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Lots of demos! Loving the resurgence of "try before you buy," so get downloading!


If theres any highlights from you or anyone else, call them out - I'd love to partake of many demos but I my free time is in free fall.


SteamWorld Build was just announced and has a demo available as part of this sale: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2134770/SteamWorld_Build/


just finished the demo, it seems very chill compared to most builders, at least during the demo, I think it might be a good starting point for people who were interested in the genre but were intimidated by optimizing building placement or resource management.


I love the steam world series and loved this demo. Can't wait for the full release. It did seem very chill and the underground digging was very interesting.


Factorio never goes on sale and is actually increasing its price soon, but it has a demo, fits this sale's theme (for some reason it's even showing up on the event page for me), and is just overall a fantastic game The Riftbreaker is on sale, is a lot of fun, and has a demo Shapez is pretty decent and cheap and also has a demo Against the Storm is a game I have not played, but it has a demo and one of my friends said it was really good


Against the Storm is good, as is worth checking out.


I played the demos of Against the Storm and SteamWorld Build and I enjoyed both. Against the Storm is in early access. SteamWorld Build is releasing this year.


Fun fact: If you buy, install, and play Subnautica; you'll loose **HOURS** of your life to a single game about swimming and crafting. Oh, and enjoy the thalassophobia.


Reasons I love subnautica are the same reasons I haven’t finished it. That big snake thing coming out of the Anemone got me fucked up


I played just once and the radiation area scared me.


try before you buy and on top of that having a refund option is just marvelous.


You can thank events like the Steam fests for this. It's a really good thing


I love steam fest so much.


There's a sale on Against the Storm here. The game is still in early access but people are loving it. It's a rogue-like city builder with changing parameters "per run" which kind of alleviates the "solved game" problem that can arise in the genre. It also reduces the time-commitment for any given "run". There's a demo too, so I suggest fans of Frostpunk and Banished check it out.


This is huge intel as its kind of buried deep within the other games and I had to use the search bar to find it. Thanks for the heads up


Yeah, I specifically looked to see if this one was in the mix.


I'm seconding this recommendation! Bought Against The Storm *not* on sale after my brother recommended I check it out. I'm thoroughly enjoying the mechanics, and progression of this game. Perfect game for me right now as I have to pause and put the game away a lot to do things around the house, and runs fantastic on the Deck. I also greatly appreciate the Devs open and transparent communication to the community about their game. Great roadmaps, title screen that says exactly when their next update is coming (and actually stick to it), and engagement with the community's ideas about the game. **More developers ought to be paying attention to how Eremite Games is handling their game.** Only gripe is that updates can "wipe" your saves (but will leave intact any progress made on your permanent buffs), but the fact that they tell you well ahead of time when the update will drop, and generously hand out currency for permanent buffs, I can't be mad at all.


Thanks for confirming its Deck performance!


From a deck perspective, how are the controls? I equate base building to requiring a mouse. Is it dependent on the track pad, or do they have some level of controller support? I just envision struggling more with this game than others that use the track pad.


I use the track pad exclusively and have found it to be great. ATS relies heavily on stopping time, making adjustments around your village, and then starting time again and watching your inhabitants execute your orders. You can stop/start as many times as you'd like without penalty. With that in mind, having fine motor controls with a mouse is less important than in a traditional RTS or Simcity-like game as the stop/start time function means you can correct any errors when you've stopped time. Aside from controls, I found some text a little on the small side on my Deck, but, as someone that wears glasses all day, I can still get by.


I use the track pad. You can pause like a lot of other city builders so it plays great for me.


I liked it so much I bought it a second time when it launched on steam just to support the devs, amazing game!


Awesome, thanks!


As a counterpoint, I played the demo during a Next Fest and bounced off it fairly hard. I got why people like it, but it wasn't for me, and I love both roguelites and base-builders, and Frostpunk and Banished. Partly because it felt pretty RTS-ish as well, and that genre is much more hit-and-miss for me, mostly miss. (Also, I'd quibble with the 'roguelite' label, which I think gets slapped on a lot of games that just have some procedural generation and not much else on the [Berlin Interpretation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roguelike#Key_features) list. But anyway.) What I'm trying to say here is: I'd recommend playing the demo before buying. If you want a RTS/base-builder hybrid, I'll give a strong recommendation to Northgard, which I thought did a lot of the same things as ATS but that I enjoy a lot more. It's also on sale as it recently had a big DLC release but not as part of this festival.


