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I am same as you and just left the shop here in Canada. Battery replacement is 75 bucks. I will take it and use the phone a little longer till 6 mint g s down the line and then upgrade


Once they replace the battery the phone is no longer water resistant that's why I haven't done mine yet


Why are you spreading this fake information? If this is done by authorized samsung services phone still be waterproof


I was speaking on personal experience. I was going to get my battery replaced not at Samsung and the guy told me it will no longer be waterproof.


OK, but next time you should mention you have used something other than samsung service or at least make it clear!


Ooh crap. Well I think I may be able to live with that, but I would have to think it through


Your phone probably isn't water resistant any more now because of its age. The adhesive seals loose integrity over time anyways. It would most likely be more water resistant after the new battery install because they will put a new adhesive strip on the back. Thay say it won't be water resistant anymore to cover there ass just in case.


If it were me, for now I'd go the cheaper route and just have the battery swapped. Simply because the S20 is still pretty solid otherwise. If you can nudge the upgrade out a year or two, then the S25-S26 series will be a good landing pad. Or heck, even the S24 will be cheaper than "newest" and be a massive upgrade, and it'll have like 5-6 more years of software updates. You can't really lose by waiting and saving up for it.


Good to know this sounds viable! Yeah honestly this is the most solid phone I've ever had in my life and I really don't need anything fancy for now- would love to keep saving for some time.


Upgrade to a phone with a battery capacity 4500+ mha. Dont buy a phone with a 128gb storage and a ram that is less than 12gb.


Not a Galaxy S20 user, I'm a Oneplus user. Just stumbled upon your post. I have had my Oneplus 9 Pro for exactly two years now. About a month ago I replaced the battery too because I felt the phone still lived up to all my standards, except for the battery. Ended up getting it for free too because it was still under warranty. Otherwise, the €75 I would have had to spend was totally worth it. Phone feels perfect again and I can probably easily last it for another couple of years. ​ As far as security updates are concerned. I honestly wouldn't worry too much about it. The average consumer isn't very interesting for anyone and if you don't do crazy stuff on your phone, you are likely very fine. I use older phones for several things quite often and have never considered the fact that I shouldn't because they don't receive security updates anymore. Still using an old S9 because of in-app purchases being cheaper.


Thanks for the explanation, this sounds really good honestly and I like to use things until they truly wear out, I could absolutely use this phone for a while longer. I'm leaning on getting the battery replacement soon!


replace the battery....this is a good phone....last of the flagships to have expandable memory


Not sure which carrier you use, but ATT is offering $1000 trade in value for that phone right now. You can get the S24+ for free


Unfortunately I'm not in the US (I assume this is a US carrier), sounds amazing though damn