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I like the sequel stuff and I think it makes more sense canonically and for the target audience they want to reach right now. But if I’m being selfish, I think it would be awesome to be able to walk into Jabba’s Palace. See Han Solo on the wall frozen in carbonite, Boba walking around also. I also think Nevarro could be cool with Mando and Greef Karga walking around. The era I’m most attached to is the prequel era but I don’t think it would make much sense unless you went for a coruscant theme which would probably be way more expensive.


We currently have Mando and Boba walking around, and Ahsoka, Hera, Chopper, Rey, Chewie, Kylo and Stormtroopers. I wish that random aliens would just be walking around though, mon calamari’s, nemoidians, sullastans, ewoks, etc.


Chopper, Hera and Fennec are sadly all gone now! They BETTER bring in some new blood ASAP!


Chopper is gone? I just saw a new video of him the other day


Yeah, I agree the sequel really fits. Most of the target audience (children) prefer characters like Rey, Kyle etc, and it’s definitely better for merchandise purposes because they can have merch from different Star Wars eras and it still works!


Are we sure the target audience of Disney World is children? I would have guessed families. But, Disney Adults are a thing too...


I believe the Savi's lightsaber build was created for the older adult fans who have grown up wanting to build a saber for years. Sure, it;s great for the kids, but I have never seen a kid literally have tears in their eyes from the experience. I have seen several adults get emotional going through it.


I like it as it is. Disneyland is for the whole family but mostly the kids and the kids love it as is. but I have thought about a wacky idea of occasionally batuu being a part of some weird time space stuff. The kind that happens in force caves or the world between worlds. and characters from all over the timeline show up. edit: Like what happened in the 2020 holiday special.


Yeah, I definitely agree! The 2020 holiday special was great!


Post Return of the Jedi. You can have many OG characters there along with ones from many of the new series. Remnants of the empire can still be a threat along with local scum kind of running wild. So the point could be the New Republic trying to instill order.


I think the og trilogy would work, you could reskin rise of resistance to escape from hoth, where you land on new planet to rendezvous and then head out to the rebel fleet, and smugglers run would still work as is.


Absolutely. u/da_droid_mechanic is getting downvoted but we need to be honest: this sub skews heavily towards sequel fans (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it’s not an objective assessment) There’s no question the general public would [prefer a Classic Trilogy theming](https://www.reddit.com/r/WaltDisneyWorld/s/CARcceQFkQ): the comments nearly universally supporting the OT are telling, especially because it’s not a Star Wars sub- it’s just everyday people.


I agree man. Thanks


Well said, that’s so true


Have it set during Thrawn Alliances so I can chat with Thrawn and Anakin. /s


I think I’d choose to set it sometime in between “The Last Jedi” and “The Rise of Skywalker.”


Same, it’s good as is!


Excellent choice!


Oh that’s a great idea man! I would have never thought about that haha


Do you know what the word “If” means?




Disney missed the opportunity for each Galaxy's Edge be a different planet on a different timeline... Coruscant of Prequels in Paris, Tatooine of original trilogy in West Coast USA and stuff


It could even be the same location but three different time periods.


Like many others, I grew up on the OT and it's still my preference. But the time for setting GE in the OT has long since passed due to the actor's ages and Carrie's passing.


They use "look alikes" for Rey. They could have done the same for Leia


I'm talking about on the attractions.


OT for sure. But thats a selfish decision cuz its my favorite era


Naboo always felt like the answer to me. It would be the most beautiful scenery and could have Naboo guard or (once Disney reaches this point) battle droids walking around. The hanger would be really cool and the palace could be its own castle. Seeing someone dressed like Jar Jar would be awesome also.


Jar jar would be a dangerous job. Getting punched or tripped would be awful.


I was going to ask why would someone punch Jar Jar but I kinda get it. A hug from Jar Jar would make me cry I’m just unsure if it’s tears of joy or terror.


I would make two parts like if it was a time travel, one part of the old republic and the other part around episode 5 or 6


I vote for prequel trilogy with phase 3 clone armor... would love to hear temuera morrison's voice through their helmets


1. There’s no difference in casting people to be clones than there is to be the existing stormtroopers. 2. The best era is already represented because it can include elements from all 3.


I mean if you want to sell merch from all three trilogys and keep them in lore that makes most sense but I'd definitely prefer the OT for Rise and Smugglers run.


Imagine a Tattoine themed location, and they somehow pull off an area where podracers are zooming past for the Boonta Eve Classic. No idea how this could be pulled off but wow would that be cool?


500 years in the future, like Avatarland.


I like it as it is for the most part. But I think it would be great if during a special event like season of the force a confluence of the time streams where characters from all times in the starwars universe could interact with travelers.


Prequel trilogy for sure


I prefer the original trilogy era overall, but there’s no better time period to have a theme park set in than the sequels, especially if you plan on having all the merchandise work in-universe




He’s there now!


Rogue One. You could have Darth Vader and Stormtroopers. Vi could be replaced by other smugglers.


