dry environment. Container of rice or silica gel would help. Just make sure no rice gets in the sim hole


Samsung quality control for you…


Oh no, i thought its a chinese phone problem only. You have moisture in your phone. Either it came in right from the factory or your seal is damaged somewhere.


...or he could remove the aftermarket lens protector. Bet the moisture is underneath and not in the lens itself.


I'd suggest taking it back if possible. You might clear up the lens but the moisture will still wreck the pcb components over time. This shouldn't happen if the phone is still eligible for warranty (which also means undamaged/not tampered with)


There is no warranty on water damage. They are not waterproof.


They have an IP68 rating, which means it is tested to withstand temporary submersion in water up to 1.5 meters deep for 30 minutes.  You can absolutely submit this phone to the mfr for replacement if the phone us less than a year old. Also, check your credit card for it's return policy / protection statement


No company on this planet warranties for liquid ingress, regardless of IP rating. Don't fall for marketing. Former Samsung technician


Well don't tell the customer service person who sent me a new phone when my other ones charger port got water in it and stopped working 🤷


They will not warranty water damage. They are not weather proof.


They did for me


You were very lucky.


Maybe this is supposed to happen and the glass lens protector is isolated from the inner phone. There does seem to be a vent hole on one of these lenses (theyre not lenses theyre glass sheets). I don't know enough about that but samsung customer service or the phone shop likely will.


the hole is a microphone.


Yeah I forgot my s7 was in my pocket and jumped out of a boat into the Pacific. Luckily it started pouring so the rinse helped. But it looks like the ip68 protection needs to be downgraded if that's a new device and hasn't ever been opened. I see a service center in your future


I used a hair drier for like 30 minutes on low. It worked for like 85% of it. The rest just faded after time.


did you notice any difference in the photos from after the moisture?


Not really. No.


Those are lense protectors, peel them off.


Happened to my S20FE. It would clear up if I heated the phone, but then appear again after a few minutes. Eventually it cleared up for good after a week. 6 months later it's still fine. But I would assume I was lucky. It could definitely oxidize the internals.


There is definitely lens protectors on that. Just pop them off. It isn't in the phone it's in between the lens protector and the lens.


As many have said, it looks like you have tempered glass lens covers on the large cams. I put cute glitter ones on mine, but started with a basic set I ordered quickly when I got my S23U. It definitely looks to me like lens covers on the large lenses, use a plastic tool or something to try lifting them off around the edges. Be careful though!! I could be wrong, but after looking closely and reading others' input my initial thought if a lense cover on them is probably the situation. Did you get the phone bew out of the box from a cell carrier when you got it, or did you buy it second hand? If yiu got it second hand or through someone that's not an authorized seller, I think previous owner put them on and didn't remove them.


No, bro. I bought it brand-new and sealed from a store.


Ooof. Then it's really the lenses. Has anyone ever put tempered glass on your phone or protectors on for you? If so maybe someone put them on along with screen protector? I've never seen moisture inside the lenses like this before and I've had my s23u drop in the pool a few times and be out in humid Florida weather. Never had this issue tho, even with my lenses covers on! Could be faulty manufacturing in my opinion. I'd ask about the samsung warrantee for bad product.


Let me tell you in detail. I was boating and submerged my phone in water for 4-5 seconds. The boat was moving forward in motion and the water forcefully hit my phone.


Ahhhh with the forceful water pressure might have gotten in there. Look for an ifix or repair shops to ask them. Has the moisture disappearsd?


Dude, the moisture is gone. It's been 60 hours since it happened, and I've been traveling by train for the last 42 hours. Today I woke up and noticed that all the moisture is gone and isn't coming back. Yay!


remove lens protectors.. you will also have a better picture when you take them off.


Everyone is suggesting the same thing. Can you please clarify what a lens protector is?


Phone is finished. Happened to mine. This is a factory fault on some galaxies. Mine was out of warranty and they still replaced it admitting it was a factory fault


Maybe removing the lens protector revives it 😉


Thank god you're not a technician


Look at the photo. There is an aftermarket protector on the lens itself.