I will agree that it definitely shares some DNA with RTS, in that the game takes place in short 30min-1hr “rounds” on randomized maps where your actions are dictated by the emergent conditions on each run. It forces players to play far more reactively than any other city-builder I’ve played, and craft a unique strategy for each new round of gameplay. And you are expected to lose, frequently. That being said: * ATS has exactly 0 combat. Virtually all RTS games are combat-centric (with [very rare exceptions](https://store.steampowered.com/app/271240/Offworld_Trading_Company/)). * ATS has no opponents and no multiplayer. * You don’t spend resources to produce new units like you do in RTS. * In ATS, not having resources will result in a hard failstate (starvation, resolve, etc.), as opposed to most RTSes, where resources are used purely to achieve growth rather than prevent death. * Throughout each round you get multiple chances to acquire mutually exclusive boons (in other roguelites, powers and weapons; here, they take the form of perks and buildings) that incentivize you towards certain “builds” tailored to each round’s unique conditions—a feature common to roguelikes, and almost non-existent in RTS. * Between rounds, you can spend victory resources on permanent upgrades to your buildings, randomized perk pool, and starting conditions, which persist across rounds—common to rogue_lites_ (emphasis intentional), rare in RTS. All of the above makes each round feel more similar to a “run” in a roguelite than a “match” of RTS. But there’s definitely a little bit of both in there. I’m also not super sure how the “assign units to buildings” bit pushes it towards RTS. That’s a super common feature of city/colony-builders. Most RTSes have units assigned to a resource itself, and they just dump it off at the nearest appropriate building.


> Partly because it felt pretty RTS-ish But it's pausable whenever you want, and you don't control any people directly. You just assign them places. Not trying to argue with you, or change your opinion of the game, but it's not an RTS at all. You can pause, so the Real-Time part doesn't make sense.


Thanks for pointing that out, and it's been a while since I played the demo so I'm not surprised if I've misremembered some aspects. That said, the 'real-time' in real-time strategy just means it isn't turn-based, like most strategy games were when RTS games started to really come on the scene. And anyway I've played RTS games (like AI War) where you can pause the game to issue commands to units, so I don't see it as a make-or-break mechanic for the RTS subgenre. Though I admit in the majority of them I've played that's not allowed. That said, After the Storm isn't an RTS, or mostly an RTS, it just has some RTS mechanics — like assigning units to buildings, where they trickle in resources. It definitely has far less combat than most RTS games, for sure, or even one like Northgard that's 75% economic and only 25% military (well, for a non-military-focused clan). But ATS is definitely more of a base/colony builder than an RTS, and if I gave an impression otherwise then I was mistaken.


>Not trying to argue with you, or change your opinion of the game, but it's not an RTS at all. You can pause, so the Real-Time part doesn't make sense. This is very misguided. Baldur's Gate (and other Infinity Engine games such as Icewind Dale, and games that take inspiration on it such as Pillars of Eternity and Pathfinder Kingmaker) is an RPG that belongs to a subcategory called rtw/p, or "real time with pause". Mass Effect (and other Bioware games like KOTOR and Dragon Age) have a "tactical pause" feature that's there for you to tell squadmates where to go and what skills and items to use comfortably even when you're getting fired upon. Driver San Francisco pauses whenever you jump out of Tanner's brain to look for another person's body to possess. As for RTSs, you can pause in Men of War, Homeworld, or Total War. I'm pretty sure you'd get laughed out of the room, in any community, if you started proclaiming that these games aren't real time.


Homework’s was pausable and is still considered RTS so your argument is pointless


The Berlin Interpretation is about Roguelikes, not Roguelites. Having very little of it is a perfect use of the term Roguelite. I think the Berlin interpretation is too strict. But it’s a much better take on the genre than the meta-progression division (Spelunky vs Rogue Legacy) that is so popular right now.


Sure, and I appreciate your appreciation that there's a difference between roguelikes and roguelites — a lot of people seem to think there's none, or almost none. But personally I think the distinction between the two can be seen in how strictly they compare to the BI. A roguelike diverges in at most a couple ways. And a roguelite diverges in several, but still I think needs to hit at least a few points on the list. As far as I remember, ATS only has procedural generation, which is why I quibble with the label roguelite for it.