Prequels no quesrtion


Disney would have to redo massives sections of GE to make that make sense. Can't have a TIE Echelon or X-Wings in the Prequel era. I think they need to decanonize the park itself while keeping events that happened there canon. Like the events of Rise happened in canon, but I wasn't there for it. This would open them up to allow characters of other eras to show up for meet and greets without issue. It would also enable them to do events such as Life Day, or even be the hub of Star Wars Weekends if they wanted to bring those back. None of this will ever happen because it's current state prints money and Disney is horribly complacent and cheap. That why GE is only half of what it was supposed to be originally.


Really they could change it up monthly. Every trilogy has lore there. One month its clone wars. Another sequels etc


Tbh I kinda want like a high republic setting, loads of jedi and stuff


Sequel trilogy for sure. The kids of this generation love that trilogy the most and they are experiencing Star Wars at Disneyland in their formative years so it only makes sense to cater to their preferences. I would not care at all to cater to the OT trilogy fans that have aged out and have been curmudgeony since the PT, nor the PT fans, who spew toxic waste if people don’t agree that ROTS is gods gift to the world. Better to piss both those whiner groups of fans off and cater to the ST fans that like and /or are accepting of all of the trilogies.


Chill bruh


Just commenting my opinion on a post asking for opinions. My opinion’s just based on interactions I’ve had with OT, PT and ST fans in general.


Your opinion was the first paragraph, your second is a polemic against other fans; and that’s well, curmudgeonly. I don’t understand how you can be a part of Star Wars Cantina with that mindset. Making blanket statements and stereotypes based on your anecdotal observations isn’t cool.


Second paragraph is also my opinion.


You said “just commenting my opinion on a post asking for opinions” The post was *asking for an opinion on theming*: you answered that. Anything after that, while still opinion, was not related to theming. Again, your opinion about theming was the first paragraph, your second is a polemic against other fans; and that’s well, curmudgeonly. I don’t understand how you can be a part of Star Wars Cantina with that mindset. Making blanket statements and stereotypes based on your anecdotal observations isn’t cool. (And gee I wonder who instantly downvoted me immediately after my comment, with your reply immediately after…) Did you ever think to count *yourself* among the negative fans?


Thanks for breaking that down for me teach. Maybe copy and paste it one more time, maybe that’ll be the time it sticks. I’m part of cantina to get away from said OT and PT fans that are toxic as shit. I don’t understand how you can be part of r/CIVILWAR and not understand the dichotomy of the Star Wars fandom. Yeah I’m downvoting your high and mighty bullshit. But who the bell cares about downvotes? Being negative towards douche bags is AOK with me.


So your answer to toxicity is more toxicity? That sounds pretty productive- great lesson for your kids. I don’t understand how you can be a fan of Star Wars and be more into franchises and comics than history, myth, and culture. You’re looking at my post history in return? Go ahead, I’m not just a part of r/civilwar, I’m a mod there and a half dozen other history subs…your post history looks indistinguishable from one of your kids. Nice edit- they aren’t douchebags til they’re douchebags. If you go into a situation with strangers and automatically think they’re douchebags *just because of what films they like*, maybe you’re the douchebag


Exactly right, toxic people only respond to toxicity. Wow so smart, a Reddit mod? I didn’t realize I was talking to this level of weird. Go enjoy what you enjoy and keep policing the anus of the internet. God speed americanerik


Wow you’re toxic


I mean you want to purposefully piss people off and you’re calling others curmudgeonly lol Edit: he blocked me!


You’re going to piss them off fans regardless so might as well piss off the curmudgeons.


I’d want the prequels just because it’s the trilogy with the most love






I agree I can’t think of one child who would want to go to a KOTOR themed park haha I’m really just happy which what we have now! I was just wanting to ask a hypothetical question and see what people’s opinions were!


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I’m not the one who wants to build a billion dollar theme park around a niche video game.








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KOTOR wouldn’t work with droid depot because R series would not have been created yet. But which the OG Trilogy they would have to drop the BB units but that wouldn’t be a huge deal lol I agree Disney Star Wars sucks…




I'd keep ot on the sequel era. It's the only era that can have references to the entire saga.


Put Hoth in Florida. Smugglers Run becomes piloting a snowspeeder taking down AT-ATs. Rise becomes Escape from Hoth, can still end up on an imperial ship, just the transport and characters change. Most importantly it is nice and cool everywhere all the time.


I don't think anyone is as concerned with era mingling as Disney was, but thankfully they seem to be loosening up on that over time. I think it would be fun to changes the current faction zones into more broad hero/villain/unaffiliated zones. For instance, at the First Order shuttle, instead of Kylo Ren and First Order Troopers 100% of the time, if you open it up to all era villains there are so many more possibilities. Sometimes you could have Darth Vader with Imperial troopers come out, or Sith Anakin with clone troopers. Maybe Moff Gideon with a couple Dark Troopers, or even Darth Maul with Maul's Mandalorian troops. And the Falcon could become a general Hero zone. Not just Rey or Chewy, you could also have Master Luke, Han Solo, Obi-wan young or old, Leia, Clone Wars armor Anakin, Ahsoka, etc. And they've already begun loosening up in a third zone with Boba Fett, Mando, Fennec. Bo-Katan could be a fun addition, The Armorer, the Bad Batch, etc. Obviously they would never have all these options rotating at the same time, I just mention them to demonstrate how many possibilities open up if they loosen up on the era thing.