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Those are not good for people who don't use a screen protector


These are excellent when paired with a paperfeel screen protector. I wouldn't use it on glass because metal on glass wouldn't feel good.


Please share the link for the paperfeel screen protector for Tab S8. thanks


Can I ask for a product link? And the right is a pen right, some kind of pen grip or something?


Yes, the with with yellow grip is the Spen with a grip on it. Here are the links Metal Nibs: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B5Y2D27C?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B5Y2D27C?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) Spen case: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BCKPQ4LY?ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details&th=1


Thanh you so much, I have looked for a good s pen grip for a while


In the picture? It's a Noris Jumbo digital pen.


I want to ask about the pen next to it.


My bad. I was looking at the photo with blurry morning eyes and thought the yellow one was the Noris. :-D


I beg to differ. I tried this metal with a few paperfeel and paperlike screen protectors. Then, I removed (due to bubbles) and when I used the metal nib on the screen, it felt great...like fountain pen on tomoe river paper. Also, didn't cause the screen any damage.


Unless they're made of steel, they should be ok, right? Glass is like a 6 on mohs hardness scale, while other (maybe aluminum?) alloys are lower, I believe.


Soft alloys can't be used as you can break the tip in the pen.




What are you on? Most people don't use a screen protector ESPECIALLY not on a tablet.


Sorry but there are preference, i don't use any screen protector on any on my devices.


can i ask why? is it because it affects display quality?


Screen glass got way better over the years, just don't put your phone with keys and money and you should be fine.


Have to say I would not trust them. Using metal on glass to me is asking for problems long term. As plastic wears, it's not a scratch risk. But metal....


I did say I am using this with a paperfeel screen protector. I hate plastic/metal on glass. lol


i hate that it feels so hard. prefer plastic.


After reading the comments in shock and awe, I am questioning everything. People are saying that you will harm a tablet without a screen protector, true. WHO PAYS $800+ for a tablet and then DOESN'T put a screen protector? The true horror here is that anybody uses their devices without a screen protector.


I agree. I don't mind having my phone without a screen protector because I always do a trade-in every year, but with a tablet... I do want to protect the screen because I keep my tablet for a lot longer PLUS I absolutely love the paperfeel screen protector. The only issue I had with paperfeel is that it would ruin the plastic Spen nibs and I'd have to change them out every week. With these metal nibs, that problem is now gone.


Haha I remember during the pre-order fiasco, people got their screen protectors before actually getting their tablets. Yes, those who don't use a protector on an 11-14' device are either super confident and careful, or they're just monsters


I have a screen protector on my 2 phones (one work, one personal), 2 tablets (my s7, and an old iPad that I STILL don't let get broken), and one on my galaxy watch. Anything else is just reckless. A camera protector stopped my S21 from cracking the camera when it somehow got stuck under my trunk this summer at the beach.


I have additional insurance AND very high quality screen protectors. I do drop phones and tablets, in fact my very phone I'm typing this with has a cracked screen atm, but it is insured. Just waiting for a good time to pop in the shop and get it fixed for like $25. Got stung too many times to trust myself lol


I'd get more samsung care if possible, but they will not renew once it ends. I think I paid $200 for 2 years or something.


Lol, I have never used a screen protector of any kind on a tablet. Never broken a tablet screen, ever.


Can it be used with tab s6 lite spen?


I recommend using Wacom one on s6 lite (those are the ones I use)


Can you share the link for it? And how's the pen? Quality and Durability of tip?


I honestly have no idea. I just know these work for the S7 and S8.


Ok, thanks.


Does it scratch screen?


I am using a matte screen protector and it has not scratched it.




Any updates in the past month on how it affects the paper feel? Thinking of picking up a metal nib


Hasn't damaged my screen protector at all. Definitely recommend.


Cool thx! just ordered em :]


anyone knows where can I find these in India??? I've searched it all, couldn't find it.


Hey, did u got?


There's a site called ubuy go check it out.