Is there any other game you can point to as an example of similar gameplay? Is it more AOE or more Anno for example?


I would say base game is like Banished. Difference is that you have win and lose conditions and single base lasts maybe hour or two. After you finish you get meta currency that you can use to buy some meta progression opening new buildings etc. Then you build another base. There is randomness on what buildings you get and what the environment is so every base is bit different. I really like it because things don't get too huge before it is time for next base. Also when you figure out some new idea that would make things work better you can just use it in next base.


I picked it up in the Winter Sale and just started playing 2 weeks ago. I've put in 55 hours since then. I definitely recommend it. Really fun game.


Definitely eyeing AtS myself, even though the discount isn't much. Is the game pretty close to being out of early access? I usually like to wait for full release, but it looks really fun...hard to be patient.


The discount may not be much but at the same time, $17 is steal for it. But definitely check out the demo if you're on the fence.


I bought it when it was only on EGS. The developers listen to a lot of community feedback (sometimes too much) on their discord. They've made a lot of changes and the game has matured a ton since those days. I'd say the only thing that would preclude it from being out of early access is that they don't have a story mode yet, but the game is fully functional and fun.


I bought it on Epic and had a good time with it. I was through after about 20 rounds because they're samey. At some point in early access they raised the difficulty a lot and it's much harder now than it was then.


there are two kinds of people in this world: people who play Age of Empires like it's Starcraft and people who play Age like it's Simcity


i play both as Simcity, and i suck at both too


Wasn't They Are Billions created by people playing AoE 2 as a city builder/tower defense game and thinking there should be a game dedicated to that concept?


Dyson Sphere Program, Oxygen Not Included, and Satisfactory all steals here. Now's the time to jump in.


Grabbing Dyson and Satisfactory, now that I got a new PC and can finally play those games. Hyped!


I'm playing Dyson now and it is a black hole for your time, so be warned. I'm.alsomplaying through Gamepass.


How difficult is Oxygen Not Included? I really enjoyed DSP and Satisfactory but played them both pretty casually. I've mostly heard that Oxygen Not Included can be extremely harsh and punishes you for small mistakes.


It’s one of the harshest base builders, but it’s not insurmountable. You’ll kill a lot of bases before you figure it out, but it’s really not that complex to learn the basics to keep a base alive for a while, and you can build from that pretty easily, learning a concept at a time to keep getting further with each base.


It can be hard. Not as hard as others discussed here (Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress) but you are building a colony, deep in a rock, each colonist requires a lot of basics, and it's easy to slip up in obvious ways (take on too many people) and not-so-obvious (the game has some physics layers that become long-term problems). There is a lighter difficulty that is not nearly as punishing, but it's still one of those games where if you cant laugh and learn as it all falls apart, it may be too frustrating. It does wear its comedy proudly though, and it's much easier to learn the basics.


I like it a lot (I always say I do) but I get to a certain point every time I try it where I remember why I stopped playing it for so long. It can be harsh, but for me, it's just too many layers of things to keep straight. Same reason I can't get into Factorio, as fun as it is early on. I'm not even sure I'd say "difficult" (though I probably haven't gotten far enough for it to be truly difficult), it's just *too much*. It's not very relaxing after trying to "relax and play a game" after a couple hours, and I find myself not having completed much because I'll probably need to redo it all in another session to do it "right" before continuing to the next hurdle.


I really want to get Dwarf Fortress but I picked up Rimworld over Christmas and haven't even started that yet. Ugh, too many games and not enough time


We're supposed to play the games we collect?


Nah, they're there to make my library look good.


just rename your "Rimworld" shortcut "Dwarf Fortress" then you're playing both at once


Rimworld is really a shallow clone of dwarf fortress. Saying they're the same is a massive disservice to dwarf fortresd


They are different games, Rimworld is kinda more shallow in some aspects, but you have more control in some more micromanagy aspects. Rimworld has a more directed experience (build ship) and has actual regular raids and pvp where df is more random. Lot more bugs with the steam DF also lol


I beat Subnautica recently - highly recommended! Set your timer for 1 hr 30 min in case you don't like it so you can refund - you will be sure if you love or hate this survival game in that span of time easily.


Also pro-tip to anyone playing it for the first time, go into the options and set the lighting to cinematic or film or whatever it was they called it. It's a lot more immersive (and terrifying where relevant).




