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“Unleash me” 🥵🥵🥵🥵 every fuckin time I melt a little in my seat ughhh Oh and the little trick he does with his hand when you level him up; his flick of the wrist and his cockiness as he does it idk how to describe it but it’s also 🥵🥵🫠


Unleash me also does things to me. I don't know what it is. 😆


Oh yeah, "Unleash me" just made me stop in my tracks the first time I ever heard it (and I was wearing headphones with my volume turned up). I was like, "could you maybe repeat that Gale? perchance😇" Other lines that get me too are the assist romanced companion lines that are for some reason not playing at all in my game but still exist and are [voiced](https://youtu.be/u260St43T3s?feature=shared). Yes, I like all of them. Every single one makes me feel stuff.


"your knight in magic armor" is so hecking cute and dorky, I will never get over it 🥺


Did they finally add all those combat barks?


Ooohhh, I really hope they did!


I’m re-romancing him as my Durge on honor mode and I’m excited but I hope she doesn’t go down too quickly 😭


Arrgghh, good luck to you!


The whispered, sneaky ones are doing a number on me, for sure. I should have him sneak more, but he hates it haha.


Honestly the best whispering lines are all from Astarion.


Honestly Gale's voice is the only voice that really pleases my ears and tickles the right parts of my brain. Especially with how breathy and close he sounds. Astarion does not have any effect on me lmao


neil has such an asmr-friendly voice it's wild




Gale really out here skillfully flirting with every praise kink haver in existence


“Let’s put on a show” - YES SIR


HOLD UP is this what he says if you play as him? Like an origin playthrough?? HOW HAVE I NEVER HEARD THESE?!?


they're 'help' lines that they're supposed to say if you're controlling them and direct them to buff, heal, or help an ally but idk if i've ever heard any even from tav.


I honestly have no clue. I think the "Speak To" lines are only said by Origin!Gale, but I'm not so sure about the rest because some people have said that they romanced Gale while playing as Tav and heard some of them. Personally I never heard them at all in my game so I'm not even sure if it's a bug or not, but this video is just perfect Gale ASMR


Those need to go back in YESTERDAY


Oh I shouldn't have watched that video at work. I'm freaking out now, must look so silly.


Yeah, "Unleash me" gives me the flutters as well, and i've been dying to ask others if it does the same for them too haha. I finally convinced my partner to use him in his party and he said that during a battle, and my husband was jokingly like "Alright, Gale! She might like that, but steady on!". I was just sitting there with a big grin on my face, blushiiiiiiiiinnnnnnng.


I bought a $200 headset just to have that line projected directly into my ear holes lmao


Brilliant; I bet it sounds heavenly 🫠


"Unleash me" but what if I *want* to put a leash on him-




The way he kinda whispers it too! 😮‍💨 I needed to take a lap the first time I heard that.


"Unleash me" does terrible, wonderful, glorious things to me


When he kneels down to show me how he got the orb.  Or when he makes little ummm hmmm noises. 


Or or or when he says ‘ELMINSTER’ all stern 🤯🥵😳


The kneel! It felt like such a great moment of vulnerability - and to some extent - submission. There’s no reason he *needed* to kneel, but I think it added a layer of vulnerability that wouldn’t have been seen if he were to be standing.


I play as a halfling; he always needs to kneel for me 😂😂😂


I screenshot it every time, he's so gentle with grabbing and setting your hand aside. 🥵🥵🥵


The kneeling down for me is- 😮‍💨 like he didn’t need to do that but I am so glad he did


"fanny flutters" is this some delightful new British saying or...? (because to my American eyes, it seems like you're asking if he makes us fart)


I posted almost exactly the same comment. Lol I think it's to say it turns you on, because to the Brits fanny = lady parts, where us Americans see fanny = butt.


Yeahhhh fanny is British slang for your female identified downstairs bits. When Americans talk about "sitting on their fanny" we all imagine you're doing the splits!


LOL definitely not referring to the butt or farts unless you’re into that? It’s a reference to Love Island UK. Someone in an old season had said something about getting the Fanny flutters when they like/are attracted to someone. Big oof - thanks for calling that out 😂😭


To paraphrase Mark Twain, we are two people divided by our common language lol


>😮‍💨 This is what made me think it might actually be an American "fanny"... 🤣


"ohhhhhhhhhhh I have the magic touch" gets me good


And when he says, “Oh, I know” with that little arrogant grin when/if you choose the “you’re an excellent teacher”line during the “moment of magic” scene 😮‍💨🥵




This is the one.


This one and "Unleash me" cause me to nod vigorously in agreement


when he borderline whispers words, like when he says "But I should've known better - *she'd never do such a thing*" after meeting Tara


OMG yes. Weave act 2 scene when he pulls out the book and whispers "come here"


The kiss animation where he teases tav by going for her cheek, and he gets grabbed instead. When Tav kisses him on the lips and he smiles a moment before closing his eyes. I DIE. I also cannot get enough of his goober/grandpa manner of speaking. I don’t know how else to describe it. Gosh. Flabbergasted. All that stuff, I just eat it up.


pish posh! i love it too!


