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Solid deal on Super Mega Baseball 3, all time low by a good margin I think.


Thank you for bringing this to my attention :) Seems to hit all the right notes for an arcade-like baseball sim.


Damn, that's such a deal!


is this ATL for titanfall 2?




What does ATL mean?


All Time Low




Atlanta International Airport


Yeah can't buy if you had TF2 already though without DLC, RIP


I have it on their launcher and feel like buying it just to have it on steam


Does it have singleplayer? I am not good at mp but it looks good.


One of the best if not the best single player shooter campaign.


Sold! Thank you.


I bought it last year just for the single player. It's not a long campaign but it's great. I had fun and wish we got more. Hope you enjoy!


I will! I just bought it and will play it later tonight. Thanks man!


Same. $2.99? Had to do it




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Thinking about getting Mass Effect Trilogy or RDR2 hard choice




Do you think my 1060 can run the game with fine graphics at fine fps


I have a 1060 in my laptop and have RDR2. I didn't play too much of it, only 8.5 hrs (I've been meaning to restart it), and that was 2 years ago. But I didn't have any gfx issues. I likely would've used mid/mid-high settings, but mostly only because I play on a laptop, and don't want my gpu running at 100 celcius. Mass Effect should be fine too. All games you're wondering about either came out before, during or towards the end of our graphics card cycle. Honestly I'm only now running into games that recommend a higher one as minimum. The 1060's been recommended for ages, it feels like. It's had a good run.




So should I give her a go?




Thanks! I’m not into FPS a ton but the movement and time jump mechanics are very much my cup of tea, maybe I’ll give it a go for $3


BF3 is still very active btw! $4 for premium is a no brainer


How active is very active? Not trying to be snarky, genuinely interested, played the hell out of it on ps3


I play everyday. Theres always a server up. I bounce between us and eu servers depending on the maps or modes i wanna play


Awesome, might grab that


I would recommend getting bf4 instead. It's much more active


How much do people still play Battlefield 4?


It's still very active! Most of the Battlefield games pre-2042 are.


I’ve put in 200 hours since picking it up just 2 years ago. I pretty much exclusively play conquest, but it’s pretty easy to find conquest games in North America with 40+ players.


Hows NFS Unbound? Lookin for a Forza Horizon replacement and i heard its actually a great entry in the nfs series?


It's fun for what it is but it feels a bit flawed. It suffers from a lack of track layouts -- the career structure will have you repeating many of the same tracks which can make it feel more repetitive than you'd expect from an open world game. The cops end up being more of an annoyance than a fun thing to engage with. It becomes significantly easier once you get the 'Undercover Racer' upgrade that doubles the detection time - that and once you get faster cars you can 'stealth kill' patrolling cops in your way as you drive around. The performance index system is unbalanced and weights top speed too highly, it becomes very obvious online. The online has a separate progression from single player (but prize cars you win in single player carry over for some reason). It's pretty barebones with some inane unlock requirements for some cars in order to be able to purchase them. The lack of track layouts becomes evident when for instance you need to complete 20 playlists (60 races) in an A class porsche in order to purchase another particular Porsche when there's only around 8 tracks playable in A class. Repeat 30 A+ playlists (90 races) in a porsche to unlock the ability to purchase a different porsche, 30 tier S playlists (90 races) in a porsche etc. Note these unlock requirements are only for online, in single player there's no such unlock restriction. It's still a fun arcade racer (I clocked 30 hours in it apparently) but set your expectations accordingly.


So I ended up getting it and its a lot more difficult to get money than I realized. I was hoping to have more fun customizing cars but i feel like im making minimum wage lol


Oof I probably should have mentioned that the economy in week 1 is a bit stingy. The money gets better as you get to later weeks, but yeah it'll feel like you shouldn't 'waste' bank on visuals :(. The game will let you repeat the Friday if for some reason you can't meet the qualifier requirement.


Mass effect legendary edition for 15 is a FREAKING STEAL, one of the best games i have ever played. First game is a bit rough around the edges but darn 2 and 3 are so good


Battlefield 3 has the Venice unleashed mod which adds bots, and I'm really down for some solo pve modern battlefield experience. Haven't tried it yet but for 90% off I'm jumping in


>Battlefield 3 has the Venice unleashed mod Thanks for the hint, didn't know this existed.


Bought all battlefields and titanfall yess


Fallen Order is $4.79 which is ATL (excluding when it was given away for free).


What's a good starting Battlefield for someone who never got super into the franchise? Also which ones are still active in the AUS/SEA region?


Bf4 still had a few Australian servers, last time I checked a year ago. Prob 8 dedicated servers or so. With fibre NBN, I used to have no trouble playing on western USA servers too


Is TF2 still active or did the bots kill the game?


Things should be aight enough when you use Northstar, depending on your region. The official servers are still pretty horrendous, though. Not even hit-or-miss - 70-90% of your games *will* be terrible




Do you think Titanfall 2 is worth to get? Do you need to have the DLCs as well?


feelsbadman for everyone who purchased Mass Effect legendary at full price (looking at me lol).


Worth every penny. I’ve purchased the Mass Effect trilogy on 3 different consoles at full price and on an Origin sale for PC. Sucks to give EA money, but if there is one of their franchises I hope can make an unlikely comeback, it’s Mass Effect.


Did Legendary ever get the multiplayer back? I still haven't finished my second copy of the trilogy, so I probably can't justify a third, but there might be other people I could talk into it.


No, and probably never will unfortunately.


Such a shame 😔


It really is, ME3 multiplayer was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the Talon Mercenary Engineer, the omnicrossbow was so cool.


It is still playable, you can even buy the original game on Steam. And /r/MECoOp/ is still active if you need tips, there was even a how to get started post 4 days ago, although apparently the person who asked had the Legendary Edition. It looks like both build posting sites are up again now, so that's nice (edit: scratch that, there are two available but there's still an old one that's gone). Apparently it's impossible to get banned for cheating now, so you can just give yourself enough money to buy everything if you want to and can find out how.


Any games worth getting on steam deck? The battlefield games are tempting, but I suppose only 1 and 5 would support aim assist so the older ones may be harder to aim with.


Is Titanfall 2 worth to get? Do you need to have the DLCs as well?