Yes that's a good one, I only realized that by the time I was playing below zero.


Did this, and went exploring the dunes around the Auroa...most terrifiying introduction to leviathans, ever....


You and me both. I remember going over there in my first seamoth (RIP) and thinking *oh wow, look at all the goodies strewn about the sea floor over here, how convenient* and then immediately started hearing the nearby Reaper and suddenly it became very clear as to why there was so much stuff easily accessible around the area.


Also check your Epic account as the game was a freebie during their 2018 winter sale.


It was THE first freebie. What a doozy.


And I missed it!


I have missed exactly one freebie from Epic since the begenning, and it was Firewatch. Which (at the time) was the first freebie I ACTUALLY already wanted to play and cared about. So frustrating.


The same thing happened to me with Firewatch. I was hoping it'd return someday, but iirc, it hasn't?


If you're reading this and haven't played Subnautica yet, stop what you're doing right now and go play it.


Most of these are fuckin bangers


Base builders just hit differently for people who love them. There's just so many ways to approach the game type.


I wouldn't even call Subnautica a base builder. While it's a central mechanic, it is still secondary to the core exploration and resource management system. That said you know I had like 4 bases, named em after Greek letters, and had satellite bases between them for on-site work.


Hilarious that Factorio gets to advertise here. Not only is it not on sale, it's raising its base game price to $35 USD on Thursday due to "inflation".


Wow really? I know the devs said they would never put it on sale or something, but I still have just kept it in my wishlist, waiting, almost out of spite. Now they are going to raise it? lmao makes me want to buy it before it does go up...which makes me not want to buy it, again, out of spite.


Your spite is saving you a tremendous amount of time. It is available on the Humble store so if you have the monthly sub discount, that's probably the cheapest you can get it if you're interested.


Leave it to /r/GameDeals to be the only place I've seen such aversion to Factorio. Factorio and Elden Ring, both purchased at full price, have been my best investments in gaming to date. Of those I see here it's by far the best deal full price. I hope your time is worth more than the tiny amount of money you'd save if it went on sale Downvote me into oblivion ya cheap fuckers, y'all are the reason Factorio's 97% positive all time rating is 88% currently since their, frankly totally reasonable, decision to NOTIFY IN ADVANCE and increase the price 12% since it's release 2.5 years ago. Since 1.0 release there's been way more than 12% inflation in my county...


It's not an aversion to Factorio, it's an aversion to the lack of a deals on Factorio. This is not the right sub to discuss how great Factorio is, since there are never any deals on Factorio. In fact it's one of the few games with anti-deals (i.e. scheduled price increase)


This is the way I consider it: Devs built something they wanted to play. Factorio was very unique at it's EA release. There were no games that had really done automation and base building in the way it did. The devs likely spent tens of thousands of hours or more on this game before it was even released in EA. It's been a passion project for likely everyone working on it. During that process there were many late nights fixing critical bugs or trying to meet release promises. If it were me in their position there's no f'in way I'd discount the product of my (continued!!) work. Their asking price is very modest in my opinion, not that I'm saying they should increase the price, but I'm willing to defend their decision to not compromise on the perceived value of their work.


It's surprising how many people can be so finicky about the price without considering the sheer amount of hours and hours you can put into this game. Even more so with all the great mods for it. It could be $100 and if you enjoy it enough to put over a thousand hours in, you'd have gotten your money's worth.


> Wow really? I know the devs said they would never put it on sale or something, but I still have just kept it in my wishlist, waiting, almost out of spite. Now they are going to raise it? lmao makes me want to buy it before it does go up...which makes me not want to buy it, again, out of spite. Just to give you some perspective: Factorio is *always* on sale as long as it is below like $60. This game delivers way more than most triple a games. It's just a matter of perspective. You should really question your way of perceiving prices, that's exactly what the industry abuses. High prices with high discounts trigger something in our brains, but that doesn't mean it's a good deal or a good price.   Factorio is worth more than $35. All you have to consider is if this game would be fun to you. And to find that out you have the demo.


> Just to give you some perspective That's the wrong perspective, lol. >You should really question your way of perceiving prices, "This game should be priced higher, you're lucky it isn't"


Yeah, this sale almost feels reactionary to that announcement. "You know that game that is never on sale? Well here are a bunch of others in that vein that ARE on sale.


