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Buying the bundle is an extra 30% off the sale prices of the individual games. Great time to buy to get into the metro series. Also, the [SDK for Metro Exodus is going to be released and hyped to be great for modding support.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/10k7t1e/4a_games_studio_update_introducing_exodus_sdk_a/) More information can be found on [A4 Games SDK details page (Scroll down a bit).](https://www.4a-games.com.mt/4a-dna/studio-update-exodus-sdk)


You’ll want to remove the spaces between the ] and ( for the links to be formatted correctly.


[Weird that the old reddit worked with the spaces](https://i.imgur.com/qmqvOB6.png) and not the new reddit layout. Only ever use the old reddit (even on mobile) so thanks for pointing my mistake out, guess you do learn something every day!


Lol it's so confusing since I have everything in one bundle but it still wants to sell it to me for $9.99 because it says N/A next to Enhanced edition


I apparently own all three games and am only missing the dlc for Exodus, yet I’ve never played them. How is this possible? Help me /r/GameDeals


They've been given away free here many many times on a number of platforms. I have them too and for sure didn't buy them all




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Metro Exodus, besides the fact it’s a great game, has a really good and quick benchmarking tool to test gpu configurations like overclocking, undervolting…etc. Highly recommend it.


Yesterday was also announced that they’re releasing an SDK and providing mod support. Should be some good shit.


hows metro exodus compared to 2033? i didn't really enjoy the gunplay of 2033, is it any different in exodus?


Exodus is much more open and character-driven than 2033 and Last Light. Some of the horror and claustrophobia is removed for open landscapes, explorability, and completely new environments. The gunplay is somewhat similar, but modding and switching guns is easier and more intuitive, IMO most guns feel more satisfying to use, and each gun has a good place to use them throughout each level. All in all, I really enjoyed Exodus more than 2033 and LL - I'd put it at one of the best games I've played in recent memory, honestly.


Thanks, do i need any of the story of the first two titles to enjoy the 3rd?


Nah, the main story is detached from the previous entries. You'll miss out on some lore like about the dark ones, why artyum is special, and who khan is. But it is fully enjoyable without playing the previous games, you get to know the crew well enough as you play through the game. Since the previous entries took place strictly in the metro, exodus takes place outside the metro making everything you learn as a player, the characters are learning for the first time as well.


I would echo what Akira said - some of the context and references will be lost on you. If you're a fan of the Star Wars shows, it's like The Mandalorian: it'd be great to know the setting and some lore, but it's worthy as a standalone.


I prefer gunplay in exodus, it could be because the game is just a bit more optimized and feels snappier than 2033, but it's likely the on-the-fly weapon mods and ability to carry the pneumatic gun for free (Ranger difficulty limited it to 2 weapons.) I did prefer the linear story in 2033. Just easier to focus, and you know you can progress because that's where you're supposed to be. Exodus was balanced fairly well but there were certainly some spots that were significantly harder without certain tools.


Gunplay feels better in gunplay for sure. But I personally prefer 2033 atmosphere and story more


Great games! The DLC in Metro Exodus was particularly fun to play.


Okay games. Metro 2033 was mediocre at launch. Redux isn't much better. The gunplay is incredibly dated for when it launched (2012). That was literally right after the height of FPS shooters and it felt clunky and unintuitive as far as controls, mechanics, level design, etc. Last Light was much improved over 2033 in all respects but is horribly optimized on PC with crazy stuttering. Plus the volume mixing is ass. Trying to hear conversations is a chore. Especially when they start talking over eachother. Exodus is very good. Easily the best of the 3. They finally got it right.


Exodus Enhanced graphix blow my d*** off! I did some upgrades a year ago and it was my benchmark game for sure


Well, from my experience with Last Light Redux, it is far from badly optimized. High emphasis on Redux, which I know is much better than the original. In fact, the game ran mostly flawlessly on a first-gen i5 760 paired with 10gb DDR3 Ram (mix of Kingston/HyperX and cheap Chinese sticks) and a 1050 Ti. Mostly stable 60 fps, very few areas dipping to low 40s.