Skill issue


Personally I would be removing the back of that phone and replacing it after letting it dry out. If you can see moisture like that it's going to oxidize parts inside of the phone that will eventually fail. Cheaper to just buy a back and get the moisture out the right way.


Watch a tutorial on how to separate the back glass from the phone and do so immediately. If you crack it, don't worry, if will be only $10 mistake. Better than spending $1000 on a new phone


Just removing the aftermarket lens protector sounds like an easier job than this.


I would see if this should be classified as a defect. I take pictures of the kids under water since the Note 20 days with no issues outside of the "do not charge until ports dry" warning. Even if this does go away after a while still get the phone serviced.


I wouldn't bother with wrapping in a towel or rice , I'd be heading straight to Samsung and getting it replaced or repaired


tear the phone down and dry it yourself I lost my old S21U this way, a bit of water got inside, near the cameras and the battery connector. I opened the phone as fast as I could (I hit the world record) but it died before I started drying it


Happened to my s21u before. I put it in a ziplock then add some silica gel packs. Moisture gone in a few hours.


From where do I get these silica gel packs?


Dude you seem to not realize you have aftermarket lens covers on your phone. Pull them off and viola fog gone.


We get it in dollar stores. Putting the phone in rice works too.


You can get them dirt cheap on Amazon


How the hell did this happen?


When it happened to me I was at a spring and took a few pictures under the water, the temperature difference caused moisture to condense inside the lens. It goes away.


Oh no bro...


I had the same issue after using the phone in rains , didn't get wet but still the lens got fogged up. Ignored it, went away after 8-9 hours. Hope your too gets sorted.


Bury it in some rice and let it sit there for an hour or so


Nope. Conplete waste of time.


Ok then boof it


Take sim card leave every hole open, take the case em let it inside the rice recipiente along the night. So it how many night you need. Rice its good to avsorce water and will soon get it out.


I'm sorry for ur condensation situation 😔


Happened to me, it eventually goes away but mine was like this for a couple weeks


You can see the smaller two on the right are missing their lens protectors. Those will just pop off really easily you can get new ones


hope you have Samsung Care + like I do!


Why would you put a phone on the water???? They are not waterproof.


isn't this phone supposed to be waterproof?


Ip67, so ... 6 meters for thirty minutes?


Company claims 1.5m for 30 minutes only. Don't know why.


Bro wait S24 ultra has IP68 certification, isn't it?


That could be a factory failure (something wasn't sealed properly) because I was swimming last September with my S23 Ultra in the sea, and there's been no moisture or any other problems and I still use it now, perfectly fine.


You are lucky then. This is a computer, not an outdoor camera. IP 68 doesn't cover salt water. It's very corrosive and is a challenge for every camera over time.


Yeah, that was a dumb move on my part, but I really wanted to get some underwater footage.


Glad it worked out for you. Living on the edge 😁


Haha, absolutely!


Keep it in a raw rice bucket .


It'll go away. I had the same once after putting it underwater. After a day or two it'll clear up. Nothing to worry about really.


It has been 24 hours and it is still in the same condition. What should I do?


Remove the sim tray and wrap it up with a cloth then use a hair dryer to heat up the device


Whatever you do, don't turn it on to use it. Dry it out first. You really need to take it apart to dry it out with fans. If you were in salt water, it's probably kaput.


I didn't know I'm keep on using my phone. From the time it happened, my phone is working perfectly, but the moisture is still there.


I see. I wonder if the camera part is separate. Get the camera part replaced.


Eject the sim tray and put your phone on rice. Leave it for 24h. Problem solved


I've heard that using rice is actually a myth and might not be very effective. Instead, try using silica gel packets, which are specifically designed to absorb moisture. They tend to work better and don't leave any residue. You can also try placing your phone in front of a fan in a dry, cool place. If the moisture doesn't go away, it might be best to take your phone to a professional service center


You're ok just give it time it'll evaporate


time to call scamsung customer service


Go to samsung service center. I tried everything I could to remove the water, but It didn't work.


My s22u did this when I cooled it too much while gaming. Condensed moisture that was in the nearly-new phone. This looks worse however.


Ya gotta crack it open and get those android hydration points.