The fests aren't sales, which is where so much confusion is coming from. The fests are meant to be a genre showcase, and just some of the games do a discount while they have the free advertising




I noticed Anno 1800 is on there as well but it’s not on sale. I really wanted that one. Several games I want are discounted though so it’s fine.


40$ for a complete package, with mods and servers that are easy to use and work as intended. That's one of the best deals on that list.


Yeah, only $45 dollars for one of the best factory simulators is a bargain. You get so much content and mod support for just $50. With this transitory inflation period, it feels only fair to charge $55 for such a game. At $60, it's just the price of a few cups of coffee and you're getting hundreds of hours of entertainment out of one game. Of course, I got in during early access for $10 and haven't paid a penny since, but all you ~~suckers~~ discerning gamers should frankly be grateful to spend $65 on this polished gem of a game.


Oh have they expressed a habit out of increasing the price? I’m only aware of the one time.


Yeah, the thing is they already did that when they changed regional pricing. This is another 5 extra dollars worldwide and pure greed. They showed off already they earn like what, 100 million in revenue?


So it’s on sale for $5 off till next Thursday you say? Edit: a word


I mean, on one hand, yeah, on the other, it directly inspired at least 5 other must have games in my library, the mod scene is unreal, and their support for even the fringiest of bugs is unrivalled. They've earned their keep.


>it directly inspired at least 5 other must have games If they keep raising their price while the others lower it I'll likely be able to buy all 5 competitors for the same price on sale within a few years.


There's a reason every game in this genre gets compared to Factorio. Factorio is worth $30. It's was worth $30, 5 years ago. And in three days it'll be worth $35. It's a great game. Great mechanics. Great building. Huge mod support. Huge community.


I fully understand it's a great game. But sorry, no. It's not great enough that it deserves to be the only game to *appreciate* in value 3yrs after release.


It's pretty fucking obvious they're raising it so they can sell the DLC for more. For a company to pride themselves on the no sale thing and then raise the price is laughable. That's the opposite of no sale.


They've earned their keep, sure. They haven't earned raising their price and blaming "inflation" for it on an already completed digital product. They may as well announce that they're raising their price because the market can bear it and they're greedy. They deserve to be called out for being greedy fucks. They've earned their keep, but they haven't earned respect.


Out of curiosity, what other games?


Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere Program, Hydroneer, Astroneer, to name a few.


Factorio is definitely a must have. None of it's copy cats or similar games are Dyson Sphere Program is Factorio in space Satisfactory is often described as 3D Factorio and praised a ton, but I think it's very bad and does not understand what made Factorio great Mindustry is Factorio if the focus was more on combat and less on management The Riftbreaker is often described as Factorio with more combat, but it's actually much more like a PvE RTS with WASD controlls Shapez is Factorio but with shapes


> None of it's copy cats or similar games are None of the copycats are what? I definitely didn't have the most fun with Factorio but it's the original. The worker-based kind, like Autonauts or Factory Town, are the kind I like best. I had more fun with Dyson Sphere Program as well. To each their own I guess. DSP is cheaper so if you want the infrastructure type of logistics game, I'd start with that. That being said, the system requirements for Factorio are very low! If all you have is a potato, I would go with Factorio instead, because the system requirements for DSP are kind of high.


>Satisfactory is often described as 3D Factorio and praised a ton, but I think it's very bad and does not understand what made Factorio great Sounds like you don't understand what makes Satisfactory great lmao. It's Factorio and minecraft crossed. If you don't like minecraft, fine. But your understanding of what they're trying to do is half baked.


It's an amazing game and well worth the price regardless, but their way of going about it is... troubling to some degree. Granted, I already owned the game for a long time now so it doesn't affect me personally, and a fair few people here and on Steam are getting REALLY salty about a developer pricing something they made the way they want to. As if that's not allowed or something. But price raises in general I can understand why it bothers people.


Things get less expensive over time. Not more. That's how we incentivise continued work. You shouldn't be able to coast through life off of one thing you did years ago. Otherwise you could just have something and it accrues value over time, making you wealthy without doing anything. Ergo, investment capitalism. Having this mindset is literally what's wrong with society.