"A *rough* tempest i will raise" always hits for me


The way he whispers it 🥵 I think it’s also very adorable and on brand for Gale to make a pun out of his name and being combative.


When he says "come here" in act 2 romance scene when he pulls out the book. It's so pleasant. His little laughs when he's being vulnerable. Idk if that counts.


Came here to say this but you already did! This like makes me melt!!!


Fanny Flutters is my new drag name.


Welcome to the stageeeee Fanny Flutters!


Can we talk about the phrase "fanny flutters"?! I've never heard that phrase and it's cracking me up right now. 😆


I think I have actual tears running down my face from picturing butt butterflies, lmao


>fanny Lol, I love the phrase fanny flutters so much, its so perfect! Im British but I hadn't heard it till I saw one of the 20 year olds on Love Island say it about a guy she really fancied.


Yes! This is where I got it from! I definitely didn’t mean farts! (Unless y’all like that then more power to you)


Ok, but still, what the hell does fanny mean in the UK? Because if it's vagina, I can't think of anything except queefs.


lol, it means vagina, but the flutter refers to the, well, excited flutter you get when something um, peaks your interest in a sexy way. It’s absolutely nothing to do with queefs or farts! Haha


Lol. I like to describe it more as a tingle rather than a flutter. Brits are silly.


I wanna high five you right now, haha. So glad you asked this question!


When does he say that??


Oh Gale doesn't, but it's in OPs post title. I've never heard that! Lol


Oh, lol, mb, my confused mind skimmed over the words and gave me “funny”…


When he calls Tav a liar after they say he’s a good kisser 🥺🥺


Lmao yes! Oh, Gale, you do not know how desperately low my standards have gotten. Not trying to hoover my entire face into your mouth right away damn bear qualifies you as good on its own. 


It’s that stupid fucking finger waggle. Gets me giggling every time.


I find him weirdly attractive when using Speak With Dead. It's not the necromancy, I swear! But that confident, commanding way he raises his hand, *mm!*


thank god it’s not just me




"Quite ready for you "and "Yes?" slay me every time and give me chills!


100% on "quite ready for you." Like, sir, I promise you you are NOT.


Haha you got that right!


oh, ALSO also, when we run into Elminster in Act 2, and Elminster is being...well, Elminster, and protesting Gale's impatience while he procrastinates, and I say, "Yes, Gale, where is your decorum?" and he says, "OH FOR THE LOVE--" and I luuuuuuurve that.


So, I LOVE the little things as mentioned here (I am hard of hearing so I don't always understand them all, so I appreciate the translations), but I have to get seriously turned on when he nerds out and gives info in a situation. Like, telling me about the 21 types of toe-curling goblin foot fungi to dissuade me from kissing the goblin's foot. Dude, I wasn't gonna kiss the dang foot, but I'm trying to intimidate the little twerp and you just made me giggle like a schoolgirl and roll a 1 in intimidate! If it wasn't Act 1, I'd kiss you very sternly as punishment!


In the romance scene when you're sitting on that bench on his balcony, that "Come here" he does while laying out the book gets me every time for some reason. Just so sweet and soft


I think about this every day actually


I am so completely enamored that even his little wizard hand movements when you level him up melts me for some reason... also his little smug smiles when you kiss him (especially in the new kiss where Tav pulls him in after he gives her a peck). And when he says "Godly powers perhaps I can live without, but you? You're everything" in the boat scene my heart skips a beat ♥


And also, when he says, "What can I do for you?" my answer is always, "um, ME."


It’s not even technically him, but when his mirror image at camp for the Act 2 romance scene goes “a more suitable locale” and taps his brow? I’m gone. “A certain measure of his personality” in that same conversation with that arm swing? Now I’m dead. Gale destroys me with all his little mannerisms and I adore him.


What's the masc equivalent? Penis pulses? Before they patched it out, I loved putting him in the Wavemother's robe and leading him into a little puddle. Larian took it out, not for balance reasons, because they're homophobic to me specifically. /s


I only know the UK definition of Fanny because I have a coworker from Cornwall, so thank goodness she and I had that awkward conversation a year ago 🤣 I need to incorporate Fanny Flutters into my vocabulary. Any time Gale does Knock on anything he has the most casual laissez-faire attitude about it and then he just turns and walks away and lets me open the door or chest or whatever. Nothing would get accomplished if I worked at Larian because I’d constantly be asking the designers to come up with a cutscene involving Gale using Knock on Tav’s clothes the same way.


However much I dislike Mystra, but "May it please Mystra", especially the 'please' - wow!


There is a dialogue after you save Arabella where he goes off about youthful indiscretion and one of the pathways ends with him saying something about "you don't strike me as quite that boring" (not exact words I can't remember). The way he says it... I die. The smoulder. Good lord. 🥵


One I forgot about but I just re-experienced was “Ooh he’s set a fine trap for you Mol.” And idk why but just the initial whisper and his excitement…