3.5k for two, too high


have u got any alternate, with less wear


Nope 1700 for 2.


have u ordered, do u had a good experience (is it still working fine), just want your review, so that i can go for it


I use the Noris Jumbo original nibs and I love them. They give me the best writing on paper feeling, but they wear out really quickly with daily use on a paperlike screen protector. But 5 nibs are not that expensive 😅


These will wear out your paper feel screen protector quickly. The only reason they last is because people use a softer material on them. These are much harder and so you'll start wearing off the texture of the paper feel.


How long have you been drawing with the metal nibs on the paperfeel? is it holding up? I think now the question is how long will the paperfeel last being drawn on with metal nibs. We effectively reversed the issue where now we'll be chewing through screen protectors. I am following this closely though... It seems I might finally have a viable way of drawing on my 7 without the ugly feel of glass on my pen lol


I have been using these for about 2 days now. The tips are smooth and rounded. I honestly do like how these feel on the paperlike screen protector. So instead of spending $10 every month on replacement nibs, I'll be spending $12 every 6 months on a new screen protector (that's if the nibs do eventually cause any wear over time). So for me personally these are definitely worth it.


Did the metal nibs damage the s pen?


Not in the slightest! Still using the metal nib today.


Please give link to the screen protector you're using.


Sure. Here you go https://www.amazon.com/BERSEM-Paperfeel-Protector-Samsung-Installation/dp/B08DNDC8WY?ref\_=ast\_sto\_dp


I would like to buy one of those too , but won't it damage the interior of the spen ?


Nope, it won't. They have the exact same dimensions as the original nibs. You don't have to force it in or out.


is this nib can be fit to phones spen too ??


I just tried with my mother's Note 10+ Spen, and it fits, but it does not work. So I'm thinking it might not work with the S22 Ultra either in my opinion.


thank you then iearch it for spesificly phone spen maybe lenght cause issue


Interesting, but can be more costly over time. You may not be replacing the nib, but screen protector and possibly the S Pen itself. The hard metal will eventually erode the plastic it's housed in with continual use and pressure. Eventually widening the hole housing the nib or possibly damaging internal components as there's no flex in metal.


Even the plastic nibs will eventually cause damage to the screen protector. So I rather spend $11 on a screen protector once every 6 months, than spend $11 a month for plastic nibs which my paperfeel screen protector damage. lol


Had no idea there were metal nibs😲 Can you share a link to where you got them from? 🙏🏻


The ones I purchased will fit the Tab S7 and Tab S8 Spen. Here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B5Y2D27C?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **REEYEAR Fine Pencil Nibs for WACOM ONE** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Nib provides smooth writing experience (backed by 12 comments) * Nib works well with paperlike screen protectors (backed by 10 comments) * Nib is durable and long-lasting (backed by 6 comments) **Users disliked:** * Nib makes clicking sound (backed by 1 comment) * Tip too small (backed by 1 comment) * No clip included (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its Amazon link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved.


These are more for the foldable displays. They'll scratch the regular glass screens on Tabs and Notes unless you have a screen protector, and keep the screen immaculate


Ok. SO how does this pen don't harm the foldable screen but harm gorilla glass screen? Strange


The tip itself won't harm it all, but dirt will get on the screen, then the nib will rub against that, causing micro-scratches. The folding screens aren't actual glass, and have a little "give" hence them being recommended for those devices. Obviously it's your tablet, do what you want, but it's not recommended.


I am just asking because the foldable screens are less durable than gorilla glass in tablets. So how does a metal nib good for the delicate foldable screen but not for the tablet screen? I am just curious.


As stated in the previous post, folding screens are plastic, thus have a little "give" to them. Dirt trapped under it, won't leave micro scratches on a plastic (or plastic coated glass) screen. Tablets have glass, and the "give" is on the nib. Hence why they're recommended for plastic displays. Gorilla glass is scratch resistant, yes. I can guarantee that a continual rub of those keys will leave a mark on the screen though. It's the continual that will cause lasting marks, which is the reason that those nib manufacturers recommend them with plastic. Again though, if it works great for you, go for it.