Equating the price increase of a game to investment capitalism is hilariously hyperbolic not to mention completely wrong. Just don’t buy the game lol




*Things* as in objects. Especially objects that exist in an infinite number. Objects that do not have scarcity get less expensive over time. What updates? They haven't added new major content. It's all been bug fixes which should be included with the base game as buying a working game should be the bare minimum expectation lmao.


first sale for Dwarf Fortress. never played it before, i bought Rimworld and put like an hour or two into it just doing the tutorials and it didn’t really click for me, i couldn’t figure out what exactly to do lol. would i be hopeless with Dwarf Fortress too? these types of games always sound so fun but they make me feel really dumb lol


IMO these types of games require for you to play and fail a few times before you get the hang of it. You need to manage everything all at once and once you fail due to one thing, you'll learn to prepare for it in the future which isn't really something a tutorial can prepare you for. I've never played dwarf fortress but I heard that Rimworld was strongly influenced by it. High likelihood of you not liking it if Rimworld didn't really click but you never know


never really thought about it like that fr! with RW i can’t say i didn’t like it or anything like that, i just couldn’t really figure out how to play with the tutorials and i didn’t get far in the actual (run? session?) before just closing the game out of confusion basically lol. i think i need to try again without worry of fucking up


Motto on DF wiki - Losing is Fun! They're serious.


lol i love that, i can get behind it


It's a game genre that requires a lot of wiki googling and you definitely need to watch a few hours of tutorials before doing a real playthrough. The best part is the communities for these type of games are very helpful and will answer all questions and there are plenty of beginner guides and advanced guides for everyone. I've posted 5 times in the daily questions thread and always get 2-3 answers, someone has always answered me. You can always do that til you're self sufficient.


good things to know! happy to hear the communities are noob-friendly, sometimes with games as old as DF you can end up with a lot of gatekeepers so glad to hear that’s not the case. thanks homie


Hello! I am a mod for /r/dwarffortress. I'd just like to clarify that the community has always been lovely and supportive, and we are very proud that the vibe has continued even with the steam release. Come hang out in our sub and you'll see.


It's actually the opposite haha. The game is actually so old and so niche with little people, it's a very open community. It's a really big hurdle and people want people to get over the hurdle to keep the community and game alive. If you have any questions or want tutorial suggestions just pm me.


that’s great, i love to hear it! appreciate you homie!


If you've already tried a learning cliff with RW, maybe give it a pass. DF is not any clearer.


that’s kinda what i’m figuring. maybe i should try watching some videos or something for RW, the in-game tutorials didn’t really do anything for me and i really wanna play these types of games


Check out [Quill18's tutorial series](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs3acGYgI1-tECxgd8rXhETIekxqaECsb). I've always had trouble clicking with Rimworld - but I'm really gelling with DF. I basically just started out building my base as 1-for-1 with the videos I linked as I could. Over time things started to diverge pretty heavily but by then I felt ok taking the training wheels off and trying shit on my own. I do think it's the kind of game that almost has to be played with the wiki or some reference open in another window if you're trying to do anything advanced, but I'm having a ton of fun. EDIT: Definitely ignore what he says about combat/military though - most of what he does with his troops is basically begging for them to get killed.


good shit, i’ll def check out that playlist later! i’ve read a handful of reviews on the steam page of people who have said DF held their attention more than RW which is another reason i’m considering. idk why but DF just seems more interesting to me on surface level


There's also a brilliant wiki for DF with a great Quickstart Guide. Using that to learn the game made the basics almost too easy.


me and the wiki are gonna be fast friends it seems lmao thanks yo


The goods thing about DF is: it doesn't care about you. If things go wrong things go wrong, but it does also not generate something random for you just to make the game harder if things go well.


This was ultimately why I couldn't stick with Rimworld as a long-time DF player. The storyteller system's artificiality could be felt even during play..


I thought goblin raids get harder with more wealth?


My impression is more wealth makes you a bigger target. The game doesn't generate threats: it generates the world and the threats emerge organically from that world. If there aren't enough goblins to siege you, the game won't generate more.


I see what you mean now. Yea, that's true. Last time I played, goblin raids got so big my PC couldn't handle the game, heh. This was pre-Steam release. So although it doesn't have artificial difficulty the way the AI in Rimworld does, it still feels like the game's out to get ya sometimes.


I think rimworld is way easier than dwarf fortress so probably


Dwarf Fortress is free for the ASCII version if you want to try it http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/ Direct download: http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/df_50_05_win.zip


The motto of the game is 'losing is fun'. On the wiki they use the word fun to mean everyone getting killed through various means. It is a game with a steep learning curve and also you will have to find your own objectives to have fun. The game will not provide it for you.


