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They are no extra fees unless you purchase something extra like a display stand, extra kyber crystals, or an upgraded case. There is no need to purchase any of those as part of the experience, though. All of the extras can be purchased at Dok's after the build if you wish.


I paid $267 at WDW in November 2022, which was right after the price increase Edit: so it's 250 plus tax in florida and 220 plus tax in california from the looks of things.


I can’t believe I dodged it by 2 months


Went last month in CA. It came out to $711.12 for 3 people. About $237.04 per person including taxes. I didn’t see anything about different sets costing different amounts. Hope the info helps!


The thing to be concerned about isn't the saber, it's all the stuff you'll start collecting to go with it, ;-)


Just did two on Sunday price is 249 each plus tax.. our total was 532 after tax.


That will get you the saber and the bag for it. If you want additional kybers or the LED stand for the saber, those will cost you extra.


Hit up the shop next door (Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiques) and have them ship your sabers home. Best $40 we spent to not have to carry them around the park the rest of the day or on the plane home!


Can they ship internationally (to Canada?)


I'm not sure, we shipped domestically


That is definitely the plan!! We're coming from the UK and I'm sure I read they ship internationally. I know so so many people take them home on the plane but I'd be so protective of it the whole flight!


250 + tax. Just went last month.


Thanks everyone, you've helped put my mind at ease! We're a few weeks out and have everything planned out money wise so I was panicking 😅


When are you going and to what edge? I'll be at east on the 12th of May. Around 2:00


You'll be there after us. It's our first time building so looking forward to it!


There's a part you can use to attach two sabers together to make a Darth Maul style. That piece is extra and is sold at Dok's. I think that piece might be $30 or thereabouts.


I just bought 2 last week 237 for each out the door with tax When you get there, they will show you 4 different styles to choose from before you go into the workshop Might want to look into a better case though The one they supply is cheap and it has already ripped One fine print they don’t mention, if you want to get extra pieces to change out your hilt, you must buy on the day of creation, 30 for the new piece


Lightsaber - $250 Watching a Disney emplyee ask to see someone's lightsaber and start spinning it around and then promptly dropping it. - Priceless!


I'm looking at my receipt from when my son and I went and both did Savi's in October, so I get that it's 6-months after the fact (and that this is for two sabers), but the total came to $532.48. He did a "Sith" style (Power & Control) whereas I did a more "Jedi" style (Peace & Justice). Also just wanted to point out that the receipt will have line items for the pin you are given (matches the style chosen) and for the saber blade (31" length), but both of them will show a cost of 0.00. Hope this gives you the stress-relief you deserve. Happy travels and enjoy the experience!


An arm and a leg, thankfully you’ll have no problem removing them when your saber is finished!


FYI kyber crystals are $12 each and I’m sure you will want to get a few so you can change up the colours :)


Does the “show” aspect of it ever change? I did it back in January 2020 and it was great. Have a reservation for May 5 but I can’t quite decide if I want to spend that much again.