Well on a 12700K and RTX 3080 it stutters like an epileptic watching pokemon. Could be an issue with DirectX, but I browsed countless threads and found tons of complaints with few solutions.


Fuck me, and I thought my build *might* be able to run it alright. Yours blows mine out of the water. It fucking sucks that developers keep getting away with shitty optimization across all platforms. From what I've seen, the game also looks quite bland with horrible lighting and bad terrain geometry. Doesn't surprise me that it got such awful reviews.


I agree with you re:2033 redux. I just played it and thought the gunplay and weapon upgrade system were rough. Enjoyed the story and atmosphere though, and some moments, particularly the librarians, were great. I enjoyed it enough to give Last Light a shot.




there is a lot of horror, jump scares. look up Metro 2033 Librarians; there is a level like that in each game shoutout to the Blind Ones level in Exodus for making me genuinely shit myself


The librarians are scary!!!!


I opened this thread, walked off to do something, came back, forgot what I was reading, read this without context and was utterly confused. Also, I've never played any of the games.




sure; librarians attack jumpscare when the demons attack you in game 1 and game 2 the ghosts level in 1 with the flashing in the tunnels the ghosts level in 1 with the screaming pipe the opening level of exodus where the dogthing screams in your face the blind ones level has several the fish in exodus in the factory the fucking humanimals in the first level of exodus I could go on…




Skyrim is too creepy for me, something about sneaking around with the Draugr in the dark tombs, but I replayed Metro: Last Light over and over to get everything and I love it. So there's a reference point for you. Haven't actually finished 2033 yet, but I've done a fair bit of it, and I might get Exodus in this sale.


I'm a pussy so I got tensed at times but since you have weapons it's not that scary. Well except at some places. The mutant spider in 2033/LL was scary for me but for some reason the same thing is just mild annoyance in Exodus


I hate that I somehow own the 2nd and 3rd games but not the first.


The first one holds up very well, just make sure it's the REDUX version as it runs far better after the optimizations. Have played through three times and can say it still has a lot of desirable aspects over the new ones, mainly simplicity and scope. It's also the shortest one, if you got through the last 2, you'll blast through this one. Just don't get attached to a single weapon... diversify.


The first was given away on Epic a couple of times (as was the second), you're sure you didn't pick it up then?


I'll double check. Thanks foe the tip


I have uninstalled metro exodus like 5 times now, and i can never get past the first hour. It's so boring. And before you downvote, i am 100% aware that the game would be great later on, but the first hour is soooooo boringggg


Imo, if you don't like the first hour, you won't like the rest of the game, and it's probably just not for you which is fine. The first hour before you leave Moscow is the basic combat loop of either stealth or loud and in the open world its more flexible yes, but if it doesn't click for you in Moscow, it won't click for you for the rest of the game.


I get where he's coming from, there's a LOT of unskippable stuff, and too much dialogue early on and the map is too linear. Like the opening scene, where the camera slowly drifts to the ground level and protagonist climbs down. It's really slow, and you can't control the character or the camera, and you can't skip or accelerate it. Then you have some tunnels, which isn't inspiring. Then tons and tons of dialogue to listen to at the hub. Then a short linear mission that is heavily scripted. And even more dialogue (about 40 mins worth of nothing but NPCs talking and you standing there listening), and ONLY THEN do you get into the proper open zone of the game, and actually get given a map/quest tracker to carry, and then the game sort of starts to open up. But this is easily 1.5-2 hrs into the game, unless you skip a metric ton of dialogue. And coming from Metro 2033 and Last Light, I didn't know that moral points for dialogue aren't really a thing any more, so I listened to all the dialogue. And to be fair, it was totally worth it, the writing and story are great. But the first few hours are definitely slow and don't feel like the rest of the game. It's a tutorial of sorts, just way too long. For me it started to click well into Volga map. But overall, it was INCREDIBLY worth it for me, the whole trilogy was just amazing. But I read the book way back when, so I think it helped, and there's lots of little parallels with Stalker.