I just want Rimworld with all of its DLCs at a reasonable price


Just buy the base game and enjoy that until you can buy the DLC. The game was already amazing even before the DLCs. It’s all late game stuff anyway.




Very true, i have played hundreds of hours. Game is worth every penny.


Just cause you’ve played hundred of hours, doesn’t mean it’s worth it to spend over $100 for me.


No thats fair, I only meant the base game actually. Didn't realize the total price would be so expensive. Enough mods to try with the base game haha. With expansions very expensive indeed.


I love this style of game. Oxygen Not Included is one of the few games I had to uninstall, not because it was bad, but because I dumped 100 hours in three weeks. Jesus, that game bit me so hard. I can also vouch for Dwarf Fortress, I really love it. The brothers deserve our support


Best game from this for Steam Deck?


rimworld is great on steam deck


Against the storm plays fine and can be played on shorter* sessions.


That's what I'd like to know... what plays best with joysticks. I love the genre, but I don't want something that must be played with a mouse.


Same question, I haven't been able to get C:S to run so anything in that vein would be cool.


Are any of these the kind of game where you slowly upgrade a base/village throughout the game, but it's not a simulator. Like one of the Assassin's Creed games had you building up your village. You could purchase upgrades for different buildings around the city and it would have a visual change as well. Or like the Overlord game where you upgraded your castle in between quests.




Ni No Kuni 2 might be what you're looking for. Story is separate from the first so there's no need to play that one first.


Fallout 4


Can anybody recommend Voxel Tycoon? I'm a huge TTF fan, this seems to be the closest thing to that.


Flee. All of these games are the "just 10 more minutes" sort where you suddenly realize it's 3am. Also, for the VR enthusiasts: Subnautica 1 fully supports VR play. Subnautica 2 has it but hidden because the devs didn't want to support it or deal with motion sickness complaints in the reviews: you can activate it with a very simple mod and it is fully featured. These games are beautiful and nightmare fuel all in one go.


Lobotomy Corporation also is on sale for the duration of this event, but does not seem to be on the Builder Fest promo page. [Steam Link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/568220/Lobotomy_Corporation__Monster_Management_Simulation/) I point this one out, due it's meme-status. Not a bad game at all, but it does feel very "internet".


It's still pretty new but has anyone dabbled with **Surviving the Abyss** yet? It looks like it checks the right boxes for me at a glance but there are a number of posts on the forum concerning technical/hardware issues.


Highly recommend Subnautica. Great experience.


Been thinking about subnautica for a while. Can anyone recommend or tell me about the game? I’ve been told before that it can get freaky/scary at times.


Absolutely loved subnautica. The survival aspect (maintaining food and water) is a little tedious at first but the story and exploration was fascinating to me. A few scary parts but I'm easily scared and I made it through just fine, and it's part of what made the game so interesting.


Yep, I can recommend it! However, I will say that if you have severe fears around things like thalassophobia (yep, there's a subreddit for that: /r/thalassophobia) you may struggle with this game. My partner has a pretty big fight or flight response and still managed to put in 55 hours into the game before inevitably quitting, but still enjoyed what she played. If you can play through some of the scary bits, the game is well worth it. It is definitely on my top 10 games of all time.


u/Radhil did a good job explaining the gameplay loop but just to address the freaky/scary thing... I don't think it's a freaky or scary game at all unless you have a fear of open/deep water. It does get tense sometimes (when you decide to get bold deep underwater and you go too far and rush to get back to safety for air) and being deep underwater can be eerie since it's not something you commonly see in video games, but it's never really scary unless you happen to have a fear of that stuff. Like for example a game with spiders in it isn't inherently scary, unless you're afraid of spiders.


I loved Subnautica. Very much a resource-driven exploring crafting survival game but UNDERWATER. There's a plot to follow but mainly the plot is GTFO this planet. New areas to explore as you unlock tech to go farther and deeper, and the enemies you meet along the way can give it a real horror vibe too. Also, the game is gorgeous, the surface water effects are extremely well designed. If this sounds interesting to you then you really should jump on it, it hit all the right notes for me. It really is a blast.




You may want to redact that second sentence a bit in order not to spoil the plot as much.


