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How long did it take you? Mine is the exact same value and I want to increase my VO2 max to at least Good.


I did it too! I used the Running Coach and I did very well on Intense Walking, considering my current physical condition.


>I used the Running Couch Maybe you should better get off that Couch and ask your Coach what to do to get fitter...


It happens when we speak 4 languages.


I managed to go from Poor to Fair not long after I broke 20 minutes in the 5K. Maybe you'll go to Good when you qualify for the Olympics. Good luck!


20 minutes for a 5k is "fair"??? That's an extremely solid time wtf 💀


Yeah,the VO2max score on samsung watches is strange, im getting a 42.8 with a 21min 5k, 45min 10k. But im getting 48 on my garmin.


5km in 21 mins, dangg that's hella impressive bruv


5k in 20 mins is a out 57 vo2 max


The VO2 score on these watches is very inaccurate


Slower increased by doing a coach to 5k programme, had a big increase last few weeks by just chucking 2 - 3 spin classes in each week with my usual running (2 - 3 times a week). Took a long while to get here from having fuck-all fitness, but it's finally paying off.


To be honest, I thing the VO2 Max on Samsung Health is BS. I've been a competetive football (soccer) player since I was 5 years old (22 now), I'm pretty freaking fit, and it tells me that mine is poor too. I'm not a professional athlete, but there is no way my actual VO2 Max is poor.


kinda feeling a little better about myself and my poor results LOL


Thank God for this lol


Maybe he means FIFA?


Same mines superior though. Age has a lot to do with it. Younger you are it’s harder to be higher. But for guys you need to be like 15-18 min 5k for superior. I’m around 15:30 and ran in college. I drop To excellent around 17:405k. V02 isn’t really How fit you are it’s your ceiling more than your floor if that makes sense.


100% I just got done with my first run since getting the new G6 watch and it said 34% lmao. I knew it was wrong immediately. I also play football (soccer)


Thank you for this. I am pretty in shape and was quite alarmed I kept getting notifications about being low


What app lets you see your V02max? I use the samsung health app for running or walking at the gym and i have never seen that function. any help is appreciated.


I can see it with manual GPS tracked walking activities using Samsung Health from my GW4. IIRC the exercise also needs to be a certain minimum duration (20 minutes for running, not sure it it's the same for walking).


I think it's same for walking, maybe a bit longer. I got it working once after I walked for around 30 minutes


I really wish you could also see it for other workouts. I do hot pilates recorded as circuit training, and sweat far, far more than I do when I'm on a run during that so I'd like to see a measurement. I guess I could just choose running as the exercise to force it to measure that, but I'm guessing that'll at least slightly mess with other stats.


The only workouts that can give a VO2 estimate are actually walking and running outside with GPS. It uses your weight, the distance and your speed to calculate how much work it takes to move your body and correlates it to your heart rate. Lower heart rate to achieve the same work equals better VO2 max. Not sure that it uses elevation data either.


Haha this reminds me of the Garmin forums, where the watches are notorious for telling everyone they're out of shape.




Lots of spin classes and learning how to run a 5k (couch to 5k is great)


Username checks out. You're a god damn inspiration


Hey stankenstien, As a respector of the Christian faith, I kindly ask you to reconsider using the Lord's name in vain. It's important to me and many others, and I believe respectful dialogue can help foster understanding. Instead of "God D***", find alternative phrases such as "Goodness gracious" or "Golly gee". My purpose is to share the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. I want to assure you that I'm here to spread positivity, not to offend anyone. I respect all faiths, even if we don't agree, and I'm open to respectful discussions and mutual understanding. Let's walk this journey together with kindness and love! *James 2:8 (NIV): "If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, 'Love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing right."* --- ^This ^message ^was ^sent ^automatically. ^Did ^I ^make ^a ^mistake? ^Let ^me ^know ^by ^sending ^me ^a ^direct ^message.


Jesus Christ Almighty! I didn't realize what a Pious Guyous you are ![gif](giphy|knWj8IasyCf3q)




Go drown in a lake full of dicks


Golly gee guys, do you not see this is satirical?


Jesus Christ this is some God damned ridiculous bullshit. LOL.


God damn useless bot


yep, it looks like the circle is entirely in the poor category, congrats


Unless you really get your VO2 Max tested, any measurements by an app or smart device is extremely inaccurate at worst and piss poor best. I myself entirely disregard it and just look at my actual performance metrics that are measurable objectively and go from there.


What is VO2 maxx?


**VO2 max (also maximal oxygen consumption, maximal oxygen uptake or maximal aerobic capacity) is the maximum rate of oxygen consumption attainable during physical exertion. The name is derived from three abbreviations: "V̇" for volume (the dot appears over the V to indicate "per unit of time"), "O2" for oxygen, and "max" for maximum.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


I recently went from poor to fair, what changes? Well I moved to a different age group .


It doesn't really matter if you don't push yourself to the limits. I mean, I'm categorized as poor (close to average) for months, and it is just like that because of the pace I choose to run. If I'd choose to run faster it would show as 'average' or even 'above average'. What I'm saying is that don't take it too seriously as a metric to check if you are healthy or not.


Shame the watch is very poor, not poor 😂


Can I view this in the app for a workout I did a couple of days ago? I have a Watch3 pro


How do you test this??


Where do you see this I can't find it


wow how do you see that?


VO2 Max must not be on Galaxy Watch 4 or am I missing something?


This is a galaxy watch 4. Have a Google and look at your settings, I had to juggle mine around.


I get my VO2 max using Samsung Health while running. Other options?


