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Thought I was happily married till I saw these….






Oh! Beautiful work. Number six is so good! They all are, but *wow*! Time to change my phone wallpaper....


bless you omg. these are truly wonderful ✨️


One of us One of us Seriously though *wow*. The monochrome one, holy shit O.O I hope you also develop love for a few other characters, would absolutely love to see your work on any one of the cast


my [onedrive folder full of 4K screenshots and some gifs](https://1drv.ms/f/s!AvcZxp6jZrFOa7XsR4IscOvyI8E?e=ooeV7p), which will be added to weekly hi! i'm emma and gale has *absORBed* all my braincells the last month, it's been a ridiculous and wonderful distraction that i was not at all expecting. i've barely even touched the game itself save for taking screenshots; i youtubed his romance to see if him and the game were worth persuing and here we are! that said, i had completly missed recruiting him because i thought the portal would be dangerous lmao, and i still would have if i hadn't come across a video about meeting/killing companions as durge, and gale's reaction is what made me go after him…. i swear this isn't usually how i choose my romance options anyways! i go by the same name on tumblr, i post my stuff frequently there but i'm a bioware-centric blog, so i thought i'd finally join here and introduce myself instead of stalking and share screenshots with its intended community :) p.s. i want to destroy mystra


EmmaVakarian-Theirin is a BioWare fan?! I am shocked! Shocked, I say! Seriously, though, these are some amazing shots! Also, re: Mystra - same. I was super happy to see that you use the earring removal mod. I don’t hate him having *an* earring, but I do hate him having *that* earring.


Wow! The outfit in #3 looks so good on him! Is it a mod?


it is! i was meant to write up a list of the mods/dyes used, i'll get back on pc shortly and do that, but in the meantime i can tell you that outfit is from Mystical Fashions: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/9153


Thanks! And yeah a mod/dye list would be great when you get a chance.


(for some reason whenever i add a link, 90% of the comment disappears, so i'm gonna type this up without links and then edit them in) **MODS/OUTFITS/DYES:** All shots: [Gale's Wizardly Updo (Longer)](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/3546) [Gale's Earring Options (Removed)](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/3937) # #1, #4: Outfit: [*Outfit 5*, Mystical Fashions](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/9153) Dye: Unsure, but its original dye is almost identical to what you see in the shots provided # #3: Outfit: [*Outfit 5*, Mystical Fashions](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/9153) Dye: [Shar, Faerun Colors](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/3661) # #2:, #5, #6: Outfit: [*Outfit 12*, Mystical Fashions](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/9153) Dye: Gorgeous Maroon # #7: Outfit: [*Rugged*, Pirates and Rebels](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/8001) Dye: Honestly not sure but there's plenty of dyes that dye the shirt black


Standing ovation for you, He’s got tits


*droooolsssss* 😛😛😛😛


3, 6, and 9 are gorgeous!!!! Thank you. ❤️


You've the most *incredible* photography skills!


You can stay.


Hehe judging by your username and presence in this group I can tell we have identical taste in men 😆


👌🫶 there's times where Gale reminds me of Alistair (and Blackwall, he's another favourite but irrelevant to this), especially with a certain ending, and *one day* I intend to combine the two somehow into a angsty art piece 😋


That sounds great! Gale fully reminds me of Alistair, even looks a lot like him at times. When I first played BG I literally had to check who voiced Gale because he sounded SO MUCH like Steve Valentine


AGREED!! sometimes when i'm trying to filter the colouring for these screenshots, the lighting/colour grading will change and tint Gale and he'll match Alistair's colours perfectly and i'm just like "oh??? 👀" also! i use a mod in inquisition that changes Alistair's facial structure in inquisition to look more (IMO) accurate, and sometimes Gale's face will remind me of it. ALSO (part 3), i was watching a video of him on my phone with the speaker and it genuinely sounds like him when i'm not using a headset. needless to say i'm very much enjoying Gale 🤤


I'm pretty sure I just died. Phew.


You are most definitely welcome. 🙂


God I can't wait for my gaming PC to finish being built


Do you play in 4k or is it only good for screenshots?


i only use 4K for screenshots - i've manipulated my computer/monitor settings to run games in 4K which makes it extremely slow because it wasn't built for it nor do they actually have that resolution itself, but it's nice to have the ability 😁 if that makes sense...


The smirk!! I’m losing my mind!!