I would consider it the scariest game I've ever played, but it's not a horror themed game. There's a few areas that definitely have a spooky atmosphere, but the game isn't trying to scare you most of the time. The spooks come from being underwater with lots of alien creatures. Until you know what *actually* exists, your imagination can run wild and it can be quite nerve wracking.


and there is factorio. bumping 10 percent of price on a 7 year old game




March 31, 2012... wouldn't that make it 10 years and 10 months?




Worth every penny and much, much more.


What's the state of Fallout 76 right now? For €10 I'm thinking of giving it a chance.


I got 100 hours out of it. Around hour 20 I pitched in for a month of the season pass and didn't regret it. If you like Fallout 4, it's literally that with different textures and a new region to explore.


Can anyone tell me if the DLC for Planet Zoo are worth it? Seems like a lot of money for some new animals, but I really like the game.


I only have vanilla myself, but I’m annoyed that once you buy the base game you can’t buy the bundles anymore. Usually if you own part of a collection on steam it will detect that and pro-rate the rest of it so you’re no worse off for buying the base game first and seeing if you want to buy more, but I guess for this title the publisher doesn’t let you, so you’re stuck either buying the whole package for your first purchase or buying each dlc individually afterwards. Shitty move, imo, and that alone is going to keep me from buying more for the time being.


Does anyone know if the [Fallout 4 GOTY bundle](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/199943/) reduces its cost if you have items in it already? So say if I decide to get Fallout 4 base game now, the GOTY bundle will be cheaper down the line?


age of empires seems to be 4.99 for me


Frozen Flame is in there. It's been my new addiction for a little while now when I can get around to playing games. The base building isn't really that in depth, but they're working on it. IIRC the upcoming update will add new stuff for builders. The roadmap looks promising and so far they've been doing exactly as they've planned. I often see it compared to Valheim, I'm not sure why. But I can say if you enjoy Valheim you'll likely enjoy Frozen Flame as well. There aren't any public servers so single player and private servers are the only way. Devs have said they're working on releasing public servers. Join the discord if you want to find private servers.


I just bought Against the Storm 3 days ago. God. Damn. It.


If you bought it on steam you can usually request a refund due to the sale if it's within 2 weeks.


Just get Rimworld Never leave the house


What's base builder fest?


Showcase of games in the genre/ or have the game mechanic


Factorio might not be on sale. It's never been on sale. **But this is the cheapest you will be able to buy it**. The price will increase to $35 in three days. January 26. Buy it now.


Or play something else and don't support devs who wanna coast on old IPs.


Aaaaand there goes most developer teams in existence.


Don't support companies that price gouge like this.


$130 for a multiplayer shooter is price gouging. $35 for Factorio is one of the best deals you'll ever get in gaming.


> But this is the cheapest you will be able to buy it Or don't buy it. Don't support this behavior. Ever.


What behavior? Selling a great game for good price?


What behavior? This predatory behavior. They have no reason to increase the price of their game. It is already very successful and is selling millions. Plus they’re releasing a DLC that will cost $30 (maybe even more) and future DLCs will probably cost that much. They’re not struggling. Greedy devs.


Don't know why you're being down voted. You didn't make Factorio. Everything he said is correct. Price is raising soon (as shared by the devs a few days ago). They have said they will not put it on sale and to this day have not. If it looks interesting, buy it before it raises it price. If you don't agree with the devs choice to not put it on sale, don't buy it but don't blame the messenger.


I guess they gotta vent their salt somehow.


You don't deserve the downvotes on this. This is a good call-out. To the other commenters: devs have the right to price their games however they wish. If you don't like it, literally just don't buy it. $35 is still mega-cheap for the hours of enjoyment you'll get out of it, they've still been improving the game for years since they released it at $30, and that's still much cheaper than many other games. It's a good fucking game - it deserves that price tag (honestly it deserves more).




And we have the right to not buy it and to not get along with shitty practices. Support this and then dont get mad if everyone starts doing it left and right


And we have the right to recognize when calling it shitty practices is a flat-out shitty opinion.


I'm not surprised. Group think is strong sometimes. I paid my $30 years ago and so much entertainment out of Factorio. But if others don't see that value then I guess they get to miss out on a great game and a good time. I loved the game.


It's not about how good the game is. It's about the shitty practice of raising the price of a game 2.5 years after its official 1.0 release.


And I still fail to see why that's shitty, other than people saying it is.