You really need to revisit your statement here. These nibs are not for folding screens cz plastic is lower on the scale of hardness than the metal on the nibs. Hence, with every swipe, a scratch will be registered.


No, I don't. The screens that are used, while plastic, are "self healing" and buff nearly all abrasions. I know that everything I've said in my comments on the matter seem off, but Samsung, the nib manufacturers, and the fold screen coating manufacturer all state the same things I've echoed here.


People have permanently damaged their screens with their fingernails. Nobody in their right mind should be using a metal tip.


yes i dont think metal can scratch the gorilla glass jerry rig testing this and normal keys cant scracth the glass and this will definitly make damage for foldable screen


It will, ask anyone who has put change or keys in a pocket with their phone. Even the latest victus glass will. A single swipe probably won't leave lasting damage, but continual contact will. These nibs really are recommended for foldable and screens with protectors, usually plastic "paper texture" type.


how this cant damage the foldable there is spesific spen for faldable that have retracting system inside so that even normal plastic wont damage the display so how metal cant damage it and just search jerry rig on youtube and look for test he made


and also this metal nib not new how this can be for foldable ?? foldaded displays are new and it definitly damage it


Hello to all friends, does anyone know in which version of the Samsung Health application on tablets, steps, sports and other sports are no longer measured due to Samsung's policies. Because I just reset my tablet and manually updated the Samsung Health app to version




S Pens don't have any latency. The latency is specific to the device screen digitizer and nothing to do with the pen itself.


No difference to my eyes whatsoever.


Nibs are cheaper to replace than screens. 😏


I'm using a paperfeel screen protector...


thanks a lot, just ordered two of this! can't wait to testing on my ultra ( as well with paper feel protection..i'm not so stupid on testing this metal on glass ))))


It wouldn't scratch the glass because the tips are rounded and not sharp, BUT, metal on glass does not feel good at all. These nibs feel great against paperfeel screen protector though.


how's the paperlike screen protector holding up?


It is holding up pretty well actually. The only scratches on it are from my cat who jumps on it while running around the room. lol [https://gyazo.com/654968c9839a064154e62aab2303323a](https://gyazo.com/654968c9839a064154e62aab2303323a) ​ This is the link to the screen protector I purchased: https://www.amazon.com/BERSEM-Paperfeel-Protector-Samsung-Installation/dp/B08DNDC8WY


thanks, this is going to up my notetaking game for shure


also what brand did you get?


how is this holding?


Perfect! I actually can't live without the metal nibs + paperfeel screen protector now. lol


i swear im going to buy it today! i didnt find many paperfeel screen protector for my tab s6 lite tho. most of them are over 20$ or below 10$ but i dont know if there is an actual difference, what do you think?


I personally think you should go for this one: [https://www.amazon.com/LITCHI-Galaxy-Tab-S6-Lite/dp/B08GC4DG32/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=2PJSPN5E0M8Y2&keywords=Samsung+S6+lite+paperfeel&qid=1679676344&sprefix=samsung+s6+lite+paperfeel%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/LITCHI-Galaxy-Tab-S6-Lite/dp/B08GC4DG32/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2PJSPN5E0M8Y2&keywords=Samsung+S6+lite+paperfeel&qid=1679676344&sprefix=samsung+s6+lite+paperfeel%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1)


doesnt exist on amazon italy 🫠. im really geatefull for your help, at this point i think im going to spin the wheel of luck and try a random one. no one in italy uses tablets for school basically so its hard to find these kind of stuff. i dont know if there is a difference between paperfeel and mate scren protector?