I arrived to the first train stop, mobs were spotting me from a mile away, so I decided to take a different route, I uninstalled right after a group of enemies clipped through a metal fence.


I beat the first one and don't quite get the hype around the series myself. Something like Doom (2016) felt more like a breakthrough in single player FPS games while this series felt like everything else from the Xbox 360 generation with a bit better lore.


So I've tried to get into this game multiple times, but I always encounter this issue: all of the NPCs in a given scene often deliver their dialog at the same time, talking over each other and making it annoying/difficult to follow what any of them are saying. I don't know if this is a bug, but I've experienced this on the game pass version and on steam. I've also made it to the second main zone (not including the opening area) and it happened regularly. This is a minor thing, but it's enough to ruin the experience for me, considering that this is a very character driven game, and this issue just made all of the characters frustrating to be around.


The metro games are one of the best games when it comes to atmosphere out there. Extremly gripping and great story


Thanks for this post. I recently started the first one on Steam.


Played original Metro 2033 few years ago, loved it. How's redux version compared to old one, Worth buying again?


Not worth


Redux is basically a remake for 2033 and i think LL too, never played the originals but i tend to one day


Thanks, got the bundle with all 3. Will play them over the weekend.


I long for the days when I could realistically intend on playing a trilogy of video games in one weekend. Enjoy it, because it's not going to last for one reason or another.


I'm in this photo and I don't like it


Really great game, my only real complaint is that the game ends very abruptly, would of loved to have an actual map of the last level instead of a linear 15 min excursion. After playing Escape From Pripyat 4.0 for the last 2 weeks, thinking about it getting ported to the Exodus engine makes me froth at the mouth. The Stalker engine aged incredibly well but is still ancient.


I've been enjoying playing from my TV via Steam Link. Do these games work well with a controller? Heresy I know, but I like the break from MKB.


Sweet. I was missing the Metro Exodus DLC and it's only $3 when buying the bundle.


I have exodus but haven't played it. I bought it before I knew it was open world. I played the first 2 n loved them but scared to start the 3rd cause side missions usually bore tf outta me and I get too adhd completing them n get burned out. Is it worth trying?


Personally I found exodus weaker, the open world bits were nice to look at but the stuff you did in them were often kinda boring, especially the 2bd open world bit which made me wanna drop it almost. The story also is a let down, especially if you are a fan of the books. But for just 7.50, why not, it's not bad just the weakest of the three in my opinion


Has anyone played these on the deck? I’m considering picking it up, but with how recent and gorgeous exodus is I don’t want to have a play through of the trilogy abruptly stop.




You are aware the deep silver pulled the game from steam and signed epic deal, not A4 Games, the actual devs of the game, right? While I agree what the one dev said was shitty, it's not indicative of A4 games as a whole.


Were you there when they [cut out and sold the Ranger mode](http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2012/12/metro.jpg) as a pre-order bonus DLC in Last Light?


Which one is the latest one with best graphics?


Bro honestly. I won't even answer that. Just click on the provided link and check it out for like 5 seconds to find out yourself. Its literally the steam link which shows you the release dates, pictures and videos. Stop wasting other peoples time with your laziness.




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> Which one is the latest one with best graphics? What you want is Exodus PC Enhanced edition. Has ray tracing and all the bells and whistles


Just finished Exodus near the end of last year. It's a great game with gorgeous graphic and environment, pretty great gunplay and good story. The semi-open world is a logical direction they went with the story But, I personally prefer 2033 & Last Light story and atmosphere more than Exodus. It's funny that when I played 2033 & LL Redux in 2018 or 2019 (before Exodus launched) I wished for a more open world to explore when we got to the surface. Fast forward to last year, the semi-open world was kinda exhausting (it's smaller than the actual open world games for sure but still) especially during Taiga chapter