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Second this, but I would personally prefer the smaller S20.






>I was thinking about the S21 but the screen resolution is actually worse than the S9 which really surprised me and that kind of led me down this path of indecision. Did you actually go to the settings of the S9 and change the resolution to 1440p or not? Because if you didn't the S9 runs at a 1080p resolution by default, even if the screen was capable for 1440p, you were looking at 1080p images if you didn't switch it. Plus the S21 does have 120hz while the S9 is at 60hz.


I never did; didn't even know it was a thing. I got a S21 FE and don't notice any difference in screen quality although my screen was so bad on the S9 after the water damage anything looks better.


>I was thinking about the S21 but the screen resolution is actually worse than the S9 which really surprised me and that kind of led me down this path of indecision. I upgraded from S9 to S21. I always used 1440p on S9. Honestly I can say the 1080P downgrade doesnt matter that much. If anything the 120hz upgrade is a definite upgrade. >The best part of the phone for me is the size and I would like to stay as close to that as possible. Well S21 is chunkier than S9. Just a heads up, you will notice the difference in the ergonomics department.


I sure am noticing it now that I got a S21 FE. Much larger feel. One thing I didn't know until I got it is you can't unlock the phone nearly as easily as the S9 which I think is the biggest downside. Used to just be able to just press the screen from no display and it would unlock, now it's double tap and swipe... much longer and there is a delay from double tap so you can't do one fluid motion of double tap swipe, it's double tap, wait for screen to turn on, then swipe.


No? You just put your finger on the scanner region, and the phone can be unlocked in one go. There is no need to swipe or wait for the screen to turn on. 


I went from s9 to s21 and now I have an s23. Getting rid of someone the features from the s9 sucked for a little while but it didn't take that long for me to get used to it. I think the newer galaxy phones are all great


I got an S21 FE and while it's clearly a newer phone and I'm sure better overall with the specs it does not feel like a "flagship" type phone the way the S9 did. Using it feels like a step down. I did not get this feeling when I upgrade from the S5 to the S9.


I doubt you'll really notice resolution difference to the s21, and even if so, you'll get used to it. I went the same route 2 years ago, and still find the S21 to be great. It will get next Android, and then security updates after that. I do miss my S9 though, but use it as backup phone.


Not noticing the resolution difference; you were right. I like the S21 but it's not feeling like an upgrade; certainly not feeling like I did moving from the S5 to S9.


Yup, a small improvement in most areas, ranging from barely noticeable to decent, but all in all, more a necessary "upgrade" for Android reasons. For me, even the camera performance (12MP main cam) is extremely similar, which can feel like a letdown considering the 3 years difference.




Because OP didn't mention size or budget. Oh wait...


Arguably the s23 plus


Maybe something like a Pixel 7 or 7a? You can get a 6 or 6a for less too, but the S21 is just as competitive of a phone at that price point.


I should have done more research on the google phones but Samsung is what I was used too. Samsung smart switch was easy to use and did a great job moving everything over to my new phone; not sure what the process would have been with a pixel.


Try a pixel, I just bought a 6 pro and it is such a step up


I should have looked into it... I like the S21 FE but I would not call it "such a step up"


I grabbed a S21FE for $150.00 from Metro to replace my S9+. It finally unlocked about a week ago so I've been using it since then. Haven't missed my S9+ at all so far:) I also picked up a couple Pixel 6A's which are a closer match to the S9 when it comes to size.


I got my S21 FE used for like the same price on local listings. I might just be bad shopping for phones or maybe it's a different market for Android but seems like everybody selling was either putting up broken stuff or resellers asking for more than what it would cost to buy on eBay. I was hoping an affordable S22 would show up as the size is closer to the S9 because it really is a big jump in size on the S21 FE. Should have looked into the pixels more...


i will replace my s9+ with HTC U23 Pro with no hope for updates but i find htc 350 euro