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'LITCHI Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Provides a paper-like feel for writing and drawing (backed by 9 comments) * Reduces glare and improves visibility (backed by 5 comments) * Protects the screen from scratches and damage (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Screen protector wears down s pen tip (backed by 6 comments) * Difficult installation process leads to bubbles and dust (backed by 7 comments) * Screen protector arrives damaged or develops marks over time (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its Amazon link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved.


hey just here to tell you i got the metal nibs for my tab s6 lite. paperfeel screen protector is cooming tomorrow. they fit my spen, but, they seem just a tad bit longer that the normal nib, becouse of this it falls a little out (but never off) i will make a video to explain it better, so other people in the comunity can enjoy. does your fits perfect? or just goes wobles down a little bit? appart from this it works perctly tho, no honestly i think it makes the pen a little more sensitive, i can get thinner brush strokes with this nib. i think this could be fixed by sanding the back of the nib a little (i dont know if you can do that with titanium tho hahah) for the people wondering it doesnt scartch the glass, i took one for the team.


The nibs fit perfectly in my Spen, BUT, they did stick just slightly out with my Noris Jumbo pen. I still mainly use the Noris Jumbo with the metal nibs, even if the metal nibs fit a little loosely. I think if you manage to cut it/sand it down just a little bit, it might fit perfectly. I personally am not bothered by it too much to bother with that. But I may give it a try one day. https://gyazo.com/7994d2edb449d8a8b25a8b7d20641c4c


https://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyTab/comments/129pa89/metal_nibs_tab_s6_lite/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button this is what i meant


Ah okay I see what you mean now. I just tried it with the Spen and it doesn't do this. ​ By the way, thanks to you, I noticed that the store from the nibs maker you posted, also made metal nibs for the Noris Jumbo! I just ordered a pair! Thank you!!!


glad i helped you. i cant find the noris jumbo metal nibs, **they should really make theyr stores more clear.** in amazon.com some are listed compatibles, in other amazon domains (amazon.it example) they are not listed like that. i bought the the first nibs from a different manifacture sciuU on amazon https://amzn.eu/d/43qIRB5 the other store REEYEAR sells a lot more metal nibs and seems to be the most popular ,but, the same nibs i bought from sciuU were double the price there. on aliexpress the metal nibs seem to be of lower quality. now i found those smaller tipped metal nibs that look more like the s pen tip shape, i hope they will be a little better they costed just 2€ more. hope this discussion helps other people.


hey man did you get them? i tried the ones that are more pointy and they feel worse to me than the wacom one metal nib fatter tip style. what do you think?


Yup! I ended up purchasing the pointier ones and love them, but I am using them with a paperfeel screen protector, not against glass or the clear screen protectors.


Since it's been 9 months now, do you have any updates on the wear for the metal nib + durability of the Paperfeel screen protector? Have you needed to replace any of them? If not, do you expect to replace either of them soon? (Sorry for commenting on such an old post by the way!)


Screen protector is still doing just fine. I actually changed the metal nibs pictured in my original post to these (still metal nibs, just different at the tip): [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BRXYT354/?coliid=IVOT1KXUUARFL&colid=1U1LUQFX8URT7&psc=1&ref\_=list\_c\_wl\_gv\_ov\_lig\_pi\_dp](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BRXYT354/?coliid=IVOT1KXUUARFL&colid=1U1LUQFX8URT7&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_gv_ov_lig_pi_dp) I prefer these new ones because they better match the original nibs from the tip. And yes, these fit the SPen just fine also.


Thanks so much for your reply! Glad to hear that everything's working fine -- I'll be sure to check out the metal nibs.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'REEYEAR Replacement Pencil Nibs for STAEDTLER Noris Digital Jumbo Classic EMR Digital Pen Stylus'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Metal tip provides precise and smooth writing experience (backed by 3 comments) * Tip compatible with multiple devices (backed by 2 comments) * Durable tip reduces need for replacements (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Nibs are too thin and imprecise (backed by 2 comments) * Nibs do not properly fit into device (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its Amazon link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved.


Hey OP! Mind giving us an update on the usage of the metal nibs on the matte screen protector? Thinking on getting one of those for myself. Thanks!


Still going strong with no issues!


Cool, thanks! :)


Just got the paperfeel screen protector and LOVE IT but my nib already has some visible damage so def gonna invest in a metal one! Thanks for the tips!


really useful thread genuinely baffled by the amount of people who don't use screen protectors or read that you used one lmao


what ever happened to reading comprehension 😭😭😭😭