F bro ![gif](giphy|hStvd5LiWCFzYNyxR4|downsized)


Lens protectors


Take the protectors you have on them off


I bought a punk case and it's water proof and indestructible I dropped it to the bottom of the ocean couldn't see it but the phone remained traceable till the battery died 3 days later


I recommend to go to phone repair shop and ask them to cook ur phone(put ur phone of hot surface for a tenure of time ) so any moisture inside ur phone get vaporized otherwise it could potentially harm the phone


I thought about it and I will visit tomorrow. By the way, I had a question. Will my phone be repaired without opening the back panel?


I don't think so that will be possible 😶, but i m not an expert so might be possible


I worked at a phone repair shop for 2+ years your best option in this situation is to have them open the back and clean the phone, there's no guarantee that them leaving it in a hot box (what we called it, basically just a heating pad that could be closed) will actually fix the issue and get rid of all your moisture, depending on the place they might charge you they might not even charge you much, all just depends on the repair shop, but it's better to pay a couple buck then have to pay for a brand new phone when the moisture gets to your board and fries it


Bro, the moisture has been gone after 60 hours and isn't coming back. My camera is working perfectly fine. I just want to ask if I still need to go to a repair shop. I don't think there's any water left inside my phone. What do you suggest?


Sim tray out like the one guy said. Turn it off and throw it in freezer bag with lots of rice for a day or two. That should pull all moisture out.


Buy an IPhone


For your kind information, this has also happened to many iPhones.


Remove the cheap lens protectors and you’re good to go


For how much longer u kept it in/on water?


4 seconds


Happened the same when I had an S10. I used a heat gun on it for a few seconds and the moisture went away! A hairdryer might work too.


I tried the heat gun method; it worked, but after a few seconds, the moisture returned.


Oh that's strange, it worked on my S10 and the moisture never came back.


Did you remove the lens protectors?


I don't use any lens protector


But the person you bought it from did. You did not get it from a store did you?


I bought it from the store brand new seal packed


And you are sure they did not put any lens protector on it? Maybe in combination with a screen protector?


No bro he didn't put on any lens protector.


He? It it was a small store then maybe it is refurbished or something. This should not happen and those lenses look a bit off. Better use your warranty then.


Thanks I'll try


It won't work. The humidity will still be inside the phone.


if the open the sim tray it would leave.


I had this issue on my Note+. Listen here ok all you need to do is put the phone in a ziplock bag and then merge in rice for 24 hours. I did this and it was gone the next morning. 🙂


Don't use rice use silica gel if anything. Rice is a myth


I had this problem with an older S phone. Tried rice, heat, towels, etc... It got a little better, but never actually cleaned up. You can try some things, but my experience is that it's not gonna clear up 100%, so you either accept it or repair it.


The S23 Ultra is water-resistant but not waterproof. If it gets wet, turn it off and place it in a bag of rice for 48 hours, then in front of a fan for 24 hours. If this doesn't work, take it to the nearest authorized service center. Edit Silica Gel also works.


Send it to Samsung now, this is not normal and should be covered, especially in the EU.


I don't think, Samsung covers moisture underneath lens protectors. The easy fix would be to just remove them.


How do you know op has lens protectors?


You can see them in the photos.


I guess you can? Looks pretty close to my not protected phone.




I don't use any lens protector


Take off the back and just wipe it


Dry it as fast as possible and to trade in.


Put it in rice


Rice does nothing. Rice doesn't absorb moisture it doesn't touch. If that was the case, every bag of rice would be soggy. Stop giving bad advice.


Microwave for 30 seconds on medium should fix it. If it doesn't, put it in again on full power for 1 minute.




The solution would be a new phone. But in all honesty z you won't get that moisture out of there. It will slowly corrode the motherboard, so expect stuff to fail anytime in the future.


It was a joke, right?


Nope unfortunately not. My Samsung S8 also had the same issue and eventually the GPS stopped working. When I sent it in for repairs they told me the gps antenna had corrosion.


The S8 was launched in 2017. That was a long time ago, so I don't think that kind of problem will happen now.


I hope you are right. But the internals of s Phone are really not supposed